n -" l: !.-f if-. - 3, . . .. '.4 r 5 .11 I $4Q -: , - ' ' f ' i . i v ; . if ."'. . NEW-YEAR'S Will Give Away a EVE OVERCOAT chance with every 9H "ft. fV ( '4 V . .. or purchase paid on, account t .-. LA. V. ANDREWS Furnisher and Tailor. LOCAL JTEMS OF INTEREST J fs Gents' :; .............. Bead The Daily Observer 1 BOSS Meat Market j . Stllwoll & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. - -,' ; WHOLESALE AND A RETAIL BUTCHERS. f Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs'. Also chickens 4 poultry.' THANK8GMG DELICACIES To niake-your- Thanksgiving as you would wish it to be you must have the very best to secure the best re sults. We have everything you desire, such as maple syrup, raisins, a full line of Heizens goods, the best of extracts, mince meat, new crop of nuts, sour Kraut, pickles, cheese aud everything you need. Call and inspect qu? goods. . ... . Poitmaster G H Bicbey it in Union today on business,,.,. . , Dr.,Q w Biggera left this morning to spend tba day in Biker City. Hin Maud Bbeak of Pendleton ia in the city (fas guest ot Miss Lou 8ul' liven. . 7 Tbe ffity aoanoil . meeta tomorrow night ii sonnider the electrio railroad ordinance, ; .-.. ,' Orooerman A 8 Oeddea b) upending the day in Baker City and will retard tbie evening. Mi Winnie Ormond left this mom iDgfor Silver City Idaho,', to spend Thanksgiving with Mr and Mri Sam MoLain. . - ,,7 Mr and Mrs C bar lea Thronion ol Dnytou Waih . arrived laat night - to visit Mr and Mrs Tbronson ovet Thanksgiving. Dennis Maddin of Elgin returned this morning to Hot Lake where ne has been for tbe past two weeks.. Be will be accompanied home in tbe morning by his daughters Maggie and Lizzie who are attending tbe Saored Heart Academy to .remain over Tbanksgiving -' ' rot. Hendrloka, the piano tune left this morning lor a business trip to Elgin. P A Lawson, brother of Fred Lawson arrived in - tbe city yesterday from Nebiaska. He expects to locate here and engage in business. If yon oannot have Joat what you want, make a boainesa of enjoying what you can got Don't fuae; don't nag;-beunresenttul; be jolly, and tbe whole ot Clod's earth is yours. Elean or Kirk. ' -- Wm. MoClner of Boise, arrived in the oily yeBterday from Seattle where he has been to make arrangements (or tbe removal of his paok train from the Thunder Mountain country to tbe Alaska gold fields. He has a contract to pack into the Falrbanke region. He is an old and experienced packer and will no doubt make a luooeas ot hla bold ven ture. t1" ' "C. RALSTON t NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE . r Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. f $.-' ' 9 i l'MvHHvvvH b TURKESTAN ALFALFA f iV ' .'if V ' 1 he Dry Laud Alfalfa grows without irri v" ' gotlon. i BROME GRASS ...(.?, , Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of 1 ' Garden Seed' in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' ; The only Seed House Union County. A;. V. Oliver JeFFERSONJ AVE. Phone 1571 Fireman Killed . Observer Speoiat Hoxie, Ark. Nov. 23 A south bound Iron Mountain special passes ger train ran into an extra freight train this morning near here. F re' man Wells was killed and some thirty passengers were more or lesa injured Tbe wreok caught tire and five paesen- ger coaches and twenty freight oil's and their loads of freight were con sumed. -Fred Waffle, of the freight service on the La Grand) division of tbe 0. B. A N., will now remove to this city per manently to take the passenger run vacated by the death of Condnotor A. P. Haeh. Mr Waffle .a well known In this oity, having been in bnalneaa here before beginning work on tbe O. B. ft N.-E.O. A Q Warren was a welcome vlaltor at this office yesterday. Mr.. Warren baa just paased through s sslge of ty. pboid fever and la considerably tbe worae.tor wear, bat still glad to be alive. Mrs. Warren was taken ill yes terday with the same disease. : . The production of bituminous coal In the United States laat year was 286,000,000 net tons an inareasi over 1899 five years ago, of M.000,000 tons, and an increase over 1893 ot 155,000, 000 tons or muoh over 100 per eent. Jas R Eluiendorf manager of the Camp Carson Mines recently purobased by California capitalists came down from the mines last night and will go to San Francisco .for a few days on business. ' Mrs Hannah Rogers, of La Grande, bo has been ill with the grip ainoeoomlng to Pendleton, la now much improved, She ia tbe guoet of Mrs Charles F. Brown. E. O. , Mrs. Barns received a letter this morning from Mrs Knott who Is In Portland, stating that her little daugh ter had recovered from a very severe attack of diphtheria. ' Don't forget the company L dance next Monday evening at the armorr . The best time of your life or your money back. ". ' :' , Mr. W H Averell, ot Linn oounty, arrived in the city today and left on the train this morning for Elgin, There are several new ad changes in this issue which our readers should not fall to take note of . Mrs P. Olyett and daughter return ed to Portland this morning after a few days in tbe city . Co L.O.N. G. will give another one of there popular dances next Mon. day night, . : ; Tbe ladles of the Tuesday Musloale met in the Ulub parlors this afternoon ' Rev. J D QUlllan left this morning for Suramerville on business. The Jollity danoing ulub gives its regular dance this evening. ; Tenement Fire Bargains -IN ALL OP OtfrMJNE (Jiass Front Oak Onpboard. Lounge Sofa... ....:...... , 12 Guage Shot Gun. .... . . , 16X20 New Picture Frames. . rr I- . - . iruus . i Heating Stoves , , ....... New Kitchen Treasures. Drop Leaf Table. . Kitchen chairs.. . ....... , Rocking Chairs. ......... . Si wagon ............... 4 Foot Dry wood. ...... . work harness. . . . , , .... . . 8 00 . .....160 , ,.. 6 60 7 60 ., .100 - . .2 00 .150 3 60 100 , ........ 25c and up 60o and up ....... ........10 00 .... ...... .......4 00 6 00 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Theme 158J Remember we still buy aad;seU! all kinds of Second Hand CoodijS Jt j$ WATCH 1 MAGNATIZED In these days of the Increasing use of eleotrioity the danger of having your watch magna. , tized is greater than In the past, t aid In shape to demagna lxe your watch right away and put it In as good shape as when iv left the factory. There ia do necessity ot running tbe risk of having your watch- lovt nr broken sending it away when yon can get it made as good as new at home by a praotiole workman at a low cost. J. H. Pearc, the Jeweler (ijgllglrJirlMSIrllllJgllMiirzillIilQirfi HONEST MADE ' SHOES GIVE HONEST , WEAR k j - : m r-' (Obeeirsi gpsaUi) I " 1 I aw XorkMOT.SU-Anrsiaa tosw meni atnae this nvniag bealdee da stray laa In batldlmg aaossd the death, u peraaas laaisisanx tw firemen . It was with great difficulty that tbe thirty four occupants of the building were rescued. Winter Footwear For Men Women and Ghildren To meet the changing reasons and supply the demand for winter shoes we have .placed in stock complete Hues selected from leading manufacturers. T M STUBBLERELO There, is a sense of satisfaction in wearing genuine articles in olothiug, jewelry, foot wear etc So much of what is worn is imita tion and Bhoddy. The shoes we carry fot men women and children are honest made and . give honest wear The prices we charge are not too chap to yield us a profit but right and reasonable - for honest values. We so licit your closes t ' in spection. Proprietor ef the ' ' When the Turkey Comes To you in onr restaurant yiu will have a triple feast Your eyee will east on Its temptiog appearance. Your nostrile will feast on ita appetizing odor. Your Delate will feast on its ' delioate flavor. Note the grand display ot the fa m- Eating It ous Karxlce diamonds at tbe La wu be B joy to remembered. uranue urug ;o inis auernoon ana wllh . thU Diamond Display tomorrow. Note the advertiument diacri bing goods in tomorrows issue. E. P. 8taple E. E. Romig R0MI0 & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A lull and complete line of staple and fancy gro oerlee. Fanoy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden wure. . Fruits and vegetables in season, . Bakery prod no ts always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Portion Coming Observer Special 8t. Louip, Nov . 22 An agreement was reached this afternoon by the government Board fertile removal of a pinion of tbe Philippine exhibit to the Lewis and Clark fair at Portland. the good of bothering with a home dinner. Spend Thanksgiving here and be happy. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT , We sell weekly Meal'( . Tickets, Cash $40 QUALITY ;-SH0E Si 9RE e sssssssssssssssstt . ! HOUSE CLEANING TIME I The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Liuoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is complete. Our prices right. - EANDROS Phone 91 . tWUSJ33 Residence Phone67 Undertakers and Embalmers HOUSE FURNISHING3 1202JAdamsAve . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeie JUST A WORD - AS A REMINDER Our holiday Glassware and Chinaware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to show a very complete line. 1 Phone 431 it STOVES Come in and see them Our Heating Stoves are right in PRICE, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC. Look them over. The Golden Rule Company a. : , .wu-i.iu-wu auami Avenue 1 Largest Store . Smallest Ttio : i I t if 4. : i- ( J- ' A T HILL, DRUGCiS'i eeeee4ex4aAAAAAAA..i . . . - - ir ' Jt,nrc ihsser. Jl llakor if S ..1 ewiakiaawMSaiaaaaaSAsl