La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 25, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Six of Union County's Popular Young People
Arc Pierced to the Heart by His -!
Unerring Darts :
Grande then advanoed tb ball 16
yard la three downi whore they ' lost
to Union on a tumble. Union tiled
end inn end line biwks, but wre
bald lor yardage. - La Grind loan
began to advance tb ball, elowly to
warde Union' goal. ! Grande wis
preparing lor a plaoe kiok irons field
when tio we called, result Eg in a
soorscf 0 toO. , ,s'',.i-. s--.; '
Tboae who witoatsed lb game ex
pre themselves well plsassd with
the manly way both teanii endeavored
to uphold the honor of their respec
tive sohools. Tbe La Orande 8ohool
ha a team thai they are proad of,
Wednesday evening at tbe bom ol
the bride parent Mr and Mr Wm
Klosey, Miss Grace tKlnssy end Mr
Frank Tony, th Bei D Qillilan et
the H B obnreb performing tb. oara.
mony at 6 o'olook in tb evening, only
a few of tbe bride moit intimate
friend and the relative being present
Mit Mertie Aldrich tang "O Pro.
mil Me" joat before the bridal party
entered and Mil Moioa Aikint played
the weeding march. Tbe bride wore
white ailk lawntilmed in)' point laee
andorrled white carnations Mis
Edna Sohllke waa hr bride maid, and
wore white dotted awiab and carried
white earnatioo Mr. Earl Kinaty
the brides brother '' the x grooms
best man. J fei -i ;f jjis.m!
Tb bouse waa beautifully deoareted
in autum leavee and chryatatbum
and after the ceremonya esraptoo
weeding dinner wa arrved.
A. number of very beautiful present
were received, k
Miaa Kinsey bad a boat of friends
in La Grande and wee very popalrr
while tbe groom is a worthy young
business man of Silver Oity Idaho
where they will resile after spending
a law. week in Portland, Bateau and
other point.
, K larg aombar of friend aoeom
pied theparty to tb depot as they
took th evening train for lb metro
polis. . , . ... .
. On Wdnaday vning at 7 . m,
at the Freebyterlan man by the Bev.
E B Hay. Mr J J ZwaiM and Mia
UUktOantrell, both of BammerrlUe
; iuELL-MoGRrGER-ln Elgin on
November 34th 1904, Mr Joe BneU and
Miss MoOrager, daughter of the alec
rie light man of that place; ' Mr Basil
and M!h MdQrager arc both wall and
favorably known throughout tbe aoon
try and are resident of Elgin. Tbe
Observer Join their many friends In
wishing thcauhappineea la their mar
led life..' ' - ' V !- '
La Grande and Union
High Schools Contest
for Honors' With the
Inflated Pig Skin
The hardest fonght foot ball game
of the season was played yaatarday
afternoon on the La Grande gridiron
between Union and La Grande High
Bobools. Tbe ton wa won by Oap
tian Grout who ebose the kiok ' Off.
Allstotl of La Grande kicked ' to
Swaokbammer of Union wbo beeled a
fair catch, on toe 40 yard line Union
kicked to Gillilan of La Grande on
their 6 yard line, who carried to
Union SO yard line. The 'ball waa
then advanced by a series of lln bucks
and end inns, whm it wat- fo ' to
Union by a tumble. Union than ad
vaneed the ball to La Grand a 80 yard
line wbfr they lost it on'' yardage.
La.Grande then advanoed it to their
40 yard Wker they loet it on yard
age. Tb ball wa then' advanoed by
Unles to La Grand'a 6 yard lide where
it Wa Tost bo yaidage, and ' Allatcit
aved a touch down against La Grande
by making a 80 yard punt. Union
scoured tbe ball but lost it again on
yardage. La Grande advanced it to
their 15 yard' line, when time was
oalled for th first half. '
At the beginning of tbe second bait
Swaokbammer of Union kicked to
Abuott of La Grande on La Grand'a
SO yard line. La Grande carried tbe
ball to their 86 yard line. . La Grande
then advanoed the ball for a few yard
when they loet on yardage.' Union
ssowred tbei ball and attempted a
kiok, bat were blocked and . loet th
bail to La Grande.. La.Grande then
panted to Swaokbammer ut Union on
their 46 yard Una. Swaskhammai
oarrled the ball to La Graode'e 85
yard line where ha went out of bonnris
Tbe ball wa carried in 16 yard wberp
Union advanoed it a few yard and
lott it oa a yardage. Alstott then
punted aad the ball wa secured b
La Grande on Union' 86 yard. Ls
and the deserve the support "of all
tboae wbo are interested in tbe so bool
' Union - i.V Poaition j La Q
Cook u. 5 iut i O. Davidson
Wilson , u ! . Kilpatriok
Ficklln , , . . B. T. Goodnough
Johnson '" B.E. V
Elllworth iU G.' i
Blngier'.,;-'J,':iH.i L. T.vr-.
Dobbin , . : : t: L, E, , , . ;
MulverhiU , . xi.B,
Olark L. H.
Bwackhammbr V. B. '
Swsolhammer Oapt. .
nialc He went beforwan andienc on
night to play. B worked upon on
string until b broke It aad than tb
Mctud ssd third? Then tb aadienoe
hlsed. H walked forward add said
1 'Lad lee and gentlemen, on string
and Paganlnl," b brought out qcb
(rondarfol mnaie thai the andienoa
rose to t belt feet. One (tring '.and
MoKinaav Paganlnl" A. urrDderd aonl,.,nd
MWW . . . I 1M, VH WJ. UUU UW WI.U fUV
my brother, If yon will only ui reader
your soul to Him, i,-5' ' ' " ' '
In my Imagine loa I can near aai
, QiUilan K
, ; Qoodall
u Gillilan O.
p. Grout
Services Held . at Several, of the Houses lot
Wc rship were Well Attended--Sermoii
V; of Rev. E; B. Hays :
'. 1.,;'.
'-.V .:
tbe mighty Tramp, tramp, tramp, and
th mighty ehout "wears eomin;
Father Abraham alx hondred, tbona
and mora" and I .bear onoe the' battle
hymn of tbe republic, bow it oboe
down the corridor of the year apd
will echo until time Is no more,,'
He baa sounded forth the trumpet
that ahull never call' -retreat. .
Ha I aittlng out the hearts of men
bsfaie bla judgment ij u;; k
Oh be awlft my aonl to enswer Him
be jnbueht my feat . . ...... -
Oar God ia marching on.v; ,
In the beauty of tb lillea Uhrlat waa
born across tbe sea.j S
With a glory In HI boom that trana
forms you' and m. t, -.-v..
As be died to make men holy let ua
di to auks maa free
White God is marching on. .
'y;.-:jffi'":'r' 'V;
Interesting Items Con
; cerning our Imblcr
i; 4'm ' t - ;
Tb shoot held Toeedsy on th Tattle
farm .wa a euosees. , The Elgin dele-j -
giiiun mm ua noes oi in meas,
- Imbler will oelebrate Thanksgiving
day with adluisr In th L. O. B. hall
andadanot night; -Tb shooting
match ou Wednesday and Thursday
brought a Ham bar of s porta from the
neighhoring town.
1 Unas Olun and family offer
in Ferry thla year.
-Miss Florenoe Coble went to Perry'
Wednesday evening. k
John Coaoh went to Elgin Sunday.
, Bernle Lloy I retarnad form Bump
ier aooompanied by bar uucl. i. F. .
Uoyd. : S'( .. re j . ... . ,
Tb Imbler boy brought back most
of the meat from th Gov aboot Satar.
day. - - -
You Can Get -
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
Romigd8Uplee' Btker Broe.
Mo FayUme 0. Ralston
Geddes Broe J. W. White
0. L. Thorn
Remember every pound ii guaranteed
When yo ik for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help your ewa
La Grande Creamery Co
Thanksgiving waa generally observed
by this proeperon oommonlty. Th
weather was ideal and there wa a
larg attendance at every opportunity
of a paMie nature presen t. ; 7
Tb prayer and praise aervto at. the
H E Chnreh South was vary saaab en
joyed by a Urge attendance, srhkh
was ably led by Bev Haye of the
BaptUt ohuroh who- reviewed tb
origin of praise rvicB whioh was held
in Englend In 1683 when England da
lasted bpain.. The next, waa is 187i
when the prince of Wale waa very ill
and a praiea service waa offered for hie
recovery, again In 1687 at the Queens
jubilees. The first Thanksgiving in
America wss given by th ilaaaaoboa
attea May Colony In 1633., The. first
national thanksgiving - proclamation
waa issued by congress in 1784 at the
conclusion of the Revolutionary war
in 1863 President Lincoln Issued a
call for a day of National thanksgiving
wnloh ouatom haa been followed an
nually. J , ;. ,.
, Rev. Day also ehowed where we a a
nation, a a a tat and oitlzena bad been
so greatly blessed by tbe Giver of ail
blessings and the meeting was then In
the hands of tbe attendants wbo off
ersd praise and testimonials for the
mercy and. blessings that have been
manifest on every hand. ' " - '
In tbe avening there was a Union
service held In the Bsptia church,
where the prearranged program was
carried out as published. Bev Edwin
B II ays pastor of tbe Presbyterian
church delivered the sermon which wss
In pa t ns follow.
Dent. 32 obspter 11 end 12 : verse..
' Aa an eagle stirretb up hr nest,
finttereth over young, snreadeth
abroad her wings, maketh them, bear
eth them on her wlnga. o th Lord
aloue did . lead him and there was no
trange god with him,"
Our text take ua high up tb moun
tain aide to atand beside aa eagle'
neet. The lyoung eagles are atrong
and old enough to fly but the cling to
the old fain il ilex neat with Ita aoant
shelter but they muet .learn th joys of
flight, so the mother eaile stirs n n
the nsat and drives th m iorth. What
joy Is theirs when Jonoe they bare
learned to fly.
This ia a bsantiful parable of human
life. We all cling to the old neat, th
old horn where we were born, tb
dear protection of atrong heart. We
ay let na atay here forever, do not
ape k to a of that great outer world
or of it opportonlti. "But th
great love of God ha provided some
ihlug batter for ua." In onr text we
have tbe key to Jacob's troubled life.
How Uud stirred op his horn sad bs
bed to go to bis uncles and agaia whan
st bis ancls be was led forth for bs
was feat becoming citizen of that
country. ,.; .
I How God break a np oar nest. 3S
He stirs op our nst by making a
dlaaallansd with ourselves. By tick
nee God etlra op our nest and make
us mar loving and thoughtful of oth
era and atira np feelings that sre only
bora ol suffering. BydaethH some
Into out homsrud take away a loved
one that we may lead out In a new eer
vies for God.' How by-th death of
Senator Stanford's eon th heart of the
father was led out to lay th found
tloa and build one ' of tte greatest
Universities of the world. f.;:v -
. Again God stirs np our neat by. His
ordlurry providence. How tbe young
men and women are tied away ' from
onr homes for college and buaineu
and make hlt for themselves. . Yea,
in many and atrong ways' God lead
us. Often w fl d fault like Joseph'
brothers but ia tbe answer of Joseph
we have tba key "God meant It for
goodto hrin-to paassa it la this day
to save muoh people alive." ' -i "V
II. In our national life God atira np
onr neat.
See how he itlrnd up Israel in
rvnt. our nlbnlm fathers In Bniland.
In the war with England what a strog
gle for liberty both olvil and religious,
In the civil war, tbe bard time of 93
the cry of oppressed Cuba,' famine in
India, the Boxer In Ohiaa, the death
of William MeKinley and a new gener
atloo oame Into power who must
guide the ship of atate. "
Thou too aail on, O Ship of Stat",' -Bail
on O Union strong and great; j
Humanity with all its fears, ;
With all th hopes of f stare years.
Is banging breathless on thy fate.
We know what masters laid thy keel.
What workmen' wrought toy rib of
i i -
Who made each mast sad sail and
" rope, ' !- ri..-'
What anvils raog, what hammers beat
In what a forge, at what a heat,
Were shaped tba anchors of our hope.
Fear not each snddsn sound and
' shook,
'lis of the wave and not tbe rock,
'fia but tbe fl pplng of a aall
And not a rent made by tbe gal. '
Ball on, nor fear to breast tbe ee
Oar hearts, our hopea are all In the,
Onr hearts, our hopes, our prayera, uur
t..ra, --'' .
Our faith triumphant o'r oar fun,
An ell In thee, are ail in the. ,. ,,.
Ill, In reform.! ' - ! 11
W live In an agreaaiv age. What
advance mlghtysteps have been taki n
In th test year in matter of reform.
In Christian citizenship, In temper
anoe, in tbe enforcement of law. '
IV. As a obnreb God Is stirring np
our neat.
. We are apt to be at ease in Zioo. A
quiet lite has charms. Man cling to
a nest lined with bank note and gold
ooin bat God tosobes faith by break
ing up the nest. God is leading as out
by giving u a Isrgtr Ides of ths pswsr
of his croee. By bis providence in
the affairs of th nations. In ths opsn
dome. One tbe Mediterranean sea
waa tbe center of the world' aotlvltee
now tb Paoilio coast will aoon be tbe
tag of action. By tbe promises of
God whioh lead oa out to a whol
ouled consecration. The time wo
live in demand a doubl portion of
tbe epirtt ol consecration.'"''"
W want a beat of oonoterated men
In every department ol life. Men wbo
ar willing to stand out against ths
tales worship of our day. Men who
will live Obrbt-Uke live. In Eugland
lhsy hid a great violinist called Pag
Bakr City Authorities will Vigorously
s i , v cute Violators of the Quarantine
iM Hi ! Ordinances ?tu-:i;i
Mayor Carter haa notified all officers
to etrlotly enforce the existing oner-
satine laws and to arrest anyone found
guilty of violating them. This action
ha been found neceassry on account
of a number of vlolatlona baring bees
reported, tbe guilty one seeming to
think tbst it wss .right to otr a
bona where a quarantine flag wa die-.
played. i
In addition to instructing his una
on tbli matter Chief Jackioa ha grreti
Imperative orders to arrest any person
riding a bicycle at Bight that 1 not
provided with a lamp. Tbsre ar a
number of wbeele being ridden sfter
dark that bav do lights on thorn, sad
tM chief will make, an exempts of all
WBSrn be violating to ordiaaac
covering, tbie - matter Bsksr City
We Can Interest You "
In Our Line
-' Our Eleotrio Fixtures and Electrolier stock is
complete and we make a specialty of desk and office
lighting We can also fit vcu out with miniture
lamps for sign lighting and decorating and shades
of all kinds. Please call at night when they can be
lighted and you oan see how they will look in your
house. Onr new dffioe, now located in the . Sooner,
building, is nicely equipped with everything in onr
line.. Office hours from 7 a m to 8 p m.
. La Grande Light and Power Co.
Witii Life in. it
When yon buy anythiug in rubber goods tit pays to
get the kind with rubber. in it. Many makers of rnb
ber goods are pliant to the demana for cheapness, and
hence the market is flooded with inferior goods that
hardly resemble rubber. Quality counts in this line,
and we are careful to buy of maketa who have a rep
utation for turning out high grade goods only. You
can have confidence in the rubber goods we offer, no
matter how low tba pnoe is. ,
; ' '. . .... . ., . .'.. i
Bulb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water
Bottles, Combination Fountain Syringes ann Hot
Water Bottles, eto. . . . . 1 - -
j :