71 : '. i hi r .1 lb xc -r : ! f,r'.-;; 'I -"V : Yv''-':- . .4 Mer ry old St. Nick rei- ji gnsouprerno ' ancr ex- xenaa a auarty:iny auuuii VK("ii Wl I'll J(!-an !V'-.' If JI' to call and inspect ; mosttensiyeline' of to Xmas News GREAT IMPORTANCE Grande. Great Kia-Kr. 4af -' X-- : : : 1 Mfeplp M ' : A"M"" "f" i- Pfc" WMMVIWMl " AT SPECIAL n, the. : SSSPM . KtUULtU :mu2 - I ItHi: 5 1 w I ' , ... -, . -Z Tit -v t . g ' ui. i . z L iwiiijiiMiiiiiyp j) .1' ever brought 4'44'4 V'" ' .?: i ('.. T . , . ., .... V ! ' ., . ,.. -I-,,,.... , . a a a u a a a a a a a a a a hi a ' a a a a a a A Stpre.With.. W htte been doing buai- nesB in this town for 5 ears A. j w lannmrm wwu'um l PPnrfl nearly dqubled in population IVCLUIU Duriurtbeaame time our business has increased JlYEXQLtiU On otEar Words our business has made a great deal aerre rapid increase than the town has, There are dozens of reasoas for tnis all of jrich you wifTpef belts! If you begin buying drug store gpods of us. tin the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of fiharniacy in m saccesafnl dxug sjeflhe highest stand ng. Id'the third place WhaY6kVjpiar:eyepn end attended to business until we know the demands of the people of this town,- , ' l-AGrande Evening Observer .,;, J - . tT BROS., Editors 4 Pr p Entered at the ffoati.Offlow at to Qrande, Oregon,' u Second Class Mall Matter. Published daily except Sunday One jear in advance ...... $6 50 Bix months in advance. . . .3 50 Per month '. . . ...65c Sinele copy.. 5c A. T. HILL, b Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore b 4 I i t V ro , t opcrnnno.cino an d a Tt-rirv arid TTaderB ? Natidh&l'Bank;-' a lagran ti ; : C.orjbgon v1 , OapitftMStoofc fully paid v. 60,000 - ' SurpluB'iftind fy.. , HwJ52 v ; 3 r Liability of Shareholders , - v 60.000 , , ' Responsibility . MP Jj We do a general banking. and exchange business. , . Frafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. v'M i fivi-r-NfTrre'TT" v " In JOSEPH PALMER,; President, , a J. W.SCRIBER, Cashier -Q nnnnnnnnnnn DDU DDD O D FRIDAY EVENING. DEC, 16. 1904 THE LEGISLATURE that you will be - compelled to pay out money to - accomplish a thing that is of no benefit to you or the, general public: but is of special utility to one or two in dividuals, who, taking advantage oi your luamerence as 10 wnai the legislature was doing when in sessiou, that they got a bill passed that makes you and others put up the cash to benefit them but not a cents value to you. It is too late to object after the law is passed. If you neg lected to keep posted : so as to enter protest against bad laws before they pass, you had better hold your peace and pay what ever taxes are imposed by law and continue to read foreign news with the full assurance that the forthcoming legislature will pass laws that you will be bound to obey. The law making power for Oregon will soon assemble at 8a lem and then and there proceed to make Ltws for people to -obey. You may be so indifferent as to I- A l I ' 1 - A J J wUa vuei,g.SiureuB9oruUH Necessity for ... indictment of notdo,that when you glance Mrt;Chadwick ha takeQ the your eyes over me nrsi lew lines D a a a t ' -A U OfFIGEBSt .ftvica r a e Gas. rum. ....rresMeat J.MLsur VlMrnstdent J. M.tJinmcm.. . .. .T....OhUr r.Lkimud Qt.t Oteam Asst, CmJts . Difcictorti" i. M.Bi7, ).M.Ohurvk A. B. OmUt, Geo. L. Cle. tv,0o. Palmer a a NK 1k Grande National, B ; -t La GraiOa, OrtRoa CAPITAL' AND SURPLUS, $7a,ooaoo TrtaAMU a gMMral buking boslscM. Bays aUtfUe txekaog en all parts of tlx wort. OoUectteM a speaUlty. . 0 ' of this article and find but it, is about legislative matter, you leave it unread and go in search of an item about the Russians and Japan doings, or one that tells how a cute woman got the better of Aome wealthy man in a far off city or land.; It may be dull reading to keep posted on what the Oregon leg islature is doing,- and then it may interest you much uior6 than the Russia Japan war . or the act of an adventuress in New York or Paris. The Oregon leg islatore can, and without doubt will order that you pay several dollars of your own hard earn ings into the, state or county treasury to be expended to ac complish something you never heard o until you got the legis lative mandate from the tax col lector to come' down with "the Rbyno, , .But it makes no differ ence that you kept yourself io ignorance the cash will have to plaee of necessity for her identi fication in front of a complaisant bank President. It is to be admitted that th Commissary of Subsistence un derstood his business when he prepared for the siege he would, have' to stand inside the walls of Port Arthur. It is an error to intimate that the securities of Mrs. Chadwick were nothing. They are suffi cient to secure her a term or two far from the madding, crowd. ' A The birth of a. beajthy t o-r headed child in Boston ought to be a warning of what aesthetic ism and the study of : Emerson is liable to bring about.. , sEife Organs foe, r; Ten years ago Japan exported $650 worth of. cotton crepe to the United States, but: now the figure is $33,000 yearly. Japan's total export of crepe is worth $235,000 yearly. . About two-thirds of all the cotton textiles imported by Per sia are of British manufacture American cotton goods ' should find a good market there. A Belgian swimmer made a wager recently that he could stay in the water, Jen hours, swimming the whole time. He won the bet, performing the fuat at the Antwerp baths. , . .. "AH that the cotton farmer needs is a financial champion,' says The Atlanta,, Constitu tion Well, there is MraJ Chadwick be paid. , It makes no differeno ejQst now out of a job. When the Chadwick excite ment has come to a reasonable subsidence, Mr.TLawson will resume his classes In the art of i -. . . ... j engraving on copper. y- With regard to American pro ducts in Munick little progress seems to' have been made by American manufacturers in selling goods, with the excep tion perhaps of shoes, office fur niture, agricultural machinery and tools. The two latter ar ticles find great favor there ow ing to their ingenuity, utility and good make and finish, vn According to the report of the postmaster general "that the ex- penditute authorized for the ex tension and maintenance of the rural free delivery service dur ing the past fiscal year was $4, 902,237 greater than the preced ing year." Well, what..of it? The farmers and their families are entitled to the benefits of the new service. They went without them over a hundred years. No one worthy of a moment's thought begrudges them the benefits they now en- $46;$4S;$52,$55 The"well known and popular Pacific Queen. , Very handsome styles. ' Payments '18.00 iJwnr and $4 a month.. Write f us for particulrrs. Mail Orders promptly ? trad -4 . carefully filled. EilerSi Piano House - 351 Washington Street,? oorner.Park J1)r1 . ... Portland, ( "Oregon 11 'Ml via ;( .si and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho. Collegiate, PreMratorv Commercial Columbia WWFerBityjii?p3.- Boarding echoor tor founi man S borST' Box 343 University Park Station, i Portland ' r , , ; .; , u f (W(oa JRAPE,FOLLOWSJHE PRICE 1 "A H''d . mi nt. U PL 'wis, the insaranoe man. left thl t morning (or Baker City on business trip. '. ' O '4 q . That is why people com here for men's aud by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt line is ou spec ialty. Here is where prfe and quality are combined. . ' CfW. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist' DEPOT STREET i . (f- V