BLOCKL AND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA SWINE. . - y : We'now have eight young bucks, pare bred, Cote wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need, ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them ' Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before buying some where else. . ; Begin Christmas Work Now We have a eplennid assortment of " Stamped Linens Scarfs Pillow Tops and. Cords DON'T FOEGET We carry a full line of Bead wear ; E M WELLMAN & CO La Grande , Oreeron NORTH WEST NEWS Bouthwick Idaho la rapidly rebuild ing sinoe the fire, and all ol brick, none aud corrugated iron. The barks Deasalx and Aldebaron have sailed from Tacoma for England, carrying 315,000 boahela of Washing ton wheat -yi .. -.t San Franolsco i about to expend (3, 5(10.000 for tbe Improvement of the city's school syatem. A truant aohool will ba established. - ;: O M Nlokerson, a carpenter, has been returned to North Yakima from FortSimcoe, to stand trial charged unlawful us of the mail. The Aaturta Chamber ' of Commerce and the ooonty ooart are bunching eaob other In order to bare a Clatsop county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition. . .. ,.' t . A bnll attacked and gored H K Stef fen, a farmer near Juliette Idaho, and but for a neighbor, Mr Beard, and bit pitchfork and dog, he would have been killed. Toe Western Central Labor Union of battle, Is preparing to prosecute a Ban Francisco agent who is advertis ing In the Chicago papera that 6010 workingmen are needed oa the coast Lumbermen of Washington claim to have pledgee from enongh 'members, elect of the legislature to Insure them a i cent lumber rate as a result of the next session of legislature. Now at Ontario " Our old friend" 0 1 McDanlels, who has sold bia real estate business In Wallowa county la now located In On tari ' where he will sell, exobange er buy lands in the same old manner. Wa wish him the best possible success. Miss Frankle Melville, who has been clerking In oi e of the large retail atoms at The Dalles for the past Ave months, tetorned home last evening. , There will be several present them selves thia evening for membership at the Baptist church and the will be baptised Sunday. . . . . Special Offer What would be nicer for a Christmas present than an enlarged photo of jour self or babvf Until Nov 2uth ou get an 11x14 Bromide free with everv tlCO order for Photos at The Taylor Studio Nov 13-18 ghtful Route, Daylight Bide Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons. A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, and then the acme oi man's haudiwork. The first is found alone the .line of the Denver & Rio Grande .Railroad and tun latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most oi it. i or information ana mus trated literature write W. O. MoBRlDlS, Gen. Agt Portland, OregCu That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Kids' canned lruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just tresh from the garden. We are 'the first store the fanners call on and of course we get the choice ot everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention,, given to phone orders. Railroad Rates To ....... N. Lewis arid Clark Fair Chicago and Missouri River Passes Through La Grande Now for Exhibit Hail at the Depot AL Craig, generol passenger agent of the OBAN Company, lias returned to Portland from the east from a three week's trip that was undertaken prim arily in the Interest of the company. but which was really of paramount importance to the, Lewis and Clark ex position. lie attended the meeting of the Transcontinental Passenger Associa tion at which rates were decided upoi. for the carrying of passengers between tbe Middle West and the Pacific North west for the fair io Portland next year. lr. Oraig Is well satisfied with the results of tlie meeting, the Portland roads having secured for the lair the 1 -west rates ever granted between these points. The round-trip rate from Kanrna City, Umaha or St. Paul end Portland will be 45; from Chicago an additional ill 60, or the fare for one wav between thutolty and St. Paul, from St. Louis $02,50, or (he addition of one fare be ttreen that place and Omaha". The rates from Northern and East ern Texas will be baaed on Kansas City but will not exceed one tare for the ron mi trip. The business from South ern Texas and Western Texas may come via El Pasco over ihe PaciUc, and the round trip. Geddes Bros. In every case these rates apply for tbe trip only by direct lines that ia, the passenger must come and return over one of the transcontinental lines that run directly to tbe Northwest, and cannot be routed over the northern lines and return by the southern roads or vice versa, Thia throws all of tbe Chicago and Missouri river business to the roads known as tbe northern lines the Ore gon Railroad A Navigation, tbe North, eru PaciUc, the Great Northern and tbe Canadian Paoitlo. Passengers may come out on any one of tbe four roads and return on any of the other three. There will be about 30 selling dates for tb exposition. Thei-e dates will probably begin in the latter part of May and rnn through September, witb three dates In each fortnight. The settler's-ono way rates from the Middle West to Oregon wi.i be again Placed in effect next spiing and also lu tbe tall The ratea will be 826 from Omaha, Kansrs City and St Paul and 33 from Chicago. They will begin in Maroh and run through to May 15, and in the ensuing autumn they will be in effect (rom September 15 to Ootobr 81. This is an exti nsio-i ot two weeks Southern lo Bcr than these rates were granted in 1 1904. OREGON QUMONPACIJFIf OirABT m no. a 8:60 p. m. NO. . Brill Lftko. Donvor Kt Worth. UmahaV. Kautrifl City, 81. UiHti, Jh.otr.KO NOl. 5:50 n tfcS pro So atOftlly Bunttajr .'US Tim tab lnl LA GRAND. aieun, vtuia wan. Uflvtitn. Po ninnn . "Oolfttl, Maftoow.Mpo-j aHIIVHDUia rtUU a ittt Tift H po st nuts. I'ortlMifl. Drillm, PetiJ diet on (Tnutlll Wni-l iuia, i,cw.mon,Joirax dnor, Hxsvah aud other points east and norinvi HpoWuna. 'land City. Alice, iniuicr. ana n inn cnnectUmi al KTittn u wltli ilatca for point in nauuwa oouuvy SOMB MWS OF GENERAL UTEEEST Gleaned by Judic ous Use of Pen- cil, Scissors and Pastepot NO 1 . y v 1 NO b ::. 1 5:30 f Ooean Steamers between I'ortimii . an Francisco every Ave days V. O. MOOR ft, .nt Tillmann's Fine Goods Bvery housekeeper wants pure anle rs and flavoring extract . Tilluia uu's are made tor the best family trade. 17-24 The Japanese army staff at Tokio denies a an absurdity tal Oeueral Kuroki is dead. Twelve nt-groes are dead at Cedar I. k T'nn., Irom eating poitnned ioe in at n church social. Hub i Issi year exported 116000.000 note and imported 12.000,000 more than during ihe year previous. The woman vote in Idaho, Wyom ing, Ulan and Uolorade was vtry heavy this year much larger than at anv (liotion heretotore. Tbe New York Bute Presbytery hat voted solidly against theealsblisli aienl ot separate presbyteries lor tbe ilotcd Prerbyterians. rlowanl Buokland, aged 16 year at Stockton, rial., shot and killed bis arther for slapping, beating and knocking down nia mother. According to the Paris Museum ol Natural History, tbe.-e are 400,000 pc c ut animals on land and in thi witeiv, "I which 38,0W are infects Woaniugton oiuuty. Colorado, at the la. a election elected Mrs. Mary Mrs will Clark justice cf the peace and Belle Weing constable. Both quality. ' Tbe coroner's j'iry has found tbe nigbt operator at Orange and tbe crew ot the Ireigbt train jointly re sponsible lor the Anna wreck in waicu nine per oot were killed. lu a suit brought against Loren Fletcher, oongressuian-eleai from Minnesota, the charge it made that be, as eiecutor ot bis mother-in-law's estate ol 917,612, misappropriated tile entire aruonnt. Ambrose McGregor a club and to oie'.y leader in Chicago ia fighting chirgesbl b'jrglaiyand housebreaking It he it o inviuced he will not get s OJntol bit au:t'a $12,000,000. II bt is acquitted ha gets H all. clect At Fakeberg Ol-terver Bps oisl - Kakebitg I), nnitrk. Not IS Th cc u t division ol the Russian B Hie lleet has just arrived here. For Sale or Exchange ' A -joal heating stove, ' has been used only six weeks. Will exchange for wood burner inquire 1401 6th street LOSTA ladies dark green glove on the street near Lewis's Printery. Finder please leave at Lewis's Printery. r- ' McKaulass Colored Vaudeville Co. La Grande Opera House Wed. Not 23rd Adults 50, children 25. Res. eat 75. WANTED Washing to do at home. Mrs. Shaw, West W at. LOST On the streets ot this, oity about noon Not 9, Ladles gold watch.' Finder please leave at thia office and receive suitable reward, tf . Furniture for Sale Fuml tni-P iTlm nlMlA Itnr "hnnuVun. ing Everything from cook stove to pictures. Inquire Jefferson At. be tween PhAStnnt Unrt inntlt U. T Grande Ore. 11 9-12 9-.' Starving? Go to the chicken pie dinner next Friday Nov 18 given by tbe Ladies of the M E Cburoh at the Salvation Army Hall, Dinner served from 11,30 to i o'clock Also supper. All you want to eat for 25 cents... Ladies ' We will make voua box coat for leas moncr than voq pay for a ready made giirment. , and you have , two hu dred patterns to pick from. We also oover buttons. Dreas clothes and clean vonr ooata and vou have a chance to win a WO coat with everv dollar paid in our store. Al Andews, Gents furnbh- tngs. Phone No 231 Public Sale 320 aores Finely improved farm, 280 acres plow land, I40 acres In fall grain new house 28x28, good two story barn and 2 granaries, 15 shares in ditch. Only 4 miles from Island City. Farm machinery inoluded only $u5.00 per acre half cash. Also 5 room house, large barn and ball block of land 2 blocks from Court House at $1100 a Snap. G H Powers. Tbe Minnesota Land man. Slater Block. W 11-17 12-181 Guntheriej Candies All fth AaanAA "I nn.l- A. .1. can easily oonvlnce yourself by test. Hf.n H-kna or.,1 Chl.l.. ...i - xuu...a.v u.wwg Chocolates asaorted Bon Hons 60 ots. u up. ne wiui uruff ua Sacred Heart Academy - T a rirkmla flMmn Tl.l. 11 known institution, oondacted by tbe Sisters ot St. Francis, affords excellent education),! advantages. Music, draw ing snil painting optional studies. Preparing young ladies for the profess ion nf tAnininfl a otuw. 1 .1,. nnKH4ln -- " - n - -f J umui and day school opens the first Monday In September. For catalogue address u : n t! .. i . . . . . . Pay Up Thepublioii hereby notified' that I bave disposed ol my feed ttore to J. W. White and 1 desire to thank the pnblio generally lor their liberal patronage in tbe put and that parties now owing me will please oall and set tle with me personalis or tbey can oall at the La Grande National Bank who will receipt tor all bills. ll-U to 12-1 assiiied IIS n 11 You Have AnythTiie: t o Sell ' let the People hear about it throeh This Depar merit and You ind a Buyer. I You Want To Sell Explain Your Wants and You Will Find a Seller. Sale or Kchanfie J Eight aores, six room bouse, large barn, place for hogs and obtcken four aores in orchard and berries Just east ot flour mill. This will r r Investigation . For parUoularalnq 1 rc at MaoFarlane'a grocery store. " sell or exchange for oity property, . 10-2811 -28 Notice I hereby notify all persons that I am the ao'e lease of th Thoa 8mitb atone quarry, also all atone on tbe 23u acre pasture and all parties are hereby for bidden from taking stone off of said tract. J L Man. . For Sale ' ) Honsehold furniture, ebqloa house plants and 3 good mllcb cow. Mrs HA Burroughs, Oor. Jefferson Ave, and 2nd St. .11.18 Fruit Boxes. Send your orders for Fruit Boxes to Stoddard Lumber: Oo. at tbe La Grtode plaoiog mill . . '"'rr-'-ti rrri rrrrr yi rvi'.-.'i m FOtJND-Ladle llgbt ,.lord maok- ' intoeh on., top ol a row of bailed ibay on th outside of Oliver ABoytoq's warehouse. Owner can -obtain earn by calling at their place ot business,' FOR SALE Milch cow Jersey, I100 lb. driving hoise, gaog plow, top buggy. Apply to A. Mollenborg, mile N E of Island City. M w Oct M-Dee 14. FOR SALE Tamarack and Fir split fenoeposts. John Anthony NovlU .. Fpr Rent-- Ihe building formerlociupied. 1, the Salvattonarmy. For foll-iiaf-titulars and rata Inquire ol Mr S O ZuberfVog. 31 1 1 , ,-J. . PurtiireForSaljj 'h'-T And houM ti,tentapply, tr riheareroppoelte Btarorooerr nort ol track . 4- .FurnUherf Rrwimi" -k' , ; c rt ft Furnished room for gentleminaleec tog night- Mr O w Prestonr- , . 1916 Adams An. Alfalfa Hay Centrally located corner of Washlni ton and 6tb Htreets. ' Known a Get Ball's lodging house. "he flneat lot of al'alta bay Juat re-' , , . , celved ever brought to this city.- rTio-jTry the Observer for first clai es right. Lawmn 4 Zundel ' Job Work. " -' . .1 . -y . M I $1,687,500 v.Tbe Bulletin just issued by tbe United States .Government, after months of careful research, shows that in tbe Western States, tbe average family pur chases annually goods to tbe amount of y5Q On this basis the 2250 families visited with each of the Daily and Weekly OB SERVER annually purchase merchandise to the amount of $1,687,600 The natural Jogioal conclusion cannot, be otherwise . than that no wide-awake business man who. will take the few moments necessary to convince himself of the accuracy of the above statement, can afford to miss the opportunity of placing his announcements (25,600 each mouth) before this army of purchasers. ' An ad under such conditions rope Ay taken ' Care of will most certainly bring enormous returns on th investment. These Presentations of FACTS Should receive the most careful consideration of every business house whose volvme of business de pends upon the patronage of this city and county, THE' Farm for Sale I desire to tell my bsautiful little farm ot 80 acres two miles and a half east ol La Grande on the rural nnt.i 1 and farmer Telephone line to suit tbe I puronaser. u Baker tf OBSERVER . -First Class Job "Work AT HI L L. DRUGGIST