LA..GRANDE EVENING: OBSERVER. 1, VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1904 NUMBER 2? u.- l.- I . a-v A TREE DAY AT fHEPAIR t Gates Thrown Open to Children arid Others who riad Been Un able to Attend ,; OUwiu 8neeial Bt. Lnoia, Deo. 1 Early winter weather bss reached thii point. St Louia Deo. 1 The gate of tba fair were thrown open tbia morning to the children and others wbo from a fioanoil reaaon were unable to at tend the fair. Tbe orowda wbioh took advantages are enotnrooa.. President Dsvid B Franoia waa tba gueat of . bonor. Tba Fair was closed with be fitting bonora. The attendance waa record breaker. . Tbe estimated at tendance today , reaohed . 18,817,467. The day waa proclaimed a holiday in 11 of tbe loboola in 8t Lonia and alao throughout the state. Tbe lair ia - considered one ol the greatest in the history of all fa r. Colorado Potatoes Greeley, Got, Deo. live estimate of tbia 1 A. conserve-! season's potato nop in tbe Greeley dittrict puu it at "TB.OOO carloads, or 8,000 oerloada more than that of last . year Tbe selling prioe ia mncb lower tbia year than last. Growers generally are selling only enough to pay the im mediate expenses of digging Tbe potatoes ripeteed in tbe and "In in exce'lent shape for keeping. Growers are storing their orops in dugouts, aa better prioea are expeoted as tbe season advanoes. Fields at Luna Tree Ibis fall abow yields of from 150 to 200 saoka to the ere, For tbe Irak three years orops ' iu tbia notion have been damaged by hail and tome growers attribute the enormous orop to the hail, : Vote In Utah , Observer Special Bait Lake, Deo. 1 Tbe official vote of the state of Utah at the recent ele ction shows the highest vote caat for repubican presidential elector to be 62,444 and highest for a demrwatie elector to 29,031. Boosevelte plura litp tbererefore waa 6767. Negotiations Ended Berlin Deo. 1 The negotiations which have for aome time been pond. ln and hopes of the consummation RUBBER With. Life in it When yon buy anything in robber goods it pays to get the kind with rubber in it. Many makers of rob ber goods are pliant to the demana for cheapness, and hence the market is flooded with inferior goods that hardly resemble rubber. Quality counts in this line, and we are careful to buy of makets who have a rep utation for turning out high grade goods only. You can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no matter how low the prioe is. Bulb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Hot Bottles, Combination Fountain Syringes ann Water Bottles, etc. THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRANDE of which bare been expretasd by ail OunvWucd, In regard to 'he coiamer clal treaty between Germany aiiil A us. trta Hungary, ban been daclared off completely and finally. The acml official papers her ara ex aaparatad over what la dafload bar as tba A astro-Hungarian cbatlnacy. aad tbr aten to dauouooa tba exlating trea. ty and open tariff hostilities ssameana ol ahowing Am tria Hnnjary that reil proolty ia better than a tariff war . Gruelty to Horses Every no and then we notice atand ing on the atreet a borae reined up tightly, with an overdraw okeok-rein. '(bit holds tba borer's neck aud bead la a very anoomfortabla position. There he stands, parbapa hours, hold ing hla bead first on one aide, tien the other, trying to rest hla oeok from the needlessly oruel position In wbioh he ia held. Perhaps the owner ia Inside doing soma business. Maybe amoklog or drinking. Foasibly preaching ser mon or' attending a prayer meeting. But whatever be la doing be haa allow ed himself to- be thoughtlessly very oruel to Lis horse. We alwaya teal like unreining each a horse. " Sometlmaa we really do so. It may be taking liberties with other people's property, bat tbe tbe end joe tines tbe mesne. A hone ought to be reined up when bitched on the street. Otherwise, he la liable to put bis head down, trying to reaob thlnga on the ground, and he may get hla foot over the relnaor lines and tangle himself up, to hie injury . Thereto!, a horse ought to be reined up, ao aa to keep him from patting hla note to the ground. But he ought to be reined loosely. ' The bvardraw la a" rood oreoantlon sgalnat runaways, and when properly ' adjusted to tbe horse's o mfort It Is not condemned, Buta tig at overdraw that compela tbe poor borae to hold hie head high and atiok hla noee oat, ia barbarous. Ex. ; nan Patterson seriously in New York Deo. 1 Nan Patterson la ill at the Tombe with tonellitls aoi a high fever. Dr MoUulre, the Tomb's physician, aays ha .thinks tbe young woman will be able to appear in court Monday when her case is called again Hospital Burning Pueblo Oelo. Dec. 1 St Mary's boa pitsl ought lira at 1:30 o'clock and is still burning. A high wind ia blowing Three hundred patienta are in the building. They ara being carried out by firemen. Seize American Vessels East Fort Main, Deo. 1 Ten Am erican fishing craft, eight Bailing and two steam, were aeiiad by the Canad ian fisheries protective oruiser Curlew and fined for iliogal fishing in Canad iao waters. His understood that the flne will be paid and the matter will not involve an international quest 6n. Water Hot OREGON IS HIS SEVENTH TERM. President Ti-m ' t IU. UlaLf i v II lib , Republic of Mexico, is Inaugurated for the Seventh Time Obaerver Siteoial Oity of Mexico. The inauguration of Gen. Pirflrio Dies president of Iberepublio of Mexiou for the seventu te-m and Ssoor Don - Ramon . Carral as first vise president took plaoe today before the chamber ol deputies. Tbe principal streets of the oity . were de corated with fUgs and tbe entire day waa given over to games and a gener al good time and national celebrtii n Hot Air or Hot While there la and haa b en more or leas tela the past few months with ref erenoe to putting In a large packing house, fruit dryer, vinegar works, ce real mills, ssah and door factory, . ma chine shops, while out on our rounds wa were informed that it waa 'the in: tention of the parties who alone oould accomplish such an undertaking that La Grande would in the near future be heated with hot water from Hot Lake ; The Observer Intervle wed parties who are supposed to be iu tOuoh If such was contemplated but they professed to know nothing relating to the propo aitlon There is no question but that there is a large volume of hot water going tc waste a few miles distant and anon an undertaking could douotless be accomplished. Inaugurated Today i Porflrio Diaz will again be Inaugural ed president of Mexico today in the City of Mexico with great pomp. , He was born in Oaxaoa Mexico Sept. 15th 1830 and ia' now over 7 yaaru of age. Diaz has been president of Mexico since 137727 yeara during which Mex ioo ha? enjoyed greater prosperity than for any other period of its history. Diaz is ol mixed blood, his great grand mother being part' Spanish and p-rt Indian. Col. A J Neff Dead Col. Andrew J Neff, who helped raise tbe 84th regiment of Indiana volunteers at tbe commencement of the lebellton and took tbe field aa uujor thereof and was mustered ont st close of the war aa Oo'ouel with the rank of Brivat Brigadier General died at Antonia teaa on Nov. 27 aged 79 years. He went from bis home in Kansas Oity Kantis to Tezes for his health. W C T U Convention (Observer Special Philadelphia Nov 30-The national W C T V convention waa organized here today. Among those who made reports waa Mrs Lnoia H Addison of Oregon, 60th Anniversary (Observer Speolal) ' London Deo. I Queen Alexandria celebrated bar 60th anniversary of her birth today. Flags were flying evary where, church 'belli Ware ringing .and lata aa were fired in her honor. The qneen waa the recipient of an immense Married In La Grande Or November 30 1904 at tbe home of the bridea parents Mr and Mrs W J.Snodgrass Miss Judith N 8nodgrass and Mr Guy MoOolly. At six o'clock the and groom entered tbe parlors and were met at the archway by Rev Edwin B Hayes of the Presbyterian Church who per formed the; ceremony in bia usual charming manner. , i After the ceremony the party re- lPirad to the dining room whore a beautiful wedding supper was served Only Immediate relatives wre prn sont. The bride Is tbe fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs W J Snodgra-a early plooeer of the oity. She waa a pioture of lovliness In a simple gown of white organdy and lace Insertion with shott veil she carried . white cbryaanthmua , The groom la a highly respected jouug man formally of Joseph Oregon, but for many years a t'usted employee of the Farmers and T adore Bank at this place. Mhortly after the supper the wedded couple repaired to their newly j furnished cottage on IJot Hill, where they ara at home to their many f rands - Tbe bride and groom both have a host of friends who wish them every happiness and success.' They were tbe recipients of many beautiful pre senta. BIOOKS TWARL1NG In Pendle ton, Mov. 27, 1904, by Rev. Bleak nay, Wade W Brooks and Miss Josie Twarliag. The contracting parties are highly respected young people of bommervllle, where they will ooutinue to make their home. . IRVIN ATKINS In Elgin, Nov. 27, ' 1904, Mr. W J Irvin and Miss Myrtle Atkins, by the Rev. 8 M GoB... " Burton Case (Observer Sieclal Washington Dec 1 Arguments in the case of Senator Burton, of Kansas waa resumed -before the supreme court today. Lawyer Dead (Observer 8poiil) New York Deo 1 Franklin Paddock a prominent lawyer a. graduate of Princeton wae found dead in-Jils lied this morning suffiocated by 'gas. It is believed to be a oase of suioide. . $4.75 to $7.50 3 About 25 of these Jackets iu Coverts Cloth, Venitian Cloth and many novelty . .; ' ... suitings worth regular prices t'rom 14.60 to $7.60, at, for ohoice ,$12.00 Ladies9 Jacket, Special $ 11 .00 Ladies' "Jackets, Special $7.50 and $8 00 Trimmed Hats All ladies' hats at specially roduoed prioes. ELKS HOLD SERVICE Adhere to their Cus tom of Observing Day Sacred to Deceased Brothers . The Elks as la their custom to bold sacred one day In the year to the mam ory of those of thslr brothers who have gone to the other aide, - will hold a meeting Sunday in their hall aa me memorial service. , This meeting will be tree to 11 who wish to atte nl . A suitable program haa been prepared. ; ' Program . Voluntary...... Mrs W W Berry Opening ceremonies Quartette Mee Davie, Ferrln, Bram welL Monaon.- - J K , I i Opening One Vocal Solo ...... . .Tbe Plaina of Peace ' Mrs J J Carr Memorial addreia O E Cochran Cornet Solo,. ..... . . .v., The Palms '; . O L Koltz Eulogy on departed brotbera.v...Vi.'..'. .......... . , F 8 Ivanhce Solo........... . ..Mrs Jay Van baren Closing Ceremonies . ' , .. benediction. ' ' fc J ; Os-te-op-a-thy 1 Let Your Nerves Think for You Do not deaden a crying nerve with opium, but remove the prod that makes the outcry. Nerves are intelli gentthey are; in faot, the material basis for human reason and they do notary "wolf I" "wolf I" unless there la cause for it. It would be cue way to restore coafldenoi- in the abeeptold by giving the lambs something to de stroy all sense of fear at the approach of the devourer; but It would not make for their welfare. Nor doea opium, or any other drug which corrupts the faithful guardianship of the nervous system, prelect (he body against the wolf fang of disease. It simply par MaalfaWrimtBat Three Important at Great Special Childrcns' and Misses' Jackets $2.50 S: 2.50 alyses tba usual actions and reaction; by wbioh the body over come Its anemias and secures Its integrity. The osteopathic pt.oeiolan seeks ta find the prod that cansre the pain ol gaatralgia, tbe Overwork ol bt Vitus danoe or the lethargy U paralysis. He removes it, when that Is possible, and tbe sensible nscvee ceaee their babble of torment by readjusting ibsmselves to normal activity. Pain la tba aye of the body for relief from oppressive anatomical and physiological condi tions not tbe aakina for nerve Intoxi cation. . Be reasonable Let vour nerves think for you. If they tell yon they know, there is trouble, go to aa osteopath. Your body needa good engineering. ' . Denver Election .: Frauds Grand Jury Asked to Investigate Peabody's ; Method of Securing Campaign punds. 1 ' (Observer Bpcctel) v Denver Deo. 1 Judge Molllns today Issued an order calling upon the grand ijury to Investigate the alleged eleotlon frauds alleged to have been committed in the recent oity elect ian. Tba Jury will begin its work next week This move la made by democrata to ohsok mate republican victory, Tba grand jury will no doubt be Instructed to in Vdailgate the alleged contributions to 'he campaign fund of Governor Pea body. The Jury Is said to be composed of republicans, Ladies Attention Jnat received a large consignment of Jalles novelties.- The vary ..finest ever brought to this oity. Something new In combs and the thousand and one artloles whiob tbe ladles wish to use during the holidays Watoh my re -gular ad. for oompletelesorlptlon. i ' ; i Mrs J R Korrest. Items Prices t $10.00 925 $4.75 1 piJSSXSSS! numrjer ol preseau. jfSital'J