La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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    LA MMm
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J. il. Prescott -Looses
a Barn, Horse and
baggy and harness which tu d troy
Ad. 71m origin of the fir ia unknown
Mr Preeoott plecee the kw at about
1330 aboat ball covered by insaranoe
; night llttla before midnight
tk alarm ot flra tu sounded and it
aa dlavaf thatlk M4 M
log to Mr and Miw'EresQott .eornor
second and Spring street wat in f antes
Before tba depatmant eoald react, the
Aretha building andoontonta worn oon
Quad. A i flna driTing bona was
confined la tba atabla and waa bam
; ad to daath before tba 'flra waa dis
covered, Thra waa -A. oonaidarablc
Glee Club.
Tba University GUa and Mandolin
Cluba aeoapiad tba assembly boar at
tba eoliaga tbia morning and tba oc
eaaloa 'waa ona which broagbt oat tba
iargaat attandanra ot tba year, both ot
todeata and townspeople. Tba tntro
d action ot too dob in tba firat aong
nuukad tbam aa college etudenta, lor
they cama oa tba ataga la that our,
off-hand manoar which brrnda tba ol
laga atadant aa aoob wberevee ba la
Tba program rendered waa excellent
and tar aarpauad that of Stanford or
Berkley Glee Club entertainment.
Tbia morning entertainment waa tba
flrat ebanoa that a Eugene aodlenoe
bad to aea Mr Rountree In bia work,
nd to aay that bia work waa Satisfac
tory la potting it mildly. Hla work
will bare to be aftea to ba appreciated.
The 1mM- hm i zJtzil ii
More than One Vessel of the Russian's in Action
when the Sevastopol was Attacked
Harney Couuty
The county oonrt of Harney oonnty
has set aside $1000 Irom tbe general
fund lor tbe pnrpoee at collecting and
maintaining an exhibit of tta rssour
eeeat tbe Lewis and Clark, fair nest
year. Tbia fund bat been plaoed at
tba disposal of Hon. I 8 Gr and U
lor the purpose of defr tying the ex
penee ol aecnrlng tuiuble exhibit of
the farm , fruit, garden , dairy, wood,
wool, livestock, mine, eto v
Harney county ba taken a step
that ahould be followed by other
counties, , I
tba canter attraction broagbt down the
hoale, as did also ths song, Seminole"
aa (rang by Mr Abbott and Ronntraa,
Tba oryiag aong and "Lasy Bill" were
also excellently rendered.
Tba Mandolin Clob also came la for
Cheefoo, Deo I6-(Btllhtlu ) It la
reported that a Japanese cruiser la
ashore on Yangchlng bay, 63 miles
southeast ot Cheefoo
Toklo, Deo 18 It waa learned today
that the Rnaaian hattlaahln KUmmmuO
which la being attacked by tba Japa
nese outside Port Arthur, is not alone
inner fight.
She Is accompanied by a torpedo
boat, the Orraxby. and a commission
ed ahip whose name la not known. ,
Today the following official report
waa issued, showing that tba affair
qnanity ot hay and feed, and also 1904.
good share f applaose and did ex
cellent work.Eagene Guard Dee 14 has M,anMd proportion of a naval
naiue. it abruptly starts witn tne
Q O Q Q d O D O D O
, -
- i
' '
' m
statenaent, One ot oar torpedo boats
is still mlasing.' whioh la taken aa a
dear indication that the war depart
ment baa reoslTed aereral prior reports
ot whioh tbe .one issued la but a con
tinuation In eerlee.
The report oontinuea as follows :-
"The remainder ot tbe torpedo-boat
hare returned in safety from the attack
day reported to hare sank three feet,
showing that the work ot our boats
waa effective.
'From It JO o'clock yesterday np to
8 o'clock tbia morning tba torpedo
boats kept ap an inoesaant attack on
the Sevastopol, tba Orvasby and the
commissioned ship whose name con
tinue unknown.
"Details have not beea reported, bat
at A o'clock tbia morning the obser
vation elation reports that the Sevsat
pol's bow haa sank Estill farther and
that her torpeda tube la entirely aub-merged
''.. .''"...
. Orangevilla. Idaho, Deo 18 Grange
villa was in darknete Sunday bight
To Secure Change in
Time Carcl at North
The Commercial Club hat taken ,
Sof the
Am Extensive Vdried and Beautiful Display of
Articles for Sale.
We wish to speitk o! oar Hcliday line tbia earl; because
many will-appreciate the hint Oar goods are U here. J
They are ready for inspection. The line is by far
the finest we have ever shown.. Too many
things to specify here, we don't want to
' '' specify Just yet, we want yon to see '
'the goods while the line is unbroken.
F Yon know the advantage of early Choosing.
Prompt buyers always avoid the rush and get -choicest
picking. Prices are as low as they can be
and the very article you would most prefer may not wait
We have provided 'for you. We have the
books suitable for Xmas gifts. We have the
.newest and most popular publications, as
well as choice editions of standard works.
Books not in stock will be pleased to order
for you. ' ., v . "
Libbs Cut Glass
Don't buy out glass unless "Libby" is cut
In the glass, then you know you have the
best. . - V ' - . : v . --v i
Tbe Ladies of the Presbyterian
eburoh tbia afternoon at t o'olook
opened to tba pnblio tba largest baza
ar that La Grande haa aver bad tbe
pleiiare of experiencing. The Obser
ver reporter bad the pleasure of visit
ing the bazaar this afternoon, and it
is hard io tell which ' was the' most
pleasing sensation, tbe beauties in de
coration whioh mat tbe eye and pleas
ed, or the politeness and courtesy of
the ladies wjich makes you feel at
home at onoe. Tba deoorationa are
attistio and beautiful and have not
been nwd sparingly, the result being
that the Armory Hall, where their
displays are set forth, is a perfeot bou
quet of bright and pleasing oolore.
Tba first booth that ona approaches
on entering the hall ia the Hander-
bhief Booth" where yon nan find any
thing In the handerohief line from a
plain, common, every-day linen, to
dainty and filmy laoes, and among
these one handerohief sent to tbe lad
iss by a friend of ona of them from
Paris, France. This booth ia decorat
ed in beautiful colors and Ir mmed
with holly. The nest booth ia the
ed an assortment of aprons of all kinds
of designs, shapes and sizes and of
any quality fiom a serviceable cook
tngaproa to Hague laoe eoooerns
about which we know nothing j This
booth has ona hundred aprons of
divers kinds, and it ia e'so decorated
in beaut tlul colors and adorned with
pepper berries from California. Tba
next booth ia tba one for baby clothes
and there is displayed everything that
baby needs to wear, consisting of
dresses, gloves, hats, caps, l and In
short everything that is needed to
maks babies look nice aud comfort
able. The next ia the home-made
aandy booth, where all sorts of cendiea
are offerred to tickle the palate of
young and old The next booth and
one where one will stop and inspeot
closely, meanwhile his mouth waters
with longing, is the "Kouo-
trle 8toar" where all sorts of good
things to eat In tba ebape of preserv
es, jollies, tanned fruits, home made
bread and mince meat mede by Sis
Hopkins are offered for sale.
And then comes the "Doll Booth"
where dolls of all sizes, forma and
description are displayed together
with all the things that the dolly U
home needs as regards apparel, there
are little bonnets, shoes, bate, dresses
and all that dopy needs. Here is
where tbe little folks stop and linger
Tba next booth is the miscellaneous
booth, and whatever yon may want
and not be able to fiod in the others
yon will be able to find in this ona .
It has in its display all sorts of com
fortabla looking things that make you
think of home of a good warm fire at
the Christmas tide, of happiness ; and
of comfort.
To those who do not intend to pur
chase it would be a great pleasure , to
visit the bazaar, see the beaut if ol
things offered for sale and reoelve tbe
hospitality of the bostessee.
the real cause known. Manager: Van
Baren of tbe light plant ttuted for
tbe power bouse which is located . pa
tbe river. When he was about tro
miles ontof town be noticed the wires
were crossed and fw feathers were
on the wires. ,. Upon furtbrr investi
gation be discovered an. immense 'owl
that bad probably hit the wires and
caused all ol the t rouble . There ire
no maiks on the body to show where
the owl was hit and it probably wat
immediately electrocuted with a cur
rent of 6000 volu. Tbe owl will pro
bably be mounted and kept as a sou
venir. . ;
Wonderful Growth
In'seren years the rnrsl tree del It
ery system of mails h a grown f r n
at routes costing 110,000 a year, to
21566 routes costing $11921,700 a year
Petitions for 11,700 more routes were
on Ola July first. The R P D is. a
great addition to the comfort In In
telligence and business of the farmers
and their families
cot ehange tta time card so aa to let all
trains stop at North ' Powder. Under
present arrangeraenta, parties desiring
to visit the countr seat mast comey
down on the evening train and remain
overnight. This -works aa lnjustloe
upon these parties, also upon ' La
Grande. As It Is, La Urande receives
little it any trade from that section as V
they cad go to Baker City aad return
tba same day. The Commercial Club ,
ia right In this matter and when they
present It to the Com pa ay there I
little doubt but what they will see the
lustloe of their petition and will read
ily grant their prayer.
Jeres da la Frontara, Spain, has a'
population of 65,000 and la tba canter
of ihe sherry wine making trade. There
are many rioh people worh from $500,
QUO to 5,000,000 Tba city has hund
reds ot very old and large storehouses (
containing, it ia said, enough sherry
wins to supply tha world's demand for
twenty-five yeara.
for '. v.:'- . :
You can get
a pretty street bat at the . ttAiiUAia
We also have a complete line of 1
v ,
ILa Ghrande 1
25 Per Cent off on all Hats
Until the first oftHe year every Eat in the
store will be sold at a 25 per cent discount
This is your opportunity to get your EolU
day Hat aiat bargain. ; ;
Novelties '"fv"'"", r.';r.".'. -V--;
She'll Continue
Too jan learn about 'gilt edge se
curities' by reading tba Chadwiok
m. ' 8inoe Adam'a fall woman baa
bamboozled bankers aa wall aa other
men. "And she'll eontlner tar dolt.
Meee'em." -
. Every living member of Booaevelt'a
Sough Bid era regiment will attend
Inauguration services on tba 4th of
March. Ot the 1082 men who ware
mustered Into tbe .famous regiment a
Ban Antonio In the apring of '88, but
300 are living, but tbaae. Intend to
make Borne howl opon that occasion.
As General Sherman Bell said in
Denver the other day, "the 'Keep Off
the Grass,' sign on tha White House
Inwn will be tbe first thing to coma
up and tba hobbled horses of the Bough
Riders will orop tha herbage without
The latest in braided v handle parses and
Peggy bags. Something new in combs and
baretts. 4 ,1
At a discount.' The
finest line of rib
bons ever shown in
tbe city. , ;; 'V',
Special line - just re
ceived. From now
until Jan. 1, for 5
cents up. ; -
air Loq Remlard left this morning
for a business trip to Welser, Idaho to
be gone soma time.
Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Powders
Switches, Pompadours' and Bangs
This s positively a new line; and , can only
be secured here ..... v. , ,
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