La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 30, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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l have reopened my. shop on
North Fir Street. You will
find my shop well supplied
and the prices to suit the
times. Yours for business -Free
delivery. '. Phone 1801
mpan? r
Serves them in any style
Lots 17, 1H, block 1U2,
Chaplain's Addition.
Address bids to "P" care I
of Observer
Portland Markets
Wheat, t-xport price 81o toSCo
Uarley, (beat ....$21.60 to fJ3.50
Oats $26. to $27.50
Hay, timothy $15 to (10
Batter best creamer? 27,'ji: to 30
Hatter, ordinary 23c
Egira, per dozen 25c to 20c
Chickens, per poand 10c
Potatoes per owt $1
Onions, per cwt $1.50 to $1.05
Apples, beet, per box 76c to il
Poaches, beet, per box uOo to 7fc
Beets, per rack... $1.20
Ciibbage, per poand 2c
IS leers 2.7B to $11
Cowe S'i
Bulls ...$1.70
Stags.., $2
llou?, bent G03
Hogs, feeder $2.05 $4 20
Creamery Batter 05 rents per roll.
Butter Fat 25 cents, per pound.
Guntheries Candies
All the essenoe ot purity. As yon
can enaily oonvlnce yoursolf by test.
Boo B)ne and Chocolatesassortec
Chocolate assorted Bon lions M) ots
an op. Newlin Unix Co
A Round Steak
is Just the thing to In? the foundation
tor a good day' work. That is, when
it Is the kind we sell. Juicy, rich beefy
davor. Fall of nutriment. Makes tin
veak strong, and the strong stronger.
All Kinds of Meat
'tint are good to eat can be fonnd In
ur Icebox In prime condition, at price
that please. Yoa will fare well If yonr
bill of fare la bawd on oar meats.
Bock & Thomas
Gleaned by Judic ious Use of Pen
cil, Scissors and Pastepot V
, Peter Grosejean stabbed John Wood
ti g to death at Hamilton Wash bat
claims self denfense. The quarrel was
over small earn which Woodring
owed Qressjean,
The trial of Bert Oakman began at
Hiilsbore November 29. He Is charg
ed with the murder of. Frank Bennett
in August last. The killing Is not
denied bat Oakman claim self defense
The Spokesman Keview avers that
the official count ot vote will, dis
olose that Washington oast between
130,000 and 135.000 this fall an increase
ot 125 per oent over the first state rote
in 1889. -
kligbt thousand pounds of . trout
were .troajjht across the line from
British Colombia November 27 in one
consignment, at Northporl the larger
part ot whloh waa distributed at and
from Spokane.
John F McKulght, foremau ot the
woolen mills at Provo. Utah, was kill
ed by bis coat enanglng a shaft He
was whirled about for two minutes
and every bone in bis body broken
and bis eknll broken into bit.
Salem Or is in the mist of a strenous
contest over the merits ot different
kind of paying material. The polloy
ot the piesent city admin (traction 1
The long looked for resumption ot
ooeratlons at the Virtue mine, Baker
County's pioneer quartz and which
holds the grand prize for gold product
iou covering a period of time since
1805, is booked for December 1st
Manager J K Uomlg yesterday gave
out the information that his Buperin
tendent will arrive here from Califor
nia in a few days and the Virtue will
immediately start operations,
Manager Romig since effecting the
organization oi the Virtue Consolidat
ed Mines haa eyateniatioi'llv placed
the proprty In a ahupe for auocessiul
working and Kb equipment is second to
none iu the Eastern Oregon gold fields
Tbe operutiou of the Virtue is look
ed forward to with great satisfaction
on tbe part of the people of Baker
City and there is every reason to be
Hove tbe old property will maintain or
exael its former reoords of gold pro.
luution. Baker Domourut
Joseph Jail Burned
Joseph Nov 301 N Hare, o( the
Itnnaha, while coullued in tbe city
jail at Jus ph on Monday eltner ao
culentlally or intentlally set fire to tlie
building and came near burning him
self and tbe greater part of tbe towu.
A strong wind was blowing at tbe
time and had the tire got a great stall
several blocks of tbe town would have
bt-en destroyed .
The town authorities l:dol a coin
plaint ol -arsou against him and he
was placed under bonds to snswer ai
Circuit Court, lie furnished tbe bond
aud waaroleased.
This is the cnonnd time the Jopeph
.Hit has eon tired by prisoners. I' Is
i ,i widen Btructuru and eo situated
iii .t it It hiirnrd tbe em ire busings,
set'iiou " h" town wuulil be endaniie
the New
E. H. Harriman will
Prevent the Extension
of the Sumpter Valley
to Prairie City
New York, Nov. 2S.-K II Harri
man has blocked the announced par
pose nf the Sumpter Valley Railroad tt
build into Prairie City and It is known
to effect extensive street Improvement
but there I no agreement about kind
and quality of paying material.
The American and Canadian govern
meats will divide the expense of, dyns
miting and removing Ripple Bock,
Paget Sound.,, It is a oons'ant source
of danger and many wreck upon It are
recorded among them two British men
of war and an American cable ship.
: Over $f, 000,000 has been .subscribed
for the erection of a beet suaer factory
atiShe idlan, Wyo. It will be the
largest and best equipped In the
United States "
All the debts of the Southern Pacific
railway will be landed Into lump
earn of $70,000,000 at a lower rate than
the scattered debts now caried whloh is
6 and 7 per cent.
Accord in? to the Denver Post, the
financial affairs of the Gatholio ohuroh
in Denver and several western dioreses
will soon be subject to. investigation
by the Vatican.
The Duponts will build a powder
factory next spring a few miles west
ot Pueblo Uol It will be for the pro
duction ot smokeless and the higher
grades ot explosives ( -"-'
here that it will now be impossible for
that roaii to extend its lines until Mr.
Uarrimao is ready and willing for the
move. Tbe object in preventing tbe
extension of tbe Sumpter Valley line
la to keep its territory and importance
curtailed and to avoid the possibility
of it developing into a road that might
at aome future date make trouble for
the Harrimans Interest.
Tbe method adopted by Hai riman
officials in dealing with the Bumpier
Valley was simple and effective. There
was not the least encouragement of
fered from Harrlinan, it was announ
ced some time ago that the fcumpter
Valley would extend, tapping rioh
country and ren Jering settlement pos
sible and mining districts productive
Grading was done and steel rail ord
ered. Then came the troable.
The Harriman roads, over whioli the
ateel for the Sumpter Valley track
mast come, refused to make a special
rate for tbe material, aud the Compter
Valley faced the necesait) of payiog
full Ireight obargea, enough to serious
by crippling, fliiauoialiy, a much larg
er oorporption. Thus the matter now
The Herald in conversation with J E
Barton, general manager of the Samp
fer Vailey waa informed that tbe
abotiifa. is ire substantially torroct,
but is to thn conclusions drawn from
those lauis he whs unable to say any
thing. . lie said further that tbe plans
of his road were to have laid some
more track on the extension daring
September and October last but they
had to cancel the orders for rails on
account of prohibitive fr-igbt rates of
the Harriman system. As it now
-tends the extension of the Sumpter
Valley is pro ably up in the air in
One of the most lovely and beauti
ful ilisulays of Chrysanthemums that
over delighted the vision and gladden
ed r.e heart of nil lovers of beautiful
Mowers, can be -een at the residence
of Mr Sim 1 Deal, at the' head of
tn street lu I h-First ward His
Queen White, Lillian Russell, Mikado
and Yellow Beauty are most gorgeous
ly gr.,nd and speak iu tbe Mgbest
term of ir .l.e of Mr Dea 'a care and
skill In iirmluaiiiir such marveloasly
truly boautifiii flowers oi stih niagnl
floeut a.xe and brilliancy. Any and
every person wb admin s these sup
erb winter Doweling plants can see
ih-m by calling at Mr Deal's residence
lio will take pleasure in showing
them to all tttio come.. The walk will
improve your health, and a look at
tbe clusters ot thse beautiful flowers
ivill till your heart with joy and
Persons desirous of obtaining pec
nens of those magnificent flowe s
h uld apply at once as they will soon
1 e a thing of the pist. Here Is s
chance to bring a throb of joy to the
heart of yonr dearest friend and a
-mile ol pleasure to t le countenance
.f yoi r best girl.
Try th? Observer for first class
Job Work.
160 not payable to OT, Williams, on
street of La Grande, was In large' yel
in All turtles are caution
ed: against buying same, finder will
letorn to this office. - ... :.
FQH RENT Five room boose . on
. i. 1 1 . . naii a. dmi n..
i;i r ascinguiu aw. vw - - -
1118 25
'h Fair will bar some good market
able potatoes at market price. .
FOB RENT A four room house Mr
Z Fatty Adams A ve, 18-21 f
J)ST-Table cloth . with Initial- "F
(A T," also apron wrapped In paper
'bag. Finder will please return to
jAira. Joseph Palmer, ; .' 1 i .-.
FOR RENT Cellar room' In good
!in good stone cellar. - Inquire at the
Fair. . . . , . i
FOB SALE Best 'ba'ualn In real
estate in the city.' My residence prop
erty Cor. Washington Ave. and Green
wood St. Lot 75x110. Modern house,
seven large room, hot and ooiJ water,
bath room, 'eleotrio1 light. Lawn,
fruit and. shade trees. Finest; resi
dence location in the oity. Uood easy
proposition to right parties. For par-
tloalais see
O J McLein.
Now Ready for Sale
The people of this county are new
notified that the O'Connor addition is
now readv for the market aud that
choice loU) nan be had at. remarkablv
low prices,, , Tnese lots are 00 by uu
feet and are without exception the
beat reddenoe lota in the city. Per
son wishing larger traots can secure
just what thoTjWant by goli g a little
further book in the 'same' addition.
Do not fail to see this addition and se
cure one of these choice selection be
fore some one else . get tbe lot yoa
want. For full description of prop
erty and quotations call , upon Dr
O'Connor La Grande. Ore.
Phone Main 2141
Cor Park and Oak S tree' a
One block female hog, weight about
2&&Vbaa come to my place. Owner will
please oall and pay charge and this
for notice. Robt. Deal, City,
it . o-..
We will make yoa a box coat for less
money than von pay for a ready made
garment and you have two nm dred
patterns to nick from. We also cover
buttons, press clothes and clean your
ooata and too have a chance ' to wini;a
$-10 ooiit tnth every, dollar paid in . our
store. iiAnuews, unnis turnisn
int;s. Phone No 231 "
WASTED tvhlng to do at home,
Mrs. Shaw, West W t. ' jj.
Public Sale
320 aores Finely improved farm, 280
acres plow land, I411 ai res in fall grain
new tw - story house 28x28, good barn
and 2 granerW, 15 shan-a in ditch.
Onlv 4 milea Irotn Ivlan i Cltv. Farm
machinery tnoluded only $25.00 per
acre tialf cash.
Also 5 room house, large barn and
halt block of land 2 blooks from Court
Ho ise at $1100 a Snap.
G H Powers.
The Minnesota Land man, .Slater
Blook . , lW-ll-17-1218j
Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue oi an
execution anil onler nr unlit ami iImm fH .
closure and sale, ItunieU out of and uader. (be
ci i me circuit coun oi me Huie or ureiroD
fur the County of Union, bearing data tbn27(h
(lay of October; 11104, and to me directed and
delivered UDO n ln,l0emi.t,t mil Hb-w. rtnl,.
rendered entered of record and docked In said
Court on llic latb day o( Uotobcr 11104 In the kbit
wheteln William Henry wan Plaintiff and A P
Cay lor CammieCaylor, Oloen D Csylor W. B.
Cmupbell, Turner Oliver and Adam P Caylor
AclminlHtnitor of tlioesUtte of Huriih J. Caylor
uiT-eiiHeii, w,Te , uerennanw, ftt,iu: fuugruent
bolng In favor ot anid I'liilnlllTiiliil hjefttrrat the
Lieicndant A. P Caylor, for the sum nf 1273.00
with 8 per oent Intercut Uicroon from the 18th
day of February, lso-i for thermal ol $:&.C0
AlU'S fee, for the further aura of $18,8! taxes
paid and lnlemt thereon at tbe rate ol !T Ser
cent per annum from the JHtb day of January,
lw. for thoautn of J3.75 liisurance and for
unu-axi, .it.uiiniiiieiiii.: i win aeii, otr i num.
day tbe lt h dnv of leciinihnr. UMU. uj. i nvineb
P. M. ol sn id piiblloautlou to lbs blfell
eat slddir rir caali, at-the frouldoor nf tbe ititw
Court ll,,U!.e IniliUliiK In tbe CltyofLa (irande
v mi . eiiu,. , uieicuil, ,o NtllSiy Bain 'flftin-
tttPi juiUinetit, tOKetber with accuriua co-sta,
all Hie ilht, title and Interest that the said
Defendant and eaeh oftlietn had on tu- lHtb
) oi reuruiuy, ivji, or aitcrwaru acoulred,
hi ml to Lot i In Hloca 8 In Urandy, addition
.Hated this II tn, day ol tiovejnbcr. luol, at La
Hberlflol Union County, Oresnu
ghtful Route, Daylight Ride
,. Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons.'.
, A .Golden Opportunity See
nature in all her glorious
lieaaty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. . The Brat,, is
I'mind Sjlong the line of the
Denver A Rio Grande Railroad
nJ th hitler at the St, Louis
World's Fair. Yonr trip will
one of pleasure make tin most
ol it. For information and illus
trated literatnre write " l""
W, C. McBRlDE, Geo. Agt' 1
Portland, Oregt'
Ilbfi veAVVthinktpl flet
i gtheeople hear aBour it tbrdeh
LjThis Department and You wtj
Find aBuyer, It Yow Whnt To
! iSellxpiaiij ,Youp,Wan.ts find
- ? You Will Find'a Seller. '
Sale or Exchange
, Eight aores, six room finnee, lar.e
oaro, piace ror noes ana cr.icno'i
four acres, In orchaid . and herrlm
jlisfsast of flour mill. ' This will .1- i
Investigation For .particulars !nq ' r
at MaoFarlaiie' grocery store, .a
sell or exchange, for oity property., ' :,
I - , - . r . 10-2a-ll-26
McKaulaea Colored 1 Vaudeville Co.
La' Grande Opera House Wed., Nov
2prd. Adults 50, children 26. Res.
eats 75. ' '' - . . ,
; Tillmann's.Fine Goods ;
t Every hooiekeeper want purs' aplo
; and flavoring extracU. Tlljmann's
are made (or the best famll tracle. ,
LOST On the streets of this oity
jatout noon Nov 9,' Ladle ' gold
'watch Finder please leave at this
'. office and receive suitable reward, tf
' , . '', . ' .-.
i, Mrs. Douglass now resides at Cor. O
and 7th sts., and Is prepared to do all
kinds of dressmaking,' Sfwip 'at
homes errel. 1 -J n.
f ruit Boxes.
. oena your orders tor fruit Boxes to
atAAmmA T . I '. ... '
uwuuiiM uuiuutir uu, mm av XA
A ' ... i ' i - . ' if.r.
Grind planing mill
: 'f p--;ri
The Bulletin just issued by the United States
Government, after months' of careful research, shows
that in the Western States, the average family par
" chases annually goods U $i amount of $Q
. On this 25Q J&mtiiffi, te&
- with kaoh issue of the Daily and Weelpty OjB
SERVER annually purchase merchandise to 1,1
- the amount of -sr--
.;The natural logical conclusion cannot be otherwise!!!.
than that no" wide-awake business, map. wko',wilakj!
the few moments necessary to'ioonvince himself of the
accuracy of the above statemeiit; can afford to misej01'
the opportunity of placing hia announcements (25,500
. it. i. . .
onuu uiuutu; oeioro mis
An ad under such conditions, properly taken care
of will most oertainly bring enormous returns on the
I These Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration of
every business hoose whoae volvme of business de
. pends upon the patronage of this city and counly,
First Class
FOR SALE Milch cow Jerary, 1100
lb., driving lo se, nana; plow, top
', hugaT . Apply ti A Hnilenbnrg.
H mile V K f Islaii i ' Ity
' ,' -Oot II-Dec f i
For Rent
"l'he bnildli.ijt.. fprnj"7,l7isa?;up!sd by
the Salvation array. For fyll nar
tlrolar and rate" inqalre of Mrs
' SCZuber; Aurf.'Sl t f '
!ir Furniture j?pr Sale
And 'oose to rent apply to
ebeareropposlte Star Grooery North
ol,trick. i A-'i ; I. hi.
. .4. ; , Q Jti'mijhsd,.Rooms
Furnished room tor gentleman sleep.
IngnlghU.:'.!. Mri'Q:W,Prton. i
- v7. .915 Adun Ave. .
- ' Ball Supper
' TheHpokaue' Cafe'' .will Hrre'.rold
turkey and oysters C6r the''nViinlght
ballr'sa'pperijrti'tinday evefilpg" A
plendld midnight lunch is assured. '
. J F Jobnagn,. Prop. ' ' 3t
' Farm for Sale
I desire to sell my beaatifal little
farm of 80 aores two mile and a half
east of La'.Graq'deTon )he, rural postal
and fanners Telephone line to suit the
'rWronaaer. V v ' 1 '"M'baker :: . tf
Job Work