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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1904)
': i E. E. Romlg E. r8tapU ROMIO & STAPLES . A fall and complete line of staple and fanoy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goode; Tinware, graniteware and woodenware. ' Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery pnxlnots ' always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 TURKESTAN ALFALFA s The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri- gation. BROME GRASS RedlClover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 I THAMSGIVIG I DELICACIES J. To niuke your Thanksgiving as you would wish it to ' y be you must have the very best to secure tho best re- 2 X sullB.' We have everything you desire, such as maple ' i J syrup, raisins, a full line of Heizens goods, the bea of : extracts, mince meat, new crop of nuts sour Kruut, a Q pickles, cheese uul everything you need. Gaii and 1 4p inspect our goods. : t f C. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE J Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. j t3$t v?M?$ $ BOSS Meat Market Stellwoll & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND.- RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Read The Daily Observer ON NEW YEAR'S EVE Will Give Away a $40 OVERCOAT a chance with every $ paid on account or purchase A. V. ANDREWS Gents'tfFumisher and Tailor. LOCAL ITEMS WHAT SOME PEOPLE IN AND OUT OF TOWN ARE DOING. "The Little Outcast" will be tfa- next attraction at.the Opera House December 0th The marriage of Miss Judith SnoJ grass and Mr Gay MoCally two of La Grande popular yonng people .will take plaoe at the home o( the brides parents this evening. 0 W Nlbley, of the Grande Bonde 1 amber Company at ferry is In La Grande on business. Enterprise has a foot bell team and will play any team in Eastern Oreir,n. If you want to play foot ball you know where you can get a game. Wallowa Connty Democrat. Oar rtiuat markets are very progress ive. The Eastern Extra . Select Balti more Oyster is among as as oan readily be' seen by a visit to any of oar shops Try a quart they are the Quest to be found in any land. Mr. Salesbnry, of theTaooma l edger. left this morning for a short business visit to Elgin. Messrs Carl and Boss' Jarett of Portland passed through the city to day e.aroate to Oklahoma Oity vhere they will make (heir future home. Mr. B Swain of Elgin, who has been paying oar oity a business visit for a day or two, returned home this morn The St diptberla cases In the oity are vary Mild, the first case Is well and the quarantine has been raised and the others will be within a few days. There hare been no other oases reported. . ' ' Many thought the continued heavy oannonady that baa been going on for the pasr few days was the Japanese gons at Port Arthur bat a newspaper correspondent finally was able to get nnicientiy wilbin the lines and oabled the Observrr from Nob Hill via P at that he fell in with a batalllon that was making a sortie for food daring the noon cessation of activity and was in formed that It was tho result of blast ing out a trench for the heating plant of Dr Moor's new residence now in course of oooatrnottou. The prodnoeion of Black Patti at ibe Opesa House was acknowledged to have been Ibe best attraction pre sented in this oity for many months and the large attend anoe expressed it' appreciation throughout the even ing. , i .: ' Dr. -O'Connor on last Saturday made out eighteen deeds to lots in his addition whiob has just recently been placed on the market Mr U H Grier is in the city repre senting the well known firm of A 0 Ruby & Oo importers breeders and dealers of Peroherou English Bhire, Belgians. German and Frenob Coach horses, als Mamrrotb Jacks, ' this firm has been looated at Eugeno 'or several years, but have reoently pur chased stables and yards in Pendleton where they have opened permanent headquarters, wbi re they now havt thirty or more fine animals, being direct importers this firm is in a posi- Bargains Picture Frames We have a lot of these frames left which we touk from an agent on a loan. All of these frames are the very best gilded frames and regular size for en larged pictures, 16X20 with French glass. We will close them out at $1.50 each vhile they last The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Rt member we still buy and;eell all kinds of Second Hand Gootlsjt ji j jt 'Phone 1581 tion to offer very low prices on the I finest of . stock . If interested drop jug. them a line wmou will receive prompt ' Dr. BuUL Vbe Elgin physioian, who attention. . has been up to the city on business, left for home on the Elgin branch this forenoon. ' Miss Fva Stoddard, who has been visiting the family ol Mr. W K Davis of the' Orescent Knitting Mills for the past few months returned this morn U'g to her home at Logan, Utah, Mr. A L Fisher of Suminerville was a visitor in the oity today. Messrs. 0 W lirown and W E Potter of GrassUot, Pa ., are in the oity, guests of tno Blue Mountain hotel, and are looking over the country with the in tention of investing. Mi. Thomas Frotwell of Hot Luke as in the city last evening.' Mr. J J Jacob of Lostloe is in the city t-day. Mr E MiCall of Flora is arisilor no business in the cl.y today. The W 0 T U will meet at the heme of Mr and Mrs Ullrich A complete attendance is desired , The Whist Club lll be enterlalra tomorrow afternoon by Mrs llemilnrd and Mrs Nickleson at the formers home game will he called promptly at 2 o'clock. Mr W S Burnett ol Starkey 1 lr the oity today for . the purpose of taking out wagon load of provisions. j Mr Chris Stackland from the Cove was in the ci'y last evening to visit the show. Mr J O Smith of Barumerville Jwas in the city today on business. Mr t rank Dougherty and wife were in from the Cove Is at evening, i'.rj Sommer and wile, of Elgin, arrived iu the oity yesterday for a short visit, Mr J W Longley, the rancher from Starkey Prarie sent a wagon to town today for a load of provisions, . Mrs I E Birdsrll, her son Merrel' and her daughter Miss Gertrude Car penter arrived thia morning, from Aston Washington. LOST Kebbera pin with three links iu rei white nnd nine. Finder will lonvo at Cresont Knitting Factory, 31 4 Mr 0 S Andrews of Portland who Is traveling lor Brum s Slock Food Oo is in :be oity today and baa select ed the La Grande Creamery Co as tbe agent of the oornpany at this place. Mr L W Drtmsmtth an employee at Ormond saw mill on Ladd Creek bad his hand seriously lacerated by a saw on last Monday. Tbe wound is doing nicely and the indications are that no s'rions results will follow. 1 OYSTERS I fT IN ANY STfc Sl WATCH MAGNATIZED - in these days of the Increasing use of electricity the danger of.having your watch magna .. (died is greater than in the past. I am in shape to demagnetize your watch right away and put It in as good shape as when - it left the factory. I here is no necessity of running the riak of having your .watch last or , broken Bending it away when yon can got it made as good as '., new at home by a practiole workman at a low oost. J.' H. Pcarc, the Jeweler OYSTER TIME is lvys ljoked forward to with ex pectancy. What more luecious than a plate of Blue Points on tbe shell, or a st 'w, or a fry, or broiled, YSTERS, OYSTERS, OYSTERS any way you want, is the way we serve them. Oysters we keep are the best in tbe Uml and all have a good pedigree. If you want to give an oyster party, onr restaurant is the plaoe 1 1 bring them to. We hope to see you many times during oyster eason. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, lJiop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Cash '$4.50 Winter Footwear For Men Women and Ghildren To meet the changing seasons and supply the demand for winter shoes we hav placed in stock complete Hues selected .from leading mnnu'acturers. T M STUBBLEFIELD u HONEST MAPS' " ' SHOES GIVE HONEST WEAR - . - There is a sense of satisfaction in wearing genuine articles in olothiug, jewelry, foot wear etc So much of what is worn is imita tion and shoddy. The shoes we carry foi men women and" children are honest made nnd give honest wear . The prices we charge are not too cheap to yield -U9 a profit but right and reasonable for hor.Mt val ues. We so licit your closest in spection. Proprietor of the 1 QBALITY SH6E SlQRE 1 FURNITURE EMPORIUM We are now showing tho most complete line of furniture ever displayed in this county A visit to our establishment will rep y you for here are to be found tbe latest in art and comfort A few HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS: Rockers $2 to I67.5C, Morris chairs 12 to f 26, Iron beds $3 to 23, Dining tables, Center tabler, all prices, Chaftiuers 10 to 35 dollars, Bed room suits, beauties from 16 to 85 dollars, Folding beds, Lounges, Hall trees, Rugs Art Squares, Portier curtains, piotures, etc The above is only a suggestion and comprise the latest creations. Cotoe and look E ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave t mvt JOST A WORD AS A REMINDER Our holiday Glassware and Chinaware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to show a very complete line. STOVES Gome in and see them Our Heating Stoves are right in PRICE, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC. Look them over. The Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenne largest Store Smallest Prices i ................. ...........j xixiiiiestJLr'rioes' j