La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 22, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    eaJ;...i..Nf.-.. ., . .-. V
Full Weight Guaranteed
Wholesale and Retail deal
ers ill Hy Grain, Vege
tables and raits
Carload lots a Specialty
Lawson & Zundell
Office in Eiipatnck Bldg
phone No HIS ';
aPAw , rim. sohm'm " no
NO. 1 .
CM p. m. 8aliLeke, Denver Ft. L
NO a. Worth, Omaha, Kansas 6 50
Portland. Dalles, Pen-
OOL dletoa "Valla Walla,
Dayton, Pomeroj, 0
- '?:isrw-Bpu- p
.i-u a th vu Bpc-
kano. . - '
Portland, Dalles, Pea- ,
NOt dlolon Umatilla Wal- Hn .
lula, Lewlston, Oolfai "u 0
Moscow, Wal taoe Wa. M.
M pm dner, Bpokane anil ejsiam
. other polnta eait and
...... north via Bpokane. , :
'.land City. Allcel,
SZSil Imbler, and Elgin ft
Bunday connection at Kiln 9:80 p
9115 a m with etage for polnta ...
x in Wallowa county
Ooean Steamers between Portland and
Ban Praaetaoo every five daye
! . fir. O. MOORR.
Ai Your
jCa Srande Snves
1110 Adams Avenue,
MRS. J. R.
Ladies"can SAVE MONEY by buying
Pompadour Bangs, the kind always Bold for
4.60, now $1.76.
Novelties: Peggy Bage, Novelty Combs, Perfumes
and Toilet Soap.
The finest line of Millinery ever shown in
this city.
Masoniojbalding on Adams avenue..
"Special Offer
What woatd be nicer far e Christmas
present than an enlarged photo ol your
self or baby r Until Not 20th oa set
an llxli Bromide free with every 14.00
order lor Photos at The Teyloi Studio
...... Not li-19
Reading Room.
- Toe east room ol Central Otitiroh o
Obriat. Open every day from noon U
six in the evening.., liaily and weekly
papers, magasines and books. Meo
and boys cordially invited. Strangers
always welcome
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes Bros' canned - fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
; We always have the fresh-,
est eggs, butter, etc. , ,
Special attention given to
phone orders. '
Geddes Bros.
are made by us on first mortgages
J2on't let improvements lag for tbe
-ja of money. A few hnndred dol
iaftV Salt lay now may greatly increase
u.Jalrfet the farm.
NcltawS is lost in making the requir
ed adviitioes. We pnsb busines of
this kind throogb quickly.
ment Company,
L Grande, Oregon
-gwn I""iM--"l.ll-sMK
La Grande Churches will Celebrate the Day
of Thanks as Follows;
On Thursday at the M B Church
South al 10:30 a m there will be a
prayer and praise aerviea led by Rev.
J F Day ol tbe Baptitt ohoroh.
In '.be evening at the Baptist ohureh
at 7:30 p m tbe regular thankagiving
servioe wiU be held , Tbe following
u tbe programs ' ;
Hymn, "All Hall Tbe Power of Jesus
Boripture Lesson. . . ... . .0 B Crocket
A Mob wos About to Lynch Two Negroes when
a Guard Called
Lexington. Ky., Nov 22 William
Moore, a laboring man, wai killed but
u iiht by three negroes who attaoked
tbe white man in a saloon without pro
vocation. Jim Garfield and Ed Taylor,
two of the negroes, were caught and
lodged in jail. At midnight a orowd
that bad been gathering on the out
skirts ol the oity. became formidable
and their intention to attack the jail
to seoore the negroes seemed oertain.
Policemen were station! in and a
round the jail.
Prince Visits Fai;
(Speoial to the Observer)
St Louis Nov. 22 Prince Fushins,
of Japan witnessed the special drill of
tbe 10th United States Infantry on the
fair grounds ihis moruing. Tie prince
give the directors of the fair a dinner
this evening.
Arbitration Treaty
(Observer Speoial)
Washington Nov. 22 An arbitration
treaty betweeo Amerioaand Germany
was signed at the office of tbe seoieta
ry of state today by r-ecretary Hay
and Baron Sternberg .
Needs of Navy
Washington Nov. 22 Secretary of
the navy Morton today gave out tbe
estimates of appropriations necessary
for tbe naval establishment the coming
fiscal year.
Tbe total is U14,o30,G38.34' as 00m.
pared with $99, 158, 19 J.04 appropriated
for the present year, lie asks $280,
900 for Mare Island navy yard, and
KJt,500 for the Paget Bound yards.
Inauguration Day
Washington Nov. 22 Already the
people ot the Distrlot of Columbia are
looking forward to inauguration day,
with its aooompanylng oivic demon
stration, and that most elaborate and
popular of social functions, the inaug
ural ball. It is t-e intention ot those
concerned in the arrangements to j
make the Inauguration next March one
of the most notable In many respects
that the country has eter seen. Though ,
lb, event to atill a long way off appli.
'""l, . ,nT? "t i
revived at tbe hotels for political club
ai.d other organization, in varioua
paits of tbe country. All indications!
point to a record breaking attendance, j
By virtue of an order and license !
, . . I
uiaue ana euterea uy tne lion, ivunty
Court of Union County State of Ore
gon, on Ueptember 6tb, 1904, in the
mattor of the Guardianship of the per
sous and estates of hirneat N Patty, i
Beatrice Patty, and rrauk A Patty,
minor heirs of Thomas V Pstty de
ceaaed, aud wards of tbe undersigned
their guardian, 1 will, from and after
Uie 21at day of October 1904, at my
home No. 1419 Adams Avenue, La
(irande, Union County, Oregon, pro
ceed to eell at private sale tbe (South
east quarter of Section 34 of Township
Three (north of Kanxe 39 l&ast of tbe
Willamette Meridan io Union County
Uregou, for the benefit of said heirs
and their estate. Terms of sale, cash
to trie in hand, Zora lu Paty,
Guardian of tbe persona and testates
of truest N Patty, i Beatrlo Patty
and Krank A Patty, Minora.
Dated September Id, 1904. Oct 31 .
.......0 H King
Hymn "
"Thanksgiving".. Naomi Williamson
Offering ,
Solo Mrs, J. J. Oarr
Sermon.. .......Bev.E B Hays
Solo Mrs A L Biubardson
Hymn, America
A oordial invitation ie given to aM
to attend Ihise aervioea.
For a Brother
Atl o'clock the mob,' .300 strong
moved on the jail. When witiiin two
squares of the prison a police piokel
hailed the leader: "Is there an uua-
fellow in this orowd!" Tne crowd
baited and tbe leader stepped forward,
In a hurried conversation the police
man told' him that 40 officers were in
end around tbe jail and that an attack
meant wholesale bloodshed. The lead'
er returned to bis fellows who were
armed with firearms ol all descriptions
and within five minuets tbe mob had
Ladies Satchel Found
The ladies black satohel whiob was
lost and advertised - tor in the Obser.
ver has been found and returned to
this office by a reader ot the Observer.
j, . ----- r-t& . ..
"I remember very distinctly," said
sn old gentleman In the Waldorf-As
toria to a New York Press man, "the
first we inhabitants of Glasgow heard
w schoolboy, together. Then I wen!
to fiton and lost track of hlnj. I studied
law, and when I returned ta Glasgow
Tom naa nnng out his shingle as
green gaecer In an obscure street He
was competing with well established
firms and for three yean plodded along
almost unnoticed and with only a small
ntunoer or customers. But one day the
Glasgow papers bore an advaartfeaemertt
sasnetblng like this
"Thomas Upton win sell at market
price good cheeses filled with coin- of
the kingdom. The cheeses have bees
prepared especially and are laden with
Uinepences, sixpences, shillings, half
sovereigns ana sovereigns.'
This astonishing announcement at
tracted a lot of attention, and the little
shop of Lipton, green grocer, wss be
sieged. He sold bis cheese by the nound.
and in each slice one was quite eurv
to nnd at least a silver coin. What
trade be drew! He sold cheese by the
mouse nas or ponnas, it cost him s
goodly penny, too, because he gave
away in this fashion about 600. But
Lipton was established. For years be
was known as Theese Lipton,' and
each Christmas he would conceive
some brilliant scheme along lines thai
appealed to the public"
Notice Of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administratrix of tbe
estate of William Bpenoer, deceased,
haa ftlprl In tha (Innntw tat.rlnf ITnlnn
Co0uty for tne rUt8 ot 0 her
flnBl account as each administratrix,
,ad the Court has fixed Monday the
jou, da of Deoembe, 1901 for hearing
any objeotl;)Ill to ,d .,., R0IMaa
Uld tn iflnBl "tUement thereof
Dated this November 19, 1904
Minnie M Bpenoer,
j ' Notice 1 hereby given thai by virtue of an
I execution and order of sale and decree of fore
icloeuresnd sale. Issued outof and under the
seal or me circuit uounor me mate of Oregon
I for tbe County of Union, bucr'ua date thulTlb
3?: ' -'"! iwh. and
delivered upon ajudnernc
luuer, W4 aim 10 vm ulrecloa and
uuon aiudaetnont and dM-nA dmv
' rendered enU3rcd of record and docked In aald
oonrt on the lth day or October 1MH In the ault
wnureiu r-1 1 1 1. ii tieurj waa riainiin anu A r
Carlor (lammle Oavlor. (JlMtn 11 1 !avlii. w u
CHinnn!!, Turner oliverand Adam V Caylor
Adrnlulstmtor of tho csbite of Hurah J. L'uylor
uimwhh, mira BttlU JUUgUieni
llng In favor of aaid flalntlffand airalnsL Ui.
belendant A. V. Caylor, for tho sum of $tf5.00
with 8 per oent tntereet thereon Trorn the letn
day of February, 1KU. for the um of 110.00
Altysfee, for tnefurtlier Bum of $I8,KI taxes
iniu aim luveres. vttvtvua nv uw rale ol lu our
onnt per annum from the 1EH. day of January,
1IXM, for the sum of t&Jo luaurance and for
cwts and dlsbursmenls: twill sell, on Thura
day the 1Mb day of lieoember, IWH, al 2 o'clock
P. M. of aitld day, at public autton to the high
est bidder for cash, at the front door of the new
Court lluuae buhdlng In ibe t-'ltyof LaOrnnne
Uihon Oounty. Orege:', to satiafy aaid Flaln
UtTe judgtneot, together with aocurlng eosu.
all tbe right, title and Interest llial the said
Defundseta and each of them had on the lath
day of February, 1W2, or afterward acquired.
In and lo Lot i In Bluca 8 In Urandy, addiUon
to La Orande, Union, uounty Oregon
Dated thla I ltd, day of tlorenber.liut, at La
Orande, Oregon
- eUsartftof Union Utuitr.Oragoa
li.ti.i N Jtics '
J B Kellogg deceased. Estate.
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned, J M Cnuruh, baa quali
fied aa Executor of tbr laat will and
testament of J B Kellogg, deceased.
All peraone bavins claims against
said eatata are hereby required to
present tbe eame orouerlv verified to
tue nnderaigned at the - ofttoea ol 0 H I
Vina, Sommer BuUdioi. La Grande
Oregon, within six months from tbe
date of tbe drat publication of this
Dated and flrst published October
i M Ohuroh, Ezeoutorot Estate of
I- a neuogg, aeoeaaaa. v
0, H. Finn, Attorney for Executor.
Call For Bids ..
Notice la hereby, given that tha un
dersigned will reoelve sealed bids up
to and iuoiuding November 19, 1004,
for the filling of lots, streets and alleys
In fredmore's Addition as follows, to.
wit: ..
(1), For tbe ailing and leveling of
ota from one 1 to ten 10, lnolusive,
n blook 23. .
(3), For tbe Ailing in and leveling
of Parson street from Its intersection
with North Depot Street to its inter
section with North Greenwood Street.
(3), For the ailing and Ilevellnc of
lots from four 41 to nine 91, inolu -
sive. and from twelve 121 to nineteen
18 inclusive, In block 22, inoluoing
(4), For the ailing in and leveling of
lota from eight 8 to fifteen IS In
clusive, in blook 8. " - .
(5), For the filling in and leveling of
the old ohsnoel in Hill Street between
Noito ifir and Depot Streets.
(6). Iror the Hlfinir in arid ivM.!iiir
of lots from two 2 to twelve 12 end
from sixteen 16 to twenty-three 23
InoiUBlve, in blook 4, also, chanel in
Trobridge Htreet between North Fir
and Depot Streets.
ah lots to be filled with good dirt,
free from gi aval and refuse. Streets
and alleys to be Billed with gravel. All
oias to oe lett at tne otnoe of J W
Knowles, La Grande, Oregon. Bids to
be ma'te separately for said work, as
indicated by said numbers und also, for
periorming entire wont, tne rignt le
hereby, reserved to reject any and all
Dated at La Grande, Oregon this 11th
day ot November, A 1 1W4.
NovU-18 t Spilling.
, U.S. LandOUIce, LaOrande, Oreaon.
NoUoe la hereby riven that In mmnlUniw
with the prorlalonaof the act of Congress of
June , 1678. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
tiuiuur uum m ,ue siaiea or uauroroia, Ore
gon, N svada, and Wuaulngton Territory, aa
extended to all the Fubllo
jjsau aiaiea or aot
urown, ot ferry.
County of Union. State of Oreaon,
h.B Ihl. d.v fllnH In .1.1. W 1
statement No. 8it3, for the purchase of tbe
or section m Tp No 4 f, Kange No 87, K w MT
And will offer proof to show that the land
sougbt is more valuable for lu timbor or
S."d5' 9lSon onaaiuniay, the rih dayol
fj ,1 n K,Nelver "'. omoe at La
Knn??? oY,.H
nj'J11"1 1lJ!,nom claiming adversely tbe
above described lands are requested to ale
their otalma In thla otnoe on or before aald
7th day of January, ms.
B. W. Davis, Betiatsr.
3. 18;B
U. 8. Land Oflce; La Qrande Oregon,
. wvtuuer o 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that la compliance
with the provudons of the aot of Congress of
June 8 18,8, entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands in tbe State, of California, Oregon.
Nevada aod WiuihtimUin -1.rlrn-u o --
tended to all the fubllc Land States by act of
jat , ISoi, K.lph H. Bullla, of La Grande,
county 1
83 for the pchth. Wiwli-lion
f If H 8 K 8 W 8 B ii of Section No,
oiau iji this ouice bia sworn atatement No.
lownahlp No. 4 South, tiatige So 85
And will offor proof to show that tbe land
sought la mora ralubble foi Its timber or
lone than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish his claim to said land before the Reg
later aud Kecelver of this office at La Grande'
Oregon, on Friday, the 'J8rd day of December,
Henamciaa witneuea; Andrew I Bnlllvsn
r-lam F Jones, Benjamin Hagev, of Btarkey Or
egou and (Jeorge O Holmca of La Crande Ore
gon. ,
Any and all persons clalmlna adverselr tha
above deeenbed lauds are reuaested to file their
. . . ""ice vu or ueioro aaio iura aar
W Davis, Register.
nyjruvm f-utt PUtUJlCATlON
0. g. Land omoe at La Qrande. Oraron
Notioe la hereby alven that In iwmni.n
wl Ll: the nrnvislnn. i.rthn -i. . : .
tnn.n inf. h.i.i. h . -v?; avi t:
---... .w nuwiiur ,11c sale 01
Uraoer lands In tbe Mutes or California, Ore
gon, Nevada, und Washington Territory." as
attended to all the Publlo Land Blatea br act
u! August 4, lwa, DavldOBugdea. of Deiter-
ruio, county 01 wooa. Bute of Wisoonsin
haaiulauHy-flled in tblB ofllca his
italeniont Ma 8160, for the purchase or the
EMWK, SWU aud Lota 8.d 4of8ec.
& vu m 10"M"'P 0 ooutn uange do.
Aud will offer proof lo show that the land
Bought la more valuable Cn. II. UmiM. .
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
.T . . u uuu oeiore tne
cveKinier auu iieceiveror tins nmna .1 1
O-aode, Oregon, on Tuesday the S6tb
day of October, 1U04,
."?. ttn,f as wltneasea. Haipn H. Bullla,
W. Uenry Brown, of Dextervdle, Wlaoonsln:
Leonard O. llullla. nt t'r.v. o.nn. .....
VjluDnl anon .-I I 1 1 . - . .. , ' B '
Anvand all mtrum. nl.l.-inu .
the above described lands are requeated to
aiui uay 01 ucuwer, iWH.
K. W I),l. Bealsler
In the Matter of the EaUte)
..' . t OlUtlon
Jane Ball, DeeeaBed. )
To Uoonte W. Ailed aud J. W. Allen- hairs.
aulaw of Jane Ball, duaceased, and to all other
unknown heirs and persons oonoerned: Ureet-
fn the name of the rttate of Oregon,
lou are hereby cited and required to appear
In tlie County court ot the Mtato of Oregon,
for the County ot Union, al the Court Boom
thereof, at La Orande In lb Countv of Union,
on Haturday, the Itllh day of December, lUul.
at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon of that day, then
and there lo ahnw cause. If any you have, why
tne petition orOeorge Ball, Admlnlstrntorof
theaiaive named eetute. nravlna for an nrdiir
ortho aald Court, authorising, licensing, and
emMiwerlng him to sell the leal proierty be
longing to said estate, to pay estate debts,
should not be granted.
Witness, the Hon. M. A. Harrison, Judge ot
the County Court oflh Htuteof Oregon, for
me Oounty of Union, with the Heal of said
Court a Hlxed thla 4th day of November 1804,
Auesti j at mi, nasi uaia.
la theOUealtOoottaaaUate.oflovaaeai Bar
rjaloa Ooanty. ' ,
L 0 WILLIAMS, rlalatbl
cabbia ArWri.r.iAua iiafaailaal '
.To;kaaia AJWlllUma.- tne aDSe-aane
aefendaat: lb the name of the Stale of Oswgoa
y ere hereby raiturail to appear aa4 tamr
l1S?S,u'.1'.t"'?l?iu!rou la u aoove-
I nlAlntlft will t-W r.
agalnat you for the dlaaoielloa of tha marrtam
ccntraotaxiaUncDetwaeayiia and the plalaW
213 and for maL. nd JIAa uib a .t'
Tntaauininoas Is publlahodln UMlaatcra
Oreaon Obaerrer, a avakly uwapaper pabllalud
In u nlon ooanty Oraxon. toy oracr or ua lion.
Bobert .Eakln, Judae of tfia Ktahth Jadlclal
Diarr. t of the Circuit oonrt o the Stale or
Oraib. , lace a weak for six oonaecatlve WMka,
tha nm pa-Ulcatton thereof to be made oa the
Wh day or Jepumber, 1MM, aad the laat pnhu
oaUon on the 3lu day of October, Ifiot, which
waamadeonthe ird day afsipiambar
, Altoraeylwnauital
U. 8. Uud Omoc, at lat Oraada, Or
Oct ir. 1904.
Notioe la hereby given that la compliance
with the prOTlakma of the act of Ooaenaaof
Junes, HQ), entitled "An act for uuaaUoa
Umber lands In aba atatea of riiait. Ore
son. Nevada, and Waihiaatoa TonSety."
aa extended to all the PubUo Land BtaUa Vt
act ot Augaat t, 18HS, Herbert R cleaver t
Oaldwell, oounty of uaayon. H late of Idaho, has
nunt Nb iXlt, (or the purchaae Jot the VMS
ouioa nia sworn alat
No.1. in ToWDabfp No. 48, ff No. 17 K.
tv m suia nnu n wu sarin m wu ysu ast aavua
And wiu offer proof toahow that the land
sought la more valuable for Its umber or
tone than for agricultural purpose, aad
10 esuuHian nig culm 10 said: land baton '
tbe Keg later and Beoelver 01 this office at
li? PJS0"' ""Wdey.toe " day
't nanaea aa wltceaMai William B Brawn
jamla Youna.of Ujlianl.OiTKon.
Any and all pereona aUUmlDa adversely tbe
above-deeorloed Ian la an requested to file
ww v wui ww wan on ur oesunaaua
om. waf u. hennery, uv
. W. Carle, Baeiatar.
. U.S. laud. Offlca, let Oranda, oraron.
Septi SoillaM.
' Notice la hereby RiTen that In oompllaaoa
with the prov-lalonaoflbeact of Ooaureaa of :
June 1878. entitled "Aa aot for the eats of
Umber lands lu the States of California, Or,
guu, Mevada, and Waahla(lon Territory," aa '
extended to all the Publlo Land Hlatea by aot
of Auiruat 4, 18KL Charlea at Wright of
Pilot Uook,Oonaty at Umatilla taM of Orawoa
baa thla day died In this office hla awmra
auument No. WIT, for the purohae of tbe :
8g! BKM Sec. U and N B N tU See. Two. 4
BUj and Ut4 bee, 1 and toll Sac. S9 la
Tow u lilp No. 4 H.t kUrjga &
owutuip no. r),, ttange ao, at w H.
Aud will oner proof toahow that the land
ouaht in mnrw
valuable for lu Umber or
tone ihtvn for wiioaUarml parpoMtv avaL to
MUhlUta hUt euum to Mid Ttvad bHon hm
( Sato' S.?rer ZSSi
Qranda- Uraraa.
on, on Tuesday, the Kth day
He namea u wltnai
EjamraR Haana, of
juuu. wnejwu, a,un w-ioiera 01 eiaraay, .
Frank Aldeu,of siaikay, Aadrew SaUtvaa of
Aay aud all persona claiming adrereely the
anore described lands are requested to ale
their claims Id this otnoe on or before said
aoth day of Beoomoer, uuu
at W Curia, rtavkatet. ..
i . . .
Notice is heroby given that tha on. '
1 1 j -n ....
dwrsigned, Treasurer of Union County,
it". " bsnd with which "J
so pay an county warrants wnlon were
i Mf j 'j.,. u ...
,M t
nee in tbe city of La Grande this the
18tb day ot Nov. 1904. No Interest al
lowed attar said date. '
. . John Frawley, '
Treasurer of Union Oounty
U, B. Land oaioe at La Qrande, Or.
Oct. IS 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that In oomiu'lanoe
with the provision of the aot of Oo ogress ol
' S Sttl&TtTta 8U of'ciSfforlJh!''?
ZtXi, -IflKa,1
hntj ol Union, Bute of Oregon his this
uisu ii. him whim, uis sworn Biatemaut
No. tm, for the purchaae of the BXofB W X
ofaectlonNoSaudN it N w 14 or Bectloh
And will oner proof to snow that tbe land '
sought la more valuable for Its Umber or
stoue than lor agricultural purraMea. aad lo
ealablleh ber claim lo aaid land before tbe
Uegtater and Kecalver of thla office at La
Orande, Orogou, on aaturday, the 7th day of
ue uamea aa witneasefl; Herbert H Oleavar
of Caldwell, IdaboiKalph H Bullla, oiVim
Oregon: Ueujamin F Voung, of UilguM. Ora
goo; Willism U Longley of'kilgardAJregonV
..Any and all persons claiming adversell
the above described lands are recuse led to
aiethelr claims la thia ofnosoa or before aald
7 lb day of January, 1KB 0
K. W. Davla, Beglaler
U. & Land OfBoe, La Orande, Oregon
Sept. 4, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that In com pilau oe
with tbe provlelons of the aot of Congress of
J una 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands in the Bute of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waaniogtoa Territory," aa
exlendod to all the Publlo Land Btatee by act
of August 4, leVJ, UUreaoe B. Channel, of Bait
-aae Lily, oounty of Ball Lake, state of Utah,
has this day filed In this offlca hla ivmn
statotnent No. 8107, for the purchase of
Lot L sec 18, To. 6 south, mnge US, BX NBU
it NEWBBU of Section No. 1 In ToWoshlo
No. 5 B, Kange No. 85 B.W.M.
And will orTer nruof to show that tha land
sought la mure valuable for lla timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
uatabllsu his claim to sala land before the
ltglster and Iteceiver of this office at La
Orande, Oregon, on Monday, the Ala day of
He names as witnesses.' Ralnh H. Ilnllla.
of Ublrkev, Oreeon, Kdward Bean, of Htarkey,
Oregon, Frank a. Murphy, of ferry, Oregon, Atie
Boutin, of ferry, Oregon.
Any aud all uersona tilatmlnc adveraal tha
above described lands are requeated to Qla
their dalmalu thla office ou or before said
sthuayof Lleoemher, 1UU4.
a. w. uavai, neguter
Eaatern Ortwon Bualneaa Uullauae
Sohool of tlhorlhand, and Normal
baker City. Uregoti. had four calls
for Stenographers last week and waa
anable to fill them all. Our students
get good positions when oompetent.
business men call on us wben they
want reliable oompetent help
I"ow la tbe time for young peopla
to enroll.
Practical Dmlness methods are
taugnt. Tbe light Hoe System of
dborthand la taught which oan be
learned In about half the time the '
old Shaded Systems,
Tultionjsod Board reasonable
M.O Perry Frlno. ..
ai-10-al Dw
... .