La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 17, 1904, Image 1

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Win. Rameey still occupies csll No.
3 In ths old baUding wbloh doe duty
m city and county jail. Hlsosseeame
to trial yesterday afternoon baton
Jnatloa Hough. For several daya tna
caaa baa bean postponed from fay to
day. bat yeaterday aaw the flnlah to 'a
aa the Jnatloa court la oonoeraed.
Several wltneaaea testified to baring
oaabed drafts drawn by the aald Wm.
Ramsey npon bla brother F U Ramsey,
ot Da-iesviUe, Illinois, (or amounts
ranging from fifteen to forty dollara.
So far there baa been no returaa from
iiMMM draiu, inougn matter ol
fact there baa not been aafflclent time
for their return Soon after caahing
theae drafta the merchants who bad
. advanced be money began suffer! :.g
rom remorse of oonaoienoe and in or
der to prevent him from displaying
poor Judgment regarding the Invest
ment of the money tbua aecared b ea
ten ed to have him plaoed under arrest.
As aoon aa be was placed where they
might know where be spent his even
ings they made an attempt to establish
oommanioatlon with the brother Upon
whom the drafts were drawn. So far
there aeems to be a complete blockade
surrounding tbla much song it for
relative. The Justloe 'iatened to the
various witnesses, the story of distress
as told by Mr. Rameey, and the argu
ment as presented by attorneys J D
Slater and W M Bamaev, and lived to
announce that the prlaoner would be
held to await the action of the grand
jury. He farther sagteetsd that the
prisoner mignt aepoon a bona la tne
amount of three hundred dollars to in
sure bis prompt appearance before the
grand Jury. In default ol - this bond
he intimated that the prisoner wonld
find bia former cell No. S still at bis
disposal. It la altoghther likely that
Mr Rameey will be obliged to hear
from another draft before be avails
himself of an opportunity to study the
holiday window displays.
Pays To Advertise
Tbs following lett er was sent to tbe
Fair Store this morning. Tbe little
fellow had aeen Santa Claus' pioture
in tbe Fair ad for several days past
and there was no doubt in his mind
but that was the place to address his
Dear Santa dsns, I like yoa to
bring me a jbmptng jack and a book.
Good by
Tour loving friend
x Dean Smith
aooaaaoDooDDDDii dooooddobodddoou
' '
. 4
: For the j
A O U W Election
At the last regular meeting of La
Grand Lodge No. 133 A 0 U W, tbe
following officers were elected for tbe
ensuing term vis:
U W 0 W Ellsworth
F FredGaaklll
OS JHMoLachlen
O J F Ward
Bsc 8 J White
Fin Wm. Grant
Beer H Fisher
Traatees W G Master ston and Fred
Henry Mitchell, at Hammond, E, T.
was grinding chemicals during exper
iment to produce a new brand of
smokeless powder, when an explosion
ocourred, mangling both hands so that
they must be amputated, and destroy
ed the eight of both eyes.
G ange
We with to speak of our Holiday Line this earl; became
many will appreciate the hint Oar goods are all here.
They are ready for inspection. The line is by far
the finest we have ever shown. Too many
things to specify here, we don't want to
specify just yet, we want yon to see
the goods while tbe line is unbroken.
Yon know the advantage of early choosing.
Prompt buyers always avoid the rush and get
choicest picking. Prices are as low as they can be
J and the very article you would most prefer may not wait' 4
See us about Books
We have provided Jfor you. We have the
books suitable for Xmas gifts. We have the
newest and most popular publications, as
well as choice editions of standard works.
Books not in stock will be pleased to order
for you.
. m
- m
Libby's Cut Glass
Don't buy cut glass unless "Libby" is cut
in the glass, then yoa know you have tbe
ciBDDOODaii aaaaa aaaanaaooaaaaaoi
Two New States
The senate committee haa reporte
favorably the statehood bill admitting
Arisona and New Mexico as one state
and Oklahoma and Indian Territory
aa another.
' The La Grande Investment Company
has a half page ad in this laaue calling
attention to the fact that they are
about to move their office and that
they wish to reduoe their stock before
moving. They have several good se
lections on the bargain counter.
From Cold
Mr Frank Childera of this city is
in receipt ot a letter from his daught
er, Miss Olive Chllders, who Is weU
known to all the people in this county
and also known throughout tbe state
tor ber work in tbe Salvation Army
corps. Miss Chllders writes from far
oS Alaska, from the city of Dawson.
In hei letter ahe states that ahe la H v
ing with Mr and Mrs. Fred Nelson
at their mines nine miles from Dawson
City. Mr. Nelson is a rich miner lor
even theae riob gold fields, and also
baa property In Seattle and other
plaoes in Washington. Mrs. Nelson
will be remembered by many In this
city and throughout tbe state as Cap
tain Swanaon of the Salvation Army
who haa done much good in her work
in this state. Tbe letter ia a very in
teresting one, and tbe descriptions of
the oountry and tbe people are inter
esting and entertaining She, through
ber father, sends kiud regards to all of
her inquiring frienda, and aaya her
health has improved wonderfully slnoe
she has been in that country. In one
part of her letter ahe telle of being
afflicted with tbe toothache, and not
being able to atand the pain longer,
shd decided that she wonld dtlve to
tbe ne rent dentist, wbioh was at Daw
on City. And although the thermom
eter was at thirty six degrees below
zero, shs bad ths dog-team, which la
the only means of conveyance that can
be need in this oountry In tbe winter,
hitched up, and alone, driving tbe dogs
without lines, and only the whip for
guidance, ahe made tbe trip to Dawson
City safely, displaying an amount of
bravery that la aeldom shown by wom
en even in that strenuous oountry.
Miss Chllders states that ahe will
return to hefbome and people at some
time next June.
One yearling steer, and ons yearling
belter Both animals branded with
horseshoe around each bip bone. Were
last eren on Indian Creek range. A
sultabls reward will be paid for them
r for Information leading to
their recovering,
i Draper
B F D No I La Grannde Ore.
DAW 12-17 12-gl
A abort interesting program was
rendered at Grange Ball Friday even
ing. Tbe principal feature of . the
evening was a box social wbioh netted
120.15 After lunch sas served games
were played. As there will be a Xmaa
tree at the ball Xmas eve tbeie will be
no meeting of tbe literary society next
Friday. The real regular meeting
will be Deo SO. The question to be
discussed is Bekolved "That the gen
eral government should carry paroels
tbroukb the mails not to exceed tweo
ty-flve pounds lor one oent a pound."
Affirmative J W McAllister, E D
Jasper, Joeepb Buker. .
Negative W B Jasper, B Snow, 0 D
Huffman, .
Salem Orn Deo 17 According to
the estimates embraced in tbs bien
nial report ot Secretary of State Dun
bar, whtob was issued yetterdsy after
noon, tbe total amount of appropria
tions to be made by the Legisla
ture next month, to meet tbe neces
sary needs ol the state, for the ensu
ing biennial term, will reach approxi
mately $ 1,800,000, as against $2,633,
717 for tbe ; two years just closing.
The latter amount, however, inoludee
a total of $616,000 appropriated for
tbe Lewis and fliark Fair. norUee
Some Union
T P FijOklln haa aold his fins gray team
to the Grande Bonds Lumber
Messrs. Floyd and Walter Tnttle
left Thursday morning for Pendleton
and other point. They go to seek a
a new location
Gen Goodbrod Is about once more
after a weeka nursing of an injured
knee. Mr Goobrod reports a very sat.
fafactory season on his raooh home and
has soldZout most of -bis produce at
good figures,
Tbs Republican is informed that
the cash Is ready tor the construction
of the Grande Ronde eleotrio railroad
and that werk will began as socn s
oertain minor details are arranged at
thiaend of the line. Tbia sounds
Watch Union's smoke for tbe next
three to five years. There will be
ome thing doing hereabouts within
hat time and electric linea sawmills
and timber schemes will be the foun
dation for it all.
Portland Markets
Chioken reoeipts sre very large, and
the demand ia rather light, and even
at the present low prioea, tbe market
ia weak. There Is a saortage of tame
geese and turkeys and the demand . is
good and prices strong.
The egg market is weak, but there
are no changes in quotations. Al
though the receipts are not very large,
yet there is no outside demand.
The Onion market is firm but an,
ohanged and the dealers are paying
from S3. 10 to 12 25 per hundred, though
the latter prios is exceptional.
Fancy Burbank potatoes are in good
demand and the prioes grow firmer.
Tbe wheat market remains quiet aid
quotations are unohanged.
Todaya quotations are as follows :
Wheat, export price 87o to 90o
Barley, beat $22.00 to 123.75
Oats 120. to 127.00
Hay, timothy $16 to $16
Butter best creamery 28Jo to 30
Butter, ordinary ,..26o
Eggs, per doxen 26oto32)c
Chickens, per pound OJtfc
Potatoes psr owt 85 to 86o
Onions, per owt 12.40 to $2.60
Apples, best, per box 11,25
Peaches, best, per box 60o to 76c
Beets, per sack ...11.28
Cabbage, per pound , ljfe
Steers..... $3.60
Cows 2.76 to $3
BuUs ... .11.75
Stags ...
Hogs, best $4,50 to $5.25
Hogs, feeders $3.25 $4.25
Creamery Butter 65 cents psr roll.
Butter Fat 26 cents, psr pound.
railway, Dsltes-Celilo canal and ths
Indian War Veterans, which lsavss a
bilanoe ot $4,908,717. Tbs appropria
tion for ths jear 1901-02 mounted to
$1,795,000 end (or 1890-1900, $U89,
044. Ths grand total le venue for tie
year 1904 to be raised by taxation waa
$1,226 000 requiring -a levy of 7.06
mill-. Taking tbe increased valua
tions of taxable property Into consid
eration, the levy (or 190& will probab
ly not exoeed tbat amount or 8 - mills
at the extreme. , .t.
Think Pot
A fnll purse and an empty head aoon
change conditions.
Ths world may be slow to render
justice, bnt its fist is sure and In
alterable. 1
A discreet men will nsvsr Interfere
between man and wits unless both are
dead ' ; - ;
Economy, is the hand maid of pros
perity but shs will render poor servlos
unless directed with good sense.'
A fool is ths most easily offended
of people for fools are ths, most jeal
ous of their dignity.
Many 'people keep themselves to
buy doing nothing that tbey never
accomplish anything.
A common error made by Tmen is
the mistaking of debauchery for plea-
t are.
Ths labor of those who labor to es
cape labor is the most lsborious o
A cemetert is a slsea where the
epitaphs on the tombs shore lie about
tnoes who lie belowt
Discontent is a companion that will
nsvsr travel alone, .:
IU not the loudest amena, tbat gets
ths Lords ear the quiokest. - : ,
People who have lots of advios to
give dislike to tsks any ; , . . ;
People who wait for something to
turn up U ways dls guessing
A 'faint heart" won by "fair lady
is apt to be led by tbs nose.
Not the early riser, but bs who gets
ths best sleep wins tbs worms.
People who find it easy to dssids .'
for their friends find it difficult to ds
sids for thsmselves.
The Idiots who land riohes ss ths
standard of success preaoh misery
The man who wont bo afraid l tar
braver than he who doea not know fear
4 ;. :
Tbs O R & N baa snoouuosd sa
exsterurate on flour from points
north of Winona Wash to points
between tbs Missouri river end Ohj
cago of 62$ cents per hundred. It i,
is the tamo as the wheat rate to those''
plsoes and rnplaoes a rats of 63 osi ts
FOR t-
Yoa can get a pretty street hat at BARGAIN
Store. We also have a completellne of
. AND .
JLa Q-rande ;. - .Oregon
25 Pef Cent off on all Hats
Until the first of the year every Eat in the
store will be sold at a 25 per cent discount
This is your opportunity to get your Holi
day Hat at a bargain. ,
The latest in braided handle parses and
Peggy bags. Something new in combs and
At a discount. The
finest line of rib
bons ever shown in
the city.
Special line just re
ceived. From now
until Jan. 1, for 5
cents up.
Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Powders
Switches, Pompadours and Bangs
This a positively a new line and can only
be secured here. . .
Milliner ' - m t.
i -
. v.
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