La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 30, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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1 ,
... MVHIIM . ,
i j Grande Evening Observer
IEV BEOS.,. Editor Pr p
Entored'iat Itbe' Post Offlow'a La
Grande,- Oregon, as Becend Class
,1s our specifitsy, ye fcnow boa to make jood bar-. .,
ness and we make good harness. Gall snd see the kirid
we recommend for logging. . t-S v, K
: ROBES The finest assortment of - winter robes, in V
tie county; 'Vfe ' carry' everything whioh should Vei
found in a first class harness store u
k ri 'in
U ttis
Harness and Saddles
a -qi !.-.? dl.w Itlooig m uohiw :
Published, daily except Sunday
Onelyear in advanoe. . 4,99.60
Six months in advance. . . .3 60
Per month ........... fi ; t ,65o
Single copy . . .6c
lilESDAY i EVENING, .NOVV. 29 1 1904
a a Ha II a bbboo bddo fiWf
Farmers' and Traders
b National Bank, ,
t; 60,000 PI
60,000 -
183,000 ,, "
nt)r.UV,lt guuarni unuftiMg uui vwuau vudiudoo.
. rafts bought'aud sold on eartern aod foreign bank's.
Capital Stock . fully paid
Surplus fund
Liabilify of Shareholders
Breaking It To Mother
I've got letter, parson, from my soil
way oat .west, j j j. .. nO ' ,
And my old .heart Is as heavy as an
anvil in my preset !. ,-,. ii ,v '.
To think the. Jxiym whose fotur' I Had
opoe ao proBdlyiplanned . , , ,,.
Should wander from tbe path o' light
an' pome to siob an endl . .-
1 tol' him when he left oa only threa
anon yeara ago
He'd find himself a plowln' a mighty
a rooked row, - -
He'd mias faia father's ooansel .and his
mother's prayers, too; ' ; ' '
Bat he said the farm was batefal an
he guessed he'd have to go.
l know thar'S big temptations for ' a
youngster In the 'west, r-'-.'K'
Best I bsiieved oar Billy had theeour-
age to resist, 11 -' '- i
An when' ne left I warned him of the
ever Waitink snares
That lie like hidden sarplnta in lUe'a
patbwaT everywhere!; . .
But Mil he promised faithfal to be
" keerfal an' allowed
He'd build a repitatlon that'd make os
v -i" . miehty Drond. : ' ; . h vm .
Bat It seems as how my council sort o!
"' faded froa his mind, ,K
An' how he's got in trouble of the
' vert waatest kindl h u-..
His letters dome so seldom that I some
. sort o' knowed "
That oar Billy .was a tramoln' ona
4 mliihtT rookv road.
Bntliever dace imagined he Would bow
my head in sname ' "' -.
An'in the' dast'd waller his ol' daddys
honored namo, " - M'
Ee writea frommt in Denver, , an'. tba
story's mighty short;
I jess can't tjll his mother it'll ornsh
her poor ol' heart It:: . - ''
An' as I reckoned, parson, you', might
break the newa to her
Bill's in the legislator', bat he doesn't
...i. -. i
n ... i Shange y
t nr ufiiiinti'o vt.s I:
" J yti have been doing busi
' !, neea in, this town for 6 years
i n (nytbt i time the town has
,h,uoarly doubled impoeulation
t i uunuB me same time our ,
business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words no
our business has made a great deal more rapid - increase - 1
than the town has- There are dozens of reasons for this7 ''
all of whiiob, vou'will peroeive if you bgin buying 1 drug ' '
store goods of us. In the TBreV place We had a thorough '
training for pharmaoy. In the snoOnd'plac' we had ex- ' '
ceptional opportunities for. learning' thi;prficical side of
. pharmaoy in. successful drug atore flf, tfle higlieat stand
ing. Io th"third place we have kept our eyes epen and
attended to business until we know the demands ef the
people of this town.
'' Prescription Druggist
i ii
La Grande, Ore
That gentle rain Sunday was
just what was needed for the
thousand's of acres of fall Sown;
v. " I
8raln' , ,
La Grande is erowiae and
will continue to grow the rlexl
two years at a much greater ratio
than during the last two years.
The sound of the hammer
and saw is to be beard in every
section of the city . This j has
been an ideal building season
and everv moment has been
taken advantage of, (
All this city has .to dc is to
meet capital half way in the
future and 1005 will see several
largif investments that wilt not
o'uly utilize the products of this
section but will employ labor.
More than 8000 women. aj
employed in the various govern
ment offices in Washington, 2,
044 of whome bave entered the
service after competitive examin
ation. .. , , , ;, (!! ir
Few people know that the act
of admitting Texas into the
Union provided that it could be
divided into as many as five
states or fewer whenever its
people might dt-sire division.'.
Since the windows of the new
noar house have been put in,
ihe general appearance ban been
greatly improved. Tha building
is a credit to the county. The
steam heat., is now being con
nected and the structure will
soon be ready to turn over to
the pbunty.n i fi - : ' ; ;:!...
..... ;.:.( u.
I.: . i"
when it
The United States
gave to Oregon a territorial goV
ernment it dedicated two sections
n each: i townships or one eigb-lil-ane county; oonatract a mile or ao ol
toenth ofthe land surface of ,hei,"P"V t,J"..",on
' -We learn f'fom the press of Western
Oregon that the Hon. James W Abbott
engineer of the Good Bosda division ct
the United States Department of Agri
onltnre, ia delivering 11 La it rated lee
tares on how to constraot flood roads
In that part of tbe state. Mr. Abbott
illnatrates his lectures Tilth stereoaoop
Mortars giving ipnstioal , demonstra
tlpna in good road bnllding. .The .Ob
server suggest. tfatoarooavtoJBcUa
the, Orange and leading oitUsna onlte
in an effort to get Mr. Abbott to oeme
to Union oonnty and deliver a series
of possible to do, in this
oonnty wbat b Is preparing to do' in
state to the common school. Vti
for't'unateiy' for the ofiildren1'''oi'
Oregon for all time to come ih&
act of ; congress making tbis
munificent .grant reppsed " too
much faith in the wisdom of the
legislators' Of; Oregon and' in
vested .thein 'witti the"power to
fx.ttie price for whioh- the land
could be sold.. The result ot ttus
misplaced confi lence is that a
J:i-. '..:-"-;'t.A r
very iBi&e u
400,000 acres given to the state
has been ' d isposed ' of for 1.25
per acre,,ijt,i'ar better manage
ment prevails in Idaho where the
grant of , land from the general
government , is.., the same as in
Oregon, as will appear from the
following press dispatch
f": Moscow; Idaho, Nov. 2T The sale
of state school .landed uatab! county,
held here yesterday was largely attend
ed and satisfactory prices were obtain-
ed, "" '" .-.
I' Chief Clerk Norman Jaokson of the
state board of land commissioners
oondaoted the aula in person at tbe
ootuthoose. All the land offered was
sold except two ,40 acre traota and one
tract that had a five year lease on it,
and was therefore erroneously advertis
ed for sale.
PhdMhWHtt anlil 11(10 U1FM At nn
y -average' prlce'-jof 20 par aore. Some
of the lands only brought tbe opprais
ed valne of tlO per acre, whioh is tbe
loweat price any state school lands can
be bo;:, for under provisions of the
IJAt. .1... , .
The highest price paid for any traot
sold was (31 ner aore. All of the beat
school lands in this -county ..bad been
previously sold. This sale was princi
pally on lands that no one would buy
heretofore on account ol not being
worth the appraised value, and the re
sults yesterday would Indicate that
the price of farm lands In this section
is still on the increase.
Chief Clerk Jackson aeid there was
much more demand for lands in north
ern Idaho than in the aouthern portion
of. the state and .at better prices. Ha
also stated that durtaj the past two
years bis department had loaned school
funds to the amount of nearly (1,000,-
000 on first real estate mortgages in
Idaho, and that the interest in most all
cases had been promptly paid in ad-
Quarintine Raised
The diphtheria quarantine that has
been on the Catholic school at the Urns
tills agency tor. tba past three weeks
was ralsedjestorday, and th- premises
have betu fumigated. There were ten
oases, under the care of Dr. T M Hen
dersoa among the Indian children that
were immunized with antitoxin and all
fear of another epldsmio of tbe disease
has passed. Several of tbe patients
were very 111. -East Oregonlan. '
The Department of Agriculture la
manifesting a greater Interest in good
.roads than ever before, and there Is a
reasonable hope that if our people will
exhibit a desire to cooperate with tha
government, that it will meet them
half way. ..' - '
, '' Richards
.'"Denver Nov. SO A special to the -re
publican from Cheyenne, Wyo
that on good authority if Secretary
Hitchcock of.the interior department
resigns be will be sa seeded by William
Richards, commissioner of the general
laud office.
Hazeltine, Fa
Olcf Officejs
Nov. tit President
Mitobel, Vioe prealdut Lewis and 8eo
retary and 'Treaaurafr Wibon, of the
United Mine Workers, will: be elected
without opposition at the annual eon
vention in Indianapolis Januj 16." '
Mrs. Emery Oliver, who earns down
from La .Grande and baa spent the.
Bant two dava with har twrePU. Mr.
and Mre. W EBylveetet.feft today for
her home in Portland. Dalles Ohron
Ida. a' v X . ' i it a 'I. '
VThare will be a regulafneating to
night the Moderni Woodmen if
America, A fall attendance la very
muuh desired. r
A number of people from Elgiu,
Union! p and, different , pezsa ;of tbe
valley "came In Xa take in the "BUck
Pattl'Tropbadours last nigbU.. .
Remember the danoe at tha Oommer
oial cla.1; Friday evening.
Mrs.' Aliflie Udd and daughter Mlas
Florence left yesterday for the west to
Spend some time visiting relatives and
friends In Walla Walla, Spokane,
Portland and other points,.
I The work of tb itorce of expert lln
men who. have been engaged (bere for
some time In putting uptfe nef eablei
for the telephone wires, is rapidly pro.
greasing, and1 the work Is being done
in a manner entirely thorough and eat
isfaotory,, h; ,t,:'. -:...',
,.--'. , i' Island 'Cityv' Oregon '.nV'
;, J'' Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA
' , swiOTp. .;jm::) ;.,::-;i'&.u'. . ,', i cl ,:i
" ' . - 1 Wenow hayo eight youngjbucks, pwe bred, Oota
wold and shropshires, ready for service,' anyone ' need,
-i ing choice buqks, should see these to appreciate them
' " Young stock always on hand, and always glad to
' ' have yon' call and see our hogs, as we breed them for
the Farmor, aod ask you to compare our paicos before
buying some where else., , a., , ., :
-. r. -j:,,',, yn ' t.jui j , ' 'r..'l c.a Bj::iBnd
. How dear to my heart Is the old-fashioned washboard
J That mother used to wash on when I was a boy,
With its zinc-covered ridgea tbe suds used to play In
And aoap bubolea n.y childish joy
2 Ofttimes hive L. watched, her whea wearing her knuckles.
As over the ridgea our duds sue would rub.
I ne'er will forget how ahe anlashed and she slatherep
J The old fashioned waah board that stood in the tub.
' The old fashioned washboard;
J " ' Taealuo-covered washboard;
' The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub.
' Some folka always kiok about up-to-date, lauddriea,
And aay they wear oat their clothes every day;
J Bat give them, to me, so I will have a hot dinner
e At home, with the smell of the soap suds aivay.
I know that the washing machine ia muoh easier
S On all' of oar olothes than to take them and rub
Till the buttons ao ii bosoms are lost and worn out'
By the old-fashioned washboard that stood in the tab,
We are not the old fashioned kind.
HPHONE'j. 1851
t : :; V
i Cliain wood by th.e Cord
-tj -
,,128 cubic feet to the i cord. 16-inch -dry; chain
wood, $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load.
You pay for what you get and get what you pay for.
Phone 571-: . H, rW. NIBLEY.
ClSsfflg b tit Special
Six New.. Go Carta & Baby Buggies at
One Half Price
925 00 Buggy, now ...$12 60
J500GoCart,now. 7 60
. Big Redactions on Iron Beds
118 00 lied t)12 50
New Springs ......1 75
Second Hand Springs 60
We have several ''handsome Dressers at
Real Bargains. Also $12 Extension Dicing
Room Table (or 18 50, New chairs 60c.
We will pay all your old stoves are worth
in exchange for New Ranges and Heaters.
Notary Public
Money to Loan ,
fr ' f
.. -rt ' ... i. . . i i ii
Representing me uquitaDie savings at Lioan Asso
ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most
reliable institution on the Pacifio coast, under State
supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. 1
WM. GRANT, Agent
City property for sale. . , .
Phone 2051 FD HAISTEN
- t y
Qao. PauiKa President
J. M. Basar Ties President
J. M. Chdscb Cashier
J. M. Berry, J. M. Ohuruh
A. B. Coaler, Geo. L. Clea
ver, Geo. Palmer .
. II
.... ttU ly,,
F. L. Mitkbs and Geo L Cleaver Asar. Cashiers
La Grande National, B nk
La Grande, Oregon "
CAPITAL ANDj SURPLUS, $72,0000 . ,j
Transacts a general banking business. Bnya ar.d sails exchange en
, t all parU of the world. OollecUons a specialty.