La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Ihe Commercial, Educational and Political Cen-
. - . ' . .. ... , - .
ter of . an Unsurpassed Empire
La Grande has the foundation fori
and ie deetined to become the largest
oily In eaatern Oregon, and it rapidly
aaanming her position at auch Daring
the put two yea a we haver nearly
double! oar population and none are
to blind who ran not predict a ttill
greater and moie rapid growth fat
1005. - -
Union county, by reatonjol berexten
tive, large ana diwraiaed reeonrce ,
it capable ol supporting an immense
population, and t la population will
be the basis uf the maintenance of a
Already the flow of homeeekera
from the east are beginning to arrive
and tbe beginning baa in reality not
jet begun. No one bnt kcowa .that
thia valley with its teeming tbouaandt
will tnpport but one oity and thai city
will be La urande.
- - What tbe luture baa in store we have
nut tbe faintest Idea. We do know,
however that oar present -eupremaoy
it the result ot natural advantages.
Bad not our busineaa men faith,
bated upon our natural aarroandings.
it goet without laying that no aooh
permanent Investm nt i t we now en
joy would have been made.
Oregon it a grande state bnt where
it there another ooanty within her bor
ders whose large and varied Industries
equal onra. Borne counties produce
more ol tome one produot, but where
it the county that ex porta large quautl
tlea of grain, hay, fruit, potatoes, beets
( in shape of sugar), dairy products,
lumber, the output of 30 saw milltj,
i cattle, horses, hoga
Nearly every artlole above mention
ed it not only exported in car loada
. but often In solid train loada
The above renretentt our aotual con
ditlon today, not in the future. How
ever tha future it bright, Tbe coming
We Can Interest You
In Our Line
Oar Eleotrio Fixtures and Electrolier stock is
complete and we make a specialty of desk and office
lighting We can also fit yen out with miniture
lamps for sign lighting and decorating and shades
of all kinds. Please oall at night when they can be
lighted and you can see how they will look in your
house. Our new offioe, now located in the Somer
building, is nicely equipped with everything in our
line Office hours from 7am to 8 p m.
La Grande Light and Power Co.
With. Life in it
When you buy anythiug in rubber goods it pays to
get the kind with rubber in it. Maay makers of rob
ber goods are pliant to the demana for cheapness, and
.hence the market is flooded with inferior goods that
hardly resemble rubber. Quality counts in this line,
and we are careful to buy of maketa who have a rep.
utation for turning out high grade goods only. You
can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no
matter how low the price is.-
Bulb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water
Bottles, Combination. Fountain Syringes aun Hot
Water Bottles, eto.
With Riches
year meant much to the oity and ooun
ty, It It an assured fact that the Elec
trio railroad will eooircle thia valley.
Thit not only meant the actual expen
diture uf 100,000 bat it meant tbe de
veliipuient of a large area on either
side of att or more miles traversed' It
meant oar large farmt will be divided.
Our farmers are now. the money ktnga
of Unioa county and along with their
prosperity cames tbe mtny oomforti
enjoved by lew sections equal to this.
five free ru'al free, mail rou ea In ad
ditlon to tbe taberb train aervice, and
tha many rural telephone lines are the
rule and not tbe exception.
La Grande it the oommeroial, politl
cal and educational oeuter of tbla fer
tile ooujty. It hat now reached the
500O mark , and with tbe Impetus tbe
electrlo road will give tbe eonnty, and
the two power oompanlea which are
now entering this city, it la no draw
upon the imagination to predict that
within three years the population will
exceed 16000. '
There hat been more transfers of
oity property within the past year than
ener. Thecorea of new homea built
tbie year and now in o-urs oloouuruc
tion bespeak a permanenoy that ia fcf
patent. Tbe three story Foley bouse,
mod rn in every war, with 175 elegant
rooms, ia the result of the proprietor
meeting tbe demand ot the trade. In
addition to tbia we have three other
The deposits ot our two National
Hanks, the receipts of the post office,
are evidences of oar prosperity and
La Grande bat the distinction of be
log tbe railroad oenter of eastern Ore
gon. Here are located the O. R. 4 N.
machine shops, rourd house, terminus
of the Elgin branch line, freight divi
on, and tbe largest pay roll between
j Portland and Bolw Oily, which tt 1300,
! 000 par annum.
Hare Is looated the only lugar factory
In the atate, which has Jntt Bnlabed,
; the campaign b aTlug paid the grower!
j of this valley over 100,000 for beets,
the manafaotared product of which la
In exeeee ol e260,000. '
iat September resulted, in La Grand
being made the oounty teat, and tan
wanted their teat of gorerumeot looat-
Uata point moat of access, and
m imiW mnM hnnift mimI Ia
many in the atata that ooat more than
Our achool advantagea are and have
been for yean recognized and not later
than next year atepa will . bare to be
taken for the erection ol another eohool
building. '
During the .present year over 10000
feet of oity water mama have been laid
to accomodate the lnoreuod growth of
the oity.
lWKwtUeeea free oity mail dellv
ery, . ,
The looation of the O 8 Land QSlce
here meant that that it la ouly a quae
tlon of time when the government will
construot a publlo building here for
the accomodation of the Land Offioe
and Poet Offioe. U. 8 Senator Mitch
ell baa already introdooed a bill for
thia purpose.
The luture ot thia county and La
Grande la worthy ot he moat oaref nl
eonaideratlon of all homeaeekera and
a careful examination ol oar aarrouud
Inge can lead to nothing lest tbau a
realization ol the fail that La Grande
le he ooming oity ol a rich empire
Oity property la very roaaonable
and offer apeolal inducement for in
veitera and borne baildera
Oregon Land Fraud
Cases Now on Trial
Showing the Methods
9 m
Script to Locate on the Most
Desirable Lands
The following from tbe Portland
Journal makes very plain the object
and methods employed in the cele
brated land Iraud oaset
rereons unfamiliar wtib the me
thods of the conspirators who have
systematically tobbed the government
ol its lands in Oregon, frequently ask
wny ruter cJ tielr co-
defendants, now on trial in tho federal
court should have desired to toquire
tuletithe uninhab table, mountain'
ou9 k i-tea covered by theii pretended
bi in -u-dt fn township U-7.
file explanation la afforded by tbe
evidence now bcinj developed by the
government. Towusbip U-7 it with
i i tbe limits of the Ca-ciJe forest re
erve wbiob was oreatcd by proolama
tion of tbe president, September 28
1393. All vaoaot non-mineral govern
ment lands within the limits of tbe
reserve were thereupon witbdrawu
from settlement. Bat under tbe so
oilled "eoripper law" any person who
prur to the creation of the reserve
bad settled upon lands afterward in
oluded within the reserve, may, if he
so desires, relinquish his land to the
givernment and may select other
land in lieu thereof. Settlers are al
lowed an asonable time limit within
which to complete their titles, just as
if no reserve had been created. When
a settler relinquishes bis land in this
manner, sorip is issued to him by tbe
government, good lor an equal
amount ol vscant government land
anywhere else.
. The evidence already given in tbe
land fraud ettei sbowt Ibat tome
eevei years alter Ibeoreation of the
Cascade lorest reserve 19 homestead
applioations were filed in the Oregon
Oity land offioe, for claims lyiog in
township 11-7. , Tbe lends covered
by these oliims were intriniioally
worthless, and they were only desir
able as "bate" 1 e at a meant for ac
quiring sorip. As scrip was then tell
ing at about f 15 an acre tbe 19 olaimt
were worth at bate between 116,000
Another Pioneer
Mra. Fannie Mitchell, one of the
early pioneera ot thia valley, died
this forenoon on the old homestead a
few mUs north nt Island City, at the
age ol 83. The funeral will take place
from the home tomorrow at ten
o'clock, Rev. Day of the La Grande
Baptist ohuroh officiating. The inter
ment will be In Aklet cemetery.
Mrs. M!t-ht!! came hers is 1SS3 with
her hnsband who preceded her to the
other shore three years ago. She leaves
one daughter, Mra. W Q Hunter, and a
eon, Simpson, who owot the old home
plaue. ,
New Firm
2 Andreas Co., have aold their
undertaking , department to Messrs
Griffin Hoagan of Butte, Montana,
These gentlemen have bad muny yean
ol experience in ih e line. Mr. Griffin
returned last evening to Butte to- pack
hit household goods and will remove
hero with bin fum'.ly immediately. , Mr.
Hoagan ia here now. ...
Rebecca .Election
At the regular meeting of Crystal
Rebecca Lodge No 50 I O O held
November 29, the following officers
were elected for the ensnlnir term. -Noble
Grand. Maud Brawl
Vice Grand....... Mollle Buok
Record. D2 Secretary Ada Fowler
Finanelal Secretary Emma Olark
Trea-arer Mrs. Baworth
Alter lodge the members proceeded
to the dining room where a nioe luncb
was served after which a very pleasant
social honr waa enjoyed.
Employed to Secure
It is tbe ooatention of the govern
ment that all of these 19 uomeBtead
olaims were flotitioos and fraudulent
that no actual settlement waa ever
made upon them, and tbe sole oliject
of tbe pretended tattlers was to Ase
tbe olaims at base. Proof baa been
made that patents were issued upon
tbe olaims, thai tbe 1 nds were then
relinquished to the government and
that other lands were selected in lieu
of them.
Although the lauis embraced in
tbe fraudulent homestead claims
were of no intiinsio value, they were
worth as base $5 an acre.
The operations ol Puter and his
confederates were of course not con
fined to township 11-7, and tbeolaima
wbiob Ibey acquired there were but a
small (rootion of the land they are
auppoaed to have illegally obtained by
similar metbodt elswbere in the forest
reserve ol tbe Hate. Tbit was bnt
one of many townships in wbiob Ibey
Oregon Apples Abroad
According to newtpaper reports, Jtie
notoriety ot Oregon applea and their
xoeptional quality bas reaohed for
eign countries and there ia a demind
for them outside as Is shown by the
following from a recent inane of tbe
London Globe:
Within the past fortnight 80,000
bushels of fancy mammoth Oregon
applet have been bought for the Eng
lish Christmas trade oblefly, the buyer
paying seven sblllU,gi and eight thill-
lugs a bushel on the spot for them.
Tbia It the most remarkable deal ever
effected in applet. They are aald to
be the largest templet of applea which
have aver been parohated for export to
England. Despite the low prloea
wbiob are ruling for ordinary applet
here, It la expected that the speoial
Oregon fruits upon arrival will bit dia
poaed of at reoord values. For the
Christ mat trade 10.000 or 30,000
boabels of eholot applet are only a
Chinese Who Assisted in
to Hospital Says
(lave Dispersed
i . Observer 8 peoial .
Toalo Nov 89 The Japanese today
assaulted, oarried "and ' retained ' the
foutberoly portion of )3 metre hill
bei .re Port Arthur.
Obefoo, Nov 30 Obioena who have
arrived here todoy from Port Arthur
sy heavy fighting oontlnoen. Tbey
beard Bring all dny yesterday , while
at sea- Chinese ere assisting the Jap
anese in carrying their wounded fr m
small supply. There are Arms who uai.
dispose of such a par-el in one day it
necessary, and at prloea wbiob will net
the shippers good profits."
A Life
Observer Speoial
Chicago Nov. 80 Oron O01 tbe
seventeen year old son of well known
and lesponeible parents residing at
Kingston was sentenced to lile im
prisonment this morning by Judge
Obetlaio. The young man had been
tried and oonvioted of the robbery of a
restaurant, II e received tbe extreme
limit ol tbe law on toocuot of the
(aot Cox attempted to kill the stall In
obargeol tbe restaurant with a revol
ver, Oox was assisted in hit robbery
by two companions. Ibey
. aeoured
one hundred dollars from the
Nelson, Wins
Observer Special
San Francisco Nov. 30 roans Oor-
bett was easily vanquished last nlpbt
by Nelepn who delivered a terrible pun
isbment. Young Corbet together with
bit tranert are trying to take a rosy
view ot life today. After the fight
Oorbett wat taken to tbe hospital
where three stitches were taken In his
obeek and two in hit lip Nelson Is
around bright and jubilant over hit
King Opens Parliament
(Observer Bpecial
Rome Nov 30 Parliament waa re-
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
Eomig 4 Staples
Mo Fay lane
Geddes Bros
0. lu Thorn
Remember every pound
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter yon
help a home industry and thereby help your ewn
Pasturated sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always on band. ' H.
La Grand Creamery Co
Removing Wounded
the Japanese f
the trains to tbe hospital and they
pertonelly eounted a thousand. They
rep irt that tbe Japaueee are depressed
' Tokio Nov SO The Emperor today
formerly opened the seoood war diet
He rodti through tbe ornwded ttreelt
in slate coach, escorted by troops,
lancers and accompanied by the
Crown Prlnoe and several member ol .
the Imperial household, to the -bouse
ol Parlitaen. . '
opened by King Victor Emanuel ao
numpanled" by Queen Helena. The
king in a speei h from the throne advo
oated peaceful and liberal principles
which were greeted with great ap
planae, : '
. .The pasting uf tha royal party from ,.
the palaoe to the parliament houee wat
a greet apeotaole. ' .3 -
. (Speoial to Observer) .
: San Franoieoo, Nov.: 80. The Exam
iner thit mornlns ttatet that Jacob
j Soniff, the New York financier while
here recently approved of - the Harri
man plan for the oomtractloo ot tbe
tbirty three tbonsand foot tunnel
through the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Thit greet tnnnel will result in the do
irig away ol over fifteen hundred faet of
mountain grade and many hundred
feet of curvet on the Central Paolfio.
Thirty tlx mllee of costly anow shade
will alo be abolished This is one ot
tbe most daring engineering feats at
tempted lor many yean.
Mrs Chadwicklll
(Observer BpeoUl)
New York Nov 80 Mrs Catsle Cbad
ntlck ot Oleaveland who baa made de- '
fendant in a aeries of sensational suits
to recover large sums of money said to
have been loaned her by individuals .
and banks, Is very 111 at the Holland
lloate and it tald to be on the verge
ol nervloas collapse as a result of
suit to recover nearly ISOO'OOO brought
by H D Newton it Brookline Meat
Baker Bros.
0. Ralston
J. W. Wbite
is guaranteed
1 ,.
1 - .
t -
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I 1