Weare now MILLINERY at a reduced New Belts, New Combs, New Caps E M WELLMAN & CO 3a Grande - ' Oregon IJT I. H. STEWARD, Mar, TUESDAY. E. J. c SEASON'S A T TTHTT l-fl x x J- OUTCAST ' ' , , WITH ."" . -; OAST OF UNIFORM EXCELLENCE MOUNTED WITH A SCENIC EQUIPMENT OF RARE "r MAGNIFICENCE AND BEAUTY ' jCa Srctndq Snvestmcnt Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, . . . La Grande, Oregon Full Weight Guaranteed Wholesale and Retail deal ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege tables and Fruits Carload lots a Specialty ' Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatriok Bldg. Phone No 1113 " vHliniMIMMIIIIMMMIIMHMIHIMMIIII SPECIAL! SALE ! s for Ten days j Everything in my store at REDUCTION Now is your chance. Come in and see for your self and be convinced that I MEAN JUST WHAT I SAY. IT WILL PAY YOU MBS. J. R. FORREST, Milliner - 'Masonic buluing ou selling all price DEC $, ARPENTE.R OFFERS THE GREATEST . SUCCESS THE RENT BOGY MAN should be. killed (or all time. Why have it ooming up month alter month Every dollar paid in . rent . is forever lost but' every dollar which goes to ward toe purchase 01 a noma Is to much gained. , Permit nt to assist you to a piece of property. We have what will suit exactly, and at the right price. - A SMALL CASH PAYMENT and the baUaoe on easy termt will secure it. Special Offer What would be nicer for a Christmas present than an enlarged photo of your self or baby? Until Not 20th ou get an 1UI4 Bromide free with every $4.00 order for Photos at The Taylor Stndio Nor 13-19 . Reading Room. Toe east room of Central Ohurch o Christ. Open every day from noon to six in the evening. Daily and weekly papers, magatines and books. Men and boys cordially invited. Strangers always welcome PRICES Adams avenue. INDIAN LANDS LEASED A Long Winded" Affair Requiring AUich Red Tape. Pendleton Ore, Dec 5-Prepara-tions re being made by the leasing clerx stationed at the Umatilla Indian agency east of town to make new leases (or every pleoe of leasable ground cn the reservation. The sta penda.onio.ees of the Uak "can only be realized when it is known that three copies ot the leases must "be made and as they are so long buf three to 10 can be made a 'day. " The work could be completed in a mooh shorter , time if the bargains between the Indians and the leasers were eomolete. bat they frequently wait until the clerk's office Is reached before they oommenoe Seven hnudred and seventy five leas es must be made, as heretofore they liave been made in all shapes without the government's supervision. All of tne leasable land is spoken ; zzi i- -!- thar Is more toan one bidder for it sealed bids are Issued and the highest bidder secures the prize. ' Postoffice fobbed Robbers blew open the sate of the Hood River poet office early Sunday morning.'securej 1227 in stamps and fl73 in money, and made good their escape Entrance to the building was effected by a crow bar and other tools taken from the railroad shops nearby, where a large gang of Italians and Japs is employed in construction work. Postal inspectors are working on the oase. FURNISHED HOUSE-6 r omi all furnished complete. Conveniently located. La Grande Investment Company PLAIN SEWING Plain dressmaking and sewing. Myrtle Gates. . Cedar and Adams avenne at Adna Roger's. ... TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTIUK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Omoe, at La Urande, Or., w ' Oct 17, UOt. Notloe Is hereby given that In coiupllunoe wlta the provisions of the act of ConvitMS ol Junes, l7s, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states or Uallfornla,Ore Son, Wevttda, aud Waahlugtoa Temlory.' mt extended to aU the Fuullu Laud Hiales b act ol Augiut 4, lbltt, Herbert K Cleaver . 1 Caldwell, county of uauyon, itate of Idaho, hu this day filed lu this oUlce bit sworn tal uientMo. $U, (or the punjhiue ot tue N4 b WJ4andeHVSW4 audWi oii. ot fcte. No. lsin Towu.bip ,o. 414, H So. 37 K. W.M Aud will oiler proof toshow thut the land ought U more valuable for lis timber -or toue than for , agricultural purposes, and to eetablUh his clulin to said land before the Heg later and Ueccner 01 this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the 6Ut day or January. IVOo. He names as wlt.'.esaus: William U Brown of Ferry, Oregon; Uara A Brown of Ferry, I uiwuupn 1. Auiiin, 01 retry, Oregon: Beu jauiiu Voutii, of Uilgard, Oregon. Any uu .ill perilous claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to flls their claims In this otSoe on or before said 6th day of January, IUO5. , W. Davis, Beglster. SUMMONS. la ths Circuit Oour tof the 8Ute of Oregon tat Union Oounty. " L 0 WILLIAMd, PlaintlS CASSIA A WILLIAMS, Defendant, To Cassia A Williams, the above-nanud defendsnl; lb the name 01 the Mute of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aud anawer toe oomiuaintnied against you In the abova- euuuea suit ou or be lore the 2iM day o October. 1904. ' And If wu fall low) auswer. for . against you for the dlnaoluiloa of ihe inarrlag contract exiting belweea you and the plain till and for costs and aiiburHemenW of thu suit. Tuis summons ls published In tbe Eastern Oregon Observer, a weekly newspaper publlahed In Union county Oregon, by order of the Hon. ttobt'rt Kaklu, Judge of the Klghth Judicial Distr. t of the Circuit Court o. the Htala at Orego. -noe a week for six consecutive weeks, tueursi ..Mioation thereof to be mads on the Uth day 01 Jepleinbur, 1MM, aud the laat publl eatlou on Ihe ilu day of October, wot, which warn uiaua va we on uay u eeptemoer EDGENE ASH WILL, Attorney for fhuntlS THAT TIRED FEELINU j Uyoa are lanquid, depressed all, ncapable for work, st indicates tha. your lUer is out of order. Uerbine will assist Uature to throw off heai au.'ies, rheumatism aud ailments ak to nervousness and restore the energi i . aud vitality olsouud and perfect heal u J J Hubbard, Temple, lezas, rlt ... March 2i 1Sj2: "1 have used tjerb . for the past two years. It has do. me more good than all the doct i; . VVhenl feeibad and have that ti 1 feeling 1 take a dose of JJerbine. it lathe best medicine ever madtr lir chills and fever." 50c ta a bottle. Sold by Newliu Drng Co. TRtASUXER'S CALL FOR COUNfY WARRANTS Notloe ls hereby given that the on dur signed. Treasurer of Union County, hregen. has funds on hand with which 0 pay all county warraots whioh were presented and adorted by the County Treasurer prior to tho 7tbday of Ooto er 1899. Dated at tbe treasurer's of In the city of La Grande this tha h day of Not. 1904. Nt interest li ved af tor said date. John Frawley, Treasurer of Union Couct 76 GEESE AND 30 DUCKS Joe Ilopkins and Lawrence Farlow ( pas in a ooai at Eugene bridge rrtday morning at 9 oMock and drifted dowa the i iver on a hunting expedition. In going a distance of 14 miles the two of tbem killed 76 geese and 30 ducks. This is a record that has not yet been btater this season. They returned yesterday afternoon by train from Ir ving Smoot Hearing Salt Lake Deo 6 United ' Stave Marshal Hay wood is serving subpoena today on witnesses in the Smoot inves tigation. . The first man served was Elder John Nioholsoo, recorder of the Rait Lake temple, wbo.will be ex-mined regard log plural marriages. "." Attention Forresters All members are requested lo be present Tuesday evening for election of offioers and transaction of other lm. portant business. Social session after lodge and a big clam supper. . ' Election of Officers The M. W A. will elect officers to morrow' night. . Do not fail to attend. All mem hers urged to atteud. Wood for Sale 16 inch, 4 feet and pole wood, all dry and sold at lowest prices. V noue 1281. ' H. Atkinson fit Old Town Store Os-teo-pa-thy About the Germ Class - It maintains, with all other scientists that evil germs, to whioh so manj diseases are doe, will pass into the system and out again without doing any barm, unless they find weakened tissue In which to grow and multiply lint it holds, apart from the older schools, that tne weakened tissue will be made right, and the germs vanish, if the proper blood supply to the pait isTS-establiahed. . Annual Meeting NOTIC OF ANNUAL MEttflNG OF STOCKHOLDERS OF LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK The annual meeting of the - stock holders of the La Grande Mstsonal Bank will be held at their banking house, in La Grande, on Tuesday t.e tenth day of January A. D. 1933, b tween the hours of 10 o'clock ' A M and 4 o'clock P. M, At this meeting a board of five dfrectors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be elected and auoh ether business will be tran jaoted, as may properly come before said meet ing. George Palmer. President of the Ls Grande National Bank 12, 6-L9. mat tne.way to reacna man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned truits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention ' given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. I7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Oflloe at La Qrande. Ore. Oct. U, 1904. I LE5 .Six. I 9 nouos la nereoy given tnaa in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congreas ol Junes, ls7S.entli.led ''An act fir the sale 01 timber lands In the 8 tales of California, Ore gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Publio Land States by acl ofAuguat4. Ir&U, WUliam H Brown, of Perry, county of Union, (Hate of Oregon has thll day ated la this ollloe his sworn statement No. tUO, for the purabase or the XJi of S W of Section N S aud N W H W 01 tiectloa No. 17 In Townahlp Ko 4 8, IZang e Hu. 87, Jfi W M. Aed will oSer proof to snow that tbe land sought Is more valuable for ita Umber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, and to eetabllah ber claim to said land before ths Heglster and Uenatver of this oftloe at Ls Urande, Orwou,onttaturday, the 7th day ol January, lMju. He Minna as witnesses: Herbert E Cleaver of Caldwell, Idaho: Ralph U Bullia, of f.rry Oregon: Beujamla K Voung, of Uilgard, Ore gon; WUliam 11 LoogUty of Uilgard, Oregon. Any and all pemoua claiming adver.'il) the above daterlbed lan la mr requeatnd 10 fllethelreialius In this omoe on or before said Itk day ot January, a W. Uaeta, tteglaUe . " v; LEGAL MUTtCE OF RESTORATION of 1 'Publio Lat ds to sottlenieut end V. t try. Department of the Interior, j u eral Land Otlice, Washington, D. t .. Movemberl, Notion is hereby given mat on October VI, 1004, the Ac ting bet-retarr of the Interior re stored to tettleiaent the publio lands in ! th loUowlng described areas, which were temporarily withdrawn for forest n9??7 PP088 -nd tn- the id puuuo utnas so restore (O Beinetuent on October 21, 1004, will become sub ject to entry filing and selection - at the United States District Land ' Office at La Grande, Oregon, on March It 1905: In Township two(2) North, iUne forty .four (14) East, the south-wes' qu aiter of Section twenty (our (al) and the west half of Section tweuty live (25); In Township three (3) North Range forty-lour (44) Fast, Sections' one (1) touve (6), both inclusive, ibe norm hail ot tne noun-west quarter or (Section Six (6), tbe north half of Sections nine (9) and ten (10), Sec tious eleven (11) to fourteen .(14): both inclusive, the north east auarter of Section twenty two (22), the noith nail ol tne south-east quarter of Sec tion twenty-three (23), Sections twen ty four (24) and twenty five (25). the south hall of the south west quarter of Section thirty-one (31), and all 8eo tion thirty-six (30) ; In Towuablpf mr (1) North, Kanir- forty four (44) East. the west half ot tho the west halt ot Section one (1), Sectloue two (2) to eleven (11), both iuolualve, the north west quarter ol the northwest quarter of Section twelve (12), the south west quarter of Section thirteen (13), tac tions fourteen (14) totwanty three (23) both inclusive, the west half of the west half and the , south-east quaYter of the south west quarter ot cectiun twenty four (24), tha west halt of Sec lion twenty-tive (25), Sections twenty six (20), twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28), the north half oi the south east quarter, the south-east quarter o( the south east quarter, and the north-east quarter ol .the sontb west of Section twenty-nine (29), tbe .nnth.waot onarter aud the south ball ot the uortn west quarter ot beoitou thirty-one (31), and Sections thirty three (33) to thirty six (30), both in. elusive; In Township two (2) North,, Range forty five (45) West, Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3) the north hall o( Section four (4), the north halt and sooth west quarter of .Section Qve (5), the north half, and the north halt and south east quarts, ot the south east quarter of Heitlo six (6), the east half ot tbe east half ot Seotion nine 9, Seotlons ten 10 to fourteen (14), both Inclusive, the east haltot Section fifteen (15). Section sixteen (4tf), the south half of the north-east quarter, tUt north half of the south-east quarter an I tbe south east quarter ot the south east quarter of Section seventeen 17, the sou h hall oi the south east quarter of Seo tion nineteeu 19, tbe south west quarter ot the south-west quarter, the north .eaat quarter, and tbe north hall ot the .south-east quarter of Seotion tw my 201. the north -west onarter oi the north-east quarter, the north half ot tbe north-west quarter aud tbe south-west quarter ot the ' north-wist quarter of Seotion twenty-one 21, tbe east half of the east h.ilf oi Section twenty-two 22, Seotlons t warty-three 23 to twenty-six 2ti, both inclusive, the east half of bection twenty-seven 27, the south half tbe south west quarter and the north west quarter of the south-west quarter of Section twenty-eight v 28, the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter aud the west half of tbe west half of Seo tion twenty nine 29, the tast half of tbe north-east quarter and the north east quarter of the south east quarter ot Seotion thirty 30, tbe southwest quarter of tie noithehet quarter, the west halt ot the southeast quarter, and the west half of Seotion thirty one 31 the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the east half, and the east nan oi the est hail oi section thirty two 321, the south half ot the north east quarter, tbe sontheastquarter and the west half ct Seotion thirty three 33, tbe east half and the southwest quarter of 'Section thirty four 34, and all tactions thirty five 351. thirty six 30; In Township three 3 North. Range forty five 15 East, the east half and tbe eaat half of the west half ot Seotion three 3, Sections six 6 snd seven 7, the east halt of Section ten 10, the west half of (Section lour teeu 14, the east half rf Seotion fit teen 15, (Sections eighteen 18 and nineteen 191. the west bait, the west bait of the east half and the southeast quarter ot the southeast quarter of Section twenty three 23, and Sections twenty nre 20 1, tweuty six 2Uj, thirty 30, thirty one 31, thirty five 35, and thirty six 3o; All Township two 2 North. Range forty six 40 s8t; in Township three id i north, Rauge forty six 40 Ea-t, the aomb west quarter of tue southeast quarter and tha southeast quarter of the south west quarter of Section five 5, tbe west half oi the northeast quarter, the west bulf, and tbe southeast quarter of Seotion eight 8. the southeast quart er ot tbe southwest quarter and the southwest uaaiter ol the southeast quarter oi Bectioii fourteen 14, the northeast quarter ot section hi teen 13 Section sixte -n 16, tbe east hslf snd the east halt of the west half of Seo tion seventeen 17 and twenty 20 and Sections twenty one 21 to thirty six 30, both inclusive; in Township Uve 5 North, Kauge forty six 40 tiast, Sections one 1 to eighteen 18, both lnolusive, the north half of bec tion tweuty two 22, and the north west quarter of Section twenty three 23; All tnat part of Township six 0 florin, range lorty six l ID I bast in Oregon; In township time 3 North, kange forty seven 47 Kant, the south half ot the northwest quarter and r,he north bait ot the southwest quarter of Section fifteen 15, section sixteen 10, the south halt of the south half and the northwest quarter of the south west quarter of section seventeen 17 Section nineteen 19, tue north half, aud the northeaatquarter of the sonth eaat quarter o( Seotlo'i twenty 20, the west half of tbe northwest quarter. the southwest quarter, and tbe south halt of th southeast quarter of Seo tion twenty one ill. the southweat quarter of Section twenty seven 27, the aoutn bail oi Motion twenty eiut 26, the north half of the northeast quarter, the southwest quarter - ot tbe northeast quarter ana me west nait oi Seotion thirty 30, tbe southeast quarter ot Sectiou thirty one 31, the east- half sod southwest quarter of Section thirty two (32), and all Sections thirty three 133, thirty four 34 snd thirty six SO, ia Township lira ft NOTICES North. KuLue fort so re a f 47 1 Ent. rc. tio..sone f t J to seventeen 17, ;'ith inclusive, hoctioiia twentT one 21 to twtmy eigbt 23L, both inoius ive. and taction thirty six (301; All , tint part of 2'owntMn air ffilNnrth. . Kauue forty sfveu 47 fcast, in Ore to ioDoip tor e ij .ortu, Iw-ne forty -iBut f is l Last, the aouth . east quarter of Section Jour 4, the , east UU of section nin 9.- Section sixteen I 16 I. the east half oi Secti.ma ' twenty one (211 and taontT ii,t f -H 1 ihe southeast quarter of the northwws quarter, tho south half of the northeast quart and the south half of f action thirty two (Si, the souttwest quarter the south Lull of tbe northwest qua ter aud tbe east half ot Section tb rty tnree33J; All fractional Township five 5 North, Range forty eight 8 Kastf All fractional Township lix 6 N'oitb, Range forty eight i3 ta.t; All of tbe Willamette Meikl no, Oregon. W A Richards, C.otuAaeslouer. Approved K A Hitchcock, Secretary oi tbe Interior. . NOTH I'uM OTICE OF RESTORATION of lio Lauds to Settlemont and Lutry. Department of the Interior, General Laud ()moe. Washington, 1. J , November 8, l'JOl. Notice is here by given that ou October 8L 1904, tha AoiiDg bee i eta ry oi the Interior restor ed to settlement the publio lands in tbe following described areas, whioh I were temporarily withdrawn f r forest reserve purpose; and that tbe said publio lands so restored to settlement on October 21,1901, will become sub ject to entry, Uliug and selection at tbe United fetates District Land unices at lat Urande, Oregon, and Walla Walla, Washington, ou March L 1!05: In iowuahip one 1 South, Range tblrty-ueven 37 East, Sections tbir y. one 31 and thirty two (32), and tha south west quarter of Seotion thirty three 33 ; In Township two ' 2 South, Kauge thirty eight 38 East, the south eaei, quarter of Sotion rva (51 1 In . Township one , 11 North. rXaiiire tnirtv eutui tooi auaaw L UL hail of Section one 1 ; In Township two 2 North, Range thirty-eight (38J Ksst, motions thirteen 13, twenty, lour 24, twenty-five 25j and thirty six .kJ ; Ln Township five 5 North, Kao;e thirty-elnht 38 East, Sotion uouiy 20, the west bait of Section tweuty ou 21, and tbe north half of Sections tweuty nine 29 and thirty laOj ; In Township three 3 North, Raoge thirty. nine 39 East, sections one 1, two 2, nine 0 and 'sixteen 1(1, aud the south east quarter of .-sectiou tweut e.ght 2it; in lown hip four 4 .North Rauuo thirtv-nina 3D East, Sections thirty five 35 and thirty-six 30 ; In Township three (3) North, Range forty (40) East, all that part o( Section one (1) lying east ot tbe Urande Ronde River; All that part of Township four (4) North, Mange forty 40 East, lying east ot the Urande Roude River; ln Town ship three 3 North, Range forty one 41 East, Sections one 1 to iix 0, both inclusive: All that part of Town ship four 4 North, Rauge forty-one 141 Eaat, lying south a id east of the Grand Roude River; All that part of Township 2ve 6 North, Rauge forty, one 41 East, lying: south of the Grande Ronde River; In Township tire 5 North, Range forty two 42 East, Sections thirteen 13 to sixteen 10, both Inclusive, snd Sections twenty 20 to thirty-six 36, both lnolusive; All of tbe Willamette Meridian. Ore gon. All that part ot Township six 0 North, Range 43 East, lying in Washington; In lowuship seven 7 North Range forty-three 43 Eaat, Sections twenty-four (24) and twenty five (25). the south hull ot Section twenty eixht (28), tbe south-east quarter of Section thirty-one (31), the south half and north-est quarter ot seotion thirty-two (32), and Sections thirty three (33) to thirty six, (30), both Inclusive; In Township nine (9) North, Range forty three (43) East, Sections one (1) to four (4). both in clusive. Seotion seven (7), tbe north half of Section eighteen (18), and Section thirty six t30); In Township seven (7) North, Range forty four (44) bast, sections one (1) and twelve 12 ; In Township eiiiht (8) North. Runea forty four 44 East, Sections three 3, four 4, Uve 5 and eight 8, and the north half of Seotlons twenty six 26 and twenty nine 29 ; In Township nine U North, Range forty four 44 Eaat, sections four 4 lo nine 9, coin inoiusive, fee nous nueen ioj to twenty two 22 both inclusive, - aud Sections twenty seveu 27 to thirty four 34, both inclusive; All of tha WUlamette Meridian, Washington. W A Richards, Commissioner. Approved, E A Uitcboock, Secretary oi the Interior Oregon SilOJfTLlM Umon Pacific km I'KPaST Xlm. Behert,,, - tMOU - LAeMABba, NO. 8 ' ' r 8:50 p. m. Bait Lake, Denver Ft. -j. NtVS. Worth, Omaha, Kaoaas -)a. m jdyk8tt.Loal'-CMMM0 a0p.V Portland. Dalles, Pen- fl0L dletoa. '.Valla Walla, ' Dayton, Fonwrojl 0 4 8:50 a in S'Jp"". Moscow, Bpo- - kaue aunts P ji j th via Hpo , kant. Portland. Dalles, Pen- NO 5 dloton (Jniatllia Ws)- Mn - lula,LewlNUn,Obl(kx " " Moscow, Wallace Wa a..v, - 8:5 pa drier, npoaaae and ,nl oilwr polnu east and ......... north via Spokane. "ti Imbler. and Eiln Ki Bunuay connections at i'ia l&) p t:LJ a m wlto sl4-( for point In Wali'twa omtnly ; Ooean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days B C. JdOGBE-SAgtat