La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 25, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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! l"! ft f ! IWe. ate hosr
at a reduced
? S.J
New Belts, , . New Combs, ; New: Caps
... .1 ' , " i " " i
La G-raiide " - ; Oreeon
-. i'f ' :n ".i
Orchestra fl.OO ,. Dress Circle 75c Family Circle 50o
Gallery 60o ;,; Children 25o .. ,
Seats on Sale 3'iaday Morning .at Van Bnrens
Singers, .Dancers, Jesters, Minstrellists
. Vaudevillists, Dixie Girls.
'the greatest singer of her race T
"The Alabama Blossom" the ' fuuniest 'colored man alive
PRETTY CHORUS. IVjmprUing the sweetest and best Trained negro voleea
In the world. Presenting a magnificently new WOflOO stage produotlon tnoludlng
"Looney Dreamland" "Plantation Paaiimes" "ulorr of the Pair" "Offen-bacaOpera-Bourr,"
aaabwellMlnatreiyarletlei'v,. "v . ,""
ct Srande Snvestment Company,
1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon
Full Weight Guaranteed
Wholesale and Retail deal
ers iu Hiy, Grain, v Vege
tables and Fruits
Carload lots a Specialty ,
Lawson & Zundell
Office in Kiipatriok Rldg.
Phone No 1113 . . .
MRS. J. R.
Ladies can SAVE MONEY by buying
i ' ' : 1
' now V
Pompadour Bangs, the kind always sold for
; 4.50, now $1.75.
Novelties. Peggy Bag-, Novelty Combs, Perfumes
and Toilet Soap.
The 'finest line
of Millinery
this city.
Msonic,bulding onJAdsms svenne. "
Beilino - all
Oil. '.
are made by as oa first mortgeges
-on't let Improvement lag for the
au1 of money, A few hundred dol
u lay now may greatly increase
th. J lie at the farm
No ';itii is lost in making the reqnlr.
edadvanoes. We push businea of
this kind through quickly.
Special Offer
What would be nicer for a Christmas
present than an enlarged photo ol your
self or bebyf Until Nor 20th . on get
an 11x14 Bromide free with every 14.00
order for Photos at The Taylor Studio
Not 12-19
Reading Room.
Taj a ist room ol Central Ohuroh o
Christ. Open every day from noon tc
six in the evening. Jjailv and weekly
papers, magasines and books. Men
and boys cordially invited. Strangers
aiwsys welcome
ever shown in
, One black female bog, weight about
360 bai come to my place. Owner will
pleat oall and pay charge i and ttaii
for notioe. . )' BobU Deal, City.
1 :
fnblto Lauds to settlement and En
trv. DerMrtment ol the Interior. lieu-
s al Land Dittos. WaehinKton. U U..
Noremberl, 1904. Notioe is hereby
given that on October 141, 1904, tlie
Acting secretary or. in interior re
stored to tettlement the pnblio lands in
the follqwing described aieas, wnioh
were temporarily withdrawn tor fureat
reserve Duroosea; and that the said
pnblio lauds so restored to settlement
on uctooer 21, iwh, wilt oecume auu.
Jeot to entry tiling and seleotion at
the United States District Land Offioe
at Ls Urande, Oregon, on March 1,
1905: In Township twoi2) North, Kant,e
forty -four (44) J&ul, the sonth-wesi
quarter of beotion twenty -four (24) aud
the west nail or. Beotion twenty uve
(26); In Township three (S) North,
Raima fortv-lonr (44) KaaU Sections
one U) to Are (6), both inoluslve, ihe
north bail oi tne norm-wesi quarter oi
-ection six (o). the north nail of
Sections nine (U) and ten (10), See
tions eleven (11) to fourteen (14);
both inclusive, the north-east quarter
of auction twenty-two (22), the nuiih
nan oi the sontn-east quarter oi tseo
tioo twenty-three (23), beotions twenty-tour
(24) and twenty live (25). the
south hall, of the south west quarter of
Election iairy-oue ioij, ana eii oeo
tlon thirty-six (30); In Township f iur
(4) North, Kange forty -four (44) East,
the west naif of the the west halt of
Ueotion one (1), Seotione two (2) to
eleven (11), both inclusive, the north
west qoarier m me northwest quarter
of election twelve (12), the south west
quarter of Section thirteen (13), Bec
tioDS fourteen (14) to twenty three (23)
both inclusive, the west halt of the
went half and the south-east quarter
oi the soutn-wesi quarter or beotion
twenty four (24), the west halt of Sue
4iou twenty live (25), Sections twenty
six (26), tweuty seveu (27) and twen
ty-eight (28), the nortu halt of the
couth-east Quarter, the south-east
quarter of the south east quarter, and
ine nortn-east quarter oi tne south
west of Section twenty-nine (29), the
aoutti'west quarter aud the s .nth ball
ol the uorth west quarter ol tieotloD
thirty-one (31), and (Sections thirty
three (33) to thirty six (3t, both in
clusive; In Township two (2)
north, Kange tony rave (40) west,
Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3)
the uorth hall oi Seoiion lour (4), the
north half and south west quarter of
Meotion uve (6), the north hlf, and
the north half and south-east quarter
of the south east quarter of Section six
(6), the east half of the east half of
Ueotion nine 9, elections ten 10 to
fourteen (14), both inclusive, the east
u i u .... .. .1 r ..... n l r. ub,i.
sixteen - (Iti), (he south half of the
north-east quarter, tut" north hall of
the sontb-eaet Quarter and the' south
east quarter of the south east quarter
oi seocion seventeen U'j, tne souin
hall of the south east quarter of Seo
tlon nineteen 19, tne south west
qaurter of the south-weal quarter, the
nortb-east Quarter, and the north half
oi the south-east quarter oi Ueotion
tw nty 2UJ, the norm -west quarter oi
the north-east quarter, the north bait
of the north-west quarter and the
sooth-west quarter of the north-west
quarter of Uection twenty-one 21, the
east half of the east half ol Section
twenty two 22, SeotionB twerty-tbree
23 to twenty-six 2(1 . both iu-.-lueive.
the east half of beotiou twenty. seven
1271. the south half the south west
quarter end the north west quarter of
tue soutn-wesp quarter oi oection
twentv elutit 281. the south-east1
quarter of the south-east quarter and
WD nnoii uau vi iu npg usiu
tton twenty nine 291, the taat half of
the west ball oi me west nan oi
tbe north-eaat quarter and tho north,
eaat quarter of the southeast quarter
of Beotion thirty a0, the soutbwest
quarter of tie noitheast quarter, the
west half of the southeast quarter, aud
the west half of Section thirty one 31
tbe northwest quartei ol the northwest
quarter, the east nail, and ine east
nan 01 ine wen nan 01 oeution tniny
two T321. the south half ol the nurth
east quarter, tbe tiAitheastquarter aud
tbe west bait or beotion cmrty three '
1331. the east halt aa'.l tbe southwest
quarter of Section thirty four 34 , snd
ail S ctions thirty five 35J , tuirty six
36; In Township three 3 North,
Ru.De forty five 46 lOast, the east
half and the east ball of the west half
of ejection three 3, Sections six 6
and seven 7, the east half of Meotion
ten 10, the west half of section lour
teeu14J, tbe east half of Beotion of
teen 16, motions eighteen 18 and
nineteen 19, tne west half, tbe weet
bait of tbe east balf and the southeast
quarter of tbe southeast quarter of
beotion twenty three 23, and elections
twenty Uve 25, twenty six '26,
thirty 130J, inirty one laij, tniity nve
1361. and thirty six 361; All Township
two W North, Kange lorty six 46
Eaat; in Township three 31 Nortb,
Range forty six 40 East, the sonih
west quarter of the southeast quarter
and the sontheast quarter of tbe south
wost quarter of Section Ave 6, the
neat nail of the northeast quarter, the
went half, and tbe southeast quarter of
ioction eight 8, the southeast quart
er of tbe sonthwest quarter and the
southwest quarter ol. the southeast
quarter ol Section 'fourteen 14, the
nortneast quarter oi oeowon mteen i iu
Btotioo sixte n 16, tbe east half and i
tbe east half of the west bait ot Seo I
Hon seventeen 17 and twenty 2u,!
and elections twenty one 21 to thirty
six 36, both Inclusive; in Township
five 6 Nortb, Range forty six 46!
East, Sections one 1 to eighteen 18,
both inclusive, the north ball of beol
tioo twenty two 22, and the north i
west quarter of Beotion twenty three !
123); All tnatpart of Town.bipsix 6 '
North, Kange forty six ol Eaat in '
Oregon; In Township thre 31 Nortb, i
Range forty seven 47 East, the south .
ball of the northwest quarter and the '
north balf oi the southwest quarter of
Section fifteen 16, Bectlon sixteen;
16, tbe south ball ot tbe south half;
and tbe northwest qaurter ol the south !
west quarter of Beotion seventeen 17 I
Beotion nineteen,! In, the nortb balf,
and the noitneaat quarter ol the eontn
east quarter of Beotion twenty 20,
the west balf ot tbe northwest quarter,
the sonthwest quarter, and the south
hall of the southeast quarter of Bee
tioo twenty one 21, the southwest
quarter of Beotion twenty seven 27,
i-mtoOtirr thvr:. iocmUiniag
the south halt of Beotion twenty sight
26, the north half of 'the northeast
quarter, the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter and the west half of
action thirty 80, the southeast
quarter ol Uection thirty one 31, the
east '.hall and southwest quarter of
Section thirty two (.12), end all Sections
thirty three 33, thirty tour 34 snd
thirty six 8tli In Township Uvs 6
North, Bangs forty sevea 4 East,
Sections one 1 to seventeen (171.
both Inoluslve, Sections twenty one
121 to twenty eight 28, both inolns
lve, ana section thirty six liwi: ah
, that part of Township six 6 North,
' Range forty seven 471 Eaat, In Ore
gop; In Township tui a 3 North,
Kanue forty eight 481 EssU the south
east quarter of Section four 4, the
east half of Beotion nine 191. Section
sixteen 16, the east ball of Sections
twenty one 21 and twenty eight 28,
the southeast quarter of the northwesi
quarter, the south half of tbe northeast
quarter and the south half of Section
thirty two 321. the southwest Quarter
the sooth half of the northwest quarter
and tbe eaat half of Section thirty
three 33; Ail fi actional Township
five 5 North, Range forty eight 48
nasi: : Ail iraoiiouai lownsnip six
6 North, Range forty eight 48
East; All oi the Willamette Mai idinn,
W-A Richards, Commissioner,
Approved: E A Hltolioook, Seoretary
of the Interior. - i,. ,
fubllo Lands to Settlement and
Entry. Department of the Interior,
uenerai uina (jinoe. wasnington, u
O . November 3, 1904. Notice is here-
by given that on October 21, 1904, the
Aollng ueoietary of tbe Interior restor
ed to settlement the public lands in
the following desoribed areas, which
were temporarily withdrawn f r forest
reserve purposes; and that Ihe said
public lands so restored to settlement
on October 21,1001, will become snb
jeot to entry, fllioi and seleotion at
the United States District Land Offices
at lia Grande, Oregon, and Walla
Walla, Washington, on March 1, 1905:
In Township one 1- South, Range
thirty seven 37 East, Sections thirty,
one 31 and thirty two (32), snd the
south-west quarter of Beotion thirty
three 33; In Township two 2
South, Range thirty eight 38 East,
the south-east quarter of Snotlon five
51: In Township one fll North.
Kauge thirty eight (38) East, tbe east
half of Section one 1 ; In Township
two (2j nortu, nange luiriy-eiglit 3BJ
aast, ntauona tnirteen (lisj, twenty
four 24, twenty-five !5 and thirtv
six 361 : In Township Ave 51 North.
Range thirty-eight 38 East, Beotion
twenty 20, the west half of Section
twenty one 2t, ana tne north hall or
Sections twenty nine 1291 and thirty
30i : In Towushlo three T31 North.
Range thirty nine 39 East, Elections
one 1, two 21, nine 0 and sixteen
10, and tbe south east quarter of
Section twentr eight 23 ; In Town
ship four 4 North, Range thirty-nine
391 East. Sections thlrtv five 351
and thirty.six 36 ; In Township three
(3) Nortb, Range forty (40) East, all
that part of Section one (1) Ivins eaat
of the Grande Ronde itlver ; All that
pare oi lownsnip tour (4) north,
Kange forty 40 East, lying east of
tbe Grande Ronde River; In Towu-
enip tnree lisj norm, uange lorty-one
tij .cast, elections one iij to rux 10J,
olh iuclueivc; All that part of Town
ship four 4 Nortb, Range forty one
41 Eaat, lying south a d east of tbe
Grande Ronde Klver : All that part of
lownsnip nve l&j nortu, uange lorty-
one 1411 maBt, lying south ol the
Grande Ronde River; In Township five
fi Nortb, Uange forty two 42 East,
Sections thirteen 13 to sixteen 16,
both iunlnaive, and Sections twenty
20 to tblrty-eix 30, both Inoluslve;
All of tbe Willamette Meridian, Ore
gon All that part of Township six
6 Nortb. Ranee 1431 East, lvlnir in
wasnington; in lownsnip seven 1J
jMortu uange forty-three M3I
Kanae forty-three 431 East.
Sectiooa twfDty-four (24) aad twentv
wu-suvo Ut bUO BUUlll Utf.ll Ul DtfUvlUU
twentv eiuht C28). the aoath-flaat
quarter of Section thirty-one (31), tbe
south half and north-east quarter ot
Beotion thirty-two (32), and Sections
thirty three (33) to thirty nix. (36),
both laolusive; In Township nine (9)
North, Range forty three (43) EaBt,
Sections one (1) to four (4). both in-
elusive. Section seven (7), the north
oait or Heotion eighteen (IS), aod :
tieoticn thirty aix i3ti) : In Townahio I
'seven (7) Nortb, ftanro forty four (44) .
tast, Seat Ions one (I) and twelve 121 :
tn Ihwnahit. aiihr. fKl North Xli&''tVJ"! !.
"r ---1 i - - -
.u. v nu, litj uaai., aevkiirue imue IOJ, I
four 141. five 161 and einht 181. and the
north halt of Sections twenty six 26
and twenty nine 29 I In Township
nine 9 Nortb, Range forty four 44
East, beottons four 4 to nine 9,
both inoluslve, Sections fifteen 16 to
twenty two 22 both Inclusive, and
Sections twenty seven 27 tn thirty
four 31, both Inclusive; All ol the
Willamette Meridian, Washington,
W A Richards, Commissioner,
Approved. E A Hitchcock, Secretary
of the Interior.
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes Bros' canned fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
We always have the fresh
est eggs butter, ec.
Special attention given to
phone orders.
Geddes Bros.
five Uxnmzd doUttrt.
LilA Ml I
ifstate Notice .
' 'J R Kellogg deceased. Estate." '
Notice is liereby given that tthe
undersigned, J M Church, has qoall
Bed ss Exeoator ot the last will and
n-n. Ai T D IT -11
nwvii, wjiuMau.
All persons having qlalms against
said .estate are hereby required to
present tbe same properly verified to
ihe undersigned at tbe ofiloes of 0 H
fine, Sommer UuUdlng, La Urande
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication ot this
Dated and first published October
6th 1904. r
J M Ohuroh. Kxeoutorof Estate of
1 R Kellogg, deceased. -
u, a. Sinn, Attorney ror executor.
- Notice Of Final Account
Notioe Is hereby given that the
Undersigned, Administratrix of the
estate of William Spencer, deoeaaed,
has filed in the County Court of Union
County for the state of Oregon her
final account, as such administratrix.
aud the Court has fixed Monday the
19th day ot Deoember 1904 for hearing
any objections to said final aooonnt
and for the iflual settlement thereof
Dated this November 19, 1904
Minute M Spencer, Administratrix
NotlM la hereby Given to all whom It max
concern:- .
That Nnllla a Nalll. administratrix ' of the
astute of Alfred T Net!!, deceased, has filed her
final report in the administration of said
estate, and the County OourtofUnlon County,
uregon, una neb tue nu. uay ut gaaaary, A. u ,
1906, at two o'clock, p m. lor the hearing of said
jrb auu Buy uujucmuub Mieceiwi .
ated this lsth. day of November, A. D 1004'
Administratrix of the estate of Alfred T, Nelll,
v Department of ttu Interior wf '
Land U01oe,La Orande, Ore;
Ocutxr 8,1904 -N
otiee Is herebv siven that the followhui
named settler has filed notioe of his intention
to make final proof in support of hlsoUlm,
aud that suid proof will b. made before tho
Kealsier apd Keoeiver of the U. a. Land Offioe
at La Uruudo, Ore. on November 20 ibol, vis., U
is i$sa. James uoijioy, or Kameis, Oregon,
Lots 1, a, aud 8, BW! ttcc 30, Tp. i ,
He niunes the following wllntsaes to prove
hi, coutinuoiis residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz.; William Todd, Edward Coo-
ley, Wllllurn Broolui, and Burt Uarvlse, all of
Kaniela, Oregon.
, - K. W. Davis, Register.;
. U. H. iatud OfilM at Lsa Ur&nde. (Jrwon
Auguat 11, IMi.
Nolloa li herbv trlTea that In tmDiituiQa
wltat Lb provisions ul tbe mat of OoogrcM ot
June 8, JB78, entitled "An act for tbe atvle ol
llraoer lands In the States of California, Ore
K on. Nevada, and WashtnKton Territory." aa
ox tended to all the Publlo uwd rttatea by aot
ol August 4.1892, David C HuKdea. of Dexter-
has, tbls duy nlod In this
VliltJ, WUUiy Ul VYUUUe OUIMI Ul Yf iBooaain
omoe hit swore
HUiLtyjieut No. ai60. for the Durohaaa of tba
(. 81
Uon No. 2 in Townshlu No. 6 Uouth Uaiure No.
. Aad will oflfer proof to show that tbe land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agrloultunki purposes, and to
wlaoilBh herolulm lo said land before the
liegtstor and Keoeiver of this oOloe at La
Uuade, Oregon, oa Tuesdmj the Uttth
any of Ootober. 1D01.
ild names as wltntsases. Hmtpa U. tiullu,
W Henry Brown, of Uexurville, Wlsoonaln;
iseonard O. bullls, of Perry, Oregon; and
Buwara xeans oi urn uraouo, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the a oove described lands are requested to
Ale their claims In this omoe on or before said
MM. day of Ootober, mi.
O. W. Davis, Eegliter.
3 IM
Ue O' LAnd UCice, La urande Oregon,
cr o, J9U4.
Notioe Is herebv slven that in comtllanoe
with the provitions ol tbe aut of Cougress of
June8l878,antltled "An act for the saUof
timber lands In the Stater, of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waarilugton Tor'ilory,1 as ex.
Waded to all the Publlo Laud tttatea by act of
August 4, Kalph H. BullU, of La Orande,
olad in tills oiTiOB his swuru statement No.
for the DUtChase 01 tha rtwuawu 8eaion 1
I7.& B H K 8 W i 3 E H of Beotion No,
it in lownsbip No. 4 4oub, itasge No 85
,,, ft(rfl, (ft . . . .
?,?, 7"L?!f r'S0:.. "5
.'one than for agricultural purpose., aud to
j-'iisu u.Hcmim uum una Diore tne Keg
ureguu, uu riuay. Ml. aoru uuy el aiecemuer.
. He
a name i aB witQeStea: Andrew
fclain Jf Juiies, BeUjaintn tfagej
?l -V
.fU Craode Ore-
cgon ana uoorge u uoimes oi
Any and sll persons cJuiininij adversely the
above desoribed laudi are regucated to file their
claims in tKU oflieeon or belore said etkd day
Of Uecember .U04-
K W Davis. Register.
U. B. Land Ollioe, La Orande, Oregon.
Q(!L ItC IrMtV
Notice Is herebv slven that In cumnliianDA
With the prorlslonsof the aot of Congress of
June a, 17B, entitled "An aot for the sale of
timber landi In the ti tales of California, Ore-
gon, Nsvada, and Washington Territory, as
extended to all the Publlo
xsuu aiausi or
or AUatustt. imu. uiara
Brown, of Perry,
Count v of Union. Mtata of Orntron.
has this day filed in this office her sworn
tatement No. ifiW, for the purchase of the HKU
of Ueotion 18,Tp No 41, Range No H7, K W M.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sou a-hi is more valuable ror its umber
stone than for aarteultural purposes, and to
establish ber olalra to said land before the
tteelstor aud Receiver or this office at
Orande, Oregon, on riaiurday, the 7th day ot
January. 1UK
Hhe uames as witnesses: Herbert R
Cleaver or Caldwell, Idaho; Ralph H Bull is -of
1'erry, OreKon; Benjamin (f Vonng of Hilgard,
Oregon, William U Lougley of Ullgard, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above desoribed lands are requested to file
.ueir oietiiii iu Mils, ouiue on or uvwra aaiu
7th day or January, uwj.
C W. Davie, Ileglater.
In the Matter of the ICstate)
of y Citation
Jane Ball, Deoeased. )
To tltvinre W. Ailed and J. W. Allen, heir-
at-law of Jane Ball, deaceaned. and to all otbnr
uu known heirs and persons oouoerned: O reet
in the name of the State of Oreatm,
You are liob cited and required to appear
in toe uiunir teur 01 iub awv 01 uroguu,
for the County 01 Union, at the Court Houm
thereof, at Lu Orande In the County of Union,
on Ha tur day, the 10th day of Deoember, 1U0I,
at ID o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show cause, If any you have, why
the petition of Ueorgo Ball, Adtnlulalrntorof
UieaiKive named estate, praying for an order
of the said Court, authorising, lioenslng. and
empowering him to sell the real property be
longing to said estate, to pay estate debts,
should not be granted,
Witnaaa. the Uon. sf . A. Harrison. Judce M
the County Court oflhe Htateof Oregon, for
the County of Union, with the Heal of said
Court ajaxed this 4th day of November ISM,
Attesa, J UILUAM (Jlei a.
. ' - ubm uoealv.
L0 WIIX1AJIU, ruuatlt ' ' '
to uiasia A wUUaiaa.
To Ousla A WUUal
denUat; ii the urn. of '
ths HLaLa of
Sttare hereby required to appear aad earner
e complaint filed against youla the above- ;
euUUed suit en or bebm the Slat day e .
October, IKH. AndlfyualrdltosoaiUM, Ssr
want thareot; the pialntla U1 Uk dseree '
against you for th. dnurolaUoa of the asarrlaa.
conmot esuaUng between 730 and the Diala
tlll aad R)r costs and diabunNaaaas of tauauii.
This sainmone la pubuahed la the aastcra
Oregon Observer, a weealy nenap.r pabiubad
hi Onion oountr Oregon, by osier of the Hon.
Hubert Balria, Judge of an SlghUi JadWal
Disu. t ol the Circuit Ooort ol the Stale at
Orwu. , laoe a ireek for six ooeaacutlv. wka.
the first , uMloatlan thereof to be aaeae oa the
Wb day ol cpuraber, UOI, aad tha last pabU- .
eatlouonihe ilitdayof Ociuto.r, iva, wulch
waamadeaatbeSra day "tyitmlrar
. ; : v AttoraaylocHaiatia
notiok res rusiiiioATiOM.
. U.rildOaatlGraa4a,o
Notioe la hereby 'given that la oompllaaes
with lit provuuona c' the act of Ouagnaaol
Junes, 107s, anutled "Aa act for the sale as
Umber lands la the SUtas of rriai. or '
sou, Nevada, and Waahlagtoa Twrftory,'
aa t"jided to all the Pubuo Land ataua by
. Augaat 4, Usa, Herbert at cleaver ol
Caldwell, oounty of uauyoo, otate of Idaho, baa
thU day filed la this utile bis awornaUl .
mentNo. ilUf,(ortbeparohaae ol the sits
And win otter proof tosbow that the laud
sought la more valcahle aa? Ita timber or
alon. than lor agricultural purpose, and
to establish his claim to aala land before
the Ueglster and iteoelvar ottau olboe at
La Grande. Orvaron. on Milav. ah. aih - -
of January, Ivue, .
He names aa witnesses: William a ' Brewa
pf aarry, Oregon: Clara A Brown of yerry,
Oreaoni & H. uui u. of Pnrrv. OMMa, u-A'
jamm young, of Hilgard. Oregon.
Any aau au parsons oiaunina snverseiy tae
abovdeeorlbed lands are reqjestad to flje
tnelr elalma la tola olaoe oa cr bsroreeaU
6ia day of January, UOv
at. w. aaavia, aaxtsier.
U.Aljud OlTiOvS JL Uimadt). Orwoa.
XotlM La hambr ttivtw thut lrbiiia.
With ties DrnvUlaalU nt Lhe. Sank ata CVm-Z-Zm J
Junu 4 1878. enuued au hi tor thiatti 3
H IJIUVr laUU II MU DIMM Of fJaUlIbniiaB. Ura
uug MsjvswtU, aod Waabliiftoo
nattjuuiN w mi
Ot AUHLUt 4,
uxtuuatKl lo ail th leobllo ImsxH Himtm toy art
1-1 lo l itooii,OouDty of UmaUl
ea m wrigni or
i IteLsaiA Trsavasa
him uila dty Hied la tttta oifloa fata mwota
auticiuTMik av w. oil i, tur si pi tt nas Off IU
BKii SKJdbVjc. uA NKK Nlfig3.Twp7l
uu tw easavs evswe Btyc, AST gllll laQtl OSJC. JH Sfa
TowUeUlp No, i 8., Hairjjxa gW M.
And will oner proof ui bo w that the laid
sought is more valuable for its timber or
swue than tor agrlooUural parpoaea. aad. lo
eatabiuh hla eiaim to amid lead bewn Ut
nefjiautr ana ueoeiver or uue omos ml La
UrantieieKoa, on Tnesday, tosj Mtsi da
He names as wltnesseK JamraR Haiuu, of
MoKay, Oregon, Albert Winters of BUrkej,
Vraiik Aldeu.oittiaxker. Andia taMliiTmsi
auj auo au persons claiming advraely tsa
io described i .leads are requeued aie
tbeirolalmsin this offioe on or before amid
swii vmj irwwwvw, larvt
Notioe Is hereby given that the an.
derslgned, Treasurer ol Union County,
Oregon, has funds on band with wblcb. -
to pay all oonnty warrants which were
presented snd endorsed by the (Joanty
Treasurer prior lo tho 7th day ot Ooto-
her 1899. Dated at tbe treasurer's of
fice In the oity ot La Grande this th
18th dsy of Nor. 1904. Mo Interest al
lowed after said date. : .
John Frswley, "
Treasurer of Union Oonnty
V. S. Laud omoe at La Orande, Ore.
n IB MHi
'J6 i T 1
Notioe la hereby given that la eompTuuroe
j.aDH l78,enU.led
i oi tue aot or oongrees el
, aoiD.aueiiwisyu "Ala ShUfe iUF Ml Sal) Of -
er lands in the States of Oallfomlm, ore
Nevada, and Washington Territory. as
At aot r tne sale ol
exienaea to au tne mono Laud states bjr aot
oiAuguit4, isw, wiiuam u SrowB. of f errr,
oounty ol union, Bute of Orexon has this
day died la thla orllce bis awora statement
day filed in this otiloe bis sworn statemeut
No. 8Ui, for the puroUaee ofthe KUog w U
of aeotlon No M-ndN H N W U 01 Ueotion
goeiu Township 4 8, jgesj;
And will otter proof to enow that tne land
ithlish her claim to amid lau4Wfore Umi
BegUter and Ueoelver of this office at La
(.mndB. OriTaron.nn Haiti Met. v tttatlth .r
Jannary. liA
He uames as witnesses: Btibeit A Cleaver
of Caldweil, idahoi Ralph H Bailie, ol rvSty "
Oregon: Benjamin K young, of UUgard, Ore
gon; wluiain a Longley ofkilgafdwiiV
amaajr vs wa issytu UWatUOg aUVereSU
the above described lands are requested i
fllethetrolalms In this otAoaofi or before amid
7th day of January, 1MB.
sk. w. uswh, jeegister
liaae BekeelwJ
u sauna.
no. 1
Bait Lake. Danwar It.
Worth. Omaha. Kanaac
City, st, Uala, Oaloaso
M p. SB
romua, Dalles. Fe
dlatoa. alia Walla,
Dayton, Pomeroy,
SOol&ix, Moaoow.Spo.
1:90 a aa
aua a .th via SpeH
ruuieruini. I
aieun Umatilla w.w
Mosoow, Wallaoe Wai
dner, Hpokaae ana
other points eaat ana
St, paa
aenn Tlx ppcaana.
Oil. AlleaU
i.wuiwr. ... 1
eonneoitou at
ana Bsln
u atKlkla
with st
.Lu. lor oolni
In Wallowa coanty
Ocean Bteamers between Fortlsnd aad
Bon yraaelaoo every nve days
r i