La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 01, 1904, Image 1

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'" ' ' i. "
! 4
Gates Thrown Open to
Children arid Others
who rtad Been Ik
able to Attend a
... Oueervei Hpeeial
St. Loots, Dee. 1 Early winttr
weather baa reached this point.
St Louia Dee. 1 The gates of tba
fair ware thrown open tbia morniog
to tba ehildrea and others who (rom a
flosnci i reason wera enable to at
tead tba fair. Tba crowds wbiob took
advantages are ecorirou'. Pieeident
Dtvid B Francis was tba gatst of
honor. The Fair was closed with be
fitting honors. Tba attendance was
areoord breaker. Tbe estimated at
tendant today reached 18,317,467.
The day was proclaimed a holiday in
all of tbe schools in 8t Loots and also
throughout the state.
Tbe lair is considered one of tbe
greatest in the history of all la rs.
Colorado Potatoes
Greeley, Ooi., Deo. 1 A
conserve -
tiveestimtte of tbie season's potato
Arop io tbe Greeley district pats it at
':l5,000 carloads, or 3,000 csrloads
more Iban tbat of last year Tbe
! telling prioe ia moob lower tbia year
than last. Growers generally are
selling only enough to pay the im
mediate txpenaes of digging Tbe
potatoes rineieed in the grouod and
'"ire in excellent abape for keeping.
Growers are storing tbeir crops io
dugouts, as better prices are expected
Field at Lone Tree this fall abow
yields of (rom ISO to 300 sacks to tbe
sere, For tbe lrst three years crops
' iii this notion have been damaged by
. bail and some growers attribute the
enormous crop to the bail.
V. Vote In Utah
Observer Special
Salt Lake, Dec 1 Tbe official vote
of the state of Utah at the reoeot ele
ction shows the highest vote cast for
a repub loan presidential elector to be
63,444 and highest for a democratic
elector to 29,031. Rooeevelts plura
litp tbererefore was 6767.
Negotiations Ended
'Berlin D" 1Tb Mgotiationa
which hanf" "ft im- b6"1 Td
j ...... -e of the consummation
ith Life in it
. - ;
WheJ jroa buj any thing in rubber goods it pays to
el i be kind wi rubber in it. Manj makers of rub
er Jgoods axe pliant to the demana for cheapness, and
nwjce the market is flooded with inferior goods that
hM-"Uly resemble rubber. Quality counts in this line,"
Vre are careful to buy of makets who have a rep
- utation for turning out high grade goods only. You
can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no
matter how low the price is.
Bulb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water
Bottles, Combination Fountain Syringes ann Hot
Water Bottles, etc
eei is iSiHSSseilIiBSSI
I of which have been expressed by all
eonorid. In regard to the oommrr
cUl treaty between Germany and Aus
tria Hungary, have been declared off
completely and ttoally.
Tbe semi official papers her are ex
asperated over what la dadoed bora as
too Austro-Hungarian tbstinacy, aod
tbr aten to denounce tba exietins; trea.
ty and open Urlff hostilities is a meant
ol showing Aastrla Hungary that rat i
proclty la better than a tariff war.
Gruelty to Horses
Every now and the a we notice stand
l;ig on tlie street a horse reined up
tightlv, with an overdraw oases: -rein.
This holds tbe horse's neck aud bead
In . a very onoomfortable position.
There he stands, perhaps boors, hold
ing his bead first on oae aide, t ion ths
trylZ, U. ...T uou iruin toe -needleesly
orael position la which he
Perhaps the owner is Inside doing
some b a tineas. Maybe amokiog or
drinking. Foailbly preaching a ser
mon or' attending a prayer meeting.
But whatever be le doing be has allow
ed bimaelf to be thoughtlessly very
orael to hie horse.
We always feel like unreining sack
a horse. Sometimes we really do so.
It may be Uking liberties with other
people's property, but the the end jua
tiflee the mesne.
A horse ought to be reined up when
hitched on the street. Otherwise, he
ia liable to put bis head down, trying
to reach things on tbe ground, and he
may get bis loot over the reins or lines
and tangle himself up, to hie Injury.
Therefore, a horse ought to be reined
up, so as to keep him from putting
his nose to the ground. But be ought
to be reined loosely.
The overdra ia a" good precaution
, egeinst runaways, and when properly
' r!fifAt i tha horaa'a a ,mfart It is
not condemned, Bute tight overdraw
that compels tbe poor horse to bold his
head high and atlok hia nose out, ie
barbarous. Ex.
New York Dto. l-Nan Patterson 1
111 at the Tombs with tonsilitis aou a
high fever. Dr MoGulre, the Tomb's
pbyalolan, says he .thinks tbe young
woman will be abl to appear in court
Monday when her case la called again
Hospital Burning
Pueblo Colo. Dec. 1 St Mary's hos
pltal caught fire at 1:30 o'clock and Is
atill burning. A high wind ia blowing
Three hundred patients are in the
building. They are being carried out
by firemen. '
Seize American Vessels
East Port Main , Dec 1 Ten Am
erican fitbing craft, eight sailing and
two steam, were seised by tbe Canad
ian fisheries protective cruiser Curie w
and fined for illegal fishing in Canad
ian waters. Itis understood that the
fine-' will be paid and the matter will
not involve an international queston.
' r rr
President Diaz, of the
Republic of Mexico, is
Inaugurated for the
Seventh Time
Observer 8 ecial
City of Mexico. Tbe inauguration
of Gen. Prrflrio Diss as ptetident of
tberepublio of Meiioo for the seventu
te-m and Senor Don Ramos , Carral
a first vise president took plsos today
before tbe chamber ol deputies. Tbe
principal streets of tbeoity were de
corated with fltgs abd tbe entire day
was given over to garnet aod a gener
al good time and national celebrti' n
Hot Air
or Hot
While there Is and has b en more or
less talk tbe past few months with ref
erenoe to putting in a large paoking
house, fruit dryer, vinegar works, c
real mills, sash and door factory, ma
chine ahopa, while out on our rounds
we were Informed that It waa the in:
tention of tbe parties who alone could
acoomplieh su' h an undertaking that
La Grande would in the near future be
heated with hot water from Hot Lake'
The Observer interviewed parties
who are supposed to be In touch if such
was oontam plated but they professed
to know nothing relating to the propo
eition -There ie no question but that
there is a large volume, of hot water
going tc waste a few miles distant and
suoh an undertaking could doubtless
be accomplished.
Inaugurated Today
Porflrlo Diss will again be inaognrat
ed president of Mexico today In the
City of Mexico with great pomp. . Ue
was born in Oaxaoa Mexico Sept. 15th
1830 and ia' now over 74 years of age.
Diaz has been president of Mexico
since 13727 yeara during which Mex
loo hi enjoyed greater prosperity than
for any other period of its history.
Diaz ia of mixed blood, hia great grand
mother being part' 8panish and p-rt
' : '-- r-": - .v.:
Col. A J Neff Dead
Ool. Andrew 3 .Neff, who helped
raise tbe 84th regiment of Indiana
volunteers at the eommenoement of
the tebellion and took the field as
ui a jor thereof and waa mustered out
st close of tbe war as Oo'onel with tbe
rank of Brivat Brigadier General
died at Antonia texaa on Nov. 27 aged
79 years. He went from bis some in
Kansss Oity Kansis to Texes for bis
W CTU Convention
Observer Special
Philadelphia Nov 30-Ths national
WOT D convention waa organised
here today. Among those who mads
reports wsa Mrs Luoia H Addison of
60th Anniversary
(Observer Special)
London Deo. 1 Queen Alexandria
celebrated her 60th anniversary of her
birth today. Flags were ' flying every
where, church bells were ringing .and
salaeswere fired inner honor. Tbe
queen waa the recipient of an immense
number of presents.
S - I Illinois. writM. Kh
ia inn.
- J ' ...V. .' T -xuiblod a
In La Grande Or November 30 1904
at tbe home of the brides parents Mr
and Mrs W J Snodgrasa Miss Judith
N 8nodgrata and Mr Gay MoCul)y .
1 At eix o'clock the aod groom
entered tbe parlors and were met at
the archway bv Rev Edwin B Hayes
of tbe Pjwabvterian Church who per
form rd the oereuiony , la bis naul
charming manner.
After tbe ceremony the party re-
! paired to the dining room where a
. beautiful wedding suppar was served
; Only immediate relatives were pre
sent. The bride le the fourth daughter
of sir and Mrs W J Snolgra-s enrly
pioneers of the oity, '
She was a picture of lovlinesa in a
simple gown of white organdy and
lac Insertl-m with a ahoit veil she
groom 1 a highly respected oung
man formally of Joeprt Oregon, but
for many years a t'atted employee of
the Farmers aod T akers Bank at this
place. Shortly after the supper the
wedded couple repaired to their newly
furnished eot'age on tfo Hill, wlisie
they are at borne to their many frauds
The bride and groom both have a
bon of friends who wish them every
happiness and auoceas. They were
the recipients of many beautiful pre.
ton, ttov. 97, 1904, by Rev. Bleak,
ney, Weds W Krooks and Miss Josie
Twarliag. The contracting parlies
are highly respected young people of
bammervllle, where they will ooutlnue
to make tbeir home. '
IBVIN-ATKIN8-ln Elgin, Nov. 27,
1904, Mr. W J Irvin and Miss Myrtle
Atkins, by tbe Rev. 8 M Goff.. .
Burton Case
(Observer Special
Washington (Dec 1 Arguments in
the caee of Senator Burton, of Kansas
was returned -before the supreme court
todsv. . .
Lawyer Dead
(Observer SpoUI)
New York Dec 1 Fmnklln Paddnck
a prominent lawyer a graduate of
Princeton was found dead inbis led
this morning sofQocated by ' gas. It is
believed to be a ease of auioide. -
$475 to $7.50 Children' and Misses Jackets $2.50
About 25 of these Jackets iu Coverts Cloth, Venititn Cloth aod many novelty
- . suitiugs worth regular prices from $4.60 to $7.50, at, for choice
$12.00 Ladies' Jacke's, Special
$11.00 Ladies' " Jackets, Special
$7.50 and $8 00 Trimmed Hats
All ladies' hats at specially reduced prices.
ma '
" my
JL-ould not
Adhere to their Cus
tom of Observing Day
Sacred to Deceased
Brothers c: . t r
The Elks as is their custom to hold
sacred one day in the year to the mem
ory of those of tbslr brothers who, have
gone to the other side, will hold a
meeting Sunday in tbeir hall aa a me
memorial servioe. , This meeting will
be free to 11 who wish to atts .l. A
suitable program has been prepared.
' Program
Voluntary Mrs W W Berry
Opening ceremonies
Quartette Mesere Davie, Ferrin, Brum
well, Monsoa. ' . f t js ; t
Opening Ode
Vocal Solo. Tbe Plains of Peace
Mrs J J Carr
Memorial address O E Cochran
Cornet Solo .............. .The Palms
O L Fulti ;
Eulogy on departed brothers.... 7.
, FS Ivanhoe
Solo..........; :..MrsJsy Van Baron
Closing Ceremonies ..
Benediction. f ; t .
Let Your Nerves Think for You
Do not deaden a crying nerve with
oplom, bot remove ths prod that
makes ths outcry Nerves are intelli
gent they are? In fact, the material
basil for human reason and they do
not ory "wolf I" "wolf 1" unless there
Is cause for it. It would be one way
to restore confideno In the sheeptold
by giving tbe lambs something to de
stroy all sense of fear at tbe approach
of the devourer; but it would not make
for their welfare. Nor does opium, or
any other drug wbiob corrupts fbe
faithful guardianahip of tbe nervous
system, protect the body against the
wolf fang of disease. .It simply per-
Three Important
at-Great Special
alyses tbe utual actions and reactions
by which the body over comes its
enemies end ' secures its integrity.
Tbe osteopathio physician seeks to -find
the prod that causes the pain' ol
gaaUalgia, tbe overwork of St Vltue :
dance or the lethargy i! paralysis, He '
removes it, when tbat le possible, ard
the sensible tsevea cease tbeir babble
of torment by readjusting ibemselves
to normal activity. Pain Is the prayer
of the body for rulief from oppreeeivo
anatomical and physiological condi
tion not tbe at kins for nerve Intoxi
cation. Be revaonable Let vour
nerves think for yon. If they tell you
they know, there is trouble, to to aa
osteopath, four body needs good
engineering. '
Grand Jury Asked to
Investigate Peabods
Method of Securing
Campaign -...funds.. -
' (Observer Special) $'i i'. 5"
Denver Deo. 1 Judge Muillns today
Issued an order calling upon tbe grand
i Jury to Investigate the alleged election
fraud alleged to have been committed
in the recent oity eleotien. The Jury
will begin IU work next week This
move is made by de moo rats to oheok
mate republican victory, The grand
jury will no doubt be instructed to in
VdsJgate the alleged contributions to
he campaign fund of Governor Pen
body. Tbe Jury Is said to be oom posed
of republicans,
Ladies Attention
Just received a targe consignment of
ladies novelties. The very ..finest ever
brought to this oity. Something new
in combs and ths thousand and one
artioles which tbe ladies wish to use
during the holidays Wstoh my re
gular ad. for eompleteleeoriptlon.
Mrs J RForreit.
xMvrt1lMi City, iiYZt'
stilus ktmnir .J.
J ,. i io y.
' '-.rD.llnl,
t i '
i i
UmCoub ij court of lb ftou. M Or.... . .
Oeaa Kte.jce
via B re:
five "dart