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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1904)
CASH . ME AT MARKET 1 have reopened my shop on North Fir Street You will find my shop well supplied . end the prices to ' suit the times. Yours for business Free delivery."... ; Phone 1601 7 ; I.. HARRIS LOY Serves them Jn any style wish RENT, LEASE OR SALE . Lots 17, 18, Mock 102, Chaplain's Addition. Address bids to -'P" care of Observer NOVEMBER MEANS O OYSTERS wmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' ' FOR ! GRANGE HALL LITERARY 'There was a good crowd in attend ance at the Orange Hall Literary So ciety Friday evening. Tho program tl ough short was good. i'he question debated was "Resolved Tl at in city governments all appoint ive power should be concentrated into tbo hands of the mayor." The Huinn alive was supported by Hon. J W Mo il lister; the negative by El D Jasper, II; ruunl Bnuw and Joseph Baker. The affirmative won tbe decision. The following program was rendered Kecitufion Zoe Golden Boug iu two parts Klmira Poel, I Joseph Baker ! Recitation Stella Anson Instrumental mualo Pearl Parkor Solo W 8 Regain Tbe following is tbe program for the next meeting. 7156 OFFERED , FOR ADOPTION Seventy one hundred and fifty six ba bies have been otTored foi adoption at Colonibus Ohio. Only one of tbe 71 will be clotted, and it will be carried .y Daniel lltdwoll, its foster fl or, to a I ungulow in the 8andwli h Islands. Mrllldwell came from bis Island home to obtaiu Bn Aniorican infm t it a to back with him. lie virited Phi a lelphla, Cbiouito, JNcw York and llo 'oil, and now has come to Coliiuiiiut Kith hia strange request. In Chicago 1W6O babies were oilercd; luiton brought forth 1200; New Yoi k jffered nearly 17UU; Philadelphia cam forward with 1600 wee bltB ol himitii tly, and now Columbus otTera 16U0 twice haj Mr Bidweil vlewo.l the oily nfants and has at last declared thnt n 111 Joe an Ohio baby which be will akeback with blm. Twelve of tin l;UO babies have been selected by this , vould be foster father as the most l.k. y, and fiom this dozen Mr tiidoeli ias announced that he will make hit. CUF.ES the fra alsV FAVORSTOTAL ' Insurance Companies Will Give Lower Rates " to Those who Do Not Drink Intoxi- eating Liquors Total abstainers In the matter of spirituous liquors are In the near fa tare to be given special low rates by tbe leading lite insurance people ac cording to tbe Tribune. As it is well known, tbe insoranoe companies never issae policies to immoderate drinkers where the olrcumetanoei are. known. Bat for many years numerous author- ities have claimed that the average span of life was longer among neither persona who were not total abstainers and tbe underwriters havo never taken a deoli'ed stand in the matter. Now, iiowover, it Is stated that a number ol actuaries aod medical dlreotora have been working on statia tics running over a period of seven yesrs, and from the "coords of a large number of lite companies several of the authorities have come lo the conclus ion that tbe total abstainers as a class ' live longer by from 20 to 60 per oen than tbe moderate drinkers, j There are a number of details to ' work ont before the policies in con- temptation are actually offered to the pnhlio. One of these is tbe danger that a man who is a total abstainer when he takes oat the policy may be come a moderate, or perhaps immod erate .drinker in tbe future, which would upset the figures or the oompany j if this should happen to many of the holders of suoh policies. It is be-1 lieved, however, that this problem oan be solved in several way;. One of these is that tbe application for the polioy should contain a warranty that the applicant would never hereafter Deoome a drinker of alobholio liquora, tbe effect would be that if be violated the warranty the policy would be void. The companies also have discussed a Instrumental moslo Pearl Parker Recitation Edith Ragaln Hesitation Zazel Eaton Keoltatlou Fred Fox Solo Lena Kaaio Heuitation Lily Holman Heoitatioo Kate Gekeler Kecitntion Zoe Golden Insirumental music... Minnie Holman Keel tatiou . . . Kenneth Uekeler Recitation Cecil Anson Solo Joseph Baker Recitation Kullon Peel Keoitation Arthur Golden The question fur debate is Resolved That in the United States the good old times were no better than the present," Affirmative: Bernard Suuw, W U Jasper, C D Huffman. Negative: J W MoA Hater, K D Jasper, Joseph Baker. fliml choice, unless Boston, wblch has another chance, comes forward with an xceptiunal ohlld. bpokesman Re view. Second Conviction William Martin was convicted iu Colfax ijaiurday of conducting a Ram bling xanic. This la thouKht to be the sntond o niviciion in the state under the fel ony luw, ihB-et) in 1.13, Mblih makes the i . udiii i uu of a percentage gam 'ilnit. gunie a penitentiary otfense, i li in I in urn penalty of One yea :nul a miiry'iuMii reimlt. of three years. this Iiiih heeu a ;sort of te-t rase, rii m-w a mreat. arc promised. (Ubei uier ea d iu have Lei n Impli. atwi ;n .'oini c ln. Km 'l, g games during 'nirveai Iihvb been under aurveiliunco and airecti. are exceeled. K C Davis, proprietor ol the l.e lirnndo Marble woike, Is In tKlglu talav. Mr Goodhue, the wjII known cream eryman of Salem is in this seetlon. I le sees a great future fur the dally Industry In Grande Rondo valley. TTTS s. mm - V TW.1 f 1 - 'Jfl SM 1 warn - k . Most STUBBORN COUGHS plan oHnoludlng a provision tint If man should become a drinker tbe amonntpaid under the policy should be such a sum ai the amount of prem turns paid would have purchased If the man had not been a total abstainer, HARD LUCK OF AN EDITOR Editing a newspaper Is a nioelbing. If we publi.b jokes people say we art rattle-brained, if we don't, we are fossils. II we puolisb original matter tbey say he don't give tbeio enongh selections, if we give tbem selections tbey say we are too lazy to write If we don't go to eburoh wears heathens If we do go to church we are .hypo orite. If we remain at tbe office we ought to .be out looking (or news items if we co out then we are not attend ing to business. If we wear old olotbes tbey lsugb at u, If we wear good olothes they say we hav a pull. Now w bat are we to do? Just as likely , as not so:n one will say that we stole ,hi9 from arl exchange. So we lt,, from ti,e Wyoming Derriok. did. Good Showing Thtt the dairy products of Oregon tor 19U4 have a value ol $6,780,000, or oinorease oi 1 1,760,000 over tbe prn- oeeding year. Is one ol the import ant faots ebowo by tbe forthcoming biennial report ol State Food and Dairy Commissioner J W Bailey. Portland Markets HATBAND GRAIN Wheat, export price 81o to86o Barley, ibest 21.50 to '23.60 OaU 28. to ,127.50 Hay, timothy $15 to 110 BUT rUK. BGG3 AND POULTRY Butter best creamery ...... 27 ,V to 30 Batter, ordinary 26c Ggits, per dozen 26c to '. Chickens, per pound .....10c ERUtlB AND VEGETABLES Potatoes per owt $1 Onions, per cwt ' .1.0O to tl.05 Apple, best, per box i5c to tl IVacbes, best, per box GOo to 75a Beets, per sack 81.25 Cabbage, per pound I.... 2c LIVE STOCK Steers 2.76 to 13 Cows.'.' , 12 Bulla 81.75 Stags ....2 Hogs, best 8S00 Hogs, feeders.. ....$2.95 $4.20 LOCAL BUTTER MARKET Creamery Butter 65 rents per roll Butter Fat So cents, per ponnd. ESTRAY NOTICE One blsok female nog, weight about 250, baa come to my plaoe. Owner will please call and pay chargis and this for "itlce. Robt. Deal, City. 4t Now Ready for Sale The p ui'le of this county are now umiaed that the O'Contirr addition Is now remly for the iiuuket and that Oini, e h is nan be had at remarkabl n i.'lr. s, Thee lots are 60 by 110 feetnil are without exception the Lent rcoldxiice lots iu the city. Par. sans wis ing larger tracts can secure j 11st hat they want by going a lltrle further baox hi the same addition. Do not fail to see this addition and se cure 0110 of these ciiolcn selection be fore, some one else gets the lot you pnt. For tell description of prop erty and quotations call upon Dr O'Oo-inor La Grande Ore. . Phone Main 2141 Cor Park and Oak Stree s glitful Route, Daylight Ride Dizzy CragB, Deep Canons. A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, aod then the:. acme of man's handiwork. . The first is found along the lino- of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad anJ tun latter at tbe St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illus trated literature write ' W. C. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt. ; Portland, Oregi .. NOTE LOST (60 note payable to G T Williams, on streets of La Grande, was In large yel low envelope. All parties are caution ed against buying same. Finder will i e turn to this office. FOt RENT Five Washington Ave. Studio. room house on Call at Prof Days 11-1826 . POTATOES WANTED The Fair will bny some good market able potatoes at market prior. ' . FOR RENT A fonr room house Mrs Z Patty Adams Ave, 18-2 , LOST Table cloth with Initials' "F A T," aleo apron wrapped in paper ' bag. Finder will please return to Mrs. Joseph Palmer. FOR RENT Cellar room in good to good stone cellar. Inquire at , the Fair. . . Try the Observer for -first class Job Work. ; FOR SALE Best ba'galn - In real estate in the city. My residenoe prop erty Cor. Washington Ave. and Green wood St. Lot 75x110. Modern house, even large roomB, hot and oold water, bath room, elect rio- lights, t Lawn, fruit and; shade trees. ' Finest - resi dence location in the olty, Good easy proposition to right parties .- For par ticular a acs - O J McLrio. 'ii WANTED-Washing to do at home. Mrs. Bhawi West W et. Public Sale ; 320 aores Finely Improved tarm,;280 acres plow land. I40 acres in fall grain new twn.Btpry bo'iee 28x2', goqd barn and 2 grannie", 15 ahari-s in ditch. Only 4 miles from Island Citv. Farm machinery included only 2o.00 per aore half cash. Also 5 room house, large barn and halt block of land 2 blocks from Court Ho ase at 811U0 a Snap. G H Powers. . ; 0. . The Minnesota Land man, Bitter Blook. W 11-17-12-lSj Guntheries Candies ....... . All tbe essence of purity. As you can easily convince yourself by teat. Bon Bins and Chocolates assorted Chocolates assorted Bon Bons 50 Ota. an up. Newlin Drug Co. Ladies ;h We will make you a box coat for less money than you pay for a ready -made garment and you have two hundred patterns to plot l ota. . W- n'so oover buttone, press clothe j nd clean your coats and rpu have a chance to win'a $40 ooat with every dollar paid In1 oar store. Al Anuews,' uenta lurnteh ings. . . Phone No 231. A Round Steak is Just the thing to lay the foundation for a good day's work. That is, when It is the kind we sell. Juicy, rich beefy flavor. Full of nutriment. Makea the weak strong, sod the strong stronger. All Kinds of Meat that are good to eat oan ba foond In our ibox in prims condition, at prices that please. You will fare well If yoor bill of fare is based oa our meats." ; ! ' HA Classified1 4d vertiseinents II You fiav nylhins: to Seli'iet it' the People heari abpuf it tbroerh 1 This 3)eparVme i tTand You wU $ Find a T3uyer. It You Waiitro ; Sell TCxplain Your "Wants' and ? You Will Find a Seller. Sale on Exchange !V ' Sight sores, six room-, house, lare barn, plait) for hogs sr.d ohlcko" four sores In orchard and 'wrri -Just est of flour mill. 1 This will I-:- r investigation f or p . rtioulars I n 1 1 ' ) at MacFvlane's grocery store. sell or exchange for olty property. -, . ." i-'-;' ; ifi 10-2H-H-2B . .' ; McKaolasa Colored Vaadeville Co. La Grande Opera House Wed. Not 23rd. Adults 60, children 26.. Res. eats 75. Tillmann's Fine Goods (j Every nou-ekeeper wants pure epic es and flavoring extraotai .Tillmann's are made for the best family trade. . .'; 17-24; LOBT On the streets d this city alout noon Nov 9, Ladies gold ; watch. I inder please lenve at this office, and receive suitable reward.' tf x ! .. . . ... dm. .UrssmaKing . Mrs. Douglass now resides at Cor.,0 and 7th its., and la prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. Sewing at homes erred. Nor,. 1,1 pen ., Fruit Boxes. ;." Bend, your orders for Fruit Boxes to Stoddard ' Lumber 06." at the' La Grande planing mill ' - - - - , ; The Bulletin just issued by tbe United States Government, after' months of careful research, shows ' that m the Western .States, the average family pur i 1 chases annually goods U the amount of 5Q , .. On this basis the 2250 families visited. , with each issupof the, Daily arid Weekly OB SERVER annually purchase merchandise f(T the amount of ' - h. i 1.0 $l687,BOO The natural logical conclusion, cannot 9, oherwige, than that no wide-awake business man who .will take the few moments necessary to convince himself of thW11' accuracy of the' above, statement, oaq afford - to .miss the opportunity of placing his. .annojjnoenienta.,,(26,60Q each mouth) before this army of purchasers. An ad under such conditions, properly taken care of will moit certainly bring enormocs returns on tbe ' investment. ' These Presentations of Should receive the most careful consideration of every business house whoae volvme of business de pends upon the patronage of this city and county, r OBSERVER VOR SALE Milch ow Jeraey, 1100 lb., driving hoise,-jgang iplow, top boggy. Apply to A. Hullenburg, ii mile N E of Island flty. (li t H-llee 14 ; , For Rent i'he building formerly oo upied by tbe Salvation armf i.Y, Vor fall oar-, tl olars and rats inquire of Mra ' ' SOZuber. Aug. 31 1 1 - 'l' ' Furfltlur For Sale And nd i oasa to rrent , apply to Mi 8bsarer obnbsita Star Grocery Non ,ol track. ... ,, ; furnished,. Room 'furnished room for'gentleman sleep, ing nights. Mrs O W Preston. -1 '. I rlftl& Adams Are. Ball Supper v ..f. Thinokane' Cafe willilsarve' raid torkey and oysters tor thV' midnight ball aopper Thursday - evening. A splendid midnight lonch Is assnred. . J V Johnson, Prop. ' 3t '':V-'Farm'for Sale . I deoire to (.ell my. beautiful little farm of 80 acres two miles and half WatolLsGraade on. the, rural postal and farmers Telephone line to suit ths purchaser. - M Baker tf ' ,00 -PirHt Class Job Work . A THILL. DRUGGIST Bock & Thomas