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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1904)
J i J -4- 13 ii ! a a a o a a i 1 : 5 Farmers and Traders National Bank, J fa LAGRADBrli. OREiGO'N( Oapiud'sJocWally paid . 1000 . Surplus fund - 13.000 g Liability of Shareholders 60,000 ' g twpooaibility ,188j00J)wm We (do 4' genera) banking and exobange business. rails bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. . JOSEPH PALMER," President rr- J mm m n 'fl;a.ii'n;n! aaaaaaB & .U.iw.f.... ... . f,n.. ....I ..!,. .... ""'M': r'.Ul.H.'..o La Grande Evening Observer T iEY XROS Edlton JtPrp Entered at kthe Pott Office t JU Grande, Oregon, us Second Class; Hair Matter. f Harness" Is our specialty, i We know ho to ...make, fcood har-m nesp and we make good harness. Call end see tbe Tdnd ' we Mcommend-foHogging. ; (, RO BEsil tthe? fitiesfi assortment of 1 winter ' robes in 91 the county. : We tcarrys; everything found"in a first class harness store which should be E. Harness and Saddles Grande, Jre vrr ,xJ v. jj . ! b J; PubliBbed daily except Sunday 'One year Tnaavanoe.".V.T"$8 50 Six months ift: 'advance VG'.3 ?0 Per month. .65c Single" copy . ; ; i i ; t ,6o TUESDAY. EVENING. NOV. 22, $904 FINE TAIL' 'Before ordering your fall and ' winter suit or overcoat remember " " that I am in the business, I have 17 yearB experience, have worked for some of the beBt firms' in ' the U. 8., and able to .compete with the beat. If I. can't suit, you "there will be no charges made. i- .i ..... 'I .. MARQUARDT.Th Tallpr. 1 Phone 1241 La Grande, Oregon i'.U ; ,- . stuff '. ..' :; Stuff, alster, staff wltu: flare . Staff l( the (tatting in the turkey t there. Staff it tightly u it will bear; fltnf? with' m kann. nnntantoil n ! . . " - "r7l wmw I" I . Staff, (or the "etafflng nukes goodljf . fare; Staff, i while I watch with (hungry i stare.: -. Then when the turkey the dish will ' bear, I'll be the person that's stuffing there; I'll stuff the1 (staffing and turkey" (air Until I'm staffed till it earls myi hair And I can't sit on my dining chair. ' . to receive basket of scraps. If you are truly thankful and wish to make others feel aa you do invite them, to your borne for dinner and demonstrate to them that ' you 'are" really thankful Cheer up. It may not be so bad -after all.- There. ia,lways a briffht aide to look upon if you will only look in the right direction. "You ' never gained a point in yo'urjife by 'going a roundwjth your moutH "drawn don. iNeither'did" you ever t)iake a friend or t secure real sympathy by always and for ver peddling jrour troubles ITour friends have troubles en ough of their own to occupy Their timjbj without Jurdening themselves with yours, t otgei it'ahd8ee'i'fipw the; to'nio of a smile will act. . . ' ' " i .i : M"v i 11' V arujftra iiave uo rouble , in, finding a market in this city for all they cau produce!1'' Tbe""La Grande market is " considered the best in Eastern Oregon. ' 9 ) It is gratifying to know hat the La Grande Creamery is re ceiving the patronage Which ritl nuuiy ueuervea. iuere 10 "so bth'er' (institution in the city whioh does more to ..bring, tha farmers; 14t6 i town I and Jtbea furnished them with the money with, which to patronize the other home institutions than the Creamery. ' -1 ' " I. ; . . .i The farmers of this valley are fast learning that in order tp insure a boantifnljharvest they ehould' not place all dependence in one crop. Each year finds theru with a greater number of comedies ready for market. Therefore they are , seldom heard to say "my crop was a failure thia year," beceuee .they, have such a diversity of crops that a complete lailure either in price or produce is an impoBsia- bility . t Those who planted orchards fnthi'Va'lley four ; or "five -years ago ar'now, beginning i( 16' reap the '.benefit of tneir , laoors. Or6irard land has a ready market aud the crop 'is ' always in de maud. First' class fruit 'finds' ' a ready sale, second class fnnt is . I. ' 7 .1 a irue on tue martei, luernuic tfi"ea,hofuld! be some s sort " of plant here to work up this un diserable 'portion !of the : crop, th'e ifruitj growers stiduld get toeetber and organise a stocz oompany'andjbuild a drier and IhireSf be in a; pe'sition to mar- tet this "second ''class fruit and save the profit to themselves. AStoieWith A We haVe' Deen' SoIng busi " ness In this town for 5 years -Inr that time the- town - has nearly doubled in population j I IUV OSIUIW IUV VUft business has inoreased FIVE FOLD. In other words . our business has made a great deal more rapid- inorease than'the town Jiaa- There, are dozens of reasoas for tuis all will perceive if you begin buying drug store! goods of us, .In .the first placa we had a ''thorough training for. pharmacy. .In the second place we had ex- . ception&l opportunities for, learning Ihe praotical( side of pharmaoy iu. a successful drug store of, the highest stand- ing. In the .third place we have kept our eyes open' and - attended to business until we know the demands ' ef the people of this town. A. T. HILL. ' Prescription Druggist La Grande, Oo . . . ( a 1 V La Grande is ;' growing: at' rapid1 rate, Its growth is not the boom order but of the sure and substancial kind which will in time 'make a !city o'litt Grande. Every day sees the commencement of more'Vesid. ences which goes to show that La Grande is fast becoming a city of homeB. La Grande has passed the stage where a , shake ia considered a residence. The build iMg this year is all of the pern. i.Vtnate order. Now is the time to think about ' your poor friends, not after you have 'finished the Thanksgiving' tarkay. Toy will enjoy the meal : better if they are invited to join with you at the table then they will " ''-.j.-V ' -is-'t;.'. V The article which appear else wtrere' m this issue' of 'the Ob server will, giye a goed idea of tmV Vatue deWVeo; by this city and county from the sugar fac tory ' People take things for granted without giving a second thought regarding the why- of it Another- industry or two .similar to the sugar fac tory' would' make a city of La Grande." We have not reached the limit, and if we give the matter Ihe.1 proper1 'amount of wuugut' dnu IM3U11UU BBBlSieil with a littleeffort we will, be able to secure for this city other industries which will furnish ia market for the laboring maus cemmodhy and thereby enrich the city and county and there fore ourselves. Portland Markets BAY AND GRAIN ZZ1 Wheat, export price 81o to 86o Carlay.. ,bMt. . , 21 to S23.60 oats .' ...... .....;.V..a6. toj VHM Bar," timothy.. ..i. .'..H 116 BOTTKH, BOGS AND POaLTBT . Batter beet oreamery.... '..ZIKo 40 80 Batter; ' ordlnaryr. 260 Egts, per dosen 26c to 26c Chickens, per pound....'. 10c BBUIT8 AND VEOBTABliES . Potatoes per owt; Onions, per owt SI) to H.65 Apptos,,best.per box-..M,.76oto II Peaches, beat, per box. . . . . .00o to 76o Beats, par wok. Oabbage, per pound... ...'....."...i.2o "' LIVE STOCK -' ' Steers.......... ...,,.2.78 to S3 Cows , Bulls mw Rtan.. ...3 Hons. best...........;.... ' Hogs, feeders... H. . , LOCAL BUTTER MARKET t-a Cfreamery' Batter C6 rents per roll.' Batter Fat 23 cents, per ponna. - CASH MttAT MARKET " ;'u ' i ' " " I have reopened my shop on North Fir Street ' You' -will find my shop well; supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yours for business Free' delivery. PhOne lBOl I. HARRIS A Pound Steak ..;,'. is just the thing to la; the foundation for a good day's work. 1 That is) when' It is the kind we sell. Juicy, rlob beefy flavor. Fall of nutriment. 'Make's the weak strong, and the strong stronger. All Kinds' of Meat that are good pan be found In our icebox in" prime condition, at prices that please. Yon will fare well if yonr bill of fare is based oa oar meats. Bock & Thomas NOVEMBE R W"T- MFANv LOY , StnesJJthem in any style r wish ..' ' ' ' .1 s,,r -FOR- BENT, LEASE :OB :SALE v;'Lots i7li?jook;i62i;' 1 . Chaplain's Addition. ;;:., : ,..... ' ' ' " " ' !. J Address bids' to 1 -'P" care .'. .; of Observer .hi r.U ,.,f SILENCE Be BtlH-! tlie orown of life is silentness Give thou a quiet hour to eaob long day. Too much of time we spend in profitless And fooliBh talk too little do we Bay If thou wonldst gather words that ishall avail. Learning a wisdom to express, Leavejor awhile thy chat and empty ' tale Study the golden Bpeech of silentness Atmoa ' ' FULL, 1MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord'jjf-yg' 128 cubic feet to 'the cord.' 16-inch dry chain wood 3 per cord. This is cheaper than by' the load ? You pay for what you get and get what you pay ibr, t Phone 571 eeeeaees 3 H. W. NIBLEY seseee ,..,. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4eeeeese(es How dear to my heart is the old-fashioned washboard 1 1.11. in. 11 .1 ."r niwvi m vann nn .han i a -. ...... With its zinc-oovered ridges the sads used to play la 5 L..And 808P babbles gamboled to njy ohildish Joy. . Olttimes have I watched her when wearing her knuckles. As over the ridges our duds she would rub, I ne'er wilt forget how she anlashed and she slatherep a The old fashioned wash board that stood in the tab. CHORUS J r The old fashioned waBhboard; . i, '.. t-i'The zinc-covered washboard; The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub. 8ome folks always kiok about up-to-date laaddriss. e iAna8Ry they wear out their clothes every day; a Bat give them to me, so I will have a hot dinner At homo, with the smell of the soap ends away. I know that the washing machine is moon easier On 11 f oar olothes than to take them and rub 1. al 1 j . . """ " oaiaua worn out; By the old-fashioned washboard that stood in ths tab. We are not the old fashioned kind Those love truth best who to ... . selves are true, And what they dare to dream of, toao. Lowell them. dare B 8 J0 . - wrisassa w ss si ! J u fL ir i 3. - .. . 1 ' 1 c ( - - - 1, a -J - l s4saBBVaBBSBSase Closing ut pieGial m Ii u 11 1 Six ' New G Carta & Baby Buggies i at , 'Onrialfffrice '26 0f Buggf ,'6tSo; t ui .; 1 i.v'ttvm 80 1 J6 00 Go Cart, now. .....' 7 50 Big Reductions on Iron Beds $18 00 Bed ...12 50 , New Springs.. .....175 Second Hand Springs. 60 We have . several handsome Dressers at Real Bargains.' Also 112 Extension Dining Room Table for (8 60, New chairs 60o. M"H We will pay all your old stoves are worth in exchange for New Ranges' and fieaters. LAUNDRY PHONE j I85l Notary Publie Money to Loan v Insurance Representing the Equitable Savings & Loan - Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State ' supervision. Loans made short or longtime to suit -pjZ t f i WM. GRANT, Agent fe,.City property for sale. . w a a !-OmOEBa: DIRECTORS: F.UMaodGeoLct,6.; AMt.cJ lit- m . ' Sk 3655 La Grande National B nk y r - . H B HAISTEN PHonc 2051 FD HAISTEN . FURNITURE REPAIRING . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,(aoo UPHOLSTERING VA T Hlij:DRUGG"iBT i .,..r..l.. r. M ltnt;nv '- t