La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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' f
Cf - A Oil MC A T
II I have reopened my shop on
H North Fir Street You will
H find my chop well supplied
and the prices to suit the
times. Yours for business
Free delivery. Phone 1601;
Srves"them in any style
' wish
4 aastroi
Lots 17, 18, block 102,
Chaplain's Addition,
Address bidB to uare
of Observer
A Round Steak
is juat tbe thing to lay the foundation
for a good .day's work. That is, when
it is the kind we sell. Juicy, rich beefy
llnvor. Fall of nutriment. Makes the
weak strong, and the strong stronger.
All Kinds of Meat
that are good to eat oan be found in
mr icebox in prime condition, at prices
' hat pleaBO. You will fare well II your
illl of fare la baaed on our meata.
3ock & Thomas
Tbe Lyle Tuesday Musical met
yesterdny afternoon at the Clab par
lor. Tbe program waa under tbe
direction of Mint Lillian MoCaU and
wai one oi tbe most delightful pro
se t ted for the approval of the Club
thla winter. One of the many unique
features of tbe program was tbe souve
nir which was presented to each mem
ber present. This delightful little
souvenir was in the form and color of
a golden pumpkin. Upon the first
leaf was printed a menu containing
some eight or ten different dishes.
The pelllng took the form of a puzzle
and the lady wbo could guess tbe
greatest number correctly vas awarded
a dainty pumpkin pie. Too prize was
awarded to Mrs. Clara T Lyle, after
whom tbe Club is named. The fol
lowing is the program as rendered un
I der the direction of Miss MoCall,
I Vocal Solo.... "Silvery Bells"
. Miss Jones '
Piano Solo "Bubbling Spring"
Katbloen Thomas.
Vocal Solo.... "Sing, smile, slumber I
Mrs. H Laugblia. --.
Guitar Solo "Home Memories"1
Mrs. Bichardson. '
Black Patti Troubadours
Mirth, melody and musio is the
keynote of the peiformanoe to be giv
en by tbe famous Blaok Putti Trouba
dours at Stewards Opera House Tues
day Njv. 29. ,
Xboae sweet eingers and ebony- col
ored funmakera of Dixie land bave
boon recognized for yeara as a high
class stsndard attraction and one
that bas aoored a phenomenal success
with theatre-goers in all sections of
tbe country. Among the forty in its
tanks are to bo found the most talent
ed Afro-Amsrioao aingera, dancers
and comedians in tbe world. Sissier
etta Jonea, tbe Black Patti, the vocal
star ol the organization, in addition
to beiog tbe most gilted singer of ber
raw, en joya the distinction of having
sung before the largest audienoes thtt
ever assembled in Madison Square
G i den, New Yo. k Ciy, and the only
oolored ft-tniiesiiiKer honored by royal
oommanrl Ic sing before the foimer
I'rinco of Wales, now King Edward
of Eni'lanil." I i this oou try
the M ick Pitt i and the Triubidoure
tl.r- itgli their refineii and enjoyable
stige i'urformrti.or- have added largely
t (lie miiaical culture of the penp'e.
The happy ri-vivil ol the tweet melo
dies ol the South remiuirceut of the
A ite Bellura dnys the plantation
the cotton fields and the levee baa
b en a musical reve lation to m lliuns.
In the early days nt the Colonies
it waa u-toimiry ta appoint days of
It-st and ' banksgiving whenever publio
t vents SL-emed to demand tbe notice
o! the otiuroli. fbu in
June, 1632, the General Court of the
Colony of Massachusetts Bay appoint
ed a day ol Thanksgiving in considera
tion ol "the great meroy ol God vouch
safed the churches of God in Germany
and tbe Palatinate."
- But it is no: nntil Ootober nf the
next year that we find any record of
lbs Hsrvesl Holiday which In thi
times is tbe only Tbsoksgiving vEay
' In regard to tbe many and extraor
dinary mereya whioh the Loid bslb
been pleaeed to vouebsafe" of late to
fcbis plantaooa vzs a plentilnl harvest
ship safely arrived witb psons'of
spetiaii vse and quality, etc, It Is or
dered, that Wednesday the-Ifyh day
of this present monetb, sball bs kept
as a day of publlque ",, thsnkegivlug
through tbe eeual plantaoon. And
whereas it is found by common exper
ience that tbe keeping of leotures otf
the ordinary bowers nowe obserued in
tbe dyver wayes prudioiail to tbe
bringing otbr obaogea and troubles to
the place where tbe lecture is kepi,
it is therefore orieied tbat hereafter
noe lecture shall begin belore one a I
olooke ii, tbi tafternoone. .
Note. Tbia order was passed at A
Court, bolden at Boston, Ootobr lie
' Tonight
MoKanlaes the greatest aweet singer
Banjoist, Violinist, Danoer, . Corned-
ean bag not appeared in La Grande fur
over 15 years. Ka is a whole show
witbin himself. Stewards Opera house
Wed. Nov. 23 Adults 60 oents.obil
ren 26, Reserved seats 76 cents.
J A Whit'ow has juat returned from
an extended visit east wbiob included
taking In tbe 81 Louis Fair.
- The La Grande High School and
tbe. Union High School teams will
oontest for honors on tbe La Grande
gridiron Thanksgiving day, Tbia
will bs the best game played here this
season and tuo.e who delight in see
ing the manly game of rooting for the
pigskin should not fail .to witness the
Thanksgiving Shooting
A grand Thanksgiving shooting will
be held at Imbler on Nov 23 and 24'.
Trap and rifle shooting fur beef, tbrkeye
duoka, geese and chickens and if you
bave any cab bring it alona. it e want
every one to to oome and bave a good
time during these two days shooting.
Imbler Hoys Nov 10-23
LOST A Ilabv's shoe, finder will
please leave at this OtfiVe,
WssMnf' in Ave.
room house on
Call at Prof Days
11-18 25
The Fair will buy some good market
able potatoes at market price.
FOR RENT A four room boUBe Mrs
Z Patty Adams Ave, 18-2)
LOST Table cloth with Initials "F
A T," also apron wrapped in paper
bag. Finder will please return to
Mrs. Joseph Palmer
FOR KENT Cellar --oom in . good
In good atone cellar, luquire at the
- i ..... .-i : 1 11 .', .J
When your lungrs are tore and Inflamed from coughing, ,
la the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY 1
and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply.
tops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con--,
twins no harsh expectorants that strain and-irritate the -lungs,
or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that
retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND .
TAR ii a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and ,
lun- (!'-, .
Tha I ; rilJHi Had Comumpllon-A Harviloui Curt, -
L a, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I hsd con-
sumpi no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. 1.
It help.. ,.t. t from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and tha
psln in my lungs and today I am sound snd well.
THREE SIZES 20o, 6O0, and 91.00
fTha publicl i hereby Volified ' ihat
I bave disposed of my feed store to
J. W. White and l'desire to tbank
tbe publio generally for their liberal
patronage in the past and tbat parties
now owing me will please oall and set
lie with me personally or tbey can oall
at tbe La Grande Nation 1 Bank wbo
will receipt for all bille, to 1M
tOO note payable to 0 T Williams, on
streets of La Grande, was in large yel
low envelope. All parties are caution
ed against buying, same. .Hinder will
leturn to thla office.
if gbtful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzy Crags, ' Deep Canous.
A 'Golden' Opportunity See
nature . In all her glorious
beauty,., and then the aotte ol
man's handiwork, i- The first is
found alone the line of the
Denver & Bio Grande Railroad
and thn latter at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasure inake the most
of it. f or information and lllus
trated literature write
' W. t). McBRIDE, Gen. Agt.";
.. Portland, Oregc
Try the Observer for first class
Job Work.
FOR SALE Best bargain in real
estate in the oity. My residenoe prop
erty Cor. Washington Ave. abd Green
wood St. Lot 75x110. Modern house.
seven large rooms, hot and oold water;
bath room, eleotrio lights. - Lawn,
fruit and shade trees Finest resi
dence location in the eity. Good easy
proposition to right parties.,. For par-;
tloulais see . CJMcLein.
WANTED Washing to do at home,
Mrs. Shaw, West VV st. ' i
Public Sale
320 acres Finely improved farm,' 280
Hores plow land, I40 acres in fal1 grain
new house 28x28, good two story baro
and 2 gmn-rie',' 15 shares' in ditrh.
Only 4 miles from Island Citv. Farm
machinery included only $05,00 per
aero half cosh.
lso5 room house, large barn and
ha t block of land 2 idooka from Court
H-uee at tlUO a Hrtap.
. G.H Powers. ,: ...
The Minnesota Land man, Slater
Block. W 11-17 1218
Ountheries Candies
All the essence of purity As you
can easily oonvinue y inrself by test,
Bon Bins and Cb-xolatea-assorted
Chocolates assorted Bon Rons 60 ots.
an up. Newlin Drug Co,
We will make you a box coat for less
money than you pay for a ready - made
garment and you bave two hu dred
patterns to pica from. We also cover
itons, press clothes and
coats ana rou nave a unanoe to win a
40 ooat witb every dollar paid In- our
store. Al Andews, Gents furnish-
ings. Phone No 231 -
p b
Ii rsr6$ Havo Aiittlfiig lojSiiiet
the People h-ar abour ittbroeh
V ;This Depar! merit and You wU
" &ind a Buyer. Ii You Want To
feell -JCacplain co.u WaiiM mid
You Will Find a Sller.
Sale or Exchange ,
Eleht aoree. tlx rorm hnase, Isre
barn,; plai-e for hogs and chicken
; four lores In orchard and berri3
Just east of flour mill. This will I i
investigation ITor p-rtloularn ln-i ' r.
at MacFirlane's grocery store.
sell or exchange for city property,
: " i -X0-2fl-ll-20 ;
'MoKaulass Colored Vaudeville Co.
La Grande Opera House ' Wed; Not
23rd. Adults 60, ' children 26. Res.
seats 76. .
X Tillmann's Fine Goods
Every housekeeper wants pare spi
es and flavoring ex traota. Jillmann
airs made for the beat family trade.
i-) ,-v " '17-2'
: ' in
LOST On the streets of this city
al.oot noon Nov 9, Ladles gold
J watch. Finder please leave at thia
. office and receive a oi table reward, tf
; Drejs'Haking ' ?
, Mrs. Douglass now resides t Cor. O
and 7th sta., and la prepared tq do - all
ktnda of dressmaking. -Sewlmr at
homes erred. Nov. 11 DeV I.
Fruit Boxes.
Mini inil, !. IT.nll D.. ..'I
J -"-' ' - wumi VJ
Stoddard -Lumber .Oo.' : at : the La
Grande planing mill
$1,687,500 f
' -' . :
The Bulletin just issued by' the United States
Government, after months of careful research, 'shows
that in tbe Western States, the averaee familv 7hnr- "
chases annually 'goods to
On this basis the
with each issue of the Daily and Weekly OB- -SER
VER annually purchase merchandise to
the amount of , ; - -
The natural logical conclusion cannot be .otherwise '
than that no wide-awake business man Who ' will' Vake '
tb,few moments necessary to eonvinee himself of; the
accuracy1 of the above statemeht, can afford to miss
the opportunity of placing his announcements (25,500
each mouth) before this army of purchasers.
An ad under such conditions, properly taken care
of will most certainly bring enormous returns on - the,
investment. 1 ' - ;
Tli ese Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration ot
every business house who-ie volvme: of business de
pends upon the patronage of this oity and county,
-First Class
FOR SALE Milch cow Jersey, 1100
:SJb. driving ho'se, gang plow, top
- buggy. Apply to A Hnlietibarg,
mile N E of lslan-1 Ity. -i
Out ll-Dec.14 :
For Rent
" tbe building formrly 00 upierl by '
g;,the Salvation army. Korfnll oar
; tl ulars and rates .Inquire ol tMrs
' SO Zuber. Aug 31 1 1
.-'I" Furniture For Sale
lAnaljoniiirenapnly to Mrs
Shearer opposite Star Grocery Nrth
ol track .
- yiFunvisheot Rooms' -1
Furnished room tor gentleman sleep
ing nights - - Mrs O W Preston.
1915 Adams Ave.
- ,: BallSupptr Vh i
The Spokane Cafe will seftel sold
tariey and oysters for tha raidqight
ball . anpper Thursday' evening, A
splendid midnight lonch la assured.
- J f Johntod, Prop. 3t
- js r- Ftrm. bi: Sale -',
I desire to sell my -baautlful little
farm ot 80 acres two mijea and a bait
east of La Grande on lbs Vural postal
and (armor Telephonfi,line to'suit the
purchaser. M Baker tf
the amount of
'tt50' fathilies' 'igid
Job "Work
1 v." '. -.W WW" . Ti
iiiiiiiiuiimiiihihmX At r" -