La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 26, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    crSH' meat i'How Things CKahgc
I have reopened my Bhop on
North Fir Street You will
find my shop . well supplied
and the prices to suit the
times. Yours for business
Free delivery. Phone 1601
4,000,000 Pounds Prunes Shipped to
Francisco Recently to Different .
Parts of the World.
San Francisco, Mot 25 The prone j These three shipment alone aggre'
shipments by aea direct to Europe gate nearly 4,000,009 pounds of prunes,
from San If rancisca have been consid
erable during the last few weeks. The
climax was capped the other day by
tmen it perfect, having neither blem
ish or koot. He also brought. pel
mens of apples of the Ben Darts, Nor
thorn Spy, and Spiuenberg varieties
wbieh are aa fine as could be found
anywhere. He elso' brought-a sample
of chestnut grown on hU
air Johnson Is a Brm believer la the
virtues of water and has wade the
(ream which flows above his farm lend
itself tfj aid and the result is ear
talnly satisfactory.
. - ' ' Pay Up ; "
The public it , hereby . notifleav that
I bare disposed ol 'my feed ' 'store' to
J. W. White and 1. desire to thank
the publio geuerally for ; their ' lib ral
patronage in the past and Sbat parties
now owing mo will please call and sen
ile with me persooall or tbey can
Australia 278,175 pounds; Hawaii, 10,-!
80S pounds; Mexico, Central and South
America, 21,983 pounds; Manitoba,
149,100 poun-U; the Orient, 2 ',109
Serves them in any style
the consignment ' Tin the ' steamer
This Teasel oleared on Nouember 12
for Hamburg, having for that port
2.196.416 Donnda of nrnnea. an xaeed-
.nulv larva ahlnmnnt. Tim ahln Altnir 'rionnds: Ensland. 883.069 Donnda:
od November 4th. toot 743,825 pounds 'continental Europe, 4.182,030 pounds;
of prunes to London by sea direct j Dawson 6,000 pounds; Tahiti, 830
from San Francisco, and on October pou ids ; Northwest Territory, 78,775
20th. the steamer Nioaria bad on her ' pounds ; Suva, 75 pounds; Clipper ton
manifest 943,808 pounds foi Siamburft j Island, 30 pounds
From July 3 to November 12 the ship
ments of Drunes bv aea from the port
of 8an Franoisoo havi been as follows: j at tbs La Grande National Bank who
To British Columbia, 333,619 pounds; will receipt for all bills.' 11-11 to 12-1
Lots 17, 18, block 102,
Chaplain's Addition.
Address bids to 'F" care
of Observer
plisb the work The court house la
nearly completed and the officers will
be able to occupy their new quarters
in a few weeks.
It woulu be well for the oounty Beat
oommittei to remember that there are
several large iron safes still In the old
building at Union which should be
brought to this oity before the roads
become in a bad condition. . These
safes must be brought over some time
not In a position to say, b..t desire to " " . 7Z 7
call attention to the fact that,' the when the bottom drop, out of th. road
UaltAF ruba t h la m attar nn fin of
A Correction
Ed. Observer:' '
' My attention has been called to
the statement in the proceedings of
the County Court', for Novem ber, which
was published in the Observer, in
whioh It appears that said County
Court, raised the assessed values o'
the Elgin Branch S1500 per mile. i
How this mistake was made I am
County Court did not raise the values
bu , on the contrary, the court reduc
ed the value $500 per mile.
The maio line was assessed at $8000,
and the Eluin bianoh, at ,GO0O per
mile for 1901 and the court reduced
the main line 82500 per mile and the
Elgin branch $500 per mile.
Very Beapectfully,
J H Morton.
Heathg Plant Here
The heating plant for the court house
is now here and will be plaoed in po
oition as oon as workmen can accom-
H. L Johnson, who has a farm about
three miles west of Sammerville, wea
an Observer caller yesterday, and left
a sample of the products of bis farm
which excel anything we have seen
this year, or any other year for that
matter. The banner produot was a
mammoth potato, of the variety known
as the White Elephant, ibis potato
weighs four pounds and one ounqe and
measures a little better than thirteen
and a half inches in length. The speo
IF THEY ARE WEAK 'You are in constant danger of Pneu
monia or Consamption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY '
AND TAR if taken in time.
IF THEY ARE IN FLA RUED You already have the first symp
toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay
taking FOLEY'S HONE Y AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con
ditions of the respiratory organs.
IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED It is dangerous to use harsh'
expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be
naturally cleared.
gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble
and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates.
For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, "Asthmas-
Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia.
8oe Thai You Gat
Honey and Tar
J. N. Patterson, night policeman of
Nashua, la., writes: "Last winter I
tad a bad cold on my lungs and tried
at least a half dozen advertised cough
medicines and had treatment from two
physicians without getting any benefit.
A friend recommended FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR and two thirds of
a bottle cured me. I consider it the
greatest oough and lung remedy in
wis worm."
25o, 60o. $1.00
160 nobs payable to G T Williams, on
streets of La Grande, was la large yel
low envelope. . All parties are caution,
ed against buying same. Finder will
return to this office. . ;. : .';.-.
Classified Advertisements
t j i i. at i -.',..
II PYoii ffivenytdine to SeUtlet
the People hear abour ittbrosrh
s! his iDepar fmeT i t anci You wU
fend a Buyer; It You Want To
Sellxriiain Your "Wrarits? iirid
You Will Find a Seller.
j'ale or ; Exchange,
Blgfit aces, all roem house, lare
bam, 'place f.r bogs nd elilekori
four acres in orchard 'and hprri
Just east otHonr milU. Tola will t i
Investigation . Hot particulars inn, ' r
at alacFiulajie groevry. store, n
sell or exchange for oity property, -
:.! :-y ': .'.'if" ln-aa-n-ao. '
' MeKaolaaa Colored Vaudeville Co.
La Grande Opera House Wed.. Not
23rd. Adults 60, children 36. Res,
seats 75. , -"
-Washington Ave.
room house on
: Call at Prof Days
The Fair w,l 11 buy some good market,
able potatoes at market price. ..
FOR REST A four room house
Z Patty Adams A ve, . 18-2J . "
LOST Table cloth with initials "7
A T," also apron wrapped in paper
bag. Finder will please return to
lira. Joseph Palmer. ;" - -
FOEBENT Cellar room in good
in good atone cellar. Inquire at the
Fair. ' . .
Try the Observer for first class
Job Work.,
,1- I.' . .. ..f;t ,,. ' l
FOR SALE Best bargain In , real
estate in the oity. My residence prop
erty Oor. Washington Ave. and Green
wood St. Lot 75x110. Modern house,
even large rooms, hot and cold water,
bath room, elootrlo lights. Lawn
fruit and. shade trees Finest real--'
dencoi location In the City. Good easy
proposition to right parties'. ' For par
ticulars Bee GJMcLrin. ""
s . TillmartFf's Fine Gpods y '
! Every hou ekeerer wa,nta p'ura splo
estnd flavoring extracts Ttln)aoua
ara made for the beat family trade.
, 17-2 ,.
LO0T On the streets of -this oity
tout noon Mot V, Ladles gold
' watiii. Finder pleaer leave at thia
; office and- receive suitable reward, tf
Mrs. Douglass now resides it Cor. O
and 7th ata., and la prepared tej do all
kinds . of dressmaking. Sewing , at
homes erred. Nor. 11 Dec. ,
Fruit Boxes.
Bend your orders for Fruit Boxes to
FOR SALE MIKh uuw Jerary, 1100
' lb. driving, hO'Se, gang plow, top
bogey. Apply to A. Mnilenburg,
. tf mile N K f Man I City. , , ?
..." O.jt U-l)ec 14
for Rent
I'he building formrly oo upied by
'' Vthe Salvation army For full fr
' tl ulara and rates' Inquire i 'of Mrs
V S (' Zuber. Auii.;31 1 f
i , FdAitiurc For Sale
And -tiopae to; rant apply to Mrs
' Shearer opposite Star Grocery North .
ol track . ' ' "" "i."r"'
.;,tiuUj -
Furnished Rooms . .
- fpanrlahed room for" Retftleniiut ileepi.
ingnlgnta. - Mrs O W Preston.
. . 1916 Adams Ave.
cti . ii3 Ball Suoper:
The rtnakana (lata will aefTSK Sold
turkey and oysters' for the midnight
ball, supper . Thursday evening, A
splendid midnight lunch la assured.
J.F Johnson, Prop. 3t
Ffifm for' Sale
Stoddard : Lumber Co.
Grande planing mill
I desire to eeirmyautlfuMlttle
laf niof 80 arjres two tnltes. and half
east of 'La, Grande op the rural postal
at the ' Ls"nd farmers Telephoh'e 'Dne to adit the
. porobaaer. '. Mi Baker .. tf
rrH vof;) 'ra( H mitt taP w6fimlI wmo '
WANTED Washing' to do at Vouie.
Mrs. Sluiw, Wcat W st
Public Sal
SiP iiorcs rinely imp i.vod drm, 280
acrns plow 1 il,'iea In 'all grain
new bonce 28x'2S good twu story barn
and 2 grau'rie , 15 sari-a in dit hrl
Onlv 4 miles from Jelan i Citr Farm
machinery included only f."5.00 per
acre halt cash. , .
lao 5 room hmise. large nam "and
bait block of land 2 lilooks from Court
Hcuse at llluO a Snap.
G H Powers. , i i
The Minnesota Land man, Slater
Block. . W 11-17 12-18
the. United !Stte8 &
t The Bulletin just issued by
' Qoverrimetit, after months of careful "researcSBaiipwa v
chases annually goods to the amonnt of '
i.i,t 1,',.1 -nn
,,. .mi j vwsis toe zzou j amines pisitea
, with, eaohissuegf the DaUyandWeydB--SERVER,
annually purchase inwfcliandise to
the amount of
Guntheries Candies
All the essence of pnrlty. As you
fun exsily convince y 'urself by teBt.
KiiO Kins and Cb x-nlates-assorted
Chocolates assorted Bon Hons f Oots.
an up. Mewlin Drug Uoi
. 1!
We will make you a box coat for less
inont'f than von pav for a rendv made
ifrneht and you have two hu dred'
tintterna to pit-R from. Wr n ao cover
iui tons, press clothes and. eli;au youp
coals and you have a chance to win! a
a40 coat with every dollar paid In 'our
store. Al AndeWSi Gentti ftrrnieh.
intfi.- i, .,; Phone No 231 j
,l,tif ; f,li .o i :- )'f
The natural logical conclusion cannot, hex otherwise fiv
tnan ttiat, no wide-awake business man whp will take
the ft-w moments necessary to Convince himself of" t"he 10
accuracy of the above statement, can:affnrd to. miss
the opportunity of placing his apftRBoj9.Wenta (26,500 ;j
each mouth) before thia army of purchasers.
1 An ad under auch conditions, properly taken care
s-of will m,oit certainly bring enormous returns 'on ! the
A I ound SttaK 1 U
is just the thing to lay the foundation
for a good day's' work. Tbat is, when
it is the kind we sell. Juicy, rich beefy
flavor. Full ofnn rimcnt. Makes the
weak strong, and tlie strong stronger.
All Kinds of Meat
tl.a' aie good to ral tao be found in
our l eb x in prime condition, at prices
tht please. Too will fare well II your
, bill of fare is bued oa our meats, t
. n . A ITl. ..i .-"T.I . . if m ' . .
nrae TfesmtatiiMrfif
- i ' " ' ..( . ... . ,
Should receive the most careful consideration of
every business boose whose volvme of business de-
pends upon the patronage of this city and county, ;
A T HILL. DRUGGIST Bock & Thomas
Firss t Class Job "Work
i mmmmmtmsasz