Ml, . y 7 7 tr readj for th jaoliiay. rt nut that's fit to sell m Holiday ... ,-k a Young -! f Mer ry old St Nick j rei Sris i oupr om p' and J tends a honjtv imn&fition to. J?MMi??PP thor Eitenoivo line of Christ- ever Drought . to iia. Grande. 'r nT JB. 1! ' t ev.M-v i ' ' ' 7- -1 4' ;V' - ' - i LA "" " wi') '!i:'"!i'mM 4 0 5S 7f id 'I! ''i'.. :4 V 'l"H! Illli' invite an eariy liupecuou wmw v assortments are complete. We ' show yoa in all lines we carry : worth arid quality for the price. - .of : : .ThisnWricemeoi and' space . .Utoacqnain yWwitV Aneconi-;.; -pTeteness of our stoct -arid we ' - ' ; ' try to make the news aa econom- ' J 7; ically2 interesting4 as we can .and'wjjwill extend suggestions; . ' tW miiv.Thfiln. von 'with the 1 ' " : - ptoblem of -making presenis s u.( . we invite vou w-oome aaa.ira n : u our.itocki ai can 'giveyott-4 ;" Li."- a".'."-i - only 1 a xwna'oi.tne cjompieie -f a "jltoei 4we?'fir.Kf.Batj,iT!B .iiw j.-.'idy,WlkUMp'giftlhingi: and " extend you a hearty inviUtion ' 14 1j J' r ' Wc'aU atHhis) atofeand -.see ,,.;'( : thein, ' .. '.- C " : r "f a . D ' U a a a u a a D a a Sk a a a a a a AQtnrn WifVi -,We n'Te 06611 dolni5 DQ8i- ' UlUlU Mjllll B8, in this town for 5 years i:J 'A -J ,-Jn .that tune the town has A' KeCOrCl Wttlj dbubEd- tnVopuUtion p - Daring the same time oar baslnlB hit increased FIYl? TOJUD. In other words oar business has made great deal so ire rapid increase than the town has. There are doxens of reaioas for tais all of which you will perwiTifrrpo-begtnbuyinyT drug ; y atore goods ol us. In the firsip&ca mi kliHa itbofough i V, training for pharmacy. In the second place we had ex. ceptionaj ippoctanitia,fer,learipg the practical 4 ids of . pharmacy iaAtciya) rngtoreoJt Jh ighflsj stand-" ; ing. lo the third place we nave kept eur eyes open and attended to basinets until we know the deman U of the people or this town. A. ,1? ,T. a Prticriptioa PrwsglstVT .rlA Gradt Ore a t f 1 1 1 r'w.w,f t f ,t.f f a a , a a d tAGRANbE;J OREGON D a a a a 1, ,. , Surplus fund 13.000 Liability or Shareholders ou,uoo Respdnsibiiity . .ilZZfiQQ trafts bought andjaoldon. eastern and foreign banka JOSEPH PALMER, President Cashier a a a u GT a o ia trrande livening Ubserver rr I7 BROS.,2Edltara Pr, p Entoi;iatlth,! WtT6ffl:'ai U Grande.. Oregoiii " aaa Beoond Claaa uau Matter. Published daily except ifiondayl 7-7-; One year in advance...... $6 60 Bix months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month. Ji . . . .65c Single copy ;...6c SATURDAY EVENING, DEC 10. 1904 WOMEN VOTERS AND WORKERS In 1900 there weif 4,7003 wome n in the United States 21 year old nd over, that is old enougli to vote. Allowing for a reasonable increase in the four gaged jin some , aminl occupa- j , 1905 will be a banner year tion;j;Thia, does not . include . for Oregon, and the spirit of home work by women and girls. lal90 ' there . were 13,914,571 females in the United States ,10 old and over engaged in some gainful occupation. There were ,855,5$ more girls and women teh year old and : over working to earn tnoriey in 1900 than : in 1890, a gain of 3162 per cent.,,' , In 1900 thereere. 23,754,205 bove andmen working1 to earn money In the United States and tn 1890 there were''l8,821,09() an increase of money earners of 4,923,118, or a gain in ten years of21.21.per cent. ""' ' ; It thus appears that the num ber of females 1 in the United States ten years old and over who became money earners in creased 34.62 per cent in ten years and the workers for mon- cent in the same time. .. ' hi:U ...,( The state of' Washington has selected a she1' for a $30,000 building aithe. J 905 fair. ; " A partial . quarantine of . the ciiyof Lebanon i now iu- force and all public meetings prohib ited on, account of a scarlet ' fe yer epidemic. m a a m ' '1 Om Pauos. I Pml4it J.U.Baar YU4 frJ&t' -i J. It. Covboiu. . . ; . , Onahiar OIRXOTOMi t. M.Berrj, J. M.Ohaisk F. Manas aid GL Cleaver W. 0aUlU " IUa Grande National B nk1 it rt La Craada, Oragea CAPITAL A5H)1 SURPLUS. $7000.00 Trassaets a fsaam) Yao&ijr Msiaasa. aQUSaw exehani an' ' fc all parta of the world. OoUeottoos a apaeialty. uoounoofltjooooadatradj ooooaoaoF i 1 ev amon? the men 'of Ihi nnmn years there would have been 15,L ' Ji'" w 01 01 hnnnnn ; nuJ B8e; nJreaeed but 21.21 per States old enough to vole, and there 'Would have .been that many more votes caBt at the last presidential .election, had , all the women voted "who were! ?ld enough ( to vote, j .but as, the laws now are the women in only four states are legal voters. " Tn tbes$ state3, 'ldiiho,L Colorado Utal,' and Wyoming there were 193,004 women 21 years 6lJ and over in 1900, Deduce t) esend there1 were 14,567,499. disfran chised women in the United 'State -. .'.Ititi A InU900 there were 16,021,881.. men Slearsl oldtiVnd overm the United States, and 17,729, 323 boys under 21 years old and 17,559,818 girlSj under ; 21 years of age. - v. ..; . ' ': I The -14,760,503 - women , of voting age ' in the Uoited States weremotherii 't',Vof." 35,9186 children , ranging : in age from 1 mobth llold 'and under td 20 yearsf inclusive: ' "U1 In 1600 there were 5,319,912 females in the United Stales en- progress la all over the state and Union county, one of the ban ner .sections of this great com monwealth, will aa in the past, keeb' abreast with the wave of prosperity. However, to do this we must be prepared to em brace the opportunities as they present 7 themselves. Lost op portunities are seldom regained. To' illustrate, at one time La Grande had the opportunity to secure the saw mill now located at Perry. Its present loeatien it is true is of great benefit to the city, but if Waited in 4 tVisA city during all jtieae t vears 1 ' would been still greater ,Let us be up and doing from January to De- a1, tstate Notice , Edgar Hosteller of the DaIIcs has'beeil aiointed ' postmaster of that place over J j Patterson who waaa candidate for nom ination, ' , , t Next TaeBday Will be the an nual election of oflBcers of the Commercial Ciub. There should be ' a good attendance upon this occasion. There will be much that can be aocomp lished by this body in 1905 and much depends upon the officers elected jnext Tuesday evening. i J R Kelloedaoeaaad. Estate. rH Notice ia , herebr glyeo tbit tba undersigned, ,3 'M Charcn, uaa' qnali- uou aa cixeoatoc oc in 'JMaiwllI ana testament of J .ft ellogKi deceased. 1 AU persona takriag' claims aBinst aid estate are hereby required to present the pnaerlv verted. to tbe undersigned kt tbe 'bfHoes 6f CfU Kno, Sommer BoUcUaKfttLacraod Oregon, within six months frpm, the date ol tbe first pabiloaUon 'ot this notice. : Dated and first published October 6th 1904. . J M !hurch, Ezeoatorot Estate ol J B Kelloce. deueaal C, U. Finn, Attorney for Executor. ,, LITTLE FUR 8T0CKU0IDERS "WhUa it is Impossible to state ex actly the financial condition of tba exposition oonipany on thin, the clos ing day it cau be aathoriutlvqlv an nounced that all debts againaVvthe company have been paid with the 'ax. ception of a few current acpueta ,al rie eta. and this it tWiak' .atii consume nearly all the surplus ao w uioro win oniy De a Tory email amount left for the atotkholdera. 'From 'the amount of royalties collected by the exposition company I) ia estimated that the concessionaries on the pike and other Darts of the world 'a fair erounda hare taken in at least $10,000,000" Public Sale Three quarter sections all plow land 4 miles south of Ideal City la I or wlU divide to aultr Only 2S,00 per acre Mostly seeded, fall grain othera asa ta,M ana oauu ' vm1-' MinnUota Tjindmaa. the "TV'D X rolessional r Offlp witlf J lMTmiaSiaon. La Grande Parties wishing the aerrleea of a com petent bookkeeper are aas Ted satk . factory resnlta.)r -rioeareasonable C. B. Cautilorii ' DENTIST Office Over Hill Drug' 8tore La Grande, Oregon Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drus Store La Grande. Oregon Phone 1361 ; Malheur County Investment - '-Fdr!InTeatmetie8 In ' MAHHEUW OOONTY t WrileUVvC.CiIMcDANIEL Ontario . I . V .Oregon in LodeeuDirectory. BAQLKS La Unad Airie u F O'M sueU vurv lxht. ia t iC o4 V hmll ml I u m VkltlBf brUif.n liiTitod tbattauu. . rm KHYtiti loir' XMKttIOA-ttri Mti kbrloB. No U BiMta MJh Tuwdar la Elk'a halL BtoUMarelnrtUdtoMtmid, 11 Haluar Chlaf Iilnf. O J VaadVpool kecBeo. I O O PLa Qiknda Ladni. No l IPaall JI their hall cvanr Saturday night, VlalUiig mem bera eocdialljr iaiitcd lo attend. o a Kineoan n u HBOoolidga, Sm A CkWilliamsS-o- TOl O rUaffniM A. K. &A. M. La Qranda Lodge ' o. 41. meets every 1st nd 3rd gatnr- ij m asen momrj. t A U month at jtfOp m m MiuoutTilT wenr a Wanuok. ao , MTl n uiiiuiiui.iT' ... - t Jtk ""T'7fl and third Tharid.Vi In the monthlnOddPellowa hall. Vtailfnf hrotb- en aiwara valcom uoo. vail, Borlbs & Bobinaoa. C P. Pay Up The public is hereby notified that I hate disposed of my feed atore to J.W.White and 1 desire to thank. the pnblie generally for their liberal Patronage in the past and that parties ow pwtome wiJJ please pall aid eat tie with me DfreooanV ot the n all at tbe La Grande National Bank who will receipt kr aQUAM 4-H. U-1 ao.joaaon. ' ' ... y ' t . V.