i T E EVENING OBSERVER. VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1904 NUMBER 25 : t t HARD FIGHTING AT PORT ARTHUR Japanese Are Drawing Closer and Closr-Re-t Port of the Russian Baltic Fleet ' Being Engaged Observer Bpeolal ; Borne, Nov 29 The morning mal- tlnooletmsto have anthirlio infor nation that the Jtoanese have made their flrat attaok on the Russian Bel- A" in the straight of Malacca wbria the Japsnesp baling been pre paring to atrike an effective blow. Tokio Nov 29 A report from Fort Arthur ttatee that tbe Japanese army baa captured the Oreita of Bongthun Mountain and are now . destroying the eaaementa of tbe eaponlera. In the assault, it is reported that they have cap-ured tbe entmiet thelter tranche near tbe tamnit of the mountain, 103 metre from tbe top that tbey are Mill holding thete posi tions, and are now trying to capture tbe whole mountain. Holds Up Hobos Eugene, Not. 29 Walter Daly the man arreated recently for personating an officer and holding op nobot and robbing tbem wat given a hearing belore Polioo Judge Dorrit Saturday afternoon and held to appear I r trial , at the next term of tha, eireuit court T In March, Hit bail was fixed at 9500 he wae unable to furnish it. Duly it not a hobo aa the impression - baa teen given. He is well dressed . nn t-vi ir-'v- s sin wruiwbi ws IUr-1 tl irvi I AWVr-UV 1 Will IUIW Portland, Not. 29 Tbe bar of- Ore gonthe lawyers will ''do things," socially this evening at tbe oonolo lion of the meeting of tbe State Bar We Can Interest You In Our Line Oar Electrio Fixtures and Electrolier stock is complete and we nuke a specialty of desk and offioe lighting We can also fit v cn ont with miniture lamps for sign lighting and decorating and shades ol all kinds. Please call at night when they can be lighted and you can see how they will look in your house. Our new offioe, now located in the Somer building, is nicely equipped with everything in onr line Office hours from 7 a m to 8 p m. La Grande Light and Power Co. RUBBER With. Life in it WJjen you buy anything in rubber goods it pays to get the kind with rubber in it. Many makers of rub ber goods are pliant to tbe demana for cheapness, and hence the market is flooded, with inferior goods that hardly resemble rubber. Quality counts in this line, and we are careful to buy of makets who have a rep. utation for turning out high grade goods only. You can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no matter how low the price is. Rnlh fivrinees. Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Combination Water Bottles, etc. THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRANDE association. ' ,"'' In he room of the Oommeteial olubteginning promptly at 8 - p m general aesslon for society's sake will be inaugurated and nobody bat to wear a dress soft. It will be Just a plain, old fashioned "oome-ell-yra" affair and ought to be attended by every lawyer in the state ol Oregon. Tbe object of thie meeting primar ily is to bring together all tb mem bere of the bar and ' emphaaiae tbe nscessltyanj advantages of a social aid to thf profession. It it intended that at this meeting around the festal board tbe dignity of the bar, mingled with true, clean and genuine wit, will nreaenl so the members spirit of professional friendliness and the dc stability of meeting each other nnder vastly different circumstances than those which surround the court room. There will be no orott-examinatioos no oross-oomp! tints, no demurrers, no arguments. It will be a night 'ol geniality and Jollity. ' FRENCH COMAIS. SIONER APPOINTED Observer Special Paris, Not. 29 At a meeting of the opnsul ministers today it was anr Bounced that Admiral Farnier bad been appointed aa the Frenoh member of the oommission will meet in tbe Fiench foreign office. Chinamen Arrested (Observer Special) Fng Sang, Toy Fun and Way Sang Fountain Syringes ann Hot OREGON .. r war arretted today . upon the oom plalnt of ' Immigration - Irupeo or ObaVlu K Andrea, charged with wrongfully raiding Id the United Slate.- They were taken before United States Oommiatloner Jonas Brown, who aet their hearing! for Deoember 1. The two Brat named l-aava MCnrltv fop their annearanfie at that trot, H W Don ton appeared aa attorney for the defendant Oregon Fruit Exhibit At Lewis No Uneasiness Need be Felt in Regard to Quality of Fruit which will be Sent . i v" , . ' ' The Fair ' - If the expectations, of Edmond O Oiltner.seoieuryof tbe Lewie and state commission, are realised there is no eaute tor uneasiness regarding the extent or quality of the Oregon fruit exhibit that is In preparation tot the exposition. Since tbe great develop ment of the fruit industry and tbe wide advertising that Oregon baa re. oeived thiough it there it muoh soli citude foil by those who wish to see an overwhelming display next year from the state's orchards and vine yards. . "We already have in cold storage 1,000 boxes of spples the pick of this year's orop, and thete will ba reinforc ed by 600 morejioxe to bi sent in by Many Orchards Half a million fruit trees are to be planted in British Columbia tbls year la the estimate of Thomas Cun ningham provincial fruit inspector, . $100 Enough Washington Nov 29 A young maD in whom Secretary Shaw wat interest- was appointed to a position, and it, witbin tbe power of Mr 8haw to fix the salary "My boy, I'll make your salary (100 a month to start on," he said, alter sizing him up and asking him a num. ber of qnestions. "If you behave yourself you oan live comfortably on that, and If you doit'l behave yourself youself yon oughtn't to have any mora' The Willow Tree When the south sea bnbble in Eng land collapsed one of the speculators wenl to Smyrna to repair hie fortune. il whi a friend of Alexander Pope and sent him a box of figs in which had been placed a twig of a tree. Pope planted the twig on hia -grounds on the chore of the Tli'mes, not know ing of what tree It wn It grew and was a weeping willow. In 1776, when the tree was over fifty years old, one of the young British officers who came to ' Boston with the British army .brought a twig from the tree, whioh hi intended to plant u his lands after the rebellion bad been crushed, Joba Parke Cuatis, eon of Mrs Washington oing on errands fo the British camp under a flag of truce, became acquaint ed with tbe owner of tbe willow twig, which waa draped In' oiled silk, and obtained it from him, whlob be plant ed near bis home at Abingdon, Va; where it became tbe progenitor of all the weeping willows in America The Weber Bridge A gentleman down from Weiser says that tbe main struoture of the bridge across Bnake river at shat place It fin lahed, Tbe approaches are yet to be mtile. The Stat of Idaho appropriat ed money to build half tbe bridge, thinking that as the bridge afforded a passing over th river that is tbe di riding line between that state and Or egon this state should stand bait the erpenae. Oregon tailing to make eny appropriation the citizeos In that vt ololty threw in cough to complete tbe bridge. It is probable that the peo pie on the Oregon aide who contrlbot ed toward the bridge fond will ask th next Oregon legislature to mat aa ap propriatlon sqaal to Oregon's share. General News . Improvement amoaoilng to 130,000 will be put upon the Tuallip Indian reservation In Washington thie win ter. : V- Sidney Dillon, aire of Loa Dillon, queen of trotters, was reoently bought by 8. B. Holt, of Indianapolis, for 9000, & Clark Fair the tbe various counties. The 1,000 box es were bought by tbe state, at $3 a box. Tbe 400 boxes to oome will be sent in on the basit that the state pays one-h.lfol tbe expense of an exhibit Irom each oounty hp to the amount of $600 for the state's share.' Union oounlv hat just sent in ball a car load of fruits in jars on this basis. We have sent out to the varioua counties 1,000 more jars to be used in preserv ed exhibits of traits other than applet The state ban also bought 600 jais selected irom tbe exhibit of 1000 jars of fruits at the state lair. This we think comprises e. very good nuoleus for trie exposition exhibit." Portland Journal, v.- ' . NEW OREGON CORPORATION Boseburg Nov. 29 Articles of looor poration have been died' here with the oounty c!t k by the Sntherlin Land company. The incorporators are F B Waited this place and Lynn Caton and A Caton of Oakland. The oapl tal stock is $100,000. Tbe corporation will wort in connec tion with the Calapcoto Land oompany who have on hand a good sized irrlga tlon aoaeme Hypnotized Bank (Special to Observer) Oberlin Ohio Nov. 29 Director Whitney of the Citizen National bank stated this afternoon that the amount loaned Mr Chadwiok by President Beokwith was 1240,000, which waa four tlmes;the capital stock of the bank. Beokwith also loaned ihe lady 12000 personally. . ADOLPH WEBER A ROBBER Auburn Cat. Nov. 29. The stolen bank money hat been found, Jt wat dug up in tbe Weber bars by Coroner Sbeppard. A uv pound laid can waa full of twenties. Weber waa arrested in bis cell for robbery. s Adolph Weber has been under susplo Ion of robbing th Pleoer Oounty bank ever since tbe murder of bis father, mother, brother and sister, on Novem ber 10, but until this discovery nothing definite enough to bate aa arrest npon was known. - Children Saved (Observer Speolal) New York, Nov. 29. After a desper ate struggle with the Barnes firemen early this morning aoooeeded In rescu ing forty thiee young children from the fif th story ot a tenement hoot. The Are spread so rapidly that aid waa also reqnlred.ln rescuing many adult. Robbers Get $5000 Eureka Spring, Ark,, Nor, 29, Robbers today broke open the aafe of tbe station on the St. Lonl and North ern Ark. at Green Forrest. The rob bers escaped with an express package containtng five thousand dollars. , I The Illinois steel company of Chic go, hat again abut down lit mill e tbe eeoond time within a year throwing 3000 men out of employment. Th Washington state board of con trol, which menace tbe varlont state initltutlona elymosynary and other wise, will aak tor 11,032,700 'tbls year, an increase of 1288,260 pver two years ago. -' ';'.'.'". '- ' There are eleven mllla in Belgium that grind ' Indian corn exeloslvely and over 800 bakeries in Berlin tbt bake Immense quantities of bread made of 26 per cent corn meal and 75 per cent rye or wheat flour. Mr Mary J Winthrop left a fortnna of $3,000,000, of which she bequeathed 12, US 000 to tbe Presbyterian Thelogl oal Seminary at Princeton N. J. Ber heirs are contesting the will on tbe groand of mental incapacity. , August Belmont has the oontraot tor plaolng all eigne In New ' York's new subwaya. In compliance with popular olamor, th subway commission threat en to remove tuem, - whereat Belmont threaten to sue the olty for $20,000, 000..-:: .. i '' - Under Secretary Dead v (Observer Speolal) . ondon, Nov. 29 The Earl of Hardwtok, under secretary of state for war, died suddenly today, KILLED IN CHEM ICAL EXPLOSION 8b Loots, Nov. a. The explosion ot a quantity of chemicals in the base ment of tbe Pnllman I'ar Co., building at21t and Randolph streets early tbls momlog resulted in the deatn ot Edward Hhelhan. The other employ eea had a very narrow escape with their Uvea. The plaoe at which tbe explosion oconrred was used as dormitory and the men were asleep at the time. The lose is reported at very slight. ; Funeral Tomorrow Thomas 8anderon, tbe well known railroad man who haa been at the Portland hospital for eeveral weeke til with typhoid fever, died last evening. The body will arrive on No. 2 this eve ning and tin fune al will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from th Catholic church. Deceased has been a resident ot this city for tbe past fifteen years, where he waa held in the highest esteem by bis fellow workers and acquaintances He leaves a wife and daughter, Who have the deepest sympathy of the common ity in their sad bereavement . FIFTH TRIAL OF MAYOR AMES Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 20. Former Mayor A A Ames was placed on trial today on a charge of receiving a bribe from Bessie Lee. This is th fifth trial to whioh th much indloud exmayor bat been aubjeoted. The former trials resulted in disagreements of the juries, and if another disagree ment results it appear probabl that another trial will be ordered. It Is be lieved to be the determination of tbe judges of the district court to mske a jury decide whether or not the former mayor legality or innocent. You Can Get La Grande Creamery Butter At the Following Well known Dealer? . Romig & Staples Baker Bros. Mo Faylane O. Rabton ' GeddesBroi ; J.W.White , 0. L. Thorn Remember every pound is guaranteed When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter yon help a home industry and thereby help your ewo business. Pastnrsted sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk ' always on hand. La Grand Creamery Co Warrant For Contractor Porttind, Nov. 29. A warrant of ar (lit waa leaned for O H Oammeler, a contractor and real estate agent, th a afternoon on tbe charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. . Bis aeons er ia Jennie Spanlding, who alleges that be took 1110 from ber on May 10 ae manager of the Home Building also elation. She afterward learned, tba. allegea, that he had no authority to ao oapt the money or issue a receipt for the i An f Expensive Railroad . The most expensive railroad la the world ia the New Vork subway. A nriterin Leslie's Weekly, comment lng upon tbe cost of tbla road, eaya: "When itie entirely In operation this road will be about 30 milee in length. It cost will be $40,000,100. That la $2,000,000 per mile. A bout eight milee are now In operation. The far Is five osnie, vtben the remaining sections shall be opened the fare will be the same. The city ol New York hat paid tbe coat of eonttruotlon, and th $40,000, 000, with Interest, year by year, most be repaid by Ihe operating company Niokle tare mnst do tbls If the cost wsre represented by the five cent coin placed edge to edge, there would be a line more than ISO miles long Still In Tr uble Observer Special Auburn Oal. Nov 29 The Grand Jury will meet late this afternoon and young Webber who is being held for the murder of his fstber, mother sister and brother will be . charged ' with bank robary whioh was commuted e veral weeks prior to the murder of bis family. District attornev Robertson bat an oounoed that attorney Webb will n-sist In the proseontion, Actress Dead Observer Sptoiel New York Nov 29 Madame Jaun esobeck tbe noted aotrreas died in this city today at the Brunswiok House of paralysis. . ....... NEW BOAT FOR SNAKE RIVER Preparations are being mad by tb i. B. N. company to build a new boat to take the plaoe of the steamer Lewlaton, whlob plies on the Snake river between the towns of Lewiston and Blparla. The company Owns a boatbuilding plant at Blparla, where tbe craft will be built. It will be of the same dimensions as the steamer Lewbton, and It la understood that the new vessel will be equipped with tb boiler and machinery bulonging to the latter. The steamer Spokane Is also operated on the same run by th com pany. . . . - - . Russian Vessel Injured ' - Observer Bpeolal Brest, Nov, 29 Tbe Russian to-pedo boat, Proulitzy haa anhored In tbe roads at this place with a large hole in her hull, oh will be docked for repair.