ON NEW YEAR'S j i Will Give Away a EVE $40 OVERCOAT . a chance with every $ paid on account or purchase A. V. A ND R EWS Gents' Furnisher and Tailor. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Eead The Daily Observer BOSS MEXT"MARKET Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. THANKSGIVIG DELICACIES ' To make your Thanksgiving as you would wish it to ' be you must have the very best to secure the best re sults. We have everything you desire, suoh as maple ' sjrup, raisins, a full line of Heizens goods, the best of. extraots, mince meat, new crop of nuts, sour Kraut, picklos, cheese aud everything you need. Call and inspect our goods. C. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jt.'ffersun Sis. TURKESTAN ALFALFA v. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa, fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Ptione 1571 E. P. 8tple E. E. Romig ROM1G & STAPLES -GROCERIES-- A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and woodenware. Fruit and vegetables iu season. Bakery prodnoia always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 Miss E"1 Garfield baa entered the conservatory of mmlc at Chicago. Illg Thanksgiving ball by the local Forresters tomorrow night. The McKanlaai Colored troop will appear at the Opera Hon tonight, All the dry goods atores and Carnit ine store wll close tomorrow at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hale of Beppner are in the city. Mr. Hale la engaged la the stock baainess. The ladles of the Kaffee Klatch will be eotertalned.by Mrs L D Reavis Fri day afternoon. Jaa B Elnundorf manager ol the Camp Caraoo mine, left thia morning for rjaa Kraaclaoo on bniinesa. ... Marshall Rayburn will spend Thanki giving with friends in rjtarbock, Waah ington and J H McLaohlen will wear the star daring bis abeenoe. ' M.L Caaaey baa sect hia oollection of frulta in large glass cylendera to Portland whore thev will be used In the Lewis & Clark fair. . J H Elratli and yf 8 Paddock were over from Union yesterday to soperin tend the shipping of a coople of oars of applea whloh the aeut to Anaconda, While la the city this morniog J W MoAUater lot a floe ten pound dress ed turkey tied up in a eaok. The tinder is requested to please return the sack to this office and reoeive reward. Mr L Z Carpenter who for the past three years has been (analog the W B Campbell place just south of this olty leaves tomorrow for the Northern por tion of the county, having taken a homestead near Elgin. , All tne lumber oompanies report a greatly increased demand for lumber ainoe the eleotion. Eastern oouoerns who placed ordera for an occasional car now wire to send all they can, the limit being only the limited car service Zundell and Lanson. the wholesale buy and grain merchants have pur chased the exclusive right of handling the flour from the Imbler Flooring mills in the City of La Grande as well as the all wheat flcnr, germa, and Gra ham flour. County Judge Harrison and Dr G I. Blggers committed Artie W. Reavii to the asylum this morning. - Beavis Is a young man who nntil last August has been conllned in the Nevada City Mo asylum He came here a few months ago and located on a timber claim a bove Union He will be taken below onight. Os te-op-a-thy It is I u 111.; to say that Oiteopatby ib uot a success. The million or o.ore who giveovr t wH,ite t.f their bod icsinlo thf kt, p nii ol iiBteopaioio physicians is proul that rbny find it a bitter thini (or l"iilth thn the olHor S)"t "m ol lru praeiici Irom wh.h th-y ha divorcid thtunelvea. A Proper Custom It is the custom to take an offering at the Thanksgiving service and turn the same to the Pastor's Union to be used for looal benevolence The pastoia more than any other class tome In contact with oases of want and their ability to use the fund to gladden hearts will not be questioned. Let our people respond liberally to the call tomorrow morlng and again In the evening. . , The oity council meets this evening. ' Postmaster Lewis of Hilgard is a buainets visitor with ru today. l' ., Mr OiraTbevenin left this morn ing for Portland where she bas aooept ed a re-numerativs position. E I Eokley woo bas been visiting sever! points in Washington daring tbe past ten days returned last even, ng. ' . ' ' Tbe ladies of the Tuesday Musical met in the Club parlors yesterday af'ernoon the program being under the direction of Miss Lillian MoCall Joseph Barton, Gen. Paaa Agent of the Bumpier Valley B B is in tbs oity today. He bas not fully recovered from tbe injuries received several weeks sgo. ' ' . J ' O 0 Kiooaid well kown in thia oity who baa been employed in tbe Baker county mines fur several years isaowin the new Nevada mining camp, Tonopatb. . This oarup is onl) one year old but it is stated that $2, 000,000 have been taken oat ol tbe mines. s . f . .V '' " There will be a grand ball at the L O B cbarch tomorrow evening. All respectable people are invited. On tomorrow, Thanksgiving services will be held at the M B ohuroh South at 10 :30 a m and at the Baptist ohuroh at7;30pm. Miss Carrie O Millspaogh left this mornirg for Haines when she will visit a few daya and then go to points in Idaho. Mr. PS t nodgrass, cashier of tbe First National Bank of Eugene, passed through the oity this morning enroutel to Haker City to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. P H Dlokinaon left this morning for a two months visit to Mi-souri among re. stives and friends, and while gone will visit tbe St. Louis Fair. Geo. M McCon.iell, who bas been here looking after his eitensive Inter ests in this conn y for several months will retarn to his home in California Saturday. J Coyle, formerly a dispatcher in the O B N offices at La Grande, is now operator at Bridge 115 near North Fork, where a steel bridge is being put In place. . ' . Bargains -IN ALL OF OUR LINE Glass Front Oak O'.tpboard Lounge Sofa 12 Guage Shot Gun. 16X20 New Picture Frames Trunk.. Heating Stoves. New Kitchen Treasures Drop Ler.f Table..... ... Kitchen chairs.. . ,. Rooking Ohairs Si wagon.............. 4 Foot Dry wood work harness ...... fU uv ..160 ..5 60 .........7 60 100 2 00 160 8 60 100 25oand op 60o and up .10 00 ....400 ... 600 The La Grande Pawnbrokers '-. Comer Fir and Adams ' Remember we still buy aadCseU! all kinds of Second Hand. Goodijt jt Jk j 'Phone 1581 j WATCH MAGNATIZED In these days of the inoreasinS use of eleotrioity the danger of;having your watch magna taxed Is greater than in tbe past. I am In shape to demagnetize toot watch right away and put It to as good snaps as when It left tbs factory.. .There is no necessity of running tbs risk of -. baying your watch . lost or broken sending it away wbm yon ean get.it made as good as . new at borne by a praotiole workman at alow oost. J. M. Pcarc, the Jeweler is. Winter Footwear For Men Women and Ghildren To meet the changing seasons and supply the demand for winter shoes we have placed in stock complete Hues selected from .leading manufacturers. T M STUBBLERELD HONEST HADE , SHOES GIVE . HONEST WEAR There is-a sense of satisfaction in wearing genuine articles in clothing, jewelry, foot wear etc So much of what is worn is imita tion and shoddy. The shoes we carry for men women and children are honest made end give honestwear The prices we charge are not too cheap to yield us a profit but right and reasonable for . honest values. We so- , lioit your closest, in spection. " ESTRAY NOTICE One black female hog, weight about 260, baa come to my plaoe. Owner will please call and pay charges and this for .notice. Robt. Deal. City. When the Turkey Comes To you in our restaurant you will bave a triple feast Your eyea will east on ita tempting appearance. Your nnatrila vrlll feast on its appetizing odor. Your palate will feaat on Its I delicate flavor. ' Eating It Will be a joy to be remembered. With all this In prospect, what's tbe good of bothering with a borne dinner, Spond Thanksgiving- here and be happy. MODE Li RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We sell weekly Meal' . ,A Tickets, Cash $450 Proprietor of the , f Quality Shge Siqre jilliiJlijiijEai I HOUSE CLEANING TIME The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc , will bear your most critioal investigation. Our stook is complete. Our prices right. E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 0-1- Residence Phone67 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202JAdamsAve JUST A WORD AS A REMINDER Our holiday Glassware and Chinaware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to show a very complete line. STOVES Come in and see them Our Heating Stoves are right in PRICE, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC. Look them over. The Golden Rule Company . . 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenue Largest Store Smallest Prices is MAAa'bA.faftAaM