"JrVBir LEGAL NOTICES We tre now gelling all 4 -A, MILL IN E R Y at a reduced , New Belts, New Combs, New Caps ' E M WELLMAN & 00 La Grande - Oregon wwwww JTI PIT H. STEWARD, Mgr. TUESDAY. NOV. 29 BLACK PATT1 TROUBADOURS Orchestra $1.00 Dress Cirnle 75o Family Circle 50o Gallery BOo Children 25o ' 8eata on Sale Sunday Morning at Van Burens 40 Singers, pancers, Jesters, Mirutrellists V, Vaudevillists, Dixie Oris. BLACK PATTI 8I8SIEBETTA JONK8 the greatest singer of her race ' JOHN EUOKER, ' "The Alabama Blossom" the fuunlest colored man alive' P BETTY CHORTJR I m prising the sweeteit and bat Trained negro voice . In tba world. Presenting a magnificently new 110,000 stage produetlon Including "Looney Dreamland' "Plantation Pastimes" "Glory of the Fair" "Offen bach: Opera-Boafla". and f'Uwell Mlnatrel Yarletles" .UJ..MAI.l.MaMMaiMMUUM.MUMU, V: .- jCa Srande Snvestment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon Full Weight Guaranteed Wholesale and Retail deal ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege tables and Fruits Carload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatriok Bldg. Phone No 1113 SPECIAL! FOR TEN Everything in my store at REDUCTION PRICES Now is your chance. Come in and see for your self and be convinced that I MEAN JUST WHAT I SAY. . IT WILL PAY YOU MRS. J. R. FORREST, Milliner i Maeonio balding on prioe 40 The Man Who Pays Rent and his name ie legion, ia more honest thad wise. He should Purchase a Home and enrich himself instead of others. It is possible, even for thoBe of limit ed lnoome, to own a comfortable, con venient and modern residence. We Have Them For Sale at prices covering a large range and can arrange terms to suit any one. Pleased to have those Interested look over onr list. They will find some' thing suitable on it. Special Offer , What would be nicer for a Christmas present tban .in enlarged photo of your seiloroaovr unuiisovautu uu get an 11x14 Bromide free, with every W 00 order for Photos at The Taylor Studio Nov 12-19 Reading Room. Tbe ?wt room of Central Ohurcu o Christ, Open every day from noon to six in tbe evening. liaily and weekly papers, magasines and books. Men and boys cordially invited. Strangers always welcome SALE DAYS Adams avenue. News Items From , Wallowa County Items of Interest ITrom Wallowa County Exchanges , Dsn Elledge and Edgar Martin eaoh made a reoenitrlp to La Grande and Qrande Bonds, J A Russell ol Island Oity who hit bieo io the baioher business there for o many yeara and in alio a stock buy er of prominence waa regia'ered at the Hotel Wallowa Sunday last. He waa for a long term of year a resident of the Cove. ' W E Lewis arrived out from the Grande Eonde river Saturday with a load of popcorn and onio a which ere a fine lot. He will henceforth den m hie time entirely to -fail m mill business as he baa rented bii fruit and garden farm OT MoPsniel returned Saturday $10,000 SCHOOL AT SALEA Salem, Or., Nov. 28 At a meeting nf the school board tonight It was de cided to oall a taxpayers' meeting (or newt Friday nigbt and recommend i bat a good, substancial brink building be erected this year aud paid tor out of tbe tax levies for the next three years without increasing the levy. , The building will cost about 110,000. It ia made necessary by tbe giowth of the distriot and the addition of a high school. Tbe building will likely he erected on central goonnds where two additional lota will be purchased. r Os-te-op-a-thy ' , Constipation ; Perhaps one of the most frequent disorders met with, Is obstinate and ohronlo Constipation. , A core of this troublesome malady is seldom aooom pliahed by drags. It way be true that purgative pills produce a bowel move ment, bnt they never remove tbe oause of tbe trouble and tbe patient is com pelled to increase thi dosage in order to produce an effeot. Osteopathy goes directly to the nerve supply governing tbe sections nf the bowels, therby re moving tbe cause aud bringing about a ct-re. The cure ia permanent, be cause natural means are employed. . Old Slate (Observer Bpecial) San'Franoisoo Nov. 20. The Nation al Labor oonvention will elect otDoers late this afternoon . The slate uonslsca of retaining tbe old officers. Duncan will probably withdraw in favor of Uompera. THE HEART OF HOME (Emma A. I.ente) Her face ia all f reokled this girl whom 1 know, And her nose has a tilt in the air; And not even her mother with mother love blind. Can tinthfally say she is fair; Iler hair ia the color that might be 1 called red, And straight aa a ruler bangs down; Her eyes ars pale blue, and her fore head 1. low- Though it never is drawn In a frown. Her sisters are graceful and bonny yonng things, , And her brother is .handsome and bright And all ol them think in their inner most hearts, That their sister ia truly a sight. I:ut tbe soul ot this girl Is a beautiful thing, And her voice ia as sweet aa a bird's And her goodness of hesrt and ber wis dom of mind Are seen in kind actions and, words, And the mother has ever a tond word and smile For this obild of ber dally delight, , And the father's eyts glisten with ten. I derest love I As be kisses and bids ber good night ' And, ob, they would miss, and miss her full sore, 1 If oat in tbe world she should roam, For the girl witb no beauty of face or ; ol form j Is truly the heart of the home I ESTRAY NOTICE Notice ls hereby ilven to whom It mar eon I corn that there came to my place about July 1st, WW, two miles north of ferry on Dlile Mat tbe following described animal, one dark brown heifer, part Jersey, oomlng two years Old, WHUOUl VISIOle urauus or war uiarss. Hard animal bas been taken up by me and Is now with my osltleon the Draper place about 4 miles nortnessv 01 Itiauu i.i.y. auu wwuvr can bare same by prosing property and pay. uagobarges. . KUBUltK, Heine In Old Town, La Grande, Oregon. DatMl tain 1 lb day of Hovember, itall. from Ontario, Oregon where he hag located in the business be followed here. He started baok Wednesday . He will not remove bis family jut at this time but will do so as soon as be oan aeoure a house to Hvb in. . DIED At the home of bet daugb ler Mrs L B Bfbehart near Leap, Nov 24, 1901, Mrs Eliiabnth Hayden aged nearly eighty years. B M Rounsav6I baa purobaaed tbe interest of O W Humford in tbe fur niture establishment cf Eounsavell & Mntnford and will continue tbe busi ness, Mr Homfcrd has not yet deoid ed what line of business if any. be will engage in. He does not think of leaving tbe town at present at least, EO Davis, proprietor of the La Grande Marble woiks, la In .Elgin today. . . ACUTE RHEUMAI1HM Deen tearina or wrenching: jaina. occasioned by setting wet through: worse wnen at rest, or on nisi moving the limbs and in cold or damp weath la cured quickly by Ballard's onow Liniment. Osoar Oleson, Gibson City Illinois. writeB. Feb 16 1U02:. "A year ago I was troubled with a nain In my oacx. n soon got so oao i couia not bend over. One bottle ot Unllard'e gnow . '-"neot cured me ." 25c, uUo 1 00. "'- Newlin Drug Co. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, I&7S- NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION (J. 8. IsAnd Office, La Grande, Oregon ' Notice IB herebv iriveii that In oomnllKuoe wlthtileDrovirilauaofLhe aat of Oontrres of Jane 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol uiutror attaiu in luo aiaieti 01 (juiiiurum, ure Kon. Nevada, and WasblnVton Territory," us extended to all the Publlo Lsnd Hl&tes by ivt of August 4, lSttli, Ularcnoe I). (Jnannel, of Salt Lake City, county or Halt Lake. State or uutti, hat this day filed lu thin offloa his sworn statement Na,8197, for tbe purchase ol Loti.beo. in, to. o soutn, range B6, itNEUHKiS ol Bootlou No. la In Townsaip No. c a. Uanire No. d E.W.&f. And will oirer oroof tosbow that the land sought Is more valuable for 1U timber or stone than for agrlouJtuml purposes, and to establish his claim ,to sala land before the Ktwister ana tteoetver 01 tnis omoo at ia Grande, UrcRon, oa Monday, the 6th day of vecumuer, iwt, ue names as witnesses: Ralph H. Bull I h, of Btarltey, Oregon, Edward Bean, of Htarkey, Oregon, Frank 8. Murphy, of Perry, Oregon, Alie nuutiu, at rmry. .inHon. Any and all persons olalnilng adversely the above described lands are requested to lilt their claims In this olhoe on or before said fthday oDeoember, 190. B. W. DavU. Beglste HOTICE FOR PUBLICAXIOH. (Isolated Tract) PUHLIC LAND RAI.BL Hotice Ishenbyglen, tbst In purtnance of iui ituoiiohb irum ue vyuiiuinsiuntsr tue General Land Oltioe, under authority vested In him bv Section 256 11. 8. Revised HUtiites. as amended by tlie act of Congress approyod February lib, IW5, we .will proceed to offer at pUDiio saie, m len o ciock a. ui. ou me 2 uay 01 aukiui. loust. at uui 01 1 ice. iau louuwinii iract 01 ianu, to-wii;; riVVi HWlKflrflTi HH 3-v M W. M. Anvand all oersons oUlmlnir adverselv the SDOVej uuscnuea luua are auvisoa ui me men claims in Ibis office a or before the dnv above designated lor the compieucemeut of said aalo; otherwis, their rights will be.orfeiUKt, Dated Juno '1& I9O4, A. H, UoberU. lleoelver. . Dissolution Notice Notice la hereby given . thattbe co partnership heretofore existing between W O Peaob, J 8 Peach and G W Peach under the name of Peach Bros., "has tbia day been dissolved by mutual con sent, V Q Peach retiring. J S Peach and i W Peach, who will oontlnue the business, as Peaoh Bros., will pay all outstanding debts and collect all ao counts due the old firm. Dated at La Grande Oregon this 28th day of Nov. 1904. W G Peach J B Peaoh 11, 28 12, SB GW l each . 1AM That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course -we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. Estate Notice J (t Kellogg deueaaed. Estate. . Notice is hereby given that Jtbe underalgned, J M lihttrch, baa qnail Oed as Executor of thf last will and testament of J All persons D lf.n.nM a . " "'"t .- -u ; Davits ruiiins auainst said estate an, hereby required to praeiit the same properly verified to the undersigned at the ofrioes of O H Finn, boromer Huildiog, Lm (Srande Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this nntioa). Dated and first' published October othlBOi. " . J M (Jhuroh,' Executor of Estate of J B Kellogg, deceased, O, H. Finn, Attorney for Fxeoutor. : Notice Of Final Account Natloe Is "hereby given that the undersigned, Adminlstratilx of the estate of William Spenoer, deceased, has filed In tbe County Court of Union County for tbe state of Oregon ber final aooount as such administratrix, aud the Court hat fixed Monday the 19th day ot December 1801 for hearing any objections to said final aooount and for tbe .final setUoment thereof Dated this November 19, 1904 MiDiile M Spencer, Administratrix HOTICE OF FINAL BEniLEMBNT Notloe la hereby given to all whom it may eonoern:- . ThavNollle O nlll. administratrix or the estate of Alfred T Nelll, deceased, has died her fliml report in the administration of said estate, and the County Court of Union County, Oregon, has get the 2ud. day of Junuary. A. v.. 11U6, attwo o'clock, p in. for the hearing ofBald report and any objections thereto: . Dated this ISth. day of November, A. D 1004' NBLLIB O. NE1LL, 1 Administratrix of tbe estate of Alfred X, Nelll, Notice of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given, that fie undersigned hps filed the tliidl account of her doings as ex ecutrix of tbe last will and testament of Mar- Lit J Watsnn. deceased: slid tbst the County Court has appointed Monday ihe 2nd day of lanuary injo, u, -s u en p. ui. sn .ite iiiuu, iuu MIC v.uun UUUH M UIUllUU, V IIIUU V.UU11. Oregon, as tbe place for the ueurlng of sal fluid Hiwount. All uorsnns havlss: any obie Uons to tbe same, will apiiear st said time and nliuw. H.nil nltrr aalil nbioctlciiia thereto. ai oai, Fiuv:tt kt ia. La Qrande, Oregon, November 25th, UHA. 6t IJMUER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 U. P. Land offloe at La Grande, Oregon August 11, lUOl. ! Nolloe la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 1W8. entitled "An aet for the sale ol Km oar lauds In the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada, aud WuHhlngton Territory." as ovwuded to all the Publlo Land mates by act ol August L IWi, David C Hugdoo, of -Uexter- V111W, OOUUty UI WOUUa RUIfl UI VT I has, this day filed In this olfloe his Wisconsin swora statement Mo. U160. for the ol urobase of the U K'i a V"A, HE'-i NW'. and Lots a and 4 of Ser tlou No. 2 in Towushtu No. b (voulh Bange No. Rft h.. w. M. Aud will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to wiaoltsh her claim to suid laud before the Keglster and Keoelver of this olnco at La Gnade, Oregon. 00 'iiiesaay the astn day of Ootober, 1UO. Ha names as witnesses, haipn H. Bull is, W. denry Brown, of Uexurville, Wlscousiu; Leonard C. Bui lis, of Perry, Oregon; ana Kdward Bean, ot La Grande, Orugou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this ohloe on or before said .Gib day of October, 11MM. K. W. Davis, Beglster. TlMBHiR LAND ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTIUK TOR PUBLICATION U. B. Lund Office; Ls Ur.nde Oregon, . Ootober 0, T9O4. Notlos Is hereby, given that lu cornpllaooe with the provision ul the sot of Congress of Junes 187s, entitled "An aet for the sale of liuuer lauus lu tuc oisie. 01 vuuoruis, vreguu, Nevada aad WoHhltistou Ter'itory,'1 as ex Auausn, 18,2, Italph H. Bulli., of La Orsode, county oluu.on.Msteot Oregon, has this ly mad In this ollico bis swurn statetnant No. S222ibrtbepuicbaiooribe VtrtW;4 Healou , 1t.& UKHK&BWSKof Hecllou Ho, 18 in iownshlp No. 4 Bouth, lUtige No s And will offer oroof to show that the land SOU gut it mora vaiuuutts iot ive Umber or MO.m man tor iirii;uii.urui Llltunil uurpOBes, aud to said laud before the Keg IhisoiUce at La Giaiide. e ui"isu ni ciaim 10 1 later aud Receiver of Oregon, on Friday, the 2tird day of Decern bur, lie name as witnesses; Andrew J Sullivan f Hllll Ivan Kliin K JuUes. BeniRUlin HOircV. Of OtArkoV Or egon sou uuorgo j xiusiuca ui la ,ruiua uro : gon. Anvand all oerriOnB claimiDar adverselv the above described laud" are requested to file thuir claitn in thisouiceon or before sma ka au of ieoembcr .U04- n.vr uavisa norjisicrt TlMUEtt LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 . HOTJUtt r UK UbUiOATlUM. - U. B. JLand Oil Ice, La Urande, Oregon. Oou lb. lUOft. Notice ls hereby given that ,ln oowplLauce with the provisioiisof the act of Congress of June 3, 1K78. entllied MAn aut for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Ore gon, N svada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Publlo and States by act of August 4, WU2, Ulara A Hrown, of l'erry, t'ounty of Union, Htate of " Oregon, haHhisday fllod In this office her sworn ataiement NO. for the purchase of the HH'i Ot Hectton 1H, Tp N04 f, KuKc No87, E W M, And will oirer proof to show that the land ought ii more v luabie for Its timber or tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the Heglster and Receiver of this office at La Urande, Oregon on Saturday, the 71b duyot JauUsaTV. llKJa. Hhe named as wltneesest Herbert R Cleaver of Caldwell. Idaho; Ralub II Uullls of ferry, Oregon; Buujinum K uung of lillgard. Ureeon. w mum u Lronviey 01 niiaiara. xftutcon. Anv and all peiwns jjulmltuc adversely the ' above described lands t re requested to Die 1 lueir ciauus iu tuu oinou vn or ueiure saiu ' 11 h rlavv nf Janilarv. 1UI. a. wa usti". lugiawn IN THE COUNTY COURT. FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION. STATE OP OREGON. In the Matter of the ftstale) . or ui union Jane Hall, Doeasd. ) Tntinnive w. Aiiej ana J. w. Alien, neirs at law of Jane Hall, deacefved, and to all other unknown heirs and persons oonoernod: Oreot- fn the name of the State of Orturon. Vou Are berebi cited and rociuired toaniear intueMJUD.y tuuri. 01 me nrnwi 01 uruKuu for the Oouuty 01 Union, at tbe Court Koom tnereor, at lu umnue in tne uoumv 01 hjuiuh, im HuLurdav. the 10th day of December. hlUl, al 10 o'clock. In the ftwraoou of tliat day, thin and there to show cauf. If any you have, why tbe petition 01 ueorgo an.' Aumii.iairuior m tlm tttivM nnmnd 4MuiLt. irnvlnif for an ord'T of the said Court, aulhortslng, limnslng, and empowering him to sell the foal proiiorty le loiulng to -aid fxtHte, to pa estate debt. should not tw graniea. Witueas. the Hfii. M. A. Harrison, Jutlgvot Ihe Coumy Court ofihe Htateof Oregon, for liie Couoty of Union, wlni the Ho.T fid Court amxed this 4th day of Novetubt-r uuk Alison i slUlLUAMCleilU ; v SUMMONS. , . , la the Circuit Couitof lbeHUieor orecea.ar Union Oouuty. t, 0 WILLIAMS, Plainlli . . - CABWA A WILLIAMS, Dsfeadsat. I . .o usiaia A Wllllanu. Una above-nanud idetiadsnt: ta toe nuiiaiir thAHtaL.nriu,,lm To Cassia A Williams, una above-nanud Lll. OUUltlJSlUL dl,.! ..nllr.ul v.. In ,h. .Kn entitled suit on or before the Slat day o " ... h ju. iwi whj auawer, tor want tusreor. tbe olaintin will (.in riM.,M against you for the dissolution of tba marries contract ea.sung Mtwasn you and the pis li tis slid for cost and dUbuisemenis or thu sun . Tbillummiuj. I& mihllihml In ,h. Ir.. Oregon Observer, a weekly newspaper publb he I in union oounty Oregon, by order or the llu -. Hotxrt Uskln, Judge or tbe KUUtb Judln.l Uistr. t ol the Circuit Ooart oitheStati r Oreao. moe a week for six consecutive we. v., the Ural , u'lllcatlou tbereol to be made on rno . stb day ot September, Ivoi. and the last pul.li- -eatlon on tbe ai day of Ootober, HKH, wbieli J was made on the Sid day of septembi r isai - . SUUKNUaSHWlLu, ... Attorney for t lainUS . TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTIUK KOIt 1'UIILIOATION. K' U. B. Land Ornoe, at 1st (iratide, Or., ' '. . OAVu . NoUoa la herebT aiven that In fhiinniiu,,.. Willi thfi DrOVlBlfins nf Ih.wrtAf rnnuMU t Junes, 1878, euutldd "An act for tbe sale ol timber lauds In tba states of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the l'ubllo Land Utatee by act ol August , Ixti, Uerbert R Cleaver t uaiuwell, county orusnyon, ntate of Idabo, I this day filed In this olltce bis sworn stu - mcntiNo. (or tbe purchase ol the H No. Is in Township No. 48, u No. 37 R. W.M. Aud will Oder uroof toahow that tha luml sought Is more valuable fur Its timber or etoue than for agricultural purpotwa, aud to csutbilsh bis clulm to sala land befur the iiuiilsturund lt4oelver ot ibis oftlca mi La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day OX January, iUU. He names as witnesses. William U Brown w A-vrrj. v(Vuu; Vyiuxa a Drown 01 reiry. Oregon: HU. iiuiils, of Perry, .Oragoa; Ban' jamln xouug.of Hilgard, Oregon.. Any uua mi porsous cuumiug aavereeiy ine above-described lauds are requested to ine their claims In this offloe uu or before said 6th day of January, IUO5. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 , TiK) I ILC rUK PUBLICATION. U. W. Laud omce, La Grande, Oregon. . bepC iQ.Iwo. Notice Is herebv irlTAn that In immnllitniw . wlthtlie provlsloua of theaot of Oongretw oX J uuo a, UU. entitled "Anuct Tor ttie sale of Umber lands lu the HUtos of (Ulfornla, Ore. ' gon, Mcvada, and Washington Territory," as exU)Uljd to ail the Publlo Land Hiates by at of August i. im, CharleN M Wright of ritut uuca.tjouuiy or umauiia,atateoioreRon has mis day died In this office his sworn Btatumem No. aill. for the purchas of the att'i aec. H aud N KJi N E$i 8e& 2ft Twp. 4 SKM nutl Luti hoc. lan Lot I Boa tJU In Towubhlp No. 4 a., Itange 3b, E W M. Aud will oiler prooftonuow thai the land sought is more valuable for Its Umber or -stouetnan for agricultural purposes, and to euuiiM.au aw oiaim toaaiu tana oeiore tne Keglstor and Kecelver of this office at 1 Grande, Oregon, oa Tuesday, the XXh day OectMnber, Wi. , He namos as witnesses; JamraR Hanna, of McKay, uruguu, Albert W litters of bUrkeyt Frank Aldeii.ofHtarkev. Andrew Sullivan of Htarkey, au iuu uu wnuui uiaiuiiug aaverseiy me , above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before suiil 2uthdayof fiecemwir. iWi. 7 . a, w . ihbvia, . naiBir. TREASURER'S CALL FOR , COUNIY WARRANTS Notloe is hereby given that the tin dtirslgned, Treasurer ol Union County, Oregon, has fund, ou hand witb which to pay all county warrants whioh wore presented and e idortod by the County Treasurer prior to too 7th day of Ooto ber 1809. Dated at the treasurer's of flee in the oity of La tirande this the 18th day of Nov. ltfiM. No Interest al. lowed after said date. John Frawley, ; Treasurer of Union County TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, )878 NO I lit: l-UK PUBUCATION. U. Is, Land Oftiee at La Qrande, ore. ., , .t . . Oa. is, IH04, ' oroVudSn. "of I ffio St if cSnJllZ 3 J,tlSamaSS'AnM hSS?S. fS .,"I."?.'W". a5l..'.T.V,1e sale ol ts uui ot ififo.vuntiuu -a.u aub lur uio sate Ol timber lauds lu the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Wiudiluglou Territory' as uxumuuu louii me ruuiio utuu iaves ay not of AuguriUr im, WlllUm U Hrown, of Perry, -county of Union, Bute of Oregon bas this rliLV fllnti In thla nil litis hla iiinrn aluiamani No. &W. for the ouruhase of tba IS L of m w u of bee i iuu No slid M N W hi 01 bootlou Ho. 17 lu Township No 4 H, Hange Mo. 87, K W M. ' And will otter oroof to snow that the Isnrl siii 1 it ! mnM vulntthlA tnr Itsi itmlus ns eUniiM thun ffp urrlnilltnnal hn rtviaosi and tn , Htn.bllth hor nliiltn tatliald lunrt Hnfnra ' Keglstoraud ltooelver of this office at La Omude, Orxon,onattturday, the7th day of January, 1WB. Ue uames as witnesses; Uerbert & Cleaver of Caldwell, Idaho: Ralph 11 linilio, of Perry Oregon: Ueujatnln V Youag, of Hilgard, Ore gon; WlllUm H Longluy of Hilgard, Oregon. au; iuu sail purinma uiatming aoversei the abov'i described lan'is are requested to nietheirolalins in this otUoeon or before suid 7tb day of January. 11X15. jus wa iwTis, isegiswr . OREGOIV oUmqn Pacific DSPABT Time aehedel OM HI LAOBASIUSJ, ugsm, 8sh Lake, Denver Ft. - HP1 Mna Woitb, Omaha, Kansss a. n. ..Si. m PUT, HI. Loula, Chicago . NC5 1:80 -m' sd asst. aa n.ni Portland, Dalles, Pen- Mm ' dletok. '.Valla Walla, M Q Dayton, kViraeroj, 1,0 ,.,. ,n (Jolraz, Mosoow,Hpu . :S0" " kanoinnls IMP a sun a ,th via Bpo kaao. - Portland. Dalles, Peo NO It dlouin Umatilla Wal. hi) a lula,l.ewlslon,Ool(ax " Mosoow, Wallace Wa. m t):S pm dnnr, Hnokaae an-1 other points east and nortb via Hpokane. . , r "M'lr 'sland Oity. Alloel, eicedt Iruoler, and Elsln N Hunday eonlKH'.bms at KTfiln Spjo p dtlfl.- a m with (or point. In W 'l:.iwi' ooqiity Oonan Htoaroers between Portlanu and an Fraselaxio .mrj flra days s.aMOOai.Aiafa