........ ;.. . . .. .. . . 'm'.r i 'mv : y;4- j'-i-;-, 1 13 s - s 2 MOWPMRPR IQk TO ? I 1 XeT V Mm I V I Whal ft I Wll I ii WIN A $40.00 SUIT A Chance with every Dollar paid on account or purchase LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST A. V. ANDREWS Gents' Furnisher and Tailor. ; f Eead The Daily Observer BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. . ' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Coocerouier People Who Come ,, go and Other Items ''v of Local Interest Get The Habit 01 trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always ; the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. . RpcIHpC having the largest stock of " UCblUO canned goods, Allen & Lewi 'Preferred" 4 1 goods, Allen & Lewis special 4 :- ' ' brand on all their leading lines. We have just re- S3 ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's J "', and Shoes which we invite you to iuspect. Jf f :.o. Ralston; 1 NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE 'sQ Cor. Fir and Jhfferson Sis. j TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfulfa grows without irri - gation, BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House nUnion County. A. V. Oliver- The Commercial Club will give their regular dance tonight. ' " Mrs W H Fair la down from Kaoiela for a few days visiting. Mr frees Burnetts and wife of Stirkey are la the city today, TLe "Light house Robbery" will be the attraction at the Opera Uonae to night. . -- . Only two more day) to win the $40 suit at Al Andrews, 7:30 Saturday evening. , Only two more daya to win the W0 eult at Al Andrew. . 7:30 Saturday evening. Mr Linooln Prlllman. wife and child arrived in the oity thin morning from oteei bpor. 2000 people took part in the re caption of the National Orange open ing day at Portland. Mr Dan.Van Hoasen, who has been tip to our oity on a visit from Weieer, returned to thai place tb e morning, Hon J D Huffman left laat even In a lor Portland where he goes aa a dele gate to National Grange wbloh is now in session. Messera Frank and Charles To His. of Pueblo, Colo., arrived in the city yea- lordoy and will remain here the guest or their aunt Mra Clara Lyle. Mr and Mrs B W Bartiett and Mr. Mrs J Van Bureo will eutertaiu the members of the Katfee Klatob and tbelr husbands at the home of the far mer toll evening. The Rev O F Wheeler, from Willieton S D ,who baa been chosen to take charge of the M K oburoh at Joseph, left this forenoon on the Elgin branoh enroute to th.t place. At three o'elook ihia afternoon the condition of Mra O W Moon was re ported worse and unless a change for the better ie Immediate ttere is little hope of her reaovery Mr W 8 MoMillian from Starker ie In the oity for the purpose nf removing Fair. nis wire who has been tin the Henson hospital for some time to tbelr home. Mra McMillan la improving slowly but surely A number of A B Conley's men lef thia morning for prospeot ranch to round up the horses belonging to Mr Conely on that range, It ia reportei that "rustlers" have been at work i that vicinity and some oi the horses are missing, A.number of young ladies la tb ctiy have formed a " iVhiat (Jiu'i" an thoy will meet eve'y two waxks n the diirent liouaea. They will be en terlalnet) Monday evening by Ml-s Ueasie Bohuenkamp and Lillian MoUall at the home of the former, The University of Oregon Glee Club and Mandoline Club will visit La Grande December 21, The combin ation of the two oluba bring the com bined atreugth of oompany up to twenty the largest band of music milker the University baa ever tent out The cloken dinner given today by the ladies of the M E Choioh waa a com plete auooesa both from a fluanoial and ' digestive point of view The crowds at the noon hour was so gieat that many could not get into the ball. The ladies will serve supper from five thirty to seven thia evening. A royal good meal will be served. Yon will surly get your quarters worth. All you oan eat for twenty five cents is the motto Thanksgiving servioei will be beld in the Methodist Episcopal South and Baptist oburcbes. Rev Day of the Baptist oburcb will preaoh at the Methodiat cburob at' eleven a m and Rev Hays of the Presbyterian church will preach at the Baptist church at 7:30 p m. Tbe public Is cordially in vited to attend tbese services. - Glee Club Coming The Uuiversity of Oregon Glee Club and Mandolin Club will give an en tertainment in La Grande 21st. The combined olubs number twenty men and will be nnder tbe direction of Prof J M Glenn. This will be tbe fifth annual tour of the olubs, and they will take in all the principal towns In Eastern Oregon. Powers tbe Minnesota Land man yesterday sold the Harper residence in Union to Osoar Grosland of Little falls Mian, Uodsideration (700 Powers the Minn Land man moved from his former residence Monroe Avenue to a dwelling spring stnet. has on on Bargains IN ALL OF OUR LINES- Glass Front Oak C :i p board 10 00 Lounge , 1 50 Sofa 6 fiO 12 Guage Shot Gun 7 60 16X20 New Picture Frames 1 00 Trunk ....2 00 Heating Stoves .1 50 New Kitchen Treasures 3 60 Drop Leaf Table . . . ; 1 00 Kitchen chairs, . Rocking Chairs. . , Si wagon 4 Foot Dry wood . work harness. . . . . . 25c and up CUc and up .10 00 ...4 00 . 6 00 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams 'Phone 1581 Remember we still buy and.sell! all kinds' of Second Hand Goodiji jl jl ; Jt Badly Bruised Last evening while assisting his son and family VV W Rogers who lei' tr spend the winter at Colorado Springs B M Rogers in leaving tbe train did not notice that that portion of the train was b?iog backed to cut out the dining or. as is tbe custom here and stepped off and fell to the ground w th euQlcieot lorce to render him ucconscioiis for sev. r. I seconds. He received several bruises on tne head but is ab'e to be up and around today. NOTE LOST $60 note payable to G T Williams, on streets of La Grande, waa in large yel low envelope. Ail parties are caution ed against buying same. Finder will teturn to this office. FOR RENT Cellar room in irood in good stone cellar. Inquire , at the WATCH MAGNATIZED In these days of tbe increasing use of electricity the danger of, having your watch magne tized ia greater than in tbe past. I am in shape to deniagna ii vour wati h right away and pnl It in ae vooil ahap aa whn it left the factory, there is Uu necessity of running the risk of having your watch lout or brcken sending it away vAi you oan get it made aa it ' ns new at home by a pracVcle workman at a low oost. J.' 11. Peare, the Jeweler i i - m e Reduce Your Shoe Bills by Buying at? The f i Quality Sh9e Store p i i 1 m m I have just received the mo.-'t complete line of boys School Shoes ever sold in La Grande. Every pair made to wear. All the latest up-to-date styles in Men's and Womon's Fine Shoe Come in and see my slock whether you buy or not. T M STUBBLEFIALD Prop Mr. and Mra. J E Beynolls have "re turned from the St. Louia fair and among the world's wonders which they witnessed was the participation in a meeting of the International Christian Missionary Convention where 12,000 oomniunloan's partook of the Lord's Supper at one time. Mr and Mre S E King Arrived this morning from Seattle. JEFFERSON AVE. Pliorie 1571 E. P. 8tp!e E. E, Romig J ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A lull and comD.ete hue of bimhIh rih! fni. nr. - . eerie. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, ; .; 'graniteware and wooden ware, ' Fruits and vegetables in seusou. Bskery prodnots ; alwayi fresh. Good servioe aud quick delivery. ""''WIS-MMBKBBWIl-l ML. Phone 431 'OH KENT A four room house Z Patty Adams Ave, 18-2) Mra dousn't al.ays mean yon have to cat at a King's table or dine at a Delmonico's On tbe contrary yon can fare juat as well, be juat as ha jpy, aud on far less money, by eating at our res anrant. GOOD FOOD, GOOD SERVICE are two points of merit tbat belong to our restuurant. Von don't no awav hungry and what you got builda you up and don't cause dyspepsia. There are two things no one ever complains of, and that is our food and our prioec. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We tell weekly Meal Tickets, Cash $4-50 HOUSE CLEANING TIME The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our Won STOCK OP FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc , will bear your moat critical investigation. Our stock ib complete. Our prices right. E ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 house furnishings 1202 Adams Ave ' '' 4-M-t,4v . JUST A WORD AS A RKTVTTTVr.TT Our holiday Glassware and Chinaware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to " show a very complete line. v 11 STOVES Come in and see them Our Heating Stoves are right in PRICE, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC. Look them over. The Golden Rule Corrroanv T CA. 1308-1310-1312 Adam. Avenue ' Litest Store SmnlW ro, - ipa A T HILL; PUGGlS i; I 1 " ICssSMnSSiSi