La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 19, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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I for exhibition at the Lewis end Clark
. lair In 1805. Thee apple are extra
flue, of mixed varieties and- run from
53 to 130 to the box. Mr Galea enUr-
priae In this line is most oommead
nbla. Union Bepabllean.
Would likeloHave a little Talk
The Surrender of Port
(Observer Special)
Borne Nov.l9-A dlspatob baa jott
been reoeived from Ht I'aterbore wuloh
oonvera t-s news that the ezarhaa ask
ed Knropatkln to reqoeat Oyatna to
faollitato tba passage of a Raaslan en
voy to Port Arthur to dictate BogotU
tions (or the capitulation of the port.
Great Interest Manifested in the Grang
Literary Society And Prospects " for a
Good Winters Work
The Hew York World (Dem.) prints
an article stating that -the democratic
campaign fond this year was almost as
large as the fond that Chrlrmaa Harr
rlty bad at hia diapoaial In the Clev
land campaign of IBM. It la claimed
that the Democratic National Com
mittee had more than 11,600 000 In Its
hands, not including (180,000 given, by
ex-Senat r Henry-M)ivis toward the
West Virrf-"-rJand not In
earns ffiAn
4nyteeiSc p irposes. Tbs committer
or 1882 is generally understood to
hare spent 11.760.000, leaving a balance
of ICO. 000. The Demooratio National
Committee In 1836 had approximately
1250,000 against the millions raised by'
Chairman Hanna. " ' 1 1
The oouimittee'a allotment to Indiana
this year la put at tft5,000 for prelimi
nary work and 136.000 tor nee on
election day The Conneotlout allot
ment leatated at 120.000 for plemlnary
wok ana sw.uw for election day The
World's table on the mono snt bv
the Democratic committee in different
Ad enjoyal le time was had at the
Grange Hall Society Friday evening
Tbe society ingathering its forces for
pleaaana and profitable - winter's
work. To tbe delight of all present the
announcement was made that a nei
ghborhood dinner will be served at
tbe bU Thsakagiviog Dty a good
. nine is a-iure'iby toe tadirs ol tbe
At tbe reaignatioo of Miu Pearl
Parker, Mrs Rpob MoAliater waa eleot
ed as seorttary of tbe society .:
Tbe question for debits was: ' Be
. , solved, "That United S MM aenatora
Tsbonld be eleoted by the direct vole
of tbe people." Atmost of the de
baters wre- absent the oontest waa
engaged detweeo B D Jcxepb . of the
affirmative and Hon. J W HeAliater
of tbe negative. Tba deouion waa
tendered in favor - of tbe affirmative
Tba following program waa rend er
sdt .
TbeqneatioQ for debate i Besolved
That in ci'y government all apnotn
tire power anoull be oonrfotrtea in
to tbe bands of cbe mayor.
Affirmative J W HoAliater, L
Thompson, E D Jasper, B F Baker
W B Jasper.
, Negative B Buow, . Everybody
states follows:
New York;...
New Jersey
j Connecticut...
i Mary land.....
I Indiana
. Colorado......
-!-;;. .... ii
.about 80.000
about 20.000
....... 25,000
Seoltation .....Both Harrison
Recitation .Zaiel Eaton
Keoilatlon Oioil Aoaon
Duet Mr. and Mrs W S Bagain
Recitation ..Ella Hnow
Recitation Boy Oekeler
Inst. Mualo Lily Holman
Recitation. Mrs Fuller
Beoitatioa Joe H arrlson
Reading Mrs J W MoAIUter
As far as prepared the following it
the program for next Friday:
Diphtheria O'v Increase
The epidemic of diphtheria is in
creasing each d y in Spokane. Wed
nesday ntioee ware served of 11 more
eases, most of them in Union Park
and tbe eastern portion of tbe eity.
" There an now 36 oases of tbs dread
disease' known - and the health in
spectors eonoede that there are many
which have not yet ' been reported .
Quarantine will be deolared at other
bonses immediately Spokane Press
West Virginia-through Mr Davis 130,000
It Is understood that Mr Davis made
a further contribution to the West
Virginia campaign fund jait before the
election. -
MOON In thlscity, Friday, Novem
'bar is, Wrf, Mrs. t. I . Moon, : wife
of O W Moon, at tba family, home.ln
: ; tbs Old Town, of pneumonia, aged
sixty two years. Tba funeral will
Jaka plane at tbe Baptist church at
two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, tbe
Bav Day ouciating. Tba interment
will take plaoeat tba Masonio cam
. atert. ' :j '
Thadeoeaaed.haa been a realdent. of
ttisolty since U8t and waa beloved by
a host of frisads.. She was, born. In
,linton, Wain county, Peun., in May
iBia, ted res nnited in . marriage to
aar'iwreaved husband January 14,
0861 at Mt PleMeant.Penn.In.1833
aba earn to thla city to join her hus
band iho was then running an, engine
for the OBAN Co. She leaves to
mount bar absence besides her husband
two daughters, Mrs Jennie Smith of
wallows, and Miss Maul who still
resides at the family home, The be'
reeved husband is one of the oldett
members of the BolLE on the I'aolBc
ooaat. 7 He was one of the charter
membsra of Division No. 382 8 of L E
af this city. , His many.frlenda sx'end
to) bin and bla daughters their heart
felt sympathy.
Toledo, O, Nov 19. Engineer
harW F Ooyant holria the lake
Shore spend record, he having made
run from Edgerton to Butler, a die.
tanoe of seven miles, in four minutes.
at a ra a of 106 mllea an hour, when be
was making np time wltlna aolid mall
train The totl ran from . Toledo .to
Kendallville, 83 miles, waa made at
rate of 62 miles an hour. Tbe ran waa
made with the latest model' ' engine
Hnyant Sat a it uses lesa coal than tbe
o d style engines thst make one half
the speed. 1 . .
Thirtj-two Thousand Spfttatorsf -Witness
Defeat of Harvard The Score
TweWe to Nothinlf I
Inst. Huaio.
. Reading...
..Minnie Holman
....Joe Golden
Sail Jones
. Mrs D Eaton
.....B F Bsker
Earnest Ragain
Grange Finance
Mrs. E B McDowell, treasurer of
tbe National Grange in her annual
report read at Portland on Wednesday
snowed tba financial oondiuion to be
as follows:
Balance and receipts for the year. .
Expenses dnring year...... 19.613.16
Balanoe on hand.
Apples for the Fair
A I Gale thla week packed and ship
ped seventy-five boxes of apples to
Portland, to be placed In oold storage
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers--Romigdr
Staples Baker Bros.
Ho Faylane O. Ralston
GeddesBros J.W.White
0. L. Thorn
Remember every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter yon
helps home industry and thereby help your own
La Grande Creamery Co,
Lying in tbe heart of tba business
distriotof evry city and town in
Oregon are hundreds of vacant lots
owned by men and corporations who
wiu ucituer sen nor improve" tbsir
property. Tbeae vacant lots are con
atsntly inoreaeiog in value because of
tbe enterprise of men owning adjaoenl
property. Tbe vacant lot eioapes its
nam oi taxation because it Is vacant
while the owner of land next to it is
taxed on bis improvements beoaute
be baa enterprise enough to build . np
tbeiowu. The owner of the vaotnt
land gels rich from tbe enterprise of
other" pays bnt a pittance in taxes In
(Observer Special) r;i i ;
Washington Nov 19 The statue of
Krekerlck the Great, which waa a gift
to tbe United States by Germany waa
nnveited thla afternoon in the presence
of a very large gathering. Tba princi
pal address was mads by tba. German
Embassador, President Roosevelt and
several lepresentativea of tba Emperor
MoKenlass' colored Vaudevilles,
Steward's Opera House Wednesday
November 23rd. Ten big acts. Ten.
Ileailed by the original great McKen
lae, who baa made mllllona laogh.
Our tinging exoela. Dancers great.
Girls pretty. Uomediana funny.
Adults 60, ohlldrsn 26, reserved aarta
baok the oommunity. The East Ore
goniau believe that the Oregon astees
ors should start a oonoerted move
ment to tax these owners of idle lots
until tbey will build or sell and allow
the vacant land to be need for the up.
bnilding of tbe city. Idle oily lots
are like paraaities, under the pres
ent system of taxation. They earn
nothing by active ue , tbey bay but-
a pittance of tsxes and yet grow fat
in values from. tbe reflected weslth ab
sorbed from tbe aotivity, thrift and
enterprise of others Raat Oregonian
, '.; Observer, ,5 . ;
-New Haven Con. Nov, 19 The
Yale field contained thirty two thou-,
sand speoators this alter joon wbo
came to witness ths annual foot ' ball
game between tbe Tal and Harvard
elevene. . .- .. . -
-The game was one of ths greateit
ever played on tbe Yale Bfld, Tbe
Harvard team won the toaa and chose
the south field. Tbe first, point ; was
awarded to Yale when Mane made a
touoh-dowa. Then Hot kicked a
ijoul. The.aooro for "lbs Brat 'half
ood Yale aiz and Harvard .. nothing.
: The laat l If was atubbarnly con
'etted by both eid and many lunn
t looked as if HHrvHr(1"nulrt- pTpn
mailer up tb Qua', half di rnluiwd, iu'
6ore 61 YhIo twelve
nothing. 'tj.H, ' , , ,
The weathei conditions wersldesl ,
and tbe spectators seemed to imbibe
tbe spirit of tbe dsy all ready " to' ap"''
pi) nd whenever oocation . would per- !
mit. At onfe forty five Vlra President .., y
elect, Fairbanks, arrived on tba field
and took his seat among the Yale
Booters. He :was ' received with a -grea
. demonstration ani for many
minutes the applauaa continued un
til he finally arose and taking jS bia
bat made a stately boa.
' .S. OHIOAGO GAMB .2,..,'
Ohioago, Nov, 19 Tbe. gana.bre
today between the'Si'a and
North neitervi e'evena is now in pro- 1
Ttree. The flrtttiftlf lH-inir?" finiohed' -
and wnb Minnesota .eleven .to. tliK- '!
and J Bar raid jtond and tile "Nciribweaterp iXsntng
Great Demonstration :
..i (SpeolalTo the Obaeryer). - '
Queenatown Ireland. Nov 19 Num
erona ' deputations accompanlid''
by band went out in a epw-lnl boat to
meet Q'Unnavau , Bosea, who arrived
here today on the s'eamxi Etrasia
from New Yirk. Sunday will t the
occnlon of a great demonstration and
hia stay in Inland ia expected to "be
marked with considerable 'political
Will Talk
Notwithstanding Jn lge Parker'a ad-
vise to DemooraWW Iceep"m'nm and
make no ebargea of treason nor bad
faith on the part of Democrats durlna
the late campaign it seems that his
following will not be gagged, aa ap
pear from the following editorial of
the New York rorld, the Tammany
official onran, of Nov. 10th. r
'Democrnta thro ghoat Greater Ni-w
York are talking today ab at the fla
grant trenaon to the ticket oimmltte.1
hy .yi illiam . Randolph Hearst Each
hour auger agalnat the editor pollti
clan growa, and tbe oonvlotlon is wide
spread that ha should be read oat of
the party." ... .. . .. ....
i" X'X-XX?X!AM
Plans -Bull Flight
Taooma Wash Nov. . 19 Local pro-
moiershere propose to give aboil .
fight in the olty w Tbe authorltlea are '
dispoted to permit It, b it the oharch
people oppose the exhibition vio
lently. .
Prospect Ranch Loses
Thirty Head, and oth
er Owners Report Loss
of Stocks
Hecker's Successor
Washington,Nov: 19. It Is known
that ths President ia considering the
appointment of Sir Frauds M Cook,
rail to All the vacancy can-ed by tba
resignation of Frank 3 Hecker on the
Isthaamal Canal Commission.
Jack Shay waa in the city yeatardav
from prospeot ranch and Slated to an
Observer reporter that horse thierea
bad been at work In the vlolnltv of
Prospeot ranch and the Oonley band of
horses la abort about thirty bead
Other stock man are reporting loiaei.
A detective baa been plaoed at work
to discover if he can the location of
mieslng stock also the robbers. The
entire neighborhood Is throughly a
ronsed over the matter and if the
rnstlara are found .there la apt to be a
boras tbelf .or ..two suspended about
ateen feet In tba air.
We Can Interest Yon
In Our Line
11-,'. j-'i'te-i a i: o..-. i'
Our Eleotrio Fixtures and Electrolier stook is
complete and we make a specialty of desk and ofBoe
lighting We can also fit yen out with ; minitnre
lamps for sign lighting and deoorating and shades
of all kinds. Please oall at night when they can be ;
: lighted and you can see how they will look in your i
house. Ou new otBte, now located in the Somer .
building, is nioely equipped with everything in our -i
line . OtBoe hours from 7 a m to 8 p m. an
U Grande Light and Power Co.
i tend
4 11M.
Just; BememBtf!?
That the Newlin Drag
the most complete line of
always has
MJZZARD In tbia city today, Satur.
Novambsr 19, 1904, to Mr and Mrs.
W. H. Boiaard, a daaghtar.
HolidaytyGoods .
ino exception td the rule. - X
r This year will be
' Our slock is all bought ani
will be here in time.
i t .
I i
g n
'"t .
. i"