f LINEN " i ' S Half a Qrloadiof , f New , J; We have just received half a car load of the newest l and latest wall' paper: i Half a carload . means : 20,000 rolls. -This IS more paper- thaiv'-any ' one firm ; ever - an 1 thoutht of brintfintf into this county in a single season. ) I This mm I alt.ffA Mil bar broogbttwo Bnt elu paper banuera dlreot trom Chicago, I Who an wlthcat dotsbt the mint ikllKol workmen In Eastern A . abo, lth the flTt first olass Ppn bangers already to onr em- V? ! p!ojr, gtfMiiu the beat working (orw the Inland Empire. O) l ' ) ! Stackland & McLachlen S ! , ' PAINTS 5 ILiS AND GLASS . 2 Scirlpt - ' Script Ollt-wltrd ftorwt icxrre, apprortd, nn ranialMd, idy for immaflUf vae ny whna. Lowwt pricei. r. F. ft F. B.Riley, bambar ot Conmaro Bids, Portland, or. Wood Saw ! : Ha ring leased be Q W Alls steam wood saw, I am.pe pared to promptly take.oare of .ail-orders ' entrasted to me. t W M And!, Corner Ureeawood and Hill streets Phone 736 813-01 MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP ' There's nothing like doing a thing thoroaahlv. Of all tha Halves von ever heard of, Bookleo's Arnloa Balve is the beat It sweeps away and cures Barm, Sores, Braises, Outs, Bollti Dloer, Bkln Eruptions and Piles. It's only 26c and tuarantead to slva satiaraction by Li Urandi Drag Co., and Newlin Irug vo, iroggut. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. H.M. Austin olj Winchester, Ind., knew what to:do inithe hour at need. His wife had saoh an (tmoinal ease of wnacnana nrer vrouDie, poyaiciaa V eonid aot help bar. . Ha though' M and '-tried Dr. Pang's New Ufa PlUs and she got relief .at eaoe M? wag .flnaUy eared. Without waitinfejiin after Thanksgiving , we place our entire stock of Hats at HEAVY - IpRICE. - EVERY HAT ; AT REDUCED Hats and tailored hats in the seasons' most are here for your choosing, and don't forget at SALE CLOSES WEDNESDAY EyENINGSNoy.j 22 li ,. - . , 2 Wall Paper. muat b riA thia uiunn. . Wa TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That ie why people come here l. man's Blirl b bOTB h068 TheJ. E. Tilt line is oar spec ialty. Here is where pnoe ana quality are combined. G W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET COUGH MEDI0IKE 0B f'Htl.DRKN. BEST .u marllnlna lor ben you out a ouu" mill children, went om In; whloh SFeaEfc-Wee iiiii ; r WJr ,Ti' y tf-awVA Jre La Grande Churches will of Thanks ' On Tbnraday at the M E Church South at 10:30 a in there will be a prayer and praise service led by Be v. J F Day of the Baptitt chnroh. In the evening at the Baptist oburob at 7:30 p m tbe regular thanksgiving service will be held The following is the program: Hymn, "All Hail The Power of JeauB Name." Scripture Leaaon O B Crocket St Peter's Church There will, be Divine Servioe on Thanksgiving Day at 10,30 a m at this Cboroh. Tbe offering will be given to tbe Good Samaritain Hospital at Port lanl. Every one oordially invited. Grocery Stores Close We, the onderBlgned, agree to close onr respective places of basinets at ons o'clock p m on Thursday, Novem ber twenty fourth, Thanksgiving day, to remain oloted tbe balance of tbe day. . . J V Mcriennon Romlg A Btsplea Bsker tiros. 0 L Tborne J W White Geddes Bros. C Ralston W i.oKtlans. V No Paper Tomorrow following the oeusl custom tbsre aill he no Dsper issued tomorrow. Tbe entire foros wiU observe Thsnksglvlng V day. Ladies'. Misses' and Childrens' RED UCTIONSl POSITIVELY PRICES. Many 'UMBW 'wai a 1INU SERVICES Celebrate the Day as Follows; Prayer. Hymn '-' Beading ....O HKing "Thanksgiving".. Naomi Williamson Offering Solo Mrs. T. J. Oarr "Just Fop Today" SermGj Bev. E B Hays Solo Mrs A L Biubardson "Oh, Eyes That aro Weary. " Hymn, America A oordial invitation is given to all to attend these services. Under Control The East Oregon ian states that tbe diphtheria epidemio that has been prevalent at tbe Umatilla Indian agenoy for tbe past fortnight is con sidered nnder control. No new cases bsve developed during tbe past week and tbe quarantine at the Catholio school is expected to be raiaed next Monday. CURES OLubOKbM eatnoreliul, rttai. tfiy 13JJ . Baard Hnow Liniment Co. oar 8n ow Liniment cored an old sore on tbe side of my obin that was supposed to be a canoer. - Tbe sot was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did tbe work In short order My sister, Mrs opbia J Carson, Allensville, Mlttln So, Pa, has a sore and mistrnste that C Is a cancer. Please send her a HOc bottle. Sold by Newlin Drag Co. Now Ready for Sale The Deonle ol this county are now notlded thst tbe O'Connor sdditlon Is hol(. b, bmi at rsm.rkabl ready for tbe market and that pciosa, Thwee loU are 60 Jif 110 have .deoid choice pattern wanted styles reduced prices t(i!j 1.0 ' feet and are without exception the test residence lots In the city. Per. sons wishing larger traots can secure just what they want by going a little farther back in tbe same addition. Do not fail to see this addition and se cure one of these choice selection be fore some one else ' gets the lot yon want, for foil description of prop erty and quotations call npon Dr O'Connor La Grande Ore. Phone Main 2U1 Cor Park and Oak Btree a i -. HOTICEKOR PUBLICAriOB. . , (IwUtad Trut) 1 P1IHI.IH 1.ANH HAT.lt RoticA Is h.rrliv .Ivnn. t.hfc In nti.snanra. nt iui.riuHi injia ae uoinmiBiioner Of (Ue General Land Office, uiider authorSy vetted In him bv Section 2iti& U. fl. R.vld HtaLiitoM. ft uiunucu py me vrt 01 uonRrcH approved rebraarr 26, 189s. will proceed to ofTcr at Subllo gale, at ten o'clock a. m. on tbe 3 day oi ojrtiat. IqOj. at thla office, tha foilnwlnv tran of land, to-wit: W( BW4 dec 2 T4 8R 87 B. W. M. ' Any and all persons olalmlns adversely the above described land are advited lo file their claim in this office o or before tha day above dcslai-'ated lor the commencement of aaid aale: otherwiae, their rlghta will bs forfeited. Dated J one 26 190 E. W. Darli Rerriiler. ' A. H. BoberU. tteoelror. Read this saper aad tit Wattly Fine Organs $46, $48, $52, $55 The well known and , popular Paoiflo. Queen. Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 down and $4 a month. Write ng fur partieulrrs. Mail Orders promptly and. carefully filled. Eilers ,Piano House 851 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, Oregon Large storos also Spokan and Seattle, Wash., anl Boise, Idaho. Professional W. J. BISONETT KXPKHT ACCOUNTANT Offloe with 3.1'. Williamson, La Grande Parties wishing the servlees of a com petent bookkeeper are assnred satis factory results. Prices reasonable C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Offloe Over HU1 Drug Store La Grande, Oregon F A CHARLTON VKTRRTNAttV flfTonnriM- -a. w ley VI KUJ L , Office at A T Hill's Drug Store -La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 TJ 1 .1 I mnm noeiueuce lilouo 4VX .. Malheur County Investments For Investments In : MALHEUR COUNTY' "Write to 0, T. MoDANIEL Ontario. ... . . . . ... . .Oregon Columbia Collegiate, Preparatory university affi.rroioTLoai Conrcee. Boarding school tor yonn men A boys. Box 348 University Park Station, Poilland . Ottjon Lodge Directory. BAuiim-u uranae Atne aso ro,B meet, evory Kridav oijrht in K ol r lull itlpa Vuiltlnir brotheru 1 nvlUd U. altn-.. C U llockw.li, W It a. N ayvllle. W Sac. ITORKHTIKS OP AMKBICA-Oonrt Maid Marlon. No Z3 ineeU each Tuesday In Klk'a baU. nrothera ere invited to attend. A! Uelaoer Chief BaOaer. O J Venderpool Keoeeo. IOO PLa Grande Ixl ge, No M n eett .n their hall every Haturday ntsht, V!tluif nem ben eordiaJly laviud to attend. SBKloehart N U H B Ooolidte, Sae. , A. K. A A. M. La Grande Lodge o. 41. meets every 1st ind 8rd Bator ol each month. A U Williams Seo, 0 DHufTmsa W, At EA8TEBl UTAH 4 E rt Hope Ctiarxtr No H meets the second and fhurib Wednesday of each month at ,:so o m In Masonic Temple Mra tiara TJaylt, W M atari A Wamiok, so unit sae. at La Grande Dm ue. i l. irorsaie uj "