La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 21, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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A .!
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Island City, Oregon
JWe'uow have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots
woM aud Shropshire, ready for service, anyone need
ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate (hero
. Young stock always ou bund, and always glad to
have you call and see our bogs, as we breed tbcm for
" the Faruior, and aek you to compare our paicoff before
buying soine where else.
Begin Christmas Work Now
We have a Bplenuid assortment of
Stamped. Linens
Scarfe Pillow
Tops etiicL Cords
We carry a full lino of Ueadwear
Oto Interesting News Items From That Beau
tiful Section of the County
Classified A d vertiseineii ts
Thnrsd ijr and Fi it'ay lt vory
bvautiful fulr was hold In tbe Mt (i eu
ilall b; thf youn poiplo of flint "Li-e.
Tiie displays would bavo dona bunu- to
u largo elly, 1'riz.s were awar ;ed to
over thlrt, exhibitors. ,
Oaiuty imedlworK, drawing and
(Minting occupied one hootb; the ciiil
Ua....Ui,wu.ij.ii li u. irar,..J,, .,.,mn ll,. U
visitlni? friouds in Idaho aud is expeo
ted home In a few days.
William Jarvi and aml!y, lately
front JpBuich Kiglnnd are delighted
with this beautiful and produotire
valley and expect to make their i oine
A lottor from Ebier Geo Winiams,
La G rande
Shooting Aatch
There will be a rilin aboo'tiiig match
at J W Tuttlea fiirtn on Wiliow creek,
! Xy-'rli Tuesday, Novnin'nir 2.'ud. Oi Uci
""--'" . and one dozen tinkers will be shot for.
' Shoot coinm-"iu'' promptly ut 1 o'clock
.' fctmrvlmiltf invlrpil tn OT:i- nril 'irinc
phLfiil Rnutfl.Davliihf. U.i.h jnn ,! rhnir mfc ftir j new Miwol hnuaa ir unowk. Vyuiau
Dizzy Crags, Deep Oanmifl. Thunka givitigdinnpr.
A. Golden Opportunity See j
nature In nil lu-r glorious
drawing, eewicg, oto wua un iuttr
ug cgiu or. Tbe votubia aud 1 uit
(itp.u'tuuDl wou p-ttito for ita Uaty
a:ratitjiut-iit uuii Hue colitctiuu of
gaidfu auj orchard pro mots.
Ibu curio tuo ti hud iure aud quaiut
urticloa from ntaay iaudt. .ncluu ng:
shell t coral, a'cfus from immoiiB. ror-
uiicitut b )oku. old btadj, ebiidiua'a
loiiti from Europe, etc,
i'uK pu try oxbibii v;aa cjodit.iblo-
It L-ouaiaud of pigoouu. ducka. oitic-k-
Iviis, geettf1 aud turkeys
Duiiiitf tbti lair a Jluo muaicnl aud
ooinie program was carried out.
M-a Null m 'VtiSnuy W;ia orowaed
qiKeu by two proty lit lie uuuitia.
Tm-ro wt re several aapiraufa for tbia
b.ju..r aud over tli'ee tbjud.iud vi.lea
WOVti CJlbt tIui'tt tikU "'OtirOot out-d.
A kiiitiud quuou m ro.ui rob;e pie- ,
sided over tiiu Iriility evoui.
Uictt ii t acboM baa been bold in Lhe
is having uiucb joy and saccess in hie
miiiieterial wojk.
A Challenge
The Joseph Foot Hail team is out for
the championship of tiaker, Union aud
Wallowa counties, and are denlroaa of
mei tiug any football tt'am In above
pliiceu. For further informntlou write
Guy Fleenor or Ed Wiusf n, Joseph,
Oregon. Jsepb lleruld
II You JEEavo A-iiytliino: to Sell let
the People hear about it throjh.L
This Depar men t and You wi
JTind a Buyer. I You Want To
Sell Explain Your "Wants and
You Will Find a Seller.: :
Sale or Exchange
Eight ao es, six room honse, large
barn, plu.e for boa and cblckoit
four aoree in orchard and berria
Just east of flour mill. This will 1''
iuTt-atigatlon for pnrtiaulars imi ' r.
ut MhcF itlane's grooi ry etnre. - "
sell or exchange fur oity property,
For Sale--
Ifonaehold furniture, cboice house
plants and H g od mlli'h cows. Mrs
II A Hurroagbs, I 'or. Jefferson Aro,
and 2nd Bt. "11-18
The Lucky Man
The drawing for tb -forty dollar suit
wbiob tor k pluoe at Al . Androws on
Saturday evening, resulted in Mr. m
McKav rcoiiviu; the suit. Tioke" 1G10
w u lu suit. '
beuuty, aud then the acme of PRESIDENTS DAUGM
in jin s iitiuuiwurK. lueiirei. J8
found, alouir tlie line of the!
o:iver & Bio Grande Kuilroadi
oui th Inttor at the St. Louis'
World's Fair. Vfrur mp wi!l he
0 t oi plt'H iure innke tiio mfbt
of it. For information and llKis
Ball Supper
The Spokane t'afe will serve cold
M . rid J, who bus taught for tno vum's turkey anil oysterb for 'tbe iiiidiiibt
tr: iod litenitnrtt wnlo
V. C. McKUIDK, Geu.Ajt.
Portland, Oit
Wash hip ton Nov. 21 Itomor I ad (mt
in iii-li otHcinl tint A lire
Koosevelt in to puss (Ik? neattn in Lnn
dort anil that hh -be pfewnteJ at
the court of St James. It 1 paid that UUu Uidi.
iu tbe Vitiley, is priuuipal
,Leon I'e-ry und hiriea Star will
tuild yft tiijb wiuler.
Air fci A iiilipaek txp cts to tL-ip
seretal ours of appies t-ast, in a n'.,-jrt
CharU-a I'err.Vi from the Glen, iu la.
ooriiig iu Deliver m a udaaioaary.
O .o, Jubue -u will for Colorado
ill Wi'duea ay uutiL A farewell pa ly
will be jisveu him Tuerday in tbt Jtl .
A)l frii'Uda will be wol-
Bhe will be a jrnPHt of tha liitidaw
Kelds, who will take a liiaia Lou
don the com) rig pp'i g.
oo mo
Eider Feter Allan who baa "beiu in
(ire. a iliiia u iuv over a year iti i.ow
ball supper Thursday ewuing., A
up cud id miduicnt lunch isaeHured.
J K Juhusoii, Piop 3t
Tfie tebiphone com p my are. making
some improvetneuts ou tb lr lina
a: d have a number of expert workmeo
eniply- d in erecting ne v o iblus.
F,or Sale or Pxchange
A cml liei' ioif etivo, has been need
oidy six Meeks. Will exchange (or
wood burner inquire 1401 5tb street.
JW P,'l-',t!iW(Jl'!,fl"'!
'A huie. tlirlt Krci'n plovt on
strict riinr Lf- . f'l r i't'v
k I . -. .1 V. V li v. 1 ..L
J!? TISSY AKE WA!I You are in constant danger of Pneu
monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S MONEY
AND TAR if taken in time.
iF TE3EY AS .FIFLAKSD-You already have the first symp
toms of lung trouble that may prove fa ...l and you should not delay
taking FOLEY'S HONEY AMD TAR. It cures all inflammatory con
ditions of the respiratory organs.
IF TIJEY MIE OJ.'iO'is-ii'ST"":'! It is dangerous to use harsh
expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HOMEY
.'uoiifs.i foloreil Vaiirlpvillo Co.
-j:or:i ll-uo ' ffl Nov
' ; ' -l'. rh;Iiii u '.! Kcs
Oo ti sir t'Ts ul this oity
noon .Nov it, Ladies gold
. Mn i - pli:no li .ivo at this
i'vivo uitublp rowanl. tf
X bereby notify all persons that I am
tbe so'e los't'e of tbe Thro Bmith stone
quarry, alsoall stone on the 2HO acre
pasture aod all parties are hereby for
biddeo from taking atone off of said
tract. J L Mars.
Fruit Boxes.
5end yuur orders for Fruit Boxes to
Hinddttrd Lumber Go. at tbe La
G'hooh pWning null
rOR SALE Milch cow Jersry, lino
lb. driving noise, gang plow, top
bugiry. Apply to A. Mailenburg,
mile N E of Islan H-WJT
Oct H-Deo 14.
FOR 8ALE-Tamarack and Fir split
fenoeposts. John An'bonv
Nov 1 tf
For Rent
he buildit'g formerly oo upied liy
the Solvation army. Kor full nar--tii
nlars and rates Inquire of iVirs
8 O Zuber. Aug. 31 t f - - .
FurMure For Sale
And onse to rent apoly . to Mm
Shearer opposite StnrG'oeery N"itti
of truck
KOUND Ladles llbt oolored mack-
imopu on iop oi a row or Daneu nay (rnrnlshed room for gentleman aleep.
on me outameor uitrers & rioyton's iug nights ;. VI rg (1 w I'res'.on.
warehouse. OwtiiT can obtain same ;
by calling at their place of business, !
furnished Roums
1015 Adams ve.
Alfalfa Hay
! Centrally loeated eoroerot Washing
ton and tith Htreeta. Known as Geo.
, Ball's lodging house.
""he Boost lot ofai'Hifa hay just re- . . .
ceived ever l.rought to this . ity. Prc. Try the Observer for fir4 rlana
ea right. Lnwson & Zundel Job Work.
AND TAR soothes and strcnj
naturally cleared.
;thens and enables the tubes to be I
ti HIM
(-. Htli iii-i iv yi iii h I x piiH' for
i: '.ti ill tit mvi pir fu; nr'.ity mnda
t i" eu -ii't - fu bu.ij tvo b' deed
I .tii.'iiifl i . pi.-k f; id W a HiicoriT
Iu us. piohs r "tbed .nd oir
Ct) ';. H ;tl t OU h!Vi' li rllMiiC" rO Will a
1 fi if. with evepvtioll'ir pi'i In on r
'H!. .Al All '(.nvct, tf,ln furni h
i tf. 1 ho e So 231
Public Sal:
gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stags-s of lung trouble
and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Co-r:;Mnj no opiates.
For Coughs, Coldr, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Pneumonia and Gvippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia.
Geo That Yo-j Got
racy tmrj Ta
Nn T.!?auJt-Mh:i of '. '.; v i t 1 fi kAV V
uh and lunj remedy in t : -f . ' j .V-
J. N. Pa'fcrson, ni'it p i!iitvt:.i p'
Nhilii, la., writes; " w:;i.vT 1
bad a bad cold on my luns ;i,t tj .'
al least a lull (Uvea ndvettisol cut
medicines and h.ul treatment fro n t , o
physieinns vulmtt t;-Min? a :n-'oo lit
A friend recommended TOL1
bottle curt
greatest cou
(nt world."
i-.f anws Klnely Improved farm, 280
no- plow land, l, iai ro3 in full grain
i.i w h I'.ise 2S.i3 f.iod two story barn
U' nia'n lie , .fi, a in diti h.
(tor 1 miloH iroin KUiuiCi'v Farm
murliiiierv inrlndi-d only Jji.OO per
liCl'o tnrf i jieii.
lio 5 roout Jio io. Inro burn and
hu t block of laud 2 Hocks (roui Court
H air at 611 '0 a Knap
O 11 i'.-wers
llin V.ioncsoiu li. i d man. Slater
Ulock. -ll 17-12 is
Turniture for Sale
i iiiniiuro ro np!ft:o for hoiU'elfep:
ii' Kvorvthini; fr mi coo!: s:ove to
: pt t .ros luqoir J lft-TAOn Av. Iio
: !(. i, I'hosinut and Lonrtb St., Lu
li'iinde Of 11 fl 12 9
The Biiilotm just issued ' by the United Statoa
Government, after mouths of careful research, shows
that iu the Western States, tlie average family pur
.iHenniniiil!y gti'iij Ia the amount of ytJQ
On, this bfisis th& fctjyvilics visited'
with each issue of the Daily and Weekly OB
SERVER annually purchase merchandise to
the amount of
Tlie nuliirnl logical conduiou ennnot be otherwise
ilinn HiHl un wiilp-aivakR bnsinpss man who will tke
'Ik f w tin in :.t- yci(trv to convince himself of the
nnctiincy if ihn above statement, can afford to miss
the n;.K)rtunily of plhoiug his anuouueemenis (25,500
each mouth) before this army of purchasers.
Au ad under such conditions, properly taken care
of will moat certaiuly bring enormous returns oh tbe
t- i
2Ge, G0oy $1.30 -
r-rv "i"V
-'' -rtr I . 1
" ' ri
' t
4 j
Ounflurics Candies
All tbt OHnonrp -f piiritv. Aa yru
t :iii e. ily tvnvii, y nrpfh" hy tet,
(t.i tiji.a h:sJ i b ...datoa-Huaort.-il
i 'limoluivs .m dOrle i Hi.ti Kous v0 Ots,
an up. Newlin Urtiu I'o.
Diess Mai-ing
Mrs. U uIkss n rcuioes nt Cor. O
nn i "Hi ts.. ai d is p'Cpuitd to do nil
Hi!.'- ul '! nomking. Sewinn at
' N iv. 11 Doc 1
Tillmanr's Fine Goods
l-j'. iv lioo t-kv.or roiti nir. apic
es i .i i;... inn-sir rl,. I 'uliiiao:.'!
nr. in.,. Oi fur '.In let. Imoi i ! , , ! t.
' 17-.'4
1 drm (ur Sale
I -airw t . si II my bfaiil, nl line
ir . of ex) aces two miles and a mil
a ! o. La Ornmle on Mi., ruinl p ,8t 1
and fiinu.-ra TeU'p!n.Ui- I to suit the
p:ircl,as,r. ji jjakor xf
These Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration of4
every business house whose volvme of business de
pends upon the pa'ronage of this city and county,
J-'iist Class Job .Work
1 1 i I' III ill! II I ' - il
..Hi in