I '4 Uv 0 RAND UJ - VnillMF IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON TUESDAY,- DECEMBER 13, 1904 .NUKSER37- KG 9 i: 1 J f1 . ft s t 8 V1LLAIWETTE RIVER CANAL AND LOCKS cOR SEA LEVEL PANAMA CANAL Report of Engineers to Effect that New Locks Will Not Interfere with Manufacturing Interests Washington, Dee. 13. The eeoretaiy of war transmitted to oonmu tha re port of tbe board of englnem relative! to tha Willamette river Improvement!, . M M W kUS uU UMM MM kxui la ment of a eanal and look for tha ooh struction or a naw oanal and looks for tha purpose of supplying power- elec tricity to faotoriea will not Interfere with manufacturing enterprises. Tha proposed dlrerslon wall to sep arata navigation from the power oanal it also says will not interfere with other boldness ' ', A report was also transmitted from the depsrtment of justice on the legal eatures of constructing the oanal and private individual would be only the value of the lands taken and that the amount of the damages could readily be determined by condemnation pro ceedings. ' f This it is believed wlU make possible a disposition of the oase satisfactory to all eonoerned. With the return to Washington of the member of he House Committee on Ioteratate and Foreign Commerce a new and radical ehaoge in tbe plans for building tbe Panama Canal has beooms a topio of aerions discussion Tbi change erntemplates the eon trnction of a sea level waterway in place of the lock and dam eanal au thorised by Congress, The member of tbe committee alter a ' personal inspection of the eanal route are all impressed with the sea level project, and in this Senator Kittredge, of Sontb Dakota, who eo ooatpanied them, does not differ from tbem. While no one knows bow in nob more the sea level eanal will oott than a look and dam canal, a rough esti mate that something like 1100,000, 000 additional will be required has been made. flaOODDDDDQDaDDBO DOBOaOBDBDDODRaH : . ' For the Holiday .;g : s . Forehanded . f ' " We wish to speak of our Hcliday Line this early because a ; many will appreciate the hint Oar goods are all here. They are ready for inspection. The line is by far the finest we have ever shown. Too many things to specify here, we don't want to specify just yet, we want yon to see the goods while the line is unbroken. You know the advantage of early choosing. Prompt buyers always avoid the rush and get choicest picking. Prices aire as low as they can be . and the very article you would most prefer may not wait' f ev Ml ID ' m m m See us about Books We have provided , for you. We have the books suitable for many gifts. We have the newest and most popular publications, as well as choice editions of standard works. Books not in stock will be pleased to order -lor you. , ,, Shibby's Gut Glass Don't buy cut glass unless "Shibby" is cut in the glass, then you know you have the i . i . best. THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRAIIDE OREGON H PIONEER TO HAVE OPERATION J see Failing, who was thrown from a carriage several montns ago and sus tained a fracture of the left thigh bone is undergoing an operation at 8t An thony's hospital this afternoon for the amputation of the leg. Drs Bmith, Cole, Henderson, Bingo and Dick are in attendance. The oondltlon of the patient and his extreme age make tbe operation a very dangerous one, and hope for his recovery is not very strong. . The patient is nearly 80 years of age. He la a pioneer of Pendleton. Soon after tbe accident last spring he was taken to Portland for treatment and wss In a hospital there until a month ago, when he pas brought home. O. BIDS TO BE OPENED Committee for Building Portage Road asks for Bids. Portland, Deo. 18 Offlpial notioe will be published tomorrow asking for bids for building tbe portsgs road. A meeting of the executive - committee of the Open Kiver asiociation, at which President J O Bmith, Secretary YY J Marriner, Henry Habn and other members were present, passed a reo lntion committing tbe association to ihis coarse and tbe tt ate portage board is in entire accord with tbe ac tion taken Sealed bids will be asked for within the next 10 days for grading, con struoting and equipping the road. Tbe length of tbe road is to be about eight and a bilf miles, extending from a point near Seutert's fishery to tbe b:g eddy below the rapids In the Columbia river at Celilo. Tbe Open River exeoutive commit tee has reoeived assuranoes that there will be no trouble in raising all tha money that may be needed to push the project through to completion. Work of raising the necessary amount in exoees of tbe 1152,000 remaining of tbe toe state appropriation is going forwsr I. When the time arrives for closing final contacts tbe committee will be ready to assume its sbsrs of tbe financial responsibilities. . Kilkd Two Men Los Abgeles, Dee. 13. John Mo Clure, aged 60 years, In a dispute over a 25 oent baiter this morning, killed J Shea and 8 Psodiooff, employes of a livery stable. He shot the latter and when the foreman grabbed him a des perate conflict ensued. Bhea was stabbed 10 tlmea with a dirk. The murderer gave himself op to a police. man. ' LAND FRAUD CASES Plea of Former Jeo pardy Entered by At torney for Defendants DROWN NEAR THEIR HOM Portland Dec 12 On tbe plea of a prior trial for the same offence, the attorneys for defenanU In the land fraud rases ar making an effort this court to prevent the government from bringing to trial the case set for to morrow. The plea is being argued be fore J udga Bellinger Tbe defendants in tha oae to be tried tomorrow ara S A D Puter, Horace G. McEJaley, Emma L Wat- goo, Marie L Ware and Guy Huff. The plea la made in behalf of the flnt four only of the five defendants, Huff not having been a party to the former trial. Jndge O'Day oontend that the conspiracy charged in the second in dictment, which Is the bashi of the ease set for tomorrow. Is the same con spiracy for which they were recently tried, and that they cannot be placed In jeopardy a second tloe for the same offense. Tha government's attorneys lnslut that there la no merit In the plea and that the frauds covered by the second Indictment constitute a aeperste and distinct conspiracy. In the hope of obtaining additional nformatlon whloh would have been of great value both In this and In. subse quent esses, the government's attorneys subpoenaed Senator Mitchell and Con; grea man Hermann as witnesses, but both have refused to' come. Both of them addressed telegrams to Judge Bellinger in whloh they stated that ow ing to tha pressure of public business at Washington of great Importance to this st-te, they wo old be nnable to respond to ths subpoenas. Billing's Mont, Deo 18 Two tittle girls Ruby and Bernloe Warren aged 8 and 9 years dsughtara of Richard Warren a rancher who resides six miles east of Billings were drowned last night la a slough near the family realdenoe. The ihildrea were skating oa the slough and wbsn together their combined weight it la suop aed caused tbe ke to break, and they iwere part icipated into tha icy waters, " A man passing ;by stopped at the house and told Mrs Warren be had beard children screaming back of kthe house, The mottiej vent to the ' door and called. Receiving no answer shs went to the bank of the slough and there saw a portion of the dresses of the litUe.girls floating on the water where the Ice had broken through. The bodies were reoovered and eiforts made to revive the victims ; : Good Roads Association meets in Salem today, and promises to be a meeting of great Interest and ultimate good to the people of Oregon Gov Chamberlain will be present and; deliver an address on "Oregon and Ita Roads." All sides and phases of the question will be debated and discuss ed by men of prominence In connect ion with such affaire, among whom will be Dt James Wlthyormbe, Prof. P L Campbell, Jndge U R Webster, J E Magers, Prof ! M Hyde, and T T Gear. . . ENTIRE FLEET Russian Fleet at Port Arthur Destroyed and City Bombarded. TAKES SHORT ROUTE Commits Suicids by the Use of a Revolver. Portland, Deo. 13 Plaolbg tbe mussleofa revolver in bis mouth, Marion O Olsen, a hack driver, in the employ ol the United Carriage company, at 3 o'olook this morning sent a bultet into bis brain. He fell dead on tbe sidewalk In front of the Federal building on Mwrison street. Pstrolman Fones beard the report of tba revolver and hurried to tbe spot and found Olien lying in a pool of blood. Coroner Finley wa notified nd removed tbe body to tbe morgue. Olsan bad been in tbe employ of the carriage company for years and was popular not only among bis as sociate but with those whom on ao ooant of bis avodation be met fre quently . He was a law-al Iding man and waa not given to tbe use of in toxieanta to excess, though he bad been drinking freely for the last week on account of dw pondenoy; He had a number of 'rouble to whloh he - re ferred a few minutes before ending bis life. . Mrs Chadwick Indicted Cleveland Dej 13-Two Indlotmenla on two counts each were returned by the county grand jury this afternoon against Mrs Chadwick ' fche is charged with forging tha name of Andrew Car negie on 500,000 and :&0,000 note held by tha Oberlln bank. Tha pens Ity is from five to 20 years on each iu- dlctment. ' Dowie Pays Debt Chicago, Deo. 13. John Alexander Dowie today liquidated bis debt on tbe Zion City industries, making the final payment of $140,000. Tokio, Deo. 13. The following re port waa rsoelved today from the com mander of the Japanese naval land battery: ' ' ; "Four Russian battleships, two oruiaers one guuuuM mwl wu. Ma-r. d i storashlp, are lying In Port Arthur harbor completely disabled. No for tbar neoeuiiy of bombarding tbe Rus sian naval fori, and we ara now en.. gaged In shelling tha town of Port Ar thur, which is being heavily damaged.". SECRETARY HAY'S VOICE FOR PEACE Portland, Or., Deo. 13 John Hay, Secretary of slate, acknowledging re ceipt of a oopy of resolutions adopted by tbe Portland chamber of Commerce favoring A ratificat'on of arbitration treaties between tbe United States and Great Britain, Germany, Franoe, Italy end Austria, writes: "Ths department Is always glad to receive evidence of the growing tend ency of the people of the world to seek ' for and welcome any practical means of extending the away of peace and averting the arbitrament of war in the settlement of difficulties between nations." , , , , 1 6 SECOND HAND HEATERS 75c to $5.00 Some are bat slightly used. Three fine coal burners at a bargain, Fine Guitar, new, only . . $7,50 Eight Winchester riflea 12.60 to $ 9.00 Iron Beda . . . 1.00 to 12.50 New Chairs : . . . .60 New Chiffonier . . . . . 8.50 New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost H. B. HAISTEN, : F. D. HAISTEN, Upholstering - V Furniture Repairing We carry Stove Repairs. c IITf OS) a a a Santa Qaus can Find Nothing Better than- LOY'S CANDIES Everv Part of it Made at Home and is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful, If you want somothin; Special leave orders now. Los Candy Parlors, The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon. , m : --y, d Ik i i Hi , n r i ; 4 : I :. I 1 it - A ; : ;'( t 1 t iii' i 0RBDPDOBoar oaaaiaaBoaooaaooaooDi St: 5-