La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 02, 1904, Image 1

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volume :v
1H .
. J it-:-
land frauds
Are investigated
JVIany Sensational Features Crowning Event
t - . - . -...,... .....
Today High Officials Examined and
AM Cross fxamined
(Observer SpeoUl)
- i- - . ; : -.
Portland Deo. Z There baa bMn
many ' sensational featares connect, d
with tbs Investigation of tbs alleged
pablio land faude, bat tbs crowning
event was bald for today. High official
bars been subjected to examination
and cross examination and bar tbers
fors contributed their portion to the
delight- of tbs trial, bat J W Beidsck
a surveyor's chainmao from Detroit,
Oregon, by bis answers was able to
throw mors color apon tbs actions of
certain men who heretofore sbroaded
their sctlons in the deepest 'mystery
than any other witness yet produced by
tbs government. He, when placed up
on (be stand.' admitted that hs was
bribed by Tarpley and Puter and they
paid blm tbs earn ot two hundred and
fifty dollars. The oertifioats of depos
it was mads oat to Emma Watson and
endorsed by ber to perjure himself.
This little statement by him was sui.i
oieot to make several in the court room
who hitherto bad been able to appea
rather unconcerned, suddenly seek
outside air, bat those who remained
to bear the rest of bis testimony were
rewarded for their delay by hearing
him testify in clsar , and anconceme
tones how Inspector Loomis cams to
Im and told him that he (Loomis)
Having purchased the undertaking goods of E.
Andross $ Co., at an early date we expect to find
suitable quarters and will open the most complete
and up-to-date Undertaking Parlors in Eastern
Oregon. lIri the meantime we are prepared to
render the besi possible service and will be found
at the Andross $ Co.'s Furniture Store.
We have had many years experience in this
business and know that the public will appreciate
the establishmen t that we will maintain.
Our prices will be reasonable, and our stock
complete. All calls will receive prompt attention
For the present with E. Andross $ Co. Phone 91
With. Life in it
J When you buy anythiug io
get the kind with robber in it. Many makers of rob
ber goods are pliant to the demana for cheapness, and
hence the market is flooded with inferior goods that
W hardly resemble robber. Quality counts in this line,
1 and we are careful to buy of maketa who have a rep
utation for turning out high grade goods only. You
can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no
X matter how low the price is.
Bulb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water
Bottles, Combination Fountain Syringes ann Hot
Water Bottles, etc.
was party to .the conspiracy. This
was making a strong record, bat hs
had still another shot which he fired
with tailing effect. It was to Us effe t
that hs had paid two other men ten
dollars aoh to sign their names. to
affidavits which bad already been Oiled
The prosecution claims to nave otner
witm aaes who know as much as Heid
ecke and that they will be able to pro
duce the star witassses In aday or two
which remove all question of doubt
and demonstrate that fraads have been
committed and who the gulliy parties
Justifiable Homicide
- (Observer 8peolal) . -,.
New York, Deo. S. Tbs Coroner's
Jury this afternoon returned a verdict
of justifiable bomloido In the case of
Frank Folton who was charged with
the killing ot Gay Boesoh, a gamblsr.
Fell on had been Indicted by the grand
lury with murder tn the Orst degree.
Seats tor "The Little Outcast"
b on aals Sunday morning,
prices are : reserved teats 75o and
balcony, 5 Vj and 25c.
rubber goods it pays to
Free Bulletin es
Profeor James , "Withy com be di
rector of the Oregon Experiment
Station at Corvelli, Oregon in bi
annual rep' for tbs year ending
Jans 80, Just published, call . etteu
tlon tc tbs fact that there ars now on
hands for tree distribution to such
persons as will farnlsh him with their
names and address lbs bulletins iesu-
ed by tbs Experimental Station -during
tbs peai'year.
These bulleiines a; a in the fc Uowing
object, 'GaoDing'Cheee, by Prof
E F Per not. "Strawberries' end va
rieties of vegetables" by Prof. George
Cool. "8wtos Feeding" by Dr James
Witnyoombs. ''Plant Food by Prof.
ALKnisely. "The apple In Oregon"
by. Prof. E B Lake. These bulletines
eontain valuable information gathered
from actual experiments, and will be
of much mere advantage to Oregon
readers than big books on the Japan
and Rupsian war.
"ri i rv c
Ths Qu4rterly conference of the
Union 8uk of the LD8 will con
vene here tomorrow morning st ten
o'clock and there will also be a ses
sion in ths afternoon beginning, at
two o'olook, Ths meetings will con
tinue until and over ; 8andsy, Meet
log will be beld at ten in the morning
and two in the afternoon. There will
be speakers in atfndenoe from Salt
Lake and the Baker City choir will
also be in attendance 8unday. Ths
publio is cordially invited to attend
the meetings.
Giving the Operations
Of Oregon Agricul-
tu al College for the
School Year Ending
June 30 -
The Observer received Friday mom
tng the 10th annual report of the
Oregon Agricultural College and 'Ex
periment 8tation giving the ope'ia-
lions oi that institution for tbe year
ending Jane 30 1904.
While this school is . under tbe
management of the state of Oregon
tbe largest portion of I be money ex
pended in operating it is provided by
tne O 8.
: The report of the Finance oommltte
of regents shows ths total expenses
for tbe year were 183,899.13 of which
sum tbe U 8 famished 160,943 36 as
follows: From the Morrille Ac $2b,
00U. From Hatch Act $15,000.
From the interest accumulated oo
the irreducible fond by Aet of Con
greas of July 9, 1862 $10,953.36. : The
state furnished $32,955.77. --
During the year ending Jane 80
1904 there were 530 students enrolled
being less than the enrollment ol 1W3-
W C T U Convention
(Observer Special)
Philadelphia, Deo. I. The National
WOTO Convention which is in sess
eoh hers today elected its general
A local real estate agency In Tacoma
closed the sals this wsek of a noted
andpiotareqae piece of property on
the Colombia river, (known as Castle
Rook being one of tbs treat tcenio at
tractions on tbs Washington "side of
the river between Portland - and The
Dalles. Tbs sa'e was mads to Charles
8 Ladd, of PortU. d for Jay Cooke, of
Fhilldelphla, who has owned It for a
number of years. It Is Intended to
preserve the rock for its natural at
traction. The consideration was $2100
Aoaiiionai Locais .
In a squib about ths weather jester
day an oversight In the prooj reader
im type mads as pot the elevation of
La Grands at one and a half miles.
What was Intended was to say, over a
half mils above sea level. La Grande
is 2782 feet above sea level, which is lit
more than s half mile. .
John Wood Is over from Walla Walla
today with a view of buying about fifty
head ot cattle Sinoe leaving Wallowa
county he has gone In with Senator
Levi Ankeny and purchased an 18000
acre stock farm about 70 miles from
Walla Walla.
J U Ardrsy returned yesterday morn
ing from Portland near whloh place he
hae purchased a tensers farm. He ex
pects to leave La Grands in a short
tims end take possession ot his new
purchase. His new home is located
about flvs miles from Portland on the
road to Oregon City, and is aocessable
byooanty road, steam 'railway 'and
electric railway. Mr. and Mrs. Ardiey
have many friends In this city who re
gret their removal, bat who wish them
every possible success in their new
home, and should they aver conolude
to return to La Grande they are assur
ed of a hearty weloo me.
8 Rinshart'bas been sppolnted by
the county judge administrator Of the
estate of Elmo Evans. Jas. Garltv.
Win. Thomas and U G Coach are the
appraisers of tha estate.
1 $4.75 to $7.50
About 25 o! these Jackets in Coverts Cloth, Vemtian Cloth and many novelty
suitiuge worth regular prices from $4.60 to $7.60, at, for choice : ' '
$12.00 Ladies' Jacke's, Special $10.00
$11.00 Ladies' Jackets, Special 9 25
$7.50 and $800 Trimmed Hats $4 75
AH ladies' hats at specially reduced prices.
Tne sting of a bee has long been re
garded 'by the poorer agricultural
o'asses ol Europe as a cure of rbema-
tiam. Or Pare, o Barbag Germany,
has reoeotlv been advocaling Us efil
oienoy before a brilliant feathering ot
phyaiclans to whom be declared that
he throughly tested the treatment aud
demonstrated its efficiency In 600 cases
If a bee stings a person suffering from
rheumatism, the stung part does not
swell until the tpe poison baa been
frequently introduced, when the rheu
matic pain vanishes, Dr Pel's , mods
of procedure Is to allow his patients
to be stung at first fly a" few bees,
gradually lucre aalng the numberr r Dr
Perc asserts that by this treatment ha
has Reared patients suffering from
obstinate and most painful rbenmat-
iam. ,-, , , -
Well Known Pioneers
WIl Spend Winter in
About December 12 the following
we.ll kpown pioneers ol this val'ey
will leave to spend the winter in Cali
ornia. As they have been neighbors
snd friends for years it goes without
saying that California will bo explored
from one end to the otjrer before tbey
return. The party consists ol Mr and
Mrs Jos. Palmer, Mr, and Mrs' A 0
Huntiqgton of shi city and Mr and
Mrs 8 0 Swackbammer of Union,
Dr. P A Charlton, tbe vetertnary
surgeon, was railed yesterday to the
wade farm near Bammerviue on pro
fessional business.
at Great Special
Childrcns' and Misses' Jackets $2.50
Confidence b Restored
L And Depositors Who
Observer Special
Buffalo Eeo. The . rnn on ' the
German-American bank whloh was
started yesterday b .rumors wbirb
were current to tbe effeo that tbe
bank was about to' fail was stopped
this afu-rnoon. Tbe bank was ads
to eonvinos its customers that it was
in first class finaneUl condition
depositors who withdrew their
counts this morning reopened
oounts , again this afternoon. .,,
bank cffloials state that tbey
' ao
will '
discover tbe persons who are respon
sible for the unfounded rumors and
will prseoute them to tha tallest ex
Uut ot the law.
ree of
The first district convention ot tba
Degree of , Honor convened in this
city today. There wera ' delegates
fiom Huntington', Baker City, Bump
ter and Elgin. There will be a re
ception held this evening to be follow
ed by a banquet to wbiob all members
of the A O U W and their families
are expected to be present. ' 1 -
rf A wm. iwl .biiiihmii ii
! "
offioers for the next year.