La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 23, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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v-4m . " . - ';- : : :. : NUMBER 21 1
Utah Smelter Laborers Will Ask Officials
" Hereafter Exclude Al! the Greeks ;
"... : ; V; and Austrians
- (Observsr Bpsolal)
Murrev, UahNov. S3. -Word was
quietly passed around Murray this
' morning for all American oitixeue to
meat at the Tro adero Dsnoe hall to
morrow night for the purpose of di-
'; oasslng -'the alien menace," ai one
mao pat It. . '
; ' It ia propoaed at the mask meeting
that a oommittee shall be appointed
for the purpose of waiting on the
smelter officials and asking them here
after to em i toy only Americana, and
' dlsoharge all Greeks and Aostrlena
now in the employ'of the sompany.
' Toe movement ia being anpported ky
a -number .of prominent oitl
zens of of Murray, . althoruu
aereral tLia morning said that while .
tney were in favor of anoh a move they '
did not feel Justified in joining the
rente of those who were threatenlag '
to Throw
Danver Because
lllegol Voting
(Observer Speoial
Denrer Not 28-The surprame court to
day enjoined the election commission
for making final aettlBcate of election
for tola oity and county, nntll farther
orders of the ooart.
; The motion will beargned next Wed -needay
to throw ont the vote of eight
wards. If this precinct la thrown oat
it will giro the legislature to the Re
publicans. -" i
- Tlw Federal court today Issued
warrants for the arrest of Patenter
lection - clerk nd - Samuel Slatkln
election judge.
The regular danoe by the Jollity
dancing slab last evening at the Com
menial club was well attended and
very enjoyable.
You? Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well
Rnmir dY SUolei
. a
Geddes Broi
0. L. Thorn
Remember every pound ii guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter yon
helps home industry and thereby help your ewn
la Grande
to drlre the aliens oat of the eoantry
by (one, if the ameller people would
not discharge them." ; - ' : -
The dance hall has been tendered to
the meeting, and It la aatleipated that
there will be a large crowd In attend.
Thiaaotlon ia the ou(rowth of the
fiendish aaaanlt laat week ; apon Mrs
Swan and her children. - -
There are an oer 700 Creeks and
Auetrlaaa employed at the ameltere,
and it la the idea of the hotheoda at
Murray to drive them oat of the ooan-
try, itneoestary.
in a'ipport ol bla nigh banned pro
position they cl Im that the aliens
work for a small wan to the exclusion
of the American, and that they are
praotloaily no beneflt to the town,
they trade at their own store and even
than spead but little money.
Unsuccessful Attack -
;"" (Observer BpaUl)f
Tokio, Nov. 33. A telegram received
hare thia morning from army head-
qaarteaa beselgiog Port Arthur aaya
the Rasslana msde a counter attack
upon the Japaneae front, bnt the at
tack was naaacceasfal though there
was soma Hunting. The oonditlon re
mains unchanged. i
Small Riot
(Obierver Speoial)
Chicago Nov 23 One woman and 1
seven men were arrested thia afternoon '
for participating In riot during which
one tailor shop waa wreoked The
trouble grow oat of a tailor strike. .
. - Bank Failure
(Observer Speoial)
Wosoertsr Nov 33 The Woaoertar
National Bank today closed its doors
The depoalts amount to 1330,000. No
explanation as ret has bean given out.
; Should Win :
J (Observer Special) '
Vienna, Nov. 33. Two thonaand
coal heaven today struck for thirteen
hoar day and S per weak wagea .
Men Returned
' ' (Observer 8pecial)
Harve, Nov. 23. The carter's strike
ended today and the men have all re
turned to work, and It la believed all
disturbances will
known Dealers
Baker Bros.
0. Raleton
J. W. Whito
Creamery. Co
Led A Double Life
(Observer Special ) , '
Peoria, 111, Nor 33 Death baa re
vealed an extraordinary oaaaol doable
Ufa led by Dr T O l onklln, a prom
inent physician of Farmlngton. who
died Nov 8, The wife with whom he!
was living at the' time of his death
went to Lawlston to have herself ap
pointed administratrix of his estate
and found that the roaorda showed
that many years ago her husband had
been married to a Miss Stole, and
that (ha first wife and four ohlldren
vera atlU alive. "
Children of the drat wife will make
a fight for the aetata which anions la
to about 10,000. Dr Conklin had two
children by bis second wife.
- TrainWreckers
'" (Observer Speoial) 1 .; ;i
Fresno Oal. Nov. 28 The report
reached hare thia afternoon that an ef
fort was made last night to wreck the
Owl passenger train near Tipton The
report aaya that the engineer dlsoovsr
ed a rail aorosa tba track )n a manner
that wonld certainly ' have wrecked
the train had be not notiwd it. The
rail was securely fastened to the raila
and the engineer was only able to stop
his train a few feet from the obstruc
tion. There la no olca to the wreckere.
More Land
-. (Obeerver Speoial) ' ,' "
Portland, Ore , Nov 23. The South
em Pacific will on Jan 1 throw open
foi sale and aettlement 2,000,1 00 acres
of subsidy lands in Orenon. Harr
man two years ago a topped aalea but
through hie instructions today gavo
notloe that the entire lot won' d again
oe tnrown open. Reparations lor a
large clerical force to handle this da
partment is now being arranged for,
Observer Speoial
Belllngbam, Wash. Nov. S3 It is
very probable that the pbyaioiana of
the state will ask an appropriation at
the hands pi the legislature for the
establishment ol another insane asy
lum, as - the present provisions for
taking cars ol the insane are eaid to
be very Inadequate. - The plan that ia
now proposed for the indorsement ol
the physioiant is to build another
asylum in anotber section ol the state
and hsre it operated entirely separate
from i Ik- present institution.
Another Treaty
Observer 8pir!l
Washington, Nov. 23 rue United
8 sies and Portugal todiy signed an
si bitration treaty.
Ooserver Speoial
S. Petersburg Nov. 23 The congress
of representatives of the Russian pro
vince Zlmatroe, which has been In
session sinoa last week, today adjourn,
ad alne die. r." '
Fatal Fire
(Obeerver Special)
lira Lizzie Court Is dead, Charles
Court, her husband and eight months
old bate were seriously burned this af
ternoon as a raault of an exploding
lamp setting the boose on firs. -
Carnegie III
(Observefflpeoial )
New York Nov. 23 Andrew Carne
gie Is reported quila 111 at hie home In
thia city, but bis oondi Ion ia not oon
sidsred serious.
Brigand Killed .
(Obeerver Special) t
Naplee, Nov. 33. Tbs aotorlona
brigand Plombino was killed by a
soldier ia Q rot to today.
Y ung Weber Held
i-rM ; (Observer btperial) " ' -Aabnrn,
Nov. 33. Judge Smith to
day held Adolpb Weber without ball
on the charge of nrorderln his mother
father, , brother and sitter. Young
Weber's attorneys Imme -lately ' gave
notloe that they would ane oat a writ
of habeas corpus. ' ' ' "
.When seen in jail this morning young
Weber aaid ha had apont a good night
bnt his loose beMe blip.. The strain is
telling on him , - Sheriff Keena went to
Bacremeoto today in hunt of the man
who sold the pistol found in Un Weber
barn.. ,' .'. : - "
Wreckers Caught1:; ;
j., .. , Observer Speoial '"iif'
. San Francisco Nov. 23 Another
attempt to wreak the Southern Paoino
was msde laataafbt t Oapitan, . near
Santa Barton, Twi- tramps were
oaagbt in batf lilmg roeks on
the track w
i. Bevenge is
their motivW-
believed to lajaa b
t-. (Observer Special) r, . .
Whitman Wash. Nov 23-The first
atepa were taken lu piepsratlon for the
Rhodes scholarship at Whitman yester
day. A tneatUig- was bald of those ela
gible, af wbiob' freaideqt Penrose and
Prof. Andereon exolalaed the nature
of the examination, whioh will ocoar
during the middle of January.
The examination is aaid to be com
paratively easy, except probably the
Latin com position and Greek and Latin
grammar. It will be oonduoted under
very strict rules by special examiners
to be sent here, the college faculty
havinii nothing to do with the test,
The papers will be sent to London,
where they will be rigidly marked,
and the names of those successful will
be sent back. The Whitman fsoulty
will tben sppoint the holder of the
scholarship, who will take hie place at
Oxford next fall. .Twelve atudents
were present at the meeting yeeti-r lay
and most of those will probably take
the examination.'' '
Arsenal Burning
Observer Special ..
Tokio Nov. 23 A report from Port
Arthur just received statea that bond
ing near the , arsenal oought fire at
noon on Nov. 22 caused by lb Japan
ese naval guns at 9:40 last night were
still burning.
. Observer Special .
Walla Walla, Nov. 23 A little
daughter ol Andrew Huff who Uvea at
666 Locust street came near lcaing
ber life last eveneng through acciden
tal poisoniog. She and ber little bro
ther were playing in the yard and the
little boy found, on it feooe post, a
pieos ol candy wrapped in paper
which be gave Is his sister. The
child ate the oandy and in a few
minutes was in agony.' A pbyaioian
waa called and by hard work be aaved
the girl a life. No due to the prison
er oan oe found.
of the
. , : v. Observer Special . .
Rockpcrt. Nov. S3 (3 p m Toe
oroiier Pennsylvania is now entitled
to the honors of the "Queen ol the
Davy." She finished her course of 88
miles maki ng 31.76 knots, Contracts I
called for 22.
ltGRANDilSli: ;'
Union County, is Upbuilding-Nundredvot New .
Residences Erected Within .Two t j x
La Grande, Oregon, Nov.' SO.-(Staff
Correspondence Baker City Democrat)
The growth of La Grsnde baa been
phenomenal alnoe the removal of the
county seat from Union' here ' The
new, county capital has a present jp. '8,000 or more, . .-v
Tbs county ooart bones, ousting ap
proximately (30,000. is constructed Of
stone and brick, two fctorles In heigth,
withia tnore lofty central tower. It is
near the 120,000 high eohool building.
Clrooit Judge Eakin reaidea in La
Grande: ' So do the Union oounty
ofBoiale. Tbs United States land offioa
located here, transacts a vast volume
ol basin ess ;
This Is the end ol a division on tba
Oregon Railroad and Navigation Cam
pany'arallroea between Portland and
Unntlngton, : Baker "-"teaaty. ' Many
railroad engineers, Bremen and train
men have tbelr bomee and families
here.: The O R it N Co'S machine
shops, store rooms, coal bunkera and
the yards with miles of aide tracks
keeps a large force busy day and night,
Tbs monthly payroll ia one of the fact
ors in holding up ths trade of the
town. '. ' : ;
Probably two hundred new and mod-
em comfortable residences have been
built here within two ears,
La Grande has a auitable eleotrlo
light and power ayatsm, gravity water
njstem and aewersge. The Morgan
lake water system Is ssld to have al
read had expended on It fifty thona
and dollars The Morgan lake enter
prise oropoaes to supply light and
power not only to La Grande, bnt also
ample electrloal power for the aubur
ban trolley railways around Grande
We Can Interest You
In Our Line ?
. Oar Electrio Fixtures and Electrolier stock is
complete and we make a specialty of desk and office
lighting We oan also fit ven out with miniture
lamps for sign lighting and deoorating and shades
. of all kinds. Please call at night when they can be
lighted and you can see how they will look in your
house. Onr new offioe, now located in the Somer
building, is nicely equipped with everything in onr
line ! Office hours from 7am to 8 p m. i-
La Grande Light and Power Co. '
V That the Newlin Drug
he moat com pleie line of '
This year will be no
Our stock is all bought and
Rondo Valley, connecting Union, tbs
Oovs. Suumervllle, Allcel, Rlblsy and
Island , City , with La Qiande, ths
county capital This la Intended to
mutually benefit La Grande and Grands
Bonds Valley farmers. Ths valley
haa an area of about 250 square mllea.
Tan thousand people reside In the
valley whlob grows cholos (rain, frail
and 'vegetables along with cattle.
boraes and sheep. 'Ths manufketsirs of
and ahlpment of lumbar by the Miranda
Roods Lumber Company, ajnploylng
In season 260 men, and doxens ol other
sawmills, la a growing Industry.
Tno half-million dolUr beet sugar
iactory bad the best run in 1004 sluos
it waa sreotar). It employes In season
200 people, besides keeping busy other
folka In the sugar beet fields.
"Apple packers, jrl nlog mills flour
ing milla, oreamery and knitting fac
tory are kept "busy In La Grands.
The Paolfio Statea Telephoas and
Telegraph Company haa 597 sabeerib
ere and 'phonea in town. Ths regula
tion, antomatlo ayatem will bs In ao
tiou here by January 1, 1906, accord
ing to oarrent report
The town haa a dozen ormoreohurch
buildings and aealous piston Public
and privets schools, Including Sacred
Heart Academy, Roman Catholic, ars
doing effective work. There are 30
thriving fraternal and benevolent
lodgea. The La Grande Commercial
Club la prospering and doing good
work for the town.' The Clnb hss Its
own well furnished building, costing
110,000,. having parlors, gymnasium,
library,, reading, -billiard and card
rooms, i - t . w
Company ' always has
exoeptiou . to the rale.
will be here in time. " '
5i'Jfv 'i-P