S - n - HOI 'GIFTS CUSS I f CI SiLVEKPLAIE That wears almoit as long as solid silver is the kind we keep. Only the products of the best best known manufacturers find their way into this store,' and; every piece has the maker's name and mark"on it,' In ad-' dition we add oar personal guarantee as to the quality. ; WHICH , . ARE . DEPENDABLE THE JEWELER CLOCKS Clocks of etery style are in this collection and everyone is really handsome. Even the strenuous little alarm , c.'ocks have their own good looks. There are clocks for the bed room, parlor, dinning room and hall. All are acurate time keepers values. and really excellent THE THE THE THE TO l.j Kin; OUA L IT Y GU ARANTE E D STYLE IS PRICES : ARE RIGHT SILVERWARE , Especially. Interesting j Makers have prod iced some strikingly ; handsome designs this season in ' . if?. . 4. TEA AND COFFEE SETS CAKE BASKETS, PICKLF JARS; PITCHERS. - ETC Many of themost beautiful are shown here. An inspection of our display will prove a pleasant and -profitable way "of -spending an hour or sow 5 We won't urge yoti to buy bufc?qar goods and prices are very tempting. : -3 SlLVERWAKt The"displayJof compiettfTSeta ' and single pieces' is the most ati tractive to be seen in the city. The designs are entirely new and very beautiful and have been - worked out with great skill and taste. " ' :.iV:il.Z HI3II -rrr S Half a Carload s of if lix ava ivuji nwPiuurkMiA .rns-ui'ivfMiri NewiWaltfPapeB 1 0n MOCKS. We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. iJhia s1mp paper tb,aa2 any,; onea' Ijieyej.. thought o bringing intp thisfounty Jo a single season. f. This paper Is atl f dr mle f pd .maa potd bU taasoq. , W bars brought two Brat elaaa papar hangera direct from Chicago, who are without doabt the mat; iklilfol i irorkmen! lit Saatern 1 who, with the ttVv flrat olaaa r hantcera si read r in oar em plof, giveeaath beat working ' 1 'Mialntahd ftp pi re. Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS eilaS AND GLAbS first tain' yesterday alter the weakness bad bnn etreaoonaly ooetostd by snppuruog orders, amalgamated Copper 'ell by a half point at intertala'Wjre c brined in licse thus treated. ft 59, Stl preferred, dropped 3 -8, nolorado F lei dropped 5 and other promioeni stocks suffered ' beafily. Tne oalling for additional margins bv aUrmed , brokPi precipitate4 heavy liqndi loo in all direofions The trre ent o wds on the noor were a"tmd Amtlgamated Copper and rjieel irtding poitts and it was obxerved seldom appear on the floor were there TTp- Script Script1 ailt-drel fonel reaerre, anprored, an rMtraload, ready for immediate ase ay- vlMrt. . .Lowest prices. ' ' 1 at Coramsroa Bldg, f ortlund, or, TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE -i - t : -r ' i r ' - Notice of Final Settlement Notloe Is hereby siren, that the undersigned h filed the final account of her doings a ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Uar thai Watson, deceased; and that the Ooantr Cart hat appointed Monday the 2nd day of lanaar? una, at 'i o ciock p. m. an vu uiuo, the Court Uonae at La Grande, Union County, or the bearing 01 aaiu Uons to the same) will appear at said time od final aoeoanb All persons having any objec- uons to the same) will appear at said tiq plaoe, end ofler said objections thereto. La Grande, Oregon, November Zith, 1801. 6t . Paris, Dao 9k eensatiooal ' oom munioation was made Id the Acedem ie'de Medioine today by Dr. Albert New York Dec. 9Tbe alook mar- 0bin which reported the discovery ol ketbeoama demoralised dnriog the ,ha .. tn,, certain metal auob as rrs-n if IU 1 I. at.lWa'ii' gold and sitfer, finely subdivided and employed In inflaitesimal dones wilt c cure poeumonia'" 'Thirteen cures (The rf duotion of the metala to a proper state ia obtamed by eleotrio! ' dissolution iu water. The metals so treated acqn rei the propertv of devel oping a lorc siraiUr to (ermenution andjwere employed Jn Q?ee ol pnn(( t) mooia ti rough. hjpot!ermio iDjeotiooj of from a five u ten cub e qeotitcetef solution containing from .09 tn .t ol a milligram ol gold, stiver or platinum.: 8 ; ...li, i (1 ;b 3l4i )( j'r.-.siii.T- tbi- morning.; From all account, the WEARY, UP-Tllt IsUKESCLBANi SWEEP " There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Balvee yoa ever heard of, Booklen'a Arnica Salve is the beat. It aweepa away and curea Barns, Borest Bruiaes, Cuta, Boils, Uloerr, Bkin Eruptiona and PUea. only 25c and tuaranteed to rive aadstaotion by La Grande Drag Co., and Newlin Drag jQt urugglat. . I A THOUGHTFUL MAN. 1L M. Austin of, Winchester, Ind. knew what to do.in the kouir of need, His wife had euch an ft unusual case of tomachand liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He though' f and tried Dr. Klng'a New Life Pills and the got reuei.ai oaoejana was coaiiy curea Only 2Sc at La Grande Drug Do, and wlU Dragoon Drug fitoiM break in line first b.bur waa. doi' to forced liquidation It waa known be fore the opening that Boston bad. sent in heavy Bulling order and the lead ing commission bouses 'were on the bear aide. As ' the prices tumbled panio awept the floor and s looks were unloaded without heed to prioes. WILD EXCITEMENT 8cenes of wild excitement occurred and at times the aituation bordered a general panic. Tbe trading reached enormous" volume. Lawsyn'a prppb tHy ofTdiaday Was fulfilled as Amal gni"ted Copper lead in the ' down waiii craah and fell nearly 10 points (.A l.'.t ntirht'a nlnae. sellinir down to . . ' , i i - " for men's and Of coys u-usb m .,aanA ii o'clock. United States The J. E; TUt Uo iBf.QUI Bpec- gieel con?non ,nj preferred, ; Sugar, ialty. Here is where prlfie and Missouri Faoifio, Erie and Canadian Ponifio were among tne stocH wmcn took, the tologgon, ' ; ' Thomas Lewson'g first bulletin to day advised holders of Amalgamated ConDer to sell to "your last share," He continued 'Roosevelt t ia just beginning bla work., f It Is lobaqpo to-. H. Wbenitgetato insu anoe and irost companies business will begin He concluded .iflell, Soger .and tbe entire list for the time being," and eUo'edvised'"the sale of Southern Pacific, Union Pacific Atchison. Tbe tales ol stocks for tbe first bour reach 4 nearly $1090,000, mark.;; 'J- , ONE FIRM SUSPENDS New York Dec & W 4 Badean one olte officials of tbe Consolidrted Stock Exchange, has announced bia SAME OLD TUNES Hi 1,1 ttrjU Vout Uroccr That is why pppple 0905.-' here ,,4 K Kntra ah OAR quality are combined. C W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist v DEPQT STREET BEST v-OOUOH i MEDICINE .uTUB kn tnit hir jiirt medioine for id -Which mail cuimrou w. -- - yon can place implicit confidence, xon i 1 T ih.ti mnt i nnl raliavee but cures. -You want one that is.nnqnes tionably.barmlaas. Jfow want one that ia pleasant an R.ifl manta all Of ' these coo Wont:; e there ta nothing so good I f ?eo.,Vi olda in,dTent to child n4 A K ' r DrnifgistS Portland Ore. Deo. 9 One of tbe grounds of cruelty assigned by Marie Frits in ber suit against B 0 Frits divorce is tbat "defendant some lime ago purobased a phonograph and will not buy new mufio, but aits by tbe boar and plays tbe same pieces over and over again late into the night so plaintiff cad not sleep." They were married April 12, 1903. in Portland, Bring your rush orders for job work to the Observer office, we can handle them. Columbia University . IPTLTroiOlMLOWI ; Boarding school tor youn men k boys. Box 34S University Park Station, " Portland Oejon Collegiate, Preparatory Commercial and Gram mar Grade Conroes. KvinND A doable bitted ax. Owner may have same by nailing at this Stoci x.xco and paying borage. len-lon. Notice Of Final Account 1, Notice Is hereby 'given that tbe undersigned, Administratrix of .the state of William Spenoer, deceased, has filed Jn the County Court of Union Ooantr for the state of Oregon ber final account as such administratrix. aad the Court baa fixed Monday the 19th day of Deoember 19M for bearing ant objections to said .final account a'idforthelflnal settlement - thereof 1 atid this November 19, 1904 ' alflaie M Spencer, Administratrix j otary Public LMoney to Loan Representing th Equitable Savings & Lean Asao-. ' ciation of Portland. Or., the strongest. . safest; & , poQat ! reliable institution on the Pacific, coast, under, State 1 t : 1 j - -1 a 1 ' 1 is iL . ' J v.e supervisiOB. Jjoans maae Baort or ioojj time to suit. ; WM. GRANT,' Agent ; i City property for sale. ' BLOCKL AND BROS. Island City, Oregon - Breeders of BERKSHIRE and FOLANDCHINA swine. . , : " "v'".,:';;; " ' We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and Shropshire!, ready for service, anyone seed ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed ; them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paices before baying some where else. I FULL, M EAwSURE Chain Wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain ' wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the , load. ' You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 - H. W. NIBLEY 1 . ... ittHfjtatw tst&fJtaaittf.strft. if';-. f lit. 4 i ' 4 "1 v. - h