La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 14, 1904, Image 4

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Office witn J T. waiiainson.LaGrende
Parties wishing the eervleea of a com
petent bookkeeper re assored satis
factory rsaalta. . Prices reasonable
C. B. Cmittiorn.
Office Over Hill Drug, Store
laGrande, Oregon
Office at AT Hill's" Drug Sioio
La Grande, Oregon JPhoiie
Residence phone 7ul ,
. Malheur County Investment
" ... . For Inveutmenta In-
W rite to C, T. McDANlEL
Ontario. ............ .Oregon
Lodge Directory.
very tiilay nUjhl tu K ut - rull rt I V
Viiung braiheru Invited to auu , a
'-DiTiiTiriu OR1 AMERICA Court Hal
Marion. u 2i macla aot Tuwday In Ja'a
tulL iJrotnara are luvlUia to atienu.
Al Hlaoar Cttlai JUnicer.
' U J Vaadarpool KuettoO.
I O 0 K 1 Urande Lodge. Bo 16 ntaeu Jt
tlieir ball every Bttluraay oignu r in uu( umw
bun ourdiauy tuvucu iu muiuu.
. - . s Jt Rineuart N U
UKCooUae, Sao, . . ,
Built from Hilard to Starkcy by One of the
Enterprising Citizens of the County.
Classified Advertisements
IL Yoii Have ny thing to Sell let
the People hear about it throeh
ViisDeoarimentand You wU
Find a Buyer. II You fWnt To
Sell Explain Your Wants una
You Will Find a Seller.
A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge
fo. 41. meet ever 1st and 3rd liatur
...y ui each month.
AO Williams Seo,
UDMdu W. Jd
EaSTErS STAR OKU Hope Chapter Mo
IS mtmu lh lecoud aud fourtb Wedueaday u
acb uionin at jM p u in ldaiiie 'UuipJe .
jdra Uara 1 lorle, W 41
Mary A Waruiok, Seo . .'-.;
meeiaevBryMratandlUlrdThuradaya in tUe
liioutu In Odd Fallows hull. V lulling- brotn
era always welcome K. Uobluaon. C i.
Ueu. liall, Scribe
Mr. 0 N Lewis tbe ente rprising and
progressive postmaster at Hilgaru baa
today completed a telephone line
from Hilgard to Starkey.
Tbe building and installing of
tbU lelepbooe system was undertak
en by Mr Lewis on bis own r responsi
bility, and today sees his efforts
crowned with suoces, Tbe line is a
double nietallio circuit and tbe In
struments, wires and other material
used in its . construction are of tbe
very best material that money can
procure, and the system is (quipped
with all tbe mo J era and cep-to-dato
appliances of the best telephone sys
tems in operation. Mr Lewis deser
ves praiss for his enterprise and for
the efficient manner in which be has
consummated the tak wbiob he set
himself. This line will be open for
public ose, and telephones ' can be
connected by those residing along its
line.' It passes through some of the
moat fertile part of tbe great Grande
RonJe Valley, where are situated
On all " cash purchases of
$1.00 or over on meats and
lard UDBil July 1, M905. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, bains, etc.
i'hone 1601
lassv miem was sWSaSSEW waaem
scme of tbe best ranches in Oregon.
Ibe terminal of tbe line is at Starkey,
but it will touch all tbe . intermediate
trading points with stations at them.
Tbe farmers will not be slow to take
advanttg' ol the opportunity ofhaving
telephones put in their homes so that
they will ba able to sit in tbeir own
homes and nave communication with
the rest of the world. .
Starkey is now connected with all
tbe rest cf tbe woild and any one can
talk to any part of the country where
the telephone lines reach, as this sys
tem is connected, and used in con
junction with tbe long distance lines
la this repeot, Stirkey, and all per
sons oonnejted along this new line
will have all tbe advantages of being
in any of the Urge cities of tbe coun
try. The entire Grande Roods Valley
is gradually becoming covered Kith ' a
ntt work ol wires, aou me wuia nut
far distant when each and every pro
gressive former in tbe val'ey will bave
a telephone in bis bouse,
Waahiugton, Dec. 14 frank H
Cunningham, ol South Omaha Neb.,
a rural oarricr who is president of the
National Association of Rural Mail
Corners, and James 0 Kellar, of
Cleveland, O., head of tbe Natijnal
Association of Letter Carriers, were
removed from office today by Post
msstei General Wonne, charged with
violation of tbe prewdent's order for
biddirg government employes attempt
ing to influence leg.slHt'on.
Lota 17, 18, block 10-2,
Cbaplain'a Addition.
Addreaa'bida to -'I' are
... . .. 0f Observer
s .
Public Sale
LlThree Quarter aeotions all plow land
I miles aouth of Island City in a body
or will divide to suit. Only 'A00 per
acre Mostly seeded fall grain others
ask 45.00 and 60.00 See Powers the
MinniBota Landinau. "
Dogs In Trouble
There was considerable eioitement
yesterday at Inland City among the
owners of dogs. Tbe cause of the dis
turbance was the t'ial of one M V
Nioketbocker, who was charged with
marking dog not bis own. Several
of tbe most valuable hunting dogs in !
the vie nity of Inland City hsve under- j
gone surgical operatious at the lia -ds
of rome unkiuwu person and Mr
Nicki-rbnt'ker wai thought to be res
ponsible. The- Jimtice alttr ii quiring
into the (acts concluded thai, be was
warranted in h'tlding him under two
Hundred dollar bonds to appear before
tlm Circuit Court at tbe next regula
term. Tbe bond was pus and the
cane will be further considered by tie
pi and jury.
Ollt-adxcd foreat nwarve, approved, un
rrairalued, ready nir imniediaie uae any
where. LuweaV prtcea.
bamber oi Comiueroa Uldg, fonUu.l, or.
Union Bicinr
JKPAt i,mrVtidul 'R0
- , ' 1 : J.A aMAHUS.
- rortlann. Dallea, r"eu
Kn dletoa ".Valla Walla, M) 4
N01' Uton, roroeroj,
. a.9ua oa . i,BueanuU " 1
, -j . ua a U-via Hpo
U kauo.
Portland. Dallea, Pro
. hoi dlclou Cmatllla Wal- Not.
. lula,Ll"tn,Ool(W
. ' . ' , WoeoWi Wallaos W , 4. m
8 5 pn d'". Hpokaoe an.)
olliwr polnta wt and
afK.iy iiand City, Alloel,
exrtU imblwr, and Fiir'n N
Buaiiay ounnertloua at tln p
"iilS a m vim tHK JorpoluU ,
it Wallowa ooiinty
tJnonn Steamers between Portland m
Pay Up
The public i hereby notified that
I bave disposed ol my feed store to
J. W. White and 1 desire to thank
tbe publio generally ior their literal
patrouage iu the pant aud that partieo
now owing me will please call aud set
tle with me personal!.- or they can call
st the La Grande Nation! Bank who
will receipt for all bills. 11-11 to 12-1
Driven to Desperation
Living at an out ot tbe way place,
remote froti. civilization, a family is
often dri.en to desperation in case of
uunJeiit, resulting In Burns, Cuts.
A muds, Ulcere, eto. Lay in a supply
ot Huekl. n s Arnica Salve, it'a the
o.i earth 25o, at Newlin Drug Store
Notice Of final Account
(Notice is hereby given that the
uuderaigned, Admiuistratilx of the
estate of William Spencer, deceased,
bas filed in the County (.'ourtof Union
Connty for tbe state) of Oregon her
dual account as such administratrix,
sad tbe Court has fixed Monday tbe
14th day ot December 190 lor hearing
anj objections to said .final account
in I (or tbe .final ' settlement thereof
1 l d this November 19, 1901
Minnie M Spencer, Administratrix
any case of
: or
that is
not beyond
the reach
of medicine.
can do more
For Rent
ibe .building formerly occupied by
the Salvation army,, Kor full par
tkul art and rates inquire of Mrs
' 8 C Zuber, Aug. 31 1 f
For Sale
i Fresh Cow guaranteed good milker
To sell cheap if sold at onc." In
quire at M U Ktrtley livery barn. -
G& RENT OR SALE 160 acre farm
wall Imnroved. Will either rent or
aelU .Inquire of wm. Mosa, La
' Grande Rural Free Delivery . No. 1,
. 1)4 mites north of Island City.
Dec 6 January 6,
Wood for Sale
ia innh A font and Dole wood, all
dry and sold at lowest prices. Phone
1281 ' H. Atkinson
6t Old Town Store
Dissolution Notice -
, tfotiee Is hereby given that tbeco- ,
. i a. aA-.A at larillii hMlMlin '
parinersnip Benwwie.-."--"-W
O Peach, J & Peach and G W lach
n rider the nam or. reacu oru..
tbia day been dissolved by mutual ron
Sent. ?G Peach retiring. J 8 Pech
and G W Peach, who will oontlnue the
business, as Peach Bros, will pay all
outstanding debts and collect allao
counts dne tbe old Arm.
Dated at La Grande Oregon this
28th day ol Nor. 1904. Q?wh
- j f-JRPeae'i
U. 28 12, S8 G W l ea i
Meeting of stockholoers
Island City Dec. 8, 1904, ari
nual stockholders meeting of tbe island
City Church Association will be he d
in the ch.iroh,Honday, December 10,
iyu tar the noTDOse of eleotin di-
i' 'tors. Bf orderof .
EE Kiddle, President ;
1 d 1 Holmas, Seo
Home Cured
Estate Notice
J R Kelloga deceased. Estate.
Knti.a is hereby (riven mas sne
The Harrla meat market now naa a J,' ied j M ;bur. h. has qaall
complets line of their famous home Hed M eCotsr.of th laat , will and
cured, breakfast bacon and hams. Our testament of J R Kellogg, de"1
old customers know what this mean. JTlX
A sample order will convince all of jJJ, J rifled I to
tbe superiority of our home cured I, . ,indersitfned at the offices of O H
Hsrris Mest Market, i Finn, i-ornmer Kaiiaicii, vm
rwnn lthln six moLUB irixii us
Farm for Sale
I desire to sell . my beautiful little
farm of 80 acres two miles and a ball
east of La Grande on the rural' postal
and farmers Telephone line to suit tbe
purchaser. M' Baker' tf;
PLAIN bJbiWlftU flaw ureoeuiauu-M
and sewing. - Myrtle Gates,
Cedar arid Adams avenue at Adna
Roger's. ' ;l
WAM ED Work to do either .plain
, sewing, ironing or pureeing, where
trained nursing is not required
Mrs K Wood,
Adams Avenue, opposite green house
I weak -
Important Notice .:
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call at the
harness shop and settle np before Dec.
30, 1904.
Any bills not paid before that date
will be placed in tbe.hands ol an at
tot ney for collection. J H Chllds
We will make yoaa.boxcoat for less
money than von pay for a ready made
garment ana you have two hni dred
patterns to pick from. We also cover
buttons, press olothes and clean yonr
coats and f oa have a cbanoe to win i a
fit) coat with every dollar paid in onr
store. Al Andews, Gonta fnrnii-h-iugs.
' Phone No 231 -
. I date of the- first publication ot this
notice . ....
nnblio Dated and first poDiianea uowu"
i m ft,ni-h. Kxeoatorof Estate of
day, December jw, iuih, a sen o Kellogg, dweassa
. Tk. -nlavulonArl anil at
u- o.B- i . p.. ,rvl
. -I. .u- I .. K lick., nn Tnaa-i Otn
0. U Kinn,s 't irney for Exeo it
Now Ready for Sale
a. m., tbe touowing ; -
1 Mare' 1 harrow 3 colts
1 AriU S nova - 1 irnir nlow I
: 3 calves 1 mower 1 rake . The people of this cinntyjare now
1 single harness 1 cultivator ready for the market a d that
; 1 set donble harness 1 wngon . r ct,oiie loU nan bi had . at renmrkablv
1 hnaor honaehold Roods low pr.-es Tbesn lota are 60 by 110
; TermAmount nP to $10, cash over .tff&Sia P.7
10 approved notes, on 6 months time, 3M wUl)tng iarg, tracts can sec jto
6 per cent interest; 6 per cent discount jU8t wlmt thev want by goi'g -a t 'tie
en all cash sales over 0. - farther bans .in the ama-add-on.
Ed Btringham, Auctioneer. Do not fall to see th.j addi. ion ami se-
n.i.-. t. enre one of these fhoic selection De-
J f Baker, jr. . (0re some one els gets, the lot you
Lunch at noon . Dec 15 want ..i''ortuIl,d'triptioD,o r op-.
: ertv and , quotations eall ....upon Dr
Try the Observer for first class if" ?"
Job Work. . ,;U Cor Park and Oak Btree a
Cured Paralysis
!WS Baily, P U True, Texs, writes
'M? wife had been miif erlug" 'five
years with paralybis in her arm whan
t n'us pursuaJed Co use tiallarda Snow
Linlmeut wbiob cured her all. right
I have also used It for old sores frost
bites and skin eruptions, It does the
work." 25o 50o tl.iO Newlin Drug
Co . ; r
B. Spiegel, 1204 N.
Evansvule, Ina., wrwes:
For over 0v
years I was troubled with kldner an l
bladder affections which caused ma muck
pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all
run down, and a year ago had to
abandon work entirely I had three ot
the best physicians whs did me no good
nd I was practically given op to die,
Foley's Kidney Cure waa recommended
and the first bottle gave me rreat relief,
sna fitter taking the second Dorua I s
sstii sly cured."
- Heart Fluttering
Undigested for d, end gas in the stom
ach located j ist below .the heart,
presses it an i causes heart palplttt-
ionr When your heart troubles you
in that way ' take ilerbiue for a few
days. Yoo. will soon be all right, 60o.
Newlin Drug Co, i
"1 was muoh afflcted with sciatica"
writes Ed C Nud, Iowavllle Sedrfwlck
Co Kan, "going" about on 1 cratches
and suffering a deal of pain, 1 waa
induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment
I used three 5Jo bottles, It is ths
greatest 1 niment I ever used, have
lecommended it to a number of persons
all express themselves as being ' bene
fited by It, I now walk without cratch
es, able to pefrorm a great ; deal of
light labor on the (arm." Newlin
Drug Co. - ''
Coughinp; Spell Caused Death
''Harry Duckwoll, aged 25 years
clioke I to death early yet terday morn
iu at bis borne in the presence of
his wife and ibild. He contracted a
alight cold a faw days ago and paid but
l.ttle attantion to it. Yeater lay morn
ing be was seized with a Bt of cuugh
I m wlil.ih-ontinued for some time
Ills wife sent tor a physician but be
lore lie rould arrive, another couglng
rivll cttme on and Kuckwell died from
riirlocaiioiit--St Lours - Globe-Demo
i-utDeol 1904." Ballnids rtorehonnd
Syrup wound have saved h'm. 25o. 60v
end fl.00. Newlin Drag Co.
A Found Steak j
is Just tbe thing to lay tbe foundation
for a good day's work. That is, when
It is tbe kind we sell. Juicy,' rich beefy
flavor. Full of nutrmient.' Makes the
weak strong, and thestrong 'stronger.
Alt Kinds of Meat '
that are good to eat found la
our icebox in prime condition, at prices
that please. Yon will tare well if your
bill ot fare is baled oa our meats ' :"
.... 'U
Bock & -Thomas
-i- u
Tbe Bulletin just issued by tbe United States
Government, after months of careful research, shows
that in the Western States, the average family purJ
chases annually goods to the amount of $750
On this "basis the 2250 families visited
with each issue of the Daily and Weekly OB
SERVER annually purchase merchandise to .
the amount of -
'. $1.087 , SO Oa t
The natural logical conclusion cannot be . otherwise
than that no wide-awake business man who will take
the few moments necessary to couvince himself of the
accuracy of the above statement, can afford to miss
the opportunity of placing his announcements (25,500
each mouth) before this army of purchasers.
An ad under such conditions, properly taken ' care
of will most certainly bring enormous returns on tbe
investment. ,
These Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration of -every
business house whoe volvme of business de--
pends upon the patronage, of this city and county,
irst Class Job Work
Eead The Daily Observer
:n rsiicisoo ewry flva days 1
" . ( E. 0, MOOSE, irm