La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 01, 1904, Image 2

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j '-Team Jf!tfe
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Js nu j) en alj yj We know hail' to makev;( ooJ ar-" 1
we recommend lor logging. . ,
RO BES- The finest assortment of winter robes ia1
PhHrftityJ,'W'e carry everything which ahpjifd'be ;
found id a first class harness store
iiuc uuu aauuica .... t.lne
La Grande Evening Observer
tT BROS., Editors A Pr pt
Catena at Ltba
Grande, Oregon,
Mail Matter.
Pott Office at La
ms Becond Clw
and perjuries is a slanderer and
a liar. -
Published daily except Sunday
One year in advance?. , i -. . $3 50
Six mocths in advance I '.3. CO
Per month .65c
Single copy;..; ; iZnTzitmbc
a n n a q da n n o rj o'a a
3 ;Kai anrTraderB
Rational Bank,
Capital Stock fully paid Vf 60,000 a a-"
- 4 -rr Surplus fund - -'v 13.000 -V
n r, i f if i Liability of Shareholders v m 60.000 , n
' ' Responsibility v j , 183,000 " '
W'ft0ilft1R general' bankine and exchanee business., ...
M or, rt AM nA Aartern and foreicn banks. ;
" JOSEPH PALMER, President ,
S i0 -A I XW. SORIBER, Cashier K
a an d n pan p a p a a n ts
tt.': m
-A Store With
A Record
" f
i ! it i.' '
! " We have been doing busi- 4
nesa in this town for 6 years t!
In that time the town has
nearly doubled in population
During the same time our
business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words ,
our business has made a grfjat deal more rapid increase
th.n thA tnn hlii V TKAri ire dozens otteasons for this ;
all of which yotf'wili'perclite if yoU begin Wying . drug !
store goods of us. In the first place we naa a tnorougn
training ror pnarmacv . 'ln: tne seoona-piace wo uuu ex- w
cepUonal oppofo
Dharmacv in a $uccesnfurdrair store w the highest stand-
ing. lathe thirLplageFwe.liaYe,ept our eyes pen and t
attended to business until we Inow the demands f " tha -
people of this town
A. T. ;MLL
Pfcscrlptloa Drottist''1" r La 'Grande, Ore t ,
' ' At the Door -.:
I tboaght nrlt ipdwp ecaro, (
8o fut the door, m firm' th lok; '
Bat, loJ h toddling oomea to tart'-;' .
M7 partDjt Mr wilb, tfmirom knock
My heart were ttone could It withiUnd
IkeaweetDMS of my baby's plea
ThatUmoroaH knocking, and
' ' Pitist Itt me;ln-U'e only inef
I thre tilde the anflnUhed bookl
Begtrdlett of its tempting cbtnnt,
And opening vide the door, I took . - i
My laughing darling In my arna
Who knot bat in' 'eternity '
I, like a trtarit child; tball wait '
The glorlel of k life to be.' " 2
beyond the heavenly Father's gate?
And will that heavenly Father '.heed (
Tbetratnt'a'tapplieatlng cry; " ,,; '
Aa at the oaler door, I plead, ' '
TU I, O ftthirl only IT"
'" 'mil .iy
New Firm
0.0 75B to!f$5.00
a . . Some are but slightly used.
Three fin coal burners at a bargain, "
-n Fine Guitar, new, only , $7.60 .. .
f Eighi'Winchester riflea i' $2 50 to $ 9.00 ; i M
IronBeds . . '1.00 to 12.60 ' 4
NewChaira : . .60
New Chiffonier . . . . 8.50
New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost
We carry Stove Repairs.
Furniture Repairlni ' .
The people of (he west are be
ing misrepresented by . some.; of
our puDiio men ana many oivne
western papers, where they as-
sume that in the efforts of the
Land Department Jo ferrit out
frauds and punish the perpetra
tors in acquiring 'public lands
it if running, counter to .the sen
timent of the west. The fact is
that the great mass of the people
i4 Oregon and iu the other pub-
io land : States t are Jm hearty
sympathy with the '-U- 8 Land
Department in its efforts to' purge
the public service of fraud, and
resent as a malicious aspersion
the insinuation that they ap
prove . f randient practice and un-
awful methods 01 . securing pa
tents to public lands. m p i c
The genuine citizens o! Oregon
00k upon. the publio land as the
unoccupied space in which future
homes are to be erected and oc
cupied by neighbors. They, have
a deep interest in the character
of their future neighbors, and a
strong aesire mat iney sn&u .De
honeBt men and women. The
iaithful execution of the land
laws is a protection and shield
against having their neighbor
hood intruded upon and infest
ed by a class of people who have
uo respect lor law ana bold tne
sacred ness .of solemn oaths in
"contempt, and:,p rjury permiss-
bie and preieraDie to an nonest
I compliance with the require
ments of the land law.
The parents, who are rearing
families on the 'Oregon farmc,
viewitliyism'aythe JpJect
iesson io their children present
ed by the access of a; fraudlent
entry, whereby as the fruit of
iaue swearing on ine pari 01
claimants and witnesses, and the
wrongful oonnivance of officials,
a scoundrel is put in possession
of a tract of land adjoining their
In the past many an honest
Oregon parent has been made
sick at hear opfc witnessing the
access of perjury in final proofs,
It wouhi be no difficult task to
find whole neighborhoods that
have been retarded in develope
ment by perjury and forgery,
and the space whereon honest
iomettlder8woaldvhave ereot
ed'homes, was secured by rich
speculators for grazing ground.
Now ihat the administration at
Washington is moving with a
commendable energy to break
up this nefarious game and
punish the wrong doers tha
people of Oregon, at leat the
honest enes. rejoice. The man
tbat says the publio sympathy of
Oregon is with the land sharks
It is - now only.: about five
weeks until the legislature meets
and there is "no doubt but what
an effort will be made to amend
or appeal id its entireity the new
primary nomination law. As a
matter of fact. very Jew. people
understand the provisions of the
new laV. The intentions of the
law or the motives of the men
who favored it as a-whole; can
not be questioned, however.there
1 ( . . . 1 -v. -
may be occasion tor amenamenu
Many states have such lawseome
are pronounced 'satisjactory au,d
others are no, xne mosi pdjtci
ional .feature that has come to
bur notice" isj it 13 state J that so
greAV population of the state
is in Mulnotnah county thnt
nndnr ih nrovisions of the. new
law Portland an "dicUte 'praeiu-1 A
cally( the state ticket. ..Thjs may
be trueVaVfar as atate nomfaa
tions may be concernea , but we
' would" ltke to'sfte the law&ried
once at least .i1061?!
county affairs. It has the ap
pearance of being a death blow
to political combinations and; ihs'ssitter e Am?nnona
with the people. If this is cor
rect by all means let aa try it
E And rots & Co., 'hare aoldtbelr
undertaking department to Meetra
Griffin k Boagan of Butte, Montana.
Tbeee geutlenwa lumt Vd many yetrt
o' experience in this Ha: Mr. siriS&n
returned laat evening to Butte tcpaok
hit bouaehold goodi and will remove
herewith hlafapfty Immediately. Mr.
Boagan la here now. -
W. R. C. Attention
Tbe iadiea pi the W B O bold there
regular meeting election ol offioera it
the I OOF -hall tomorrow Friday
Deo. S, 1904. Tbsy wiab all member
to be preient. " ; ' ' ' '
Boiled starch la moch Imp ro red by
the addition of a little saltr eiaeoired
mm arable. A uaeful thbuc to remem
per Is that the Iron win not sacs 10 u
clothes If the atarcB naea nae aeea
ilxea with soapy water.
' . Bw f Cue DUtei
' qirep f buckthorn Still cue doss 1
dlstemoer If Elren In tsam. Three 01
fonr doeea tfecsid be glren dally, and
abnst a teaepoonfnl at a tut, feet
the animal sleep: near the ftre and tmi
it oa hot milk until Its appetite sat
back. -mi
, por Sale or Trade
, 1-5 year old mare and colt. Will take
wood or potatoes. Inquire ol ' Mrs.
M-ry Noble Phone 647. 7t
f"!?t-- mX-j-i r-t-rf-i" r - i X.
1,,, ;,,,.,,.. ,,, ".iN 1 1
M LrritEubTOAsr"
BtAward'a Onera House, "Tuesday Evening, December 6
The oitiaeps cf Imbler are elowly re-
oorerlng from the effeott of too moob
hilarity in offering thanke. ' -Anna
and Caddie' Olton returned
Toetday from Ferry.
The Biffin delegation of 1 porta carried
off UwLhooora in, trap ahoollng at the
TjiankegiTlng ahoot; bit the local
a porta took moet of the meat endgame.
'Fred Palmer spent Saturday in Elgin.
,The fmbler schools are preparing for
an eVening entertalnmeut to' be given
aoon.' 1 " 1 '( -:'
Mr. E Garn and daughter Katherlne
were La Grande Tleitora Taetday.
liMr. Wade Brookt and Mitt Jotepblne
Twarlingwere married laat Wednea
day. Their hoata of (rlende Join in
wiahlng them long life and happiness.
Invitations are eat for the lnfair, Sat
urday evening. , : , , l
Mlaa Clara Myers was in Imbler Sat
urday with her friend Mita Blanche
Collins who spent Thanksgiving at the
Myere home.
. Ed Elmer arrived home laat Monday
romvBak'er feounty where'7 he bad
Visited relatives. -
Mr Ramsey, the genial traveling
man, was in Imbler last week. Strange
bow these candy salesmen attract.' the
Vounfi Man Killed
Fort Worth Tex, Deo 1 Because he
loped with hit daughter J M Williams
tamer near Alvarado, shot and killed
Steven McKlnney, a young 'man. Mc
plpney't father interfered and was also
Idlled and. another eon was aerionsly
wounded Officer are after Williams
Interested In Irrigation
Nei,l Moeod, a prominent lawyer
ofEilgnMand 'represen'tattve t the
legialatare from'; Union county, was
in the oity tbia morning on bit way to
Walla Walla and Pasco. . He is en
thusiastic over the prospects for Irri
gation in Washington and will locate
on arid land in Franklin county. Be
it deeply interested in irrigation laws
ia Oregon and will be glad to aseitt in
iormulating a practioal, broad, equit
able irrigation law for tbtt. state at the
coming session of the legislature.
Pendleton Oregonian.
Another Opportunity
There are a few beautiful pieces of
tbat baodsome Mexican drawn work
(eft which' was on exhibition by the
St. Peters Guild i' and per sods wishing
to eecurt tome of thtt work for holi
day gifts can purchase the eame by
calling at the home of Mrt J D 8later.
Can't We Beat It?
8helbyville,lnd.t Deo. 1A. cab
bage weighing eighteen pounds and
which waa laised in Selby. , County. Is
ob display at the grooery store owned
by Lawrence Boreig, ' at Greenfield.
This U tbe'fargMt cabbage raised in
Bbelby County this year. Cincinnati
Tribune. 7
- t : U : -l.ii!
Island City,r Oregon
, Breeders " of . BERKSHIRE and s POLAHDCHINA
SWINE. ; i r,:T;.V
' JWe;nbw haVej eight young'.bucks, pure bred, Oots-
. iwold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need
Sii ing choice bucks, should eee theee to' appreciate them
jJ'jYdraUkalwiys'ori' hknid.'' and always glad to
have you call and 'see our hogs, as we breed them for
0 the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before
! "; buying some where else. ' v
eeeeeeeee'eee'eee eeieeeee'e'eeieeeee
HoW dear to my heart ia the old-faahioned washboard
Tbat mother need to wash on when I waa a dot.
Wth itt tine-covered ridge the audt used to play in
And aoap bubblea gambolnd to my childish Joy.
J Ottlmes have I watched hei when wearing berknucklea.
. As over the ridges our dads the w j aid rub.
I ne'er will forget ho,ihe solashed and she slatherep
J 'The old fashioned weah board that stood ia the tub.
'e' .GXi" "'The) oUt fasMbned washboard;
5 Tae tluccovered washboard; -
1 The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub.
!7 Some'fbfkVal wayi kiok about up-to-date lauddriea,
And aay they wear out their clothes every day;
J But give them to me, to I will have a hot dinner
" " At home, with the smell of the aoap tuda away.
I know that the washing machine ia muoh easier
5t pn all of our olothea than to take them and rub
Till the buttons an 1 bosoms are loet and worn out!
- - -' By the old-fashioned washboard that stood in the tub
We are not the bid fashioned kind. ' "
- '''''ri6NEJ.l8Sl
ee)t)t e a stussi a eeetett)tket
full 'Measure l
, ,., Chain wood, by the Cord
128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood $3 per cord. This ia cheaper than by the load. .
; You pay for what you get and get what you pay for.
Phone 571 5.A$ NifiiiEY '.
r ,
Notary Public-! '..J .J T Tinaof I
elation t Porilind, Or, the-atrongeat safest . &
reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under
supervision. Loans made short or long time to a
i " 1 VYM. GRANT. Awnt
City property for sale.
" ' 7' .
oirFiojsKa: DiRRfrmpa.
Gao. Pauia President J.' M. Berry, J. JL Church
l'i J,,,Vfc),Pu!nt A.B.Oonley,Gco,L.CIe.-.
J.M.CHrjaCH., Caahier,
F. L. Mktus and Geo L Cleaver JLsst. Cashiert
La Grands, Oregon
1 Bay.iH-t-Ueb:V
imr-wu,, world. CoilecUoot a n cdalty
m m vwwuuoi a TlicCUuty.-' ' !
BaiaiaatiBiaaeasisaaiai ...... y
' "I