I ON- NEW YEAR'S EVE j Will Give Jt ; $40 a chance $ 4 paid on account or purchase A. V. A N DREWS Gents' Furnisher and Tailor. Read The Daily Observer Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. ' . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS; Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stockHides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. THANKSGIVIG DELICACIES V To make your Thanksgiving as you would wish it to 3 be you must have the very best to seoure the best re- "J F suits. ' We have everything you desire, such as maple J ? syrup, raisins, a full line of Heizens goods, the best of 1 - extructs, mince meat, new crop of nuts, sour Kraut, g pickles, cheese aud everything you need. Call and J 4 inspect our goods. j ? ! C. .RALSTON I NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE . '( Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. . j t rwsraaramcamatrm .is- TT TDPrtTCT A NT I The Dry Laud gation. BROME GRASS Red, Clover, Alfa, fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House Union County. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSONj AVE. E. P. Staple ROMIO & STAPLES --GROCERIES- A full and comp.ete line ol staple and fancy gro ceries. Fanoy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden wars. Fruits aud vegetables in aeasou. Bakery products always fresh. Good sorvicv uud quick delivery. Phone Away a OVERCOAT with every A I UT A I C A Alfulfa grows without irri to . Fhorie 1571 E. E, Romig 431 LOCAL ITEMS what some people in and out oftown are "doing. . KT W 3 Hurray returned to Idaho last night. ; .". . lira Honon retarned this morning from in extended trip But. John Q A Blohardson, one ol Union county's most substanolal farmerr was en Observer visitor yesterday. ,. : Mr J B Uompau, a prominent citi zen of Elgin m Id the city yesterday and retarned home this forenoon. ' Do not forget the tea 'to be given Wednesday the 30th at the home of lira Ramsey by .the St Peters Guild The Las Bonds Clab will meet next Saturday evening at the K of P hall. All members are cordially invited to attend . -'..'.'V J D Oiilllan Jr of Pendleton spent Thanksgiving day with bis parents and the united family in the Metho dlst parsonage- '.).', .; j5-'' " ' - ' ; lifiv John Garver the newly appoint ed M pastor to Prairie City spend Wednesday in the oity. He comes from Ronbaiz S Dakota.- 'r- The dinner given by the ladles of W B 0 will be served tomorrow at noon sharp. All W R 0 Members and G A R Members are Invited, A I Berry father of W W and a brother ol J M Berry arrived Thar day evening from Htudeville Arkansas to make this his future borne. - - Mr H J Waters of Santa Rosa Ca'i fornia stopped over yesterday to oall upon Rev. E B Bays. Mr Waters and Mr Hays were boyhood friends. A Large Carload of Lumber Tne largest carload of lumber that ever came over the Elgin branoh, and probably the largest that ever came into La Grande, arrived in this oity lasr even ing. The car was loaded at Elgin by Galloway tiros,, the lumber men, and consisted ol .51,W3 feet of lumber. Did Elmer Evan a yuuug mun 22 years old who while (torkiug in the sugar factory wai tuke.i wilh typhoid lever aud went tu tiie liuker City bospilal, lie died there vVe.lne-d 17, llrs liody was brought here Tiiiireday night aud the funeral will take place at iBland Gity tomorrow al 11 o'olock from the church, Kev J D Gillilan officiating The funeral will be under the auspices of Island Ui'y Camp M W A Foot Ball Portland 24 The Multnomah Ame tuer Athletio Club defeaied the Ore gon University electors by a score ol 7 Phili'!lpijia Nov 2-1 -Pennsylvania defeated Cornell by a score o!32 too Chicago Nov 24 Wisconsin 11 Oliicago IS Denver Nov 24 Sanford 33 University of Colorado 0. Pendleton Nov 24 Pendleton 18 Baker CliyO JUST A WORD . AS A REMINDER Our holiday Glassware and China ware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to show a very complete line. Come The Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenue Largest Store Smallest Prices? "TOMORROW The Last Day of this v Great Sale of BARRIOS DIAMONDS Hundreds 7 have bought them and ', feel satisfied, We still have bargains for yon. It will pay you to buy them now and lay them aside for your Xmai gift, you buy them now for one tenth what tkey are worth i fc ' pi . i . The' Bburios Diamond Oomyany oontrol 85 store in this country, fi:d they can weil attord to advertise, them, at these low prices their gain is your gain. , - ; Bring ' your, diamonds and compare them, if your genuine diamond shows up' up better, we will give you one Iree, they have been compared end no one bas yet .been able to ' see ' the the difference. ' 4 . .., , -.i;:.:s".-.!C We have two .21 jeweled gold filled Gents' Watches. : We close them out at $7.50 to $12.50 Three Ladies watches at : $8.00 Gold filled and worth $15.00 to $18.00. , ."' - ' All our rings, pins, studs, broaches and earlngs, worth $4 60 to $15.00, now $1.00 to 54-50 BARRIOS DIAMOND CO. With La Grande . Drugj Company When the Turkey Comes To you in our restaurant you will have a triple feast Vonr eyes will east on lis tempting appearance. Your nostrils will (east on its appetizing odor. Tour palate wilt feast on its dolloatu flavor. Eating It Will be a joy to be remembered. With all this in prospect, what's the good of bothering with a home dinner. Spend Thanksgiving here and be happy. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY ANDJUUHT We sell weekly Heal '$450 Tickets, Cath STOVES in and see them Bargains Picture We have a lot of these frames left which we touk ' from an agent on a loan. All of these frames are the very best gilded frames and regular size for en larged pictures, 16X20, with French glass. We will close them out at $1.60 each while they last The. La Grande Pawnbrokers ; ; 5 Corner Fir and Adams 'f ;' Remember we still buy and -'sell all kinds; ' f Second Hand Goods. J : J J rno&e 1581 WATCH J. H. Pcarc, the Jeweler Winter Footwear For Men Women and Ghildren . To meet the changing reasons and supply the demand for winter shoes we have placed in stock complete liues selected from lending manufacturers. T M STIJBBLEFIELD 1 Quality Shoe. Store 1 ' a jgfguGiiiiiigiMiiiJjiaji HOUSE CLEANING TIME: The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Eto , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is complete. Our prices right. -. E. ANDROSS Undertakers HOUSE FURNISHINGS Our Heating Stoves are right in PRICfi, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC. Look them over. Frames MAGNATIZED ' . In these days of the increasing , " - use of electrlolty the danger ' of .baring your watch magna ( tiled Is greater than in the past. I am In shape to demagnaviae ' voor watch right away and put it I" as eood snap- as when ., it ". left the factory . : her Is no nepHMlty of running the risk of having your , wateh . lost or broken sending it away wbcu - you can get it made as good as - new at home by a praotiole . workman at a low eost. . HONEST MADE" SHOES GIVE HONEST WEAR -TJ T -There is a aense of satisfaction in wearing genuine articles ' in ' clothiug, jnwnlry, foot--we r etc Sn muohof: whit is worn is imita tion and shoddy The shoes we carry for men women aud children are honest made md give honest wear The prices we charge ' are npt too cheap to yield us a profit but right and r reasonable . for. honest values. We so licit your closest in spection. ' Proprietor of the " , Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 and Embalmers 1202 Adams Ave ije it e k-4 . v 4 ' ft