La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 22, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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1 .,!
Six Counties out of 23
Vote Prohibition
Roosevelts Plurality,
42,896 V
Tb secretary of state has seonred
tb official vote of all the counties,
which were unusually ilow In lending
in their returns year. '
Twenty three counties Toted for pro
tybftion which was defeated in all bat
th flowing sis; Benton by SOS
Coi no, Carry 74, Gillian , Tilla
mook 186, Yamhill 13.
Prohibition was defeated In Jackson
by 84, Linn by 73 and. Morris by 88
The total rote In all the counties tor
wmS9,Q4o, against 42,902 Ths prloA
ripal citiss so effected In th ooantiea
carried are MoMlnnvllle, Uarshfield,
Arlington and Hood River .
The total rote oast In the state was
90,268, Booravelt' plarallty was ,
696. The repabllcan Tote being 60,458,
demoeiatlo 17,457, soolallst 7,616, pro
hibition 3,861 and popullet 783 Ths
Tote in the state did not reaeh tbs total
vote oast. In 1896 when the money quea
tion was prominent,' It being 90,41.
The Fair
Mr. Gekeler Sees The
Necessity of Maintain
ing an Exhibit in
Mr and Mr W E Gekeler and Mis
Psarl Parker returned last night from
attending the National Grange Uonveu
tion. They were among the 1,000 or
mora Initiated Into the 7th degree, the
highest In tbs Grange. They report a
' very interesting meeting which will be
in session sli this week. Today the
delegates visit the Agricultural oollege
at Oorvallls and expect to visit tbs
Pacific Ocean at the month of the
Columbia. The weather 1 not favor
able for many outside Jaunts as con
templated as It Is very bad In th
Willamette valley. .
Th exhibition of agricultural pro
duct lor all portions of this state and
Washington it certainly rsvalstion to
the eastern visitors, strawberries Juat
picked off the vines and raspberries
on ths bushes were tutors! surprise
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
Romlg A Staples - Baker Bros.
Mo Faylane C. Ralston
GeddesBros J.W.White
0. L. Thotn
Remember every pound ii guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help your own
La Grande Creamery Co
that were not on tb program at they
had It prepared before leaving their
home to penetrate the wilderness ir
the west, .
Mr Uekeltr visited th exhibit whloh
1 to th charge ol Dr A LeBoy and
saw ths advantage fo be derived from
a proper display of oar' products from
this county . . : ' s
Th Lewis and Olark fair is being
thoioonhly advertised at the Orange
and every indication points to thous
sads of eaitern people visiting oar
state next year.
Home of Omaha Attor
ney Wrecked by bomb
Exploded on His
Front Porch .
I . (Observer Sptolal)
Omaha, Nov 32 Tbs horn ol Elmer
Thomas wa wrecked this morning by
ths sxploeiou of a bomb plaosd on the
front porch . Ths force of ths explosion
wa sufficient to remove th porch and
shatter all th : doors and ' windows in
the building. The xplol..n was beard
dlstsno of three Mllse. Thomas
rushed oat when he was awaksnad by
noise on the front porch and reaohed
the door In time to detect the fir and
attempted to amother the flames with
th aid of a large rot. Ths bomb ex
ploded before, haoould rawh It thoogb
he was only a distance of four feet . a
way. It Is considered a mere ohenre
that be war not killed. Th mas Is a
prominent attorney of the city and Is
ths attorney for the Civic. Federation
and well to do.
There I no olu as to the perpertrs
tar of this oowardly crime. Attorney
Thorns war an active-agent, inu the
prosecution of saloon keepers charged
with violation of the dosing law
Taft at Pensacola
(Observer Spsoial)
Fensaools, Nov. 22. Secretary ot
War Taft and party enroote to Panama
arrived this morning on the steamship
Oolphlln and wiU sail for Panama
thla afternoon on ths Colombia.
Army Disbanded
Observer Special
Washington. Nov. 22. Minister Bar
rett baa advised tbs Secretary of State
by cable that everything I qoiet at
Panama. General Huerta has gone to
his country mansion and all hot 25
men of the standing army hav dl-i
banded. These 25 men remain to ful.
HU the statutory requirement of s
steading army,
OD Hoffman after spending a few
days at the National Grange, left for
Eugene to est Thanksgiving dinner
with bis mother snd will be bom
shoot Sunday.
Three Hundred Sheep Killed and -Two Tramps
Sent to Kingdom Come
, (Observer Special) r,
WsUa Walls Nov. 32-On of th
greatest wrack i ever recorded on (he
Wash! gton and Colombia -Klvsrratl
road occurred last night about mid
night near Hants Junction. - C
A freight train ws wnsoksd gnd
seres teen oars wen piled upon eaoh
Enraged Strikers
Resort to the Use
Deputy-Marshal Reported Killed and Many
Non-Union Men
. ... Observer Bpeclal " vf
Breotou, 111., Nov, 22 One hun
dred shots were fired into Leiter'e
stockade at the Zeigler mine,' early
this morning 1 1 is reported that de
puty marshall Powell was killed snd
County Court of Gilliam County Holds the
Petition for Election Was
Arlington, Nov. 22. The county
court r.f GUliam count? unanimously
agree 1 nt a session held Saturday that
t u petition for the vote on local
option bad been presented too 1st for
the regular term of the county court of
New York Legislates
Against Street Mission
aries, Particularly the
(Observer Speolal
New York Nov 22 A oliy ordinance
has j mi been psawd and la In effect
making it nsoosssary herealtsr for any
missionary, church or religious soelstv
wishing to hold services on tb trets
to first aeaure permission from th
aldermen of tb district before it Is
possible to secure a Utoense from tb
msyor. Tbs reason assigned is toe
opposition to tb Mot man missionaries
now holding forth at Harlem. "
St Peter's Church
XhtM will be Divta Bsrvios
W. & C. R.
other. The pile ol wrokt1 ears reach
ed to a height of over flity feet, .Tore
bandred sheep whloh farmed a part of
th tialu load war Ulled. Two tramps
war found dead In an empty box oar,
and It Is thought that they were killed
by th wrecking of th box car; Tb
cants ol th wreck is unknown .
Of Guns in a Riot
Injured - - Over One
Shots Fired
six non-union miners were wounded
some ol whom died. Sheriff with
posse of seventy-live men have started
for the soene.
Ten deserters from the mine srrived
bore today and reporred that all the
miners were soxious to leave,"
GlUUm ooonty prior to the lata eleo
tion, therefore the ballot was Illegal
and void and declared the election to
have no effect Th result of this so
tion by the ooonty court will be tbst
Gilliam county will remain under the
lioense system.
Thanksgiving Day at 10,30 a m at this
Churoh. Th offering will be given to
the Good Samarltaln Hospital at Port
land. Every on cordially Invited,
Sixty freight engine crsws now work'
lag overtime on th Mountain division
trying to hsndls th heavy traffi of
thj past three months. Is tb highest
record aver made by tb O B N sys
tem ou this division.
Tb number of snginss now In use
In the freight service out of La Grand
i mor than 40, and these sre going
night and day this being a pester
number than was used by th Union
Paoifie whsn it held a leas on the O R
k N 13 years sgo, In the palmy period
of tb best dsys ol railroading on tbs
O ft et It system.
Nw engines hav been noeived t
La Grand, Union Paclflo and Short
Lin angina havs borrowed, and
pre asd Into service and ovary available
ti of adding to th power has bssa
sorted to, within the past 90 days, In
aa effort to meet tb crowding volume
of traffic - . ;.f Si ", ., t
Crew are working overtime, engines
cannot be held in th shop long
enough to make the necessary repairs,
and the form ot machinists and engine
men has been added to until a small
snny of worker I now swarming at
in round boose and shops at La
Grand.' ' ' '..'"'-'.
Ordinarily at this time of the year,
extra men have foond work on the
Mountain division very dntl, and many
of the transient engineers, firemen and
brakemen lea re for other roads, but
this fall new men are being promoted
hired and transferred, in order to fill
the orewa that are needed to handle
the heavy business
The prlnoipal items that havs swelled
the tratflo thla tall are the heavy lum
ber shipmente, ore, wheat and Orient
al gooda to the Esst, and the extra r
dlnary mercantile shipments end coal
to th West. It Is astl nsted that
orders are now In for 2000 rars on tb
system that cannot possibly be furnish
ed until th oara are retained. ' It is
impossible to borrow oars front other
roads, lor all are experiencing the
same rush and have call tor oars that
cannot be met- ' '? -.-j;.,; ?-.
Th Bounenkamp home was a" soene
of pleasure last evening, the Misses
Lillian MoCall and Bessie Bobnen
ksmp entertaining tb members ot the
401 dob and a number ot Invited
frl nds. : Whist was playsd, Mr.
Messiager snd Mrs. Grady winning
first prizes and Miss L R Lorans and
A Newlln second prizes. Mr. and Mrs
Sherwood ailliams rendered a few
vocal and piano selsotions after, whloh
dslnty refreshments were served.
This was tb first meeilng of the
401 club and It proved a decided social
success. .. : '
More ; Ught
Observer. Bpeclal
Chirsgo, Nov 22 A fanner by the
name of John Henns who resides south
of Tremont olaims . that hs witnessed
the murder of Win , Bates, chauffeur
In his automobile last Friday. Henna
states he saw a man In tbs rear aeat
lean over and fire. He believes thst
there were two men in tua rear (eat,
This togetlier with the statement ot
We Can Interest You '
In Our Line .
Our Electric .Fixtures uiir Elettrolier mock. is
complete and we make a speoialty ol deek and office
lighting .. We can also ' fit v'.u out with - mirjiture
lamps for sign lighting and decorating and shades
of all kinds. P!ase onll at night when they cn be
lighted ana you can see how they will look in your
house. Our new offioe, now located in tbe Somer
building, is nicely equipped with everything in our '
line Office hours from 7 .a m to 8 p m.
La Grande Light and Power Co.
Just Remember!
That the Newlin Drag Company always has
the most complete line of : ' '
This year will be, no
Our stock is all bought and
Peter Newhoose who beard tb shot j
fifteen minutes later from Henna place
leads tbs polio to believe that two
murders were oommltted and to de "-.
dectlvet have traced a man answering
the description ot t be man named Dov
who Is supposed to have ordered th -
sutomoblle.. - , v
In Daly's Quarters" "
, ' New York, Nov ii Bs-JuVe Al
ion B Parker and Mrs Parker will
spend tbs Winter in New York Oily .
st the Hotel. Netherlands. He hat
engaged toe suits , formerly occupied
by the 1st Karoos Day. The apart
ments sre considered to be .tb most
expensive tn tb houl. Judge and
Mrs. Psrker will arrive in New York . -November
Barges Picked Up ...
: : ' ;'" v Observer Hpeoial
Provineetown, Mass.., Sov . 22 Tb
barges,- Buffalo and Borden which.
went adrift during the storm last Sun
day were picked op this morning fif
teen miles northesst ol here. '.
Massage has its merits; so bss os
teopathy. . However, osteopathy is
not massage, and maeesgs is not osteo
pathy, 1 8am Jones, th evangelist is
vedited with saying that "there is ss
muob difference between massage and '
osteopathy, at between ourryiog a
horse and playing a piano." , The one
it meobanioal, the other reqoiree tur
gioul knowledge and skill. We sre
pleased to note that there are others
besides tbe eminent evangelist who
reoogntsa the so lenoriryot osteopathy
to mas 'age. And yet it . is not oca
cum moo to fiod members of tbs medi
cal profession who will reeummeod
tnaesage or the services of ' a. masseur
to their patients who would apesk
but . sligbtinly of , osleopa'hy The
reason of this may be that, tbe oiaa
Hi'ur works uhder tbe di ection uf ihn
mndioal doctor, while the is
his own pbyeioisn, ' put even then
there ere many notable exceptions to
the above rule and it is not unoom-
men to find tbe medioal doctor who
heartily commends oateopnthy o bit
patients. .-, , .... ., ,. .
exception to' the rule.
will be here in time. i
' -vw