WORLD'S FAIR GRAND PRIZE SHOES y . DIAMOND BRAND $10,000:00 Peters' Diamond Brand Shoes have won highest award at the World's : Fair and wherever Exhibited. h m h Half a Carload of JJJWe have just received half mnA laftea wall miuv Half nw maw. nun frawavie u 1 rous. inis n more papery man any ; one urm ever . ay thought of bringing into this county in a single season, m ' Tbli paper la all for Ml asii meet be told this season. We ' have brooght two Ant class paper hangers direct from Chicago, mhd are without doabt tbe moat aklllfnl workmen iu Eastern ho, with the five first olaaapper hangers already la oar em. ploy, gives ae the beat working tore t the Inland Empire. HgStaekland & Jj POINTS. eil2S Script Script Otltdccd forest nwrwi approved, nn rwtrmtiMd, wamdf tot ltmjMdiatue any. wfetre. Lowest prioM. F. P.&P.BJtltoy, haabcr ot Comment BldLg, Portland, or. Wood Saw I IHavtng leaaedbe G W Alio ateam wood saw, I am. pre pared to promptly takejoar ofjall ordera ntrasted to me. . . WMAndie, Corner Greenwood and H1U streets Phone 736 812-01 MAfcES A CLHAN SWEEP There'e nothing like dcing a thing thoroughly. Of all tbe Selves Ton ever beard of. Baeklen's Arnica Salve la tbe beet It aweepa away and ourea Boras, Sores, Braises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcer-, Bkio Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c and guaranteed to give aatliiaotion by 'La Grande Drag Co., and Newlin Irog Co., Druggist. ' THOUGHTFUL MAN. M. K. Austin olj Wlnter, Ind., knew what to.dojln.the hour to need. Hia wife had aaeb as Innotaal case of Stomach and liver trouble, physicians eonld aet kelp her. He though of and tried Dr. King's New Ufa Pills and ahe got rsllat at once end was finally evndV Onlyc,atLGradeDft Oa, Wd GRAND PRIZE on GRAND PRIZE on GRAND PRIZE on i GRAND PRIZE on GRAND PRIZE oh GRAND PRIZE on rr,;';"; ': GRAND PRIZE on TO New Wall Paper. (3 a car load of the newest - -i1nA OA AAA 1 u vbiiubu llicaiia &UVUV if. McLachlen g AND GLASS Jj TRADE. FOLLOWS THE PRICE That ia whv neoole con:.' here for men's aud by boys' ihoes Tbe J. E. Tilt line is out spec ialty. Here is where prkfl and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET BEST COUOR IMEDICINE ton h.n nn ftiir a eooirh msdiclne for mall children yon want one in which roa!cao placo implicit confidence, f on want one that not only relieves bat cares. Yon want one that ia onqnes tlonably harmless. Koo want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedt meeta all Of these con dition!. There la uotblng so good for be oonghs and eoldi Incident to child. od. Vorsaie by All Druggists. High "Art-Men's and women's Finest Dre J3 Shoes. Par 'ExcellenceMeh's and Women's Fine Dress SfioW Diamond Special-Men's and Women's Shoes, 18 Carat-Men's Shdes Sparkler Women's Shoe. Black Diamond-Men's Women's and Children's every - bty! Shite Academy School Shoes., CHARITY i . .-il ri.- , il- : Doing Factory Attempted But Could Not Secure Rates After Campaign to Refine Cane Syrup The sugar making campaign is about ended at the Spreokles factory and in about two weeks all of tbe beets w 1 b iu, at which time tbe big mill will olose dowo. There is an experiment being made at tbe faotory, however, whiob, if SLCoesslol, may revolutionize matters there in years to come. The result of the venture will be watched with the keen interest by :1 residents of BpreokeU and Salinas, for tbe out come will mean maoh to both plaoee. This is the oon verting of soger oane into oane sugar. . For sojie yeara past tbe Bpeckels Sugar company's plantations in tbe Hawaiian Mauds bave supplied more care than theoonipany oould con Ten ientw bundle, and toe surplus cane hm i'n shipped to8an Franoisoo to go i nrotigh the sugar making process tbtrr. .. Now tbe San Franoisco mills have more than they can utilise and as effort is being made to see what success wil attend maklngoane sugar at Speekcls. II it can be converted into sugar st a reason ible profit tbe prospects aie favorable for tbe big mills bfiog run the entire yeai, work ing tbe beets op during the regular season and oane the remainder ol tbe ti me. Salinas, Cal . , Index. Tbe La Grande factory attempted to secure freight rules witb a view of doing the same thing that tbe Speck els factory ia about to do, It would be a good tbiog for this community if our big plant oould find employ ment to mo oontinaons and it may r. ' Gompers President Tbe American Feneration of Labor IF ANY SHOES HIGHER AWARD Our at Sao Franoisoo re-eleoted Samuel Gompers for another year, Tbe Federation will meet next, year at Pitabnrg Pa. Still Hopeful Observer'Speoial Freewater Ore, Nov. 29 Before tbe local option law takes effect a last effort will be made by tboae who favor tberetsntion of saloons to defeat tbe low. They believe that aa tbe law haa been set aside in other communi ties for various reasons , some loop hole will bs found so that it oan be pronounced invalid bare. Wood For Idaho Fred Jacobs Is filling an order for 60 oars oi wood to be shipped to Idabo points. We believe tbis is tbe first shipment into that territory. Plot Thickening Portland, Ore., Nov. 29 Startling testimony was brought out today in the land fraud esses. Evideaoe being introduced by Proaeoatiog Titty. He ney showing that S B Or m shy, super intendent of tbe Cascade forest re serve, who was sent ont after Inspec tor Loom Is was believed to have Join ed tbe oonspiracy, following tha let ter's plan and joined the clique. Oraotby, according to Heney, not only declared Loorals reports true, bat backed them up with additional fiadolent reports. This afternoon it being taken op witb tbe story ol Emma Watson's fligtt to Chicago and capture In that city. This is the record of the shoes .we want ' to ielf you j " - j j 1 st Drtp to ' and see some of the swell new fichibftlon'Shai Pay Up , The publio Is hereby notified that I bave disposed of my feed, store to J. W. White and 1 desire to thank the publio generally for their liberal patronage in tbe past and that parties now owing me will please oall and set tle with me personally or they can oall at tbe La Grande National Bank who will receipt for all bills. 11-11 to 18-1 O, O. JOHNSON, NOTlOB FOR PUBLICATION Ifepartmont gf tn Interior L.nd Office, La Orande, Or. Octobar It, 1901 rfoUee Is hereby given that the following settler bu died notice of bis intention to make final proof lu suppoit of. .als claim. ua wnuui pruot win oe mtiue before the .effleier and Receiver of the rr. H. Land Offloe t t La f ;randR. Or, on November 2B 1UM. Via.. U. Ifl l32i, James (Joolov, of Kamela, Oregon, Lou La. and ), NEJ4 BW4 Sec. A Tp. i 8. R. 116 E. W. M He names the following witnesses to prove hi. continuous residence upon end culUv.tloa of .ld land, vis.; William Todd, Edward Coo ley, William Drools, snd Bart UsrvlM. all of Kamela, Oregon. E. W. Davis, Rsslster. Fine Organs FOB $46 $4$, $52, $55 Tbe well known and popular Paoiflo Queen, very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 dow i and 4 a month. Wri e us (or partioulrrs. Mail Orderp promptly and carefully filled. Biers Piano House S51 Washington Street, oorner Park Portland, , Oregon Large storos also Spokane, nd Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho, t'ti lJ "IU1 fHt'f (fii - fePilessiduall "S .. .. - . ...'W,,-) W. J. BISON ETT . 1CXPBRT ACCOUNTANT ' OQoe witb J.T."Wllllaniaon, La Grande Partlee wlahing the servlees ot a com petent bookkeeper kre MitrM aatU factory reaulta. c SfttoitmiaM C. B. Cauthorn DEi&Tii3T Offioo.Over Htll DruB Star La, Orton .HMCHkRLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at AiyHill's Drpg fitote La Ode. (&eg)tik ninfim Rosidenee phoneTOl Malheur CountIatestMehts For Investments In MALHEUR COUNTY, Write. to 0, T.'oDANlEL,.. Ontario. ..... . . , , . .Qregon f--. . a Commercial Umversit7 e -wimhmi' S&s2!r Boarding aohool tor yoan rasa A aeiya. Box 348.Univenity Park SUlUrt,' Portland Onfm Lodge Directory. EAQLKA-U Uranda U Oranda Alria sn OJ X aMste rnlgktla Z o4 F hall tTiai mi, w p a. ti Mariu,V aw every Krjda' VI.IMnn bra C Oliocklall, dvSKnl'Ktut m &untilniii u u.i ' Kanon, Mi ii tneeU evjtj TowUr la Xik'S oalL tWoUsrs aj. InTlUd to ttuid, . . . JHelaner(iklanaaaar. OJVaaoavaoel keeaao. their hail even turday nlf ht, VIslUug ansae imn waruauty man m. hwm. ,. - a K Rlaacart M U li C Ooolids See. A. F.A A. M-U Grande LorJfa Hi, AU maeaa every lit tod gatar Uy of each month. , . AC WllliamaSeo,' " CAHTKaN STAH O KHHoe.'Oaaptar' ifo IS meets tM second and fnnnn Weduaada rf aaUi moath at i;sB n m In Muoafcr.mje BlarvA Wanjek,aae Hre UaraTil.W -I w SI ewue DragOo., Drn . m ... "'L, 1 B a m -