La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 07, 1904, Image 4

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. -A
On all cash, purchases of
S1.00 or over on. meats and
lard UDBilJulv -1. 1905. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, bams, etc
J Phone 1601. .
Servesthem in anystyle
Atam mo&.vsmmgsat
RENT, lease;orsale
" Lots 17, 18,..block 102,
Chaplain V Addition.
Address bids to 'P" care
3 of Observer . .
Many people who are neglecting
symptoms of kidney trouble,
hoping Mk will wear away," are
drifting towards Bright'! Disease,
which is kidney trouble in one of
its worst forms. .
stops irregularities, strengthens
the urinary organs and builds up
tbe wora-out tissues of the kid
neys so they will perform their
functions properly. Healthy kid
neys strain out the impurities
from the blood as it passes
through them. Diseased kidneys
do not, and the poisonous waste
matterjs carried by the circulation
to every part of the body, causing
Jizsincss, backache, stomach
trouble, sluggish liver, Irregular
heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney
sr Bladder trouble commence tak-
it once, as it will cure a slight dis
jrdcr in a few days and pre vi at
' fatal malady. It is pleasant to
ke and benefits the whole system,
How to Find Out.
You can easily determine If your kid
yt arc out of order by setting -'-
e 24 boars a bottle of the urine pa . -,
on arising. It upon eiauiinnt:m
cloudy or milky or has a brick-du
liraent or small particles float abou
it, your kldncva are diseased, and
v.'vn at once. .
0. B. Barhana TMtlfies After
Four Years .
1 a Bsrtees sf CsriMs Cert. H V. rtt
About four years afo I wrote row statin thn
-id been entirely eured of keve. kidne
- 'libit by Ukitif lees thn two bottlMof Foley's
loey Cure, It entirely (topped the brick--sediment
and pain sad tymutomsol kidney
rua disappeared. I em fled to ey tbt I
e ni-Tr bad return of any of thoat symp
- it durlwr the four years that have elapeMt
ill em eridently Oared to etar eared, anf
-rtlly recommend Foley "r Kidney Cure to an
. j eufterliif from kidney or bladder trouble."
Tm Uea, 60e aa4 100. .
Guntherics Candles '
Ul the essence of parity. As yon
i- easily convince y nor self by tast.
'a Bans and Cbooolates apuortp
locolaioa assorted Bon Hons W ote
i op. Newlia Drug Co.
T hen Leaped From the Car while the Train
Crib '
was at Full Speed and Escaped in the i
Los Angeles, Deo. 7. The express
car on tbe Panta Fe overland passen-
ger train No. 1, westbound, was enter
ed by an unknown bandit thia morn
ing, abme time between 2 and o'clock
Wells-Fargo Express Messenger Evan
O Roberta wu shot twice and fatally
wounded, and tbe way safe Jwaa 'rifled
of its contents. The robber then leap,
ed.from tbe oar while tbe train' was
running fall speed and escaped. . Tbe
robbery occurred somewhere between
Needles and Daggett, but was not die-
resterdaywaa election day at the
Cove. Tbe result was satlsfaotovy to
those whose names appeared on the
winning tioket and naturally otherwise
to those ahose names did not so ap
pear.' ' .
The following Is the result of the
election : Josoph Trippeer, Mayor;
Bam White, Recorder; Jasper Stevens,
Treasurer; Frank Bloom, Marshal;
Wm. Beynolds, J E Plxton. E F Peel,
John Jones. V Stearns and W T
Alexander, Councilmen.
The total vote cast was eighty three
Washington, D t, DeR.7.The sen
ate oonvened at noon. When Senator
Fairbanks, the ice president elect,
entered the chamber he was greeted
warmly by many of bis colleagues.
After prayer tbe roll was called and 73
senators responded Kenator Allison
made the usual formal motion that a
committee be named to Inlorm the
president 'hat the eeuate was ready to
receive tcy nietsae he had to com
municute. President Pre Tern Frye
appointeJ Messrs. Allison and Cookrell
for this duty.
On motion of Senator Cookrell, 12
oMock as fixed us the meeting hour
of tbe louate.
' Denver, Coi., Doc. 7. Five nire
Democratic election juJges and work
ers from piecinct 5 were found guilty
today of contempt for participating in
the eKction frauds. Ihey were as fol
lows: S 8 barker, William Beid, John
Dixon, and Jol.n Sulllvau, each nine
mouths iu jail and a fine of 1500;
Charles W Lunuh and W bpeuter,
three and four months in jail, respect
ively Hi lng your ruuhordors for job work
to the UuMMVtr ottice, weoau haudle
1'ViAl UKKli FKKUNv.
U ou it iuti-iuid, UeiesseU m
i'.. iij ia. Itl' vtulk, at tuUitalea tha
jt ..i i.A?i out ot oitlei.. Heibid
viiibtdtt natuie to throw oil boa i li iiiuuiieui huU ttiimeuta an
vtiiM tu and leoluie the euergi
. h.irj ... hum a uuii (Biteot hea'
v i ...i:, . i-Ui u, tvxaa, wilt
i. i..i -, i Used iter I) .
in- i ubi tv )oaia It hue di
t uiui Kuod ilrnu all the dott . ,
beu 1 lee. bud and have that It :
leeiiLK l take a doe ot Ueibiue. I
in ibe best medicine ever
made t ir i
tlulia and fever." Wets a bottle.
Si ld by iNewUu Dreg Co.
Notice is heroby given that the on
lriuned, TreaBurei ol Union County,
httgiu, has fuuJs on hand with bicb
ti pay all couuty warrants whloh were
resented and ador.ed by the County
1 reasurer prior lo tho 7th day ot Ooto
1 er 1809. Dated at the treasurer's ot
tie in the city of La tirande this the
4th day ot Nor. 1904. No Interest al
luded after said date.
John Frawley,
Treasurer of Colon County
covered nntll tbe train reached the
latter place. Conductor Ha wet opened
the door of the express oar at Daggett
and found Messengpr Roberts lying on
the floor of the oar lo a semiconscious
atate and tbe contents of the rifled safe
scattered aboat the oar.
It it thought that 1200,000 pension
money was aboard the train, and prob
ably stolen, bat tbe express company
Is reticent as to how muob money was
taken by the robber.
Think Pot
Words will not right injustioe half
so quick as silence tand time.
Love and reason are rare companions
An incredible number of mankind
are trying to make a square plug fit
If it were as easy to be good as It Is
to be bad, lazy people would all be
come saints,
The labor of those ho lab r to es
cape labor is the most laborious labor
of labor.
A(joker is cne who mske, but never
takes Jokes. ,
A full purse and an empty head
soon exchange conditions. -
Some people so busy themselves in
caring for tbe morals of others, that
they have no timo to observe the un
laundried condition of their own
Those who are tbe most willing to
wait are those who have to wait the
longest. .
Tie not how muoh you know, but
what use you make of it,
, Hypocrisy is a transparent - cloak
that in tbe end reveals more than it
conceals. " . '
i The fattest chickens always roost
the highest. . ,
St. I'etr&bui, Dec. 7. An ofliclal
btatement ieaued tioui the naval head
quarters gives ' Bojeatvensky's latest
account of tbe Dogger Bank affair and
explains how the Baltio flett fired on
its own ships. The statement follows:
"Alter the Kniaz bouvaroff ceased Or
ing two searchlights of the Dmitri Don
skiol and Aurora suddenly appeared
on the left of the iront lad division.
Tbe Dmitti Donskol showed night sig
nals. Fearing projectiles from the
hin (most ships of our d.vislon should
hit in vessels, the signals to cease
fir were made from the Bouvaroff
the order was at once obeyed. It Is
stated five pn jectilcS struck the Au
r)ra." .
1'he foregoin ; statement ia the first
official continuation of " the fact; pre
t msly pubiinhed in tbe?e disiatche
thrti d iriug the North Sa affair, shells
Odine aboard tbu o uiser Aurura
Annual Meeting
The annual me. ting ot thi st ck
holders of the La Grande Niisolial
liauk will be held at their bauking
houe, i.i L't Orange, on Tuesday t e
toutti day of January A. t. 1W5, b
twt-en the binirsuf 10 o'clock A M
aud 4 o'clock P. M, At this meeting
a board of five dfrectors, to terve for
the i nsulnit year, will be elected and
auch sth t buslnost will be. tran -acted,
as uiay properly come before laid meet
George Palmer.
1'reefdent of tbe La
Giande National l'ank
Notice Is hereby Riven to whom H may eon
ccrn lliut llierecjiineUt my plai-e about July
11, 1904, two inlloe north or ferry on DWte
Hut tiie following ftcrtbd animal. One dark
brown Relfcr, pari Jerwy.ouinlug two year
i)l.l, without Vlalble bruiuU or ear marks
smd nniinul boa bran Ukeu up by me and is
no with my ratllvun the Unrir plaoe about
I mllm nurtiioaator Inland CUy. nd owner
can have Mime by pro via property and pay
iuk H) BUHK.
lliiuio In Old Town, I Grande. Oregon.
DultMt Utia 7ih day of Novum bur, uot. r
FOUND A package conUiping three
, pair of stores eirner tb and Main
st. Owner eao secure tamo ' by , call
lng and paying for this notice.
KOS BEST OB SAL&-160 acre farm
"well Improve!. Will either rent or
sell Inquire, of Wm'. Jtloes, La
, Grande Boral Free Delivery No. 1.
13i miles north of Ialaod City. '
Dec 6 January 8.
f urnished complete Conveniently
1 orated.
La Or ode Investment Company
PLAIN SEWING Plain dressmaking
and sowing. . , - Myrtle Gates,
; Cedar and Adams avenue at Adna
Wood for Sale
10 incb, 4 feet and pole wood, all
dry and sold at lowest prices. - Phone
1281. ' H. Atkinson
6t Old Ton Store
The undersigned wilt sell at pabllo
sale, at tbe farm of M Baker, oo, Tues
day, December 20, 1904, at ten o'clock
a. m., tbe following:
: 1 Mre 1 harrow 3 oolta . i ,.
'1 drill 3 cows . 1 gang plow
3 calves 1 mower 1 rake ,.
1 single harness ; 1 cultivator -
1 set doable harness 1 wagon .
1 buggy, household goods..
. Terma Amount up to $10, cash; over
10 approved notes, on 6 months time,
6 per cent Interest 0 per cent discount
on all cash sales over 110.
Ed Strlngham, Auctioneer..
' )P Baker, Jr.
Lunch at noon, r -.-. r-.Deo 15
"While it is Impossible to state ex
actly the financial condition of , tbe
exposition company on ihin, the cloa
lng day it can be authoritatively an
nounced that all debts against the
company have been paid with the ex.
caption of a few current accounts SaU
rle etc, and this it Is thought ' will
consume nearly all the surplus so
that there will only be a very small
amount left for the atotkholders.;
'From , tbe amount of . royalties
collected by the. exposition , company
1) Is estimated that the concessionaries
on the pike and other parts of. : the
world's fair grounds have taken in at
least 110,000,000".
Now Ready for Sale
- The people ot this caunty are now
notified that tbe O'Connor addition la
now ready for the market a d ' that
choice lota nan be had at remhrkabl
low prices. These lots are 60, by1, 110.
rett and are without exception tne
test re idenoe lota in the city. Ter-
sans wishioir larger traots can secure
just what they want by goirg a little
further back in the tame addition
Do not Tail to see this add it iou and se
cure one of these cholcn selection be
fore some one else gets the. lot you
want. For full description of croD-
ertv iind quotations call t upon Dr
O't'oni or Ij Grande Ore
I'hniie Maiu 2111
- C.r ark and Oak Stree a
Pay Up.
.The publio i fapreby uotifid that
( bave dmpoafd of my feed . store, to
J W. White and, 1 desire to thank
tbe publio generally for their liberal
patronage in the past and that parties
now owing me will please call and set
tle with me personal! or tbey can call
at the La Qrande National Bank who
will receipt for all bills. 11-11 to 12-1
Chicago Deo 2 The big . steer,
"Clear Lake Jute It," winner ot tbe
International grand championship: at
the Livestock Show In promise here,
was Bold to a New ' Vork . Una today,
for t3G per 100 pounds. . 1
A Round Steak
is just tbe thing to lay the foundation
for a good day'a work. That la, when
It is the kind we sell. Jnlcy, rich beefy
flavor.' Full of nutriment. Makes tbe
weak strong, and the strong stronger.
All Kinds of Meat
that are good to eat can be found in
our fc'ebox in prime condition, at prlcee
that please. You will fare well if your
bill of fare is bawd oa our meats .
Bock & Thomas
UL YoiiSave Ahhihe: to elty
the People hear about it throsh
hisDepar.mefitandt You wil
Find a Buyer. It You.ant To
Seil Explain Your Wants :iii1
V You WiliFind a Seller. i
FOB SALE Best barcaut In real
estate lo(the city. My realdepCS prop?
erty Cor Washington Ave. and Green
wood fit Lot 75x110. Modern hous
seven large rooms, hot and oold water,
bath room, eleotrio Sights. Lawn,
fruit and; shade' trees.' Finest 'resl
dene location la the city, . Good easy
proposition to' right parties T ror par
ticulSissee CJMcLria.
W ASTED-Waching to do at home.
. Mrs. Bhaw, West W st.
WANTED Girl to work at the I X L
: store..
- Ws will make you a box coat for ls
money than von pay for a ready .made
KHrmeni, and yon have two hit dred
patterns t plk from. : we also cover
at ton a. nresa elothea and ltan vour
costs attd too have a cbanoe to win a
00aw't iref dollp PW. ln ,"
or am Al A tiHatawaa fljt.ta
Gluts furnifh.
mm a uviw v as
'bona No 331 .
Tillmann's Fine Goods
Evert boo keeper wants
pure spio.
?s and flavnrioK extracts .
are; made for the best family trade,
Fruit Boxes.
Send your orders for Fruit-Boxes to
rfloddard Lumber Co. . at the i La
Qrande planing mill ' '
The Bulletin just issued t by the United States
: Qoveroment, after, monthsy ,o preful research, shows
that in the Westera States the average family par
i cha8e9anooftlly;goodfttthamount of y5Q
On this - basis' tho '225(h families visited
with each issue of the Daily and Weekly 0B'
SERVER annually purchase merchandise to
the alnmutf bf " " -r?---
The natural logical conclusion Cannot. be other wje..
than that no wide-awake business; maa who vill.tae
tne lew momenta necessary .to convince himself of the
accuracy of the above statement can afford to miss '
the opportunity of placing his announcements (25,500, rf
each mouth) before this army of purchasers. v .
An ad uuder such conditions, properly taken care
of will most certainly bring enormous returns on the
investment.; i1,' ":''
These Presentations of
Should receive the most
every business house whose
pends upon the patronage of
irst Class
-m i W . . i
LOST A brown shoestring hpplrg
1- bag's' Kinder please return; to lhis
'ofllce.v' '
For Rent
I he formrly occupied by -tbe
Salvation army . for full par
ti ulars and rates inquire of Mrs
8 C Zuber Aug. 31 f; I,
Furnished Rooms
Furnished room for gentleman sleep
ag nights, I Mra U W. Preston-. J
i V - - WlftAdams A-rt -,
'Farm for 5ale j
I fleslre to sell ;. my Uaatifnl , little
far i of 80 aces two miles" and a half
ea4 of La Grande on the rural postal
and farmers Teiepnone line to eu me
and farmer
M faker tf
Noodles served
day and
TT ,
... rni
nrawv --1 tKa
7'T .- t v-
Grandy building.
For Sale
. 1 sewing machine, 1 quak't r. pabinte
canned fruit, Guitar. Call ffll
Adams Bt... . ...
Try the Observer for first class
Job Wort. ?
careful consideration of
volvme of business1 de
this city and county, , .
Job Work
i M
: i