' v We. ars no selling all MILL IN E R Y ' at a reduced price "... New Belts, New Combs, New ; Caps E M WELlYM AN & CO La G-rai Vde - Oregon 'WW nuclei D. H. STEWARD, Mar, TUESDAY. NOV. 29 BLACK PATTI ; TROUBADOURS Orchestra 11.00 Drees Circle 76c Family Cirole 50o ' Gallery 50o Children 25o : 8eats on Sale Sunday Morning at Va Btirens " 40 Singers, Dancers, Jesters, Minstrellists Vaudevillitts, Dixie Girls. Y- BLACK PATTX BI88IERETTA JONE8 .. - the greatest singer of her race . , JOHN RUOKER, "The Alabama Blossom" the fuuniest colored man alive PRETTY CHORUR. Wmprlstag tbe sweetest and best Trained negro voices In the world. Presenting a magnificently new $10,000 stage prodnotlon Inoludlng "looney Dreamland" "Plantation Faslmes" "Glory of the Fair" "Often back Opera-BoaOe" and "Hwe.ll Minstrel Varieties" L A'tf 4I'"" V" . 'i''T 'USUI Xa Srande Snves,ment Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, La. Grande, Oregon Full Weight Guaranteed Wholesale and Retail deal ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege tables and Fruits Carload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatriok Bldg. Phone No 1113 SPECIAL! FOR TEN Everything in my store at REDUCTION PRICES Jsfcawawawwaw.wawswawawa Now is your chance. ' Come in and see for your self and be convinced that I MEAN JUST 'VVHAf "l SAY. IT WILL PAY YOU MRS. J. R. FORREST, Milliner Monio balding oa 40 , The Man Who Pays Rent and hla name ia legion, ia more honest than wise. Ke should . Purchase a Home and enrich himself instead of others! It is possible, even for those of limit ed inoeme, to own a comfortable, con venient and modern residence. We Have Them For Sale at prices, covering a large range and can arrange terms to snlt any one, Pleased to have those Interested look over our list They will find some thing suitable on it. - Special Offer What would be nicer for a Christmas present than an enlarged photo of your self or baby f Until Nov 20th . oa get an 11x14 Bromide free witn every st.uu order for Photos at Tbe Taylor Studio Reading Room. Tbs eist room of Central Church o Christ. Open every day from noon to six in tbe evening. Daily and weekly papers, magasines and books. Men and boys cordially invited. Strangers i always welcome SALE DAYS Adama avenue. OREGON STATE NEWS Salem will build ' 10,bou labool building tbte winter, . made Decenary by the growth of the achool popula tion For tbe want of retaining wall, the sidewalk on t i Astoria itreet was buried for a block November 26, by' a landslip, nnd more U.ooming. George Vt issuer suicided at Bend November 25, by hanging himself to & juniper. No enarja known, bat "be be been acting queerly for some time.' Tbe evening of November 28, three freight care on the Columbia Southern were dltohed throe mile sonth -of Biggs, tearing no the track for 250 feet No one was injured. : - Fiftr thousand sheep have been sold In Crook county, Oregon, this year, to outside but ers. Local papers say this is tbe largest number that waa ever old In that county in auy one year. J H tialbreath, Insane, la in custody at Astoria He spends-aO boors ol tbe 2i shouting at the top of bia vuioe either prayers or curses, declaring that "spirits aft In his legs. ,: Be la tbe most troableaome insane person ever in cuatody In Olatsopoounty. Corbett Nelson Fiht . San FVanclseo, Nov 29 -The betting on tbe Uorbett Nelson fight which will be culled off tonight is ten to four on Corbett, but there is an Immense amount of five to ten dollar bets on Nelsod. The Indications are that thla will be a fight that has not beers called since tbe Corbett Britta engagement and there is no more money up oa this fight toan baa been ; op on any fight aims tbe one referred to. Both oi the .men will take weight easily tonight. Nelson on his arrival ie the oity said, I will win the fight by a knockout after Oorbett Is tired out. I am glad to hear of the latest odds for it gives me the chance to make money easy. - Kuroki is Still Alive Japanese General Not Rumored Use Dogs Dead as Japanese as Scouts (Observer Special Madken, Not. 29 Skirmishes are reported to tbe eastward of Mukden, b .t then has ben no definite Japan eae advances, an1 at thl time them is no mateiial cLanie in the situation ' A Japanese prisonarsavs that General Kuroki is not dead as has been 'epo,t ed anion th Chinese- Tbe Japanese are nsihx dogf as scouts, sending them out "Itb 1 ngoards attaohen to them and they nnerringl) locate the position of tbe Russians, and well as (live warn ing of ano movement again tit the Japanese. ACTS LIKE A RABBIT A Boy is Hypnotized and Told he is a Rabbit--Hypnotist Can't Break Spell Daluth, HIod, H31 28-Wllllam BargsoD. sssca of Adolpb Bargson, a faruier rsrHdi near Fsrtlls M'nn, Is andsr a bypDOtl" spell and Imagines b Is a rabbit and the spsll apparently cannot be broken. Bargson la 11 years old He attended an ' entartiinnieot at t ertll given by a traveling by poo tiat wboadvertlaed himself aa Professor Isolde, "Among tbe volunteers who went npoojhe stage to be hypnotized was young Hurgaoo. He was easily hypnotised and when in this condition be was told tbat ha was s rabbit. Later when tbs prolesaor tried to brine tbe tad te Ills Druses be was an able to do so. He worked all night without subset then left for Mlonea polls to get a nerve specialist, whom be said would see tore tbe boy's mind to lie normal oondltlon The prof essor has since nut been seen, and the father of the boy swears vengeance. William aqueaka like a rabbit, bat otters no other sound. It is with difficulty that bis pateats can get blm Into the douse at night It Is feared that tba lad will die as bit health is waning fast. The boy has been In thia oondltlon tor 10 days. Earthquake In Illinois (Observer Special) Pittafleld, III, Nov 29th. Adistlnct earthquake was felt In this city this morning and lasted (for ten seconds. Tbe shock waa felt at Ave o'clock, and although the Deon'.e were sreutlv frightened there was no serlons damage aone. ' Os-te-op-a-thy It is Built upon Common-Sense Common Sense is tbe attribute most needed in medicine. Tbat every one know.. Common-sense is tbe most obaraoteristio thing about Oe t opatby That every one knows who has resorted to It for tbe - Dure of sickness. IPH were not built upon good common-sense Dr Sill could never have established it so iolper sh ably in tbe hearts of tbe American people. - ... ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first moving tbe limbs and in cold er damp weatb er. ia cured auiokl by Ballard's Snow uiniment. Oscar uieson, tiibeon (Jity Illinois, writes, Feb 18 1902: '.'A year ago 1 was troubled with a rain in mv oacx. soon got so Dad 1 coaia not bend nver. One bottle of Ballard's gnow '-nent cared me." 25c; 50o tuu. - "JVewitn Drug (Jo. - TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION U. B. Land Offloe. La Grande, Oregon Reml.A. 1004. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the States or California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to ull the rubllc Land States by act of August 4, V&'i, Ularenoe II. Channel, of (Salt 1 ob-i lY;to rmniitlrnrUnlt Ink. Ut.s.a nflllol. take City, county of Bait Lake, State of Utah, bat this day filed lu this offloe his Bworn statement No. 8107, for the purchase of Lotl. beo. 18. Td. 5 south, ranse 86. E'X NE' ANEWHIC; of Boutiou No. W In Tow nib i No. B Kanee No. U B.W.H. a. 5 o. Range Ni And will offer proof to show tbat the land ought la more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aod to establish bia claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this offloe at ha Grande, Orcgpn, on Monday, tbe 6th day of He names aa witnesses Ralnh IT. Rntlia. Oregon, Fran1 8. Murphy, ofi'erry, Oregon, Abe Anv and all oenious claiming adverselv the above described lands are requested to flic their claims In thlsoinoe on or before aald sthday of December, IVOi. n. w. UK vi, negiate SOTICB KOR PUBLIC A riOH. (Isolated Tract) PUUL1C LAND -HA I.E. Notice la hert bv sl on. that In nurtnanm at lunruceioua iroin inc ioiDmuBioiisr oi iuo General Laud Office, uuder authority vested In action aoo u. h. KevUed autuu bv tha aot of Coueress iddi 8. KevUed HUtutes. as amended 1 the act oi uongrcss approved February '26, I8U5, wo will procuod to offer at public sale, at tea o'clock h. m. on the '2 day ot AuKuat. 1o0a. at this office, tha folJoWliur tract of land, to-wit;- nV4 BW4 dec 2 T4 8R 3j E. W. M. ' Any and all persons eLilming adversely the abova described laud are advuod to file their claims in this office o or before the day above designated for the commeucement of said tale; otherwise, their rights will be forfeited Dated JuneitSloQ. E. W. Dsvls RegUter. A H. Roberts. Aeeelvtir. Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore ex la ting between W O Peach. J 8 Peach and Q W Feach under tbe name ot Peach Bros., has this day been dissolved by matnal con sent, W G Peach retiring. J S Peach and Q W Peach, who will continue the business, as Peach Bros., will pay all outstanding debts and collect all ao counts doe the old firm. Dated at La Grande Oregon this 28th day of Nov. 1904. W Q Peach ' J 8 Peach 11, 28-12, J8 OV Teach That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes !W canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fpsb est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given 'to phone orders. Geddes Bros. LEGAL Estate Notice J R Kellogg deceased, Estate., Notice is hereby given Uistjtha ndeisigned, i M Church, has qoail- ondeisli 9ed as Ex eon tor of thf last will and testament of J B Kellogg, deceased. All Persons havia clalma aaeinst said estate are hereby 'roqnired to present the same properly verifled to the undersigned at the oflleea ol 0 U l 1 J. - .1 . felon, Sommer Building, Us tiraodci Oregon, within alz months from tbe date of tbe Brat pablioation of this notice. . Dated and Brst published Ootober 8th 1004. J M Ohuroh, Exeoutorof Batata of J R Kellogg, deceased. .,' (J, II. Finn, Attorney for Executor. Notice Of Final Account Notice la' hereby' given that the undersigned, AdminlatratiU of tbe estate of William Spencer, deceased, bas filed In tbe County Court ol Union County for the state ol Oregon her final account as anch administratrix, and tbeOourt bas fixed Monday the 19th day of December 1904 for bearing any objeotl ns to said final account and for the flnal settlement thereof Dated thla November 19, ISM Minnie M Spencer, Administratrix NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notloe la hereby riven to ail whom it may concern:- TlmtNelllo G Nolll, administratrix of the estate of Alfred T Nolll, decenaed, hiu flted her fluul report tn the administration of Mild eatute, and the County OourtofUnlon County, Oregon, has set the 2nd. day of Janttury. A. D.. 1900, at two o'clock, p m. for the hearing of said sport and any onjeotions inereto: Dated UiUlBth. day of November, A Dl-04 NELLIE Q. NEILL. Administratrix of the estate of Alfred T, Nelll, Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby elven. that the underlined hnn filed the It Qui iiciuiunt of her dolnim an ax- ecuirlx of the last will anrt testament of Mar thij wanton, deceased; and that the Uoanty Cvurt has appointed Monday the 2nd day of januery u, m a o uiuck p. m. w vile time, ana the Court Houso at La Utande, Union County. Oregon, as the place for the hearing of maid and imi account. All persons uaviPK any oojec tlons to the same, will appear at said time and putoet aua oner saiu oujecuous mereio. LaGraode, Oregon, November, WOi. IUA m DA 1 , tUXBCUUlX. IJMBEH LAND, AOT JUNE . 1878 aNUTIOE FOR PUBLICATIOM : '. U. k. lsand omoe at La Urandn. Uracon August U, 1904. NoLloe is hereby E.ven that In oomnllanoB witb tbe provisions ot tbe aot of Congress of JUUBO, 10(0. DDUUCC "fLU UBh IOT lutS IUS OI LI ill nor lands In the HtRtea at (bllthrnlo. Drtv gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as etnded to all tbe Publlo Land litutea bj aot ol August 4, liWH, Uavld O Hugden, of Deiter- viuw, county oi woou. niaie oi Wisconsin baa. this dav filed In tills oflloa bis asrora stato'iient No. iil60. for tbe purnbase of tbe N K'i B W& HE N Wiand Lots ii mid 4 of Beo Uod No. a io Township Ma O.Houlb Uange ISo. And will offer proof to show (bat the land eruuK'i uiuro vtuuuuio iiir iiei uinoeT or stone than for agrloultural purposes, and to wlaoilsb her claim to said land before tbe Ken lb tor ana iteoeiver or this ouioe at im Orajde, O rot-on. on Tuesday tha efitb day or October, 1904 He names as witnesses. Uaipo 11. Bnllis, W. Uenry Brown, of Doxtervilla, Wlsoonslii; Leonard O. bullls, of Perry, Oregon; ana Udward Bean, ol La Orande, Oregon. Anv and all ncraons alM.iirili.if advarsaJv the above desoribed lands are raquestod to file their claims In thlsoflloeonor belbraaaid ii5th day of Ootober, UM. K. W, DttTla, Begtstar. TlUBJliH LAN D AUT I ON K 3, 1878 NOTKMt KOR PUBLICATION V.1 U. H. Land Ofica; L Orande Oregon, Ootober 6, ToOs. with the provision, , ol the sot of Congtesi of llmliur lauds la the Hhita of !al!rnrnla.f lr.nn. Nevada and Waahluirton l'er-itorvJ1 as ex. uinueu iv ati iuq iruuim uina outlet oy act ot August 4, lSqlt, Kulph H. BullU, of U Grande, county of Uuiou.wate of Oregon, has this day fild In this oil.ee bis sworn statement No, us lor me pucnaat) a I7.& K H H K ft 8 10 lawnsbiD No. K..W.M. Aua wui oarer proof to snow ttut the land Oregon, on Friday, the 2ird day of December, vOy- . . , lie name 1 as witnesses; Andrew J Sullivan ELam F Junes. BeUiamin Htuiev. of Starke v Or i K Jun.S. Hs.tl iamin uuirxv in Hterkav II egou and Ueorge O Holmes of La Craude Ore gon. Any and all perioos clalmhsj adversely the above described Uud. are rty; nested to file tholr claimtlu tliUoflloeon or before said 2Urd day ol Ueoember iltosj- a w iavia, KBgisiert TIM BE K LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 Muriuiu tuft v uumuAriuiN. . U. B. Land Oil ice, La Grande, Oregon. O01. ia. iwtt. Notion la berebr clven that .In oumDllaafM wltbtbeprovisloiuof the act of Congress of June 8, 1871- entitled "An aot for the sale of timber land 6 In theHtHlee of California, Ore gon, N jvada, and Washington Territory, aa extended to ail tbe Fub.. Land States by aot of August4, 1802, Clara A Brown, of Parry, County of union. State of Oregon, baa this day filed In thia office her aworn Uiemant No. tt25, for the purchase of theHK of Heoilon 18, Tp No 4 c, Kmnge No K W M. And wllj offer proof to show that the land aougbt ia more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the ttegisterand Keoeiver or tula offloe at La Orande. Orcaon. on Haturdav. the nh dav ol January. ls She names aa witnesses: Herbert R CteAver of Caldwell, Idaho; Ralph H Bullla of rwi, uimuu, uniiatuiH r 1 UUUH UI OM(atI U, Oreuon. WIllUui U Lonirlev of Ulltcanl. Oreson. Anv and all oersona olalmlnir Mdvanalv tha above described lands are requested to file iueir oiHima iu wia ouioe on or neiora mmut 7 lb oay oi January, iuu$. K. W sDavia. Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT. FOR THE COUNTY OP UNION, STATE OP OREGON. in tba Matter of the Kstale) or y oiutiott Jane Ball. Deoeaacd. J To Ueorge W. Allen and J. W. Allen, belrs- asvira wr u gsuu I'swi. uooatoiiiu, saiiu w sals umei uoknown belntand penKina oonoernetLOree nig. In the name of the Htata nf Onvntt. You arc hereby oiled and required to appear in (lie tjuunty uuurt ui luooiaw ui umtuu, for the County ot Union, at tbe Court Koom thereof, at Lea Urande in the Count v of Union, on Hatunlay, the 10th Say of OeoentOti, 1WI, at lo o'clock, id tbe forenoon of tbat day, then and there to siiiw cause, If any you have, why tbe petition of Ueonro Ball, Administrntorof the aiiive named estate, praying for an order uf th aald Court, authorising, licensing, and empowering blm to sell the teal projicriy be loiiifing i "ttid (HtAie, to pay estate debts, should not be granted. Witue.!. the Hon. M. A. Harrison, Judged the County Court of tbe Htateof Oregon, for ttw Oounty of Union, with the hi ofaalfi Court affixed thia 4tlt day of Noveiubor , Atteatt J U OlLilAia CUms. NOTICES - SUMMONS. In thaOlro.lt OootlofttsatatstsO union oeaatr. L 0 WILLI AlCS, Flaintbl ,. CASBIA A WILLIAMS, I To Cassia A WUllame. the ismiuat idefeudut: ii. uunZ?ih.m.uibu.. f?",h"'!b"?"lr1, appear ad I - -..""... U1DU cna entitled suit on or before the list ear Ocbbaj.lS0t. AiMlfronMtoeoa-slir ; want thereof, the pletaUff will Uke decree against yon for the dUeoiatloa of the marrUn ' cuiumot Biisiiu netween yon ana Use Dtalu- 1 1 ft ami for ml .nlt ... r tin sad for cost and disbursements ot tau n tul summons u pcbLLsoed la tae Keslera Oreeon Obeerver, a weekly oewsoaper pa btb use DiUon oouoty Oreson, by order of Ue Ho i. Hubert Kfilu, Judge of the Slshth Jadlol J Dlstr. t Of the Olrooll Ooart ot tbe Butte of Urexo. , Miosaweek forUxootiaecaUewkt, the arst . uMloatlon thereof to be nude oa the Vtn day ot September, UOt, ead the but puti.t. oaUon on the iiu day of Ootober, ISM, wlitoh 1M was madeoB the M day of September BDOENB ASHWIU' ' , Attorney lor PuTutal TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 7. MOTIOB FOR fUULlOATlOM. . D.&IwtdOfoVM,MLanud,Or- : .. . t Octlf, ISM. - Notloe la hereby given that la eompUAuoe with the provisions of the aot of Ooanees of Junes. Igfs, enUUed "An aot lor the sale ol Umber lands In tbe states of r""ilti Ore con, Nevada, and Washington Territory.' as extended to all the Public Land stales by aot ol August 4. lass. Herbert R Uee..r 1 Caldwell oouaty ofoauyon, e tote of Idaho, hu thU day Sled In thU oinoe bis sworn aut meno. i Droof lAihos saal tha tsuiif sought u more valmable for Its Umber er stone than for agricultural ourpoaee, and to establish his claim to said land before the BegUtar and Beoelver ottnla otttea at La Orande, Oregon, en Friday, tha U day of January, lira. He names as witnesses: VVUUsm B Brown of Perry, Oregon: Clara A Brown ol ferry, Oregon: B eL. Bullla. of Perrv. Ofacsmt BjuiI Jamla xoung, ofUilgard. Orenon. Any anu ail persons oiauniog allseelJ, tne above-desorlbed lauds are requetted la me their elalmsln this oaloe on. or beSorssald (jth dsy of January. 100s. . W. DavU, Betiiter. ... TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE S. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ; U.S. Land om La Qrantle, Oregon. eepl. St 1994. Notloe Is hereby given tbat In eompllaaee with the provisions of the aot of Congress of June it, 187a, enUUed "An aot for the sale of Umber lauds la ttc States of rwitsi 1, Ore. gou, aevada, and Washington Territory,'' as extended to ail the Public Land states by art ' of August 4, IBM. Charles M Wright of Pilot HoeLOinnty of OrnaUllatato of Oregon has this day nied In this offloe bis sworn statement So. 217, for thepurobas of the BE'.; seu Sec U andN NSk Bee. St Twn. a BU ana Ut Sec, ISand totl Bee. W la Township No. 8., Uange as, B W M. And will oiler nroof to show that tha laaS. aougbt is more valuable for lu timber or ' JSnSSA OTSoSl Rea-lster and Heoalver bf thla iMTIm 1 I a Grande, Omron, oa Taswtay Wb mi da iMcanner, tevte He nwunos m wltneasea: Jamra-R Hanns. ol McKay. Oregon. Albart Wlntera of Hftarkaiy. Frank Aide u, of HUrk-y, Andnw gfillivaa oi Btarkey, Any and all peraona ftlslmlng advewly tha above described lands are requested to Die their claims tn thla offloe oa or besur aald 2)0th day of December, ltfOi. B W. Davfs, tt4cMM. i TREASURER'S CALL FOR COUNIY WARRANTS Notloe Is hereby given tbat the no. drtrslgned, Treasurer ol Union Ooonly, Oregon, has lands on band with which to pay all ooantjr warrants whloh were presented and eudorsed by tbe Ooanty Treasurer prior to tbo 7th day ot Ooto ber 1899. Dated at tbe treasurer 'a of. floe In tbe oity of La Grande this the 18tb day of No .1904. No Interest ai-' lowed after aald date. John Frawley, " Treasurer of Union County TIMBts; LAND, ACT JUNE 3. I878- I ' U. B. Land OQloe at La arandsvnra. I ivcts U, an !lJ!'5E5?i?T?5 hm 9 mpta Bk-.r? 71 a f.Ji? ShKm&l&ijRlta'3fg .si, iota. Wllium H Hion. ofParrv. county ol Union, ttuta of Oregon baa this day 1 niea in tola oiiioe bis sworn state meat And will otter proof to snow that the land aougbt Is more valnabia tat Its timber or stoTe than for artoultoiml ournW mnk to ... v.w.-l. 1 1 .Ti . . j . "j C . . establish irelalm Utsaid tfvnd tfnr u.a Bealster si d Keoeiver of thla oflloa at La ymcOrnfonBaturdajltha7U day of o uames aa witnesseai tteroen a uieaver ui vmuircii, ituuui Aiiua a auiiuh oi rerrv Oregon: Beujamic Y Young, of Uilgard, Ore gon: William U Longley of Uilgardregon. the above described lands are requeetwii to filetbelrelalms in this omoe on or before saJiej 7tb day of January, IWd. a. Ws uavta, gtegisier . IsA QMAJinBs no. a i-A0 p. m. Naa. t'M a. m. Bait Lake. tVanvar Ft. I NO. ,. fitoa. so NOt Worth, nmahav Kauiaaa tMtr, 8t. LoBaS, Ohloago in aasw. PortiRnd. Dalles. Pen NOle a i At., 'va waita. Dayton, PomeroyJ Idfl and n itb via 8pe: Portland, Dalles, Pen-j NO a i ion umauiift WiM mi tma, Lwieioa,uoilBxl wwrw. wuiwswt. dner, Mpokaee anrl other polnu east and M pas nurtu Tsm gpeaaapa. NotVDally, 47.tr. AlteaU eaoeai i Bonduy ; eonnectitma at Idcla JilS an wittiMiuge lur polnlsl ,m wt siiiiiwb rsjvjm. Ocean Steamers between! Pnttlaael mmA 'in Francisco every Ave days . . ; s. a uooss, a 1 VaV Va a --- -