LEGAL NOTICES Can Get New Aork rld T On the Election La Grande Creamery Butter VAt e Follwng Well known Dealer y . ;Romig& Staples -. f Baker Bros. ' Mo Faylane ;,'..;. ' 0. Ralston ' 1 " GeddesBros ' ' ' ! J. w. White ' ; . ,' J: C. LThoinf i It ' lrU Remember every pound is guaranteed,,-- J . f ' !( - When yon ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you help a home industry aud thereby, help your own business.'' ' - iiSLa Grand Creamery Co Messrs. Bryan, Parker, Waterson and Others May Explain The Issue Was : ,; : ! Roosevelt ; ; I: The demoonitlo party waa roui-ii carried all the Eaatern'atates all the Northern states, all the Western states and i.rnie or the Southern states be oaaae Ibe people admire just the sort of personality that toe World asoiibed to blm ' . When a candidate lor president like Theodore Roosevelt baa carried thirty three out of forty-five states, bas won S43 oat of a possible 476 votes In the electoral college and bas a popular bec-auae it was "conservative," says Mr liryaa The 'army of offloe hold era" and the trusts were agalnet It, affirms Judge Parker.. Plutocraoy ia In the saddle again, proclaims Colonel Waterson. Peace 1 peaeel Why not ac eept the obvious fsotT In the drat open letter to the presi dent the World said : The paramount Issue : In this oam- ' yC-Str iJl-tje'lwIL'ii. 4 - 3C" V : ' ' ' ; : ' i paigoianot, as you would have it, plurality approaobing 2,000,000 it Is free trade or free silver,, but lOU i wasting good long power to talk about I yourself Theodore Koosevelt. 'conservatism or plutooraoy or free , "Tbia issue la forded apon the ooan-1 trade or imperialism or anything else try by yonr unusual temperament and Hr Roosevelt has swept the country talents your own atronir, able ambit- because his personality appealed with After Next Meeting Portland Or. Nov. 17 Todays sea slon of the National Orange la devoted to the reading of report and routine business. Delegates representing aev SUMMONS, In tha Circuit Coutltf the aut. of union uounty. h 0 WILLIAMS, plaint Ig ' ' CASSIA A WILLIAMS, DafMMUat. To Oassla AgWltUami,3tri bore-nanud BUI wee defendant; lk Hi- name a ad a Mmnaljn tn aannra ihn nut an i iu - ori;i'ml OleU ucalnit j oq In the abora eo a campaign u eeoure ine next an Untitled, suit on or bernm the list da o nual convention. Trenton a J, Wash, ington, Mllwaukle and Hartford Ooun are candidates. Many favor selecting some California city. .... . . ...u. . Transport Arrives - ' (Observer Speoial) ' , .. ; San Franolsco Nov. 16 -The trans port Thomas arrived here this morn ing from the Philippines. Among the passengers was General Wade, who has command) d troops in the Pbilp pinee for several years and who was succeeded by General Oorbin , - . . ' dstate Notice Notice is hereby given that the P Bed as ecu tor of th last wlil and thA 'Jlasl- a - Octobei, lWt4. And If yoo fall to o uiwer, for waul theroof, the plaliuifl will Uk dcrM Lgalnit you for ibe alnoluUon of lbs marrUin ccutfaoteX'HUiigbeiweeayott ivud tb pi4it (10 tnd for omU and dubuxMnuau of thutolt . Tbitnuminoiui U publUhed In the Eutera OrftgwObswrrer, a weekly nwipapsr pabiubcd lu Union county Oregon, by order of the Hod. Hubert Kaktn, Judge of tbe KLinth JudloUl Uliiir. of tbe Circuit Court 01 tbe BtMe of Oravb. tnoe a week for tlx ooneeeuiiw wka, tbe nm . uMloation tbereof to be nuula on tba IHb day ot September, XH, and tbe but publi oaUouontbe HIm duy of Ootobr. iWOi, wbiob ww made ou ine 8rd day of September, " ; KDORIfoj ABHWILL. ' Attorney lor naiatli TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1578. MOTIOB VOH 1'UBLEOATION. U.tJ.liSDa Offloe, at 1 Ornnde, Or. is6i liavnna with tbe provUlona of tbe aot of Oongreai of asuussai, loio, BUblWVU "AU M) IUr 1111 Ml If ITT umoer uauui in ine state, or uaiuornu Notioe la hereby given tbat In oomplUnoe la. ft pa. von, Kevada, and Wanblngt'in Territory,' mi vAMinueu w tui tne ruoito Latna Btatea dj Augum a, rao, Herbert k aeaver ot nndereigned, J M Charch, haa qaall- thla filed in 'this o&im hto awonTiiuS tona, leaourceful, militant, pasalonate irresistible force to tha imagiaati m of testament of J R Kellogg, deueaaed. personality your versatle and ear-, the American people. So what 'a the UJ?"on' k!,-1 .ft!lDi prtaing genina." This was tbe issue. Mr ....... good of holding an inquest and making j Ro'sevolt a pretense of taking testimony? SOME NEWS OF . GENERAL LNTKREST said estate are hereby required to present the same properly verified to tbe undersigned at the ofUoea ol 0 H Finn, Kommer Uailding, l Grande Oregon, within six months from tbe date of tbe drat publication of this notioe. Dated and first published October 6th 1901. J M Ohnroh, Bxeoatorof Estate of J R Kellogg, decked. O, H. Finn, Attorney for . Executor. tor tbe puiuhftaa ol tne Vl la u am ni UNo. iTE. W.M. aned by Judic ous Use of Pen cil, Scissors and Pastepot THE IDEAL FARM yo i have been wanting ie ready for yon. In tnct, there are several of them WI.ere they are and how little they "vostj yon can learn by calling on ns. FARM PROPERTY is a apeoialty cf ours that we tukq Engene F Ware, commiseioner of pensions, baa resinned to resume the practice of law at fopeka. Politics and office holding are distasteful to him. I President P Ripley, of the 8aota Fe railroad, ia anthority for the state ment that John D- Kookefeller has bought Santa Fe stock to the amount of fu5,000,0U0. At noon of November 12 the number particular pride In We have looked carefully over every one before olacing of teWrams of oonsnmlation to Pre it un our oooks, ana if ow n is ail eident Koosevelt bad reached just 17,- too j wo, and nearly 8000 letters. The pre sident ordered that each be answered. United States Senator Proctor, of right. And tlie price la all right If yon are thinking of Investing, bet ter stop in some day and talk things over. We can save vou lots of trouble and lots of money In your search for tbe Ideal farmr Call for Bids liiiiLiL Nit. i and UVV U WJ4 awl N WW And will otTer proof toabow tut tue land aouifbt Ib more vuiuuble for lu Umber or tone than fur atfrloultaral parpoeea, aad to eMtablbtb bis outlm to uuala bind balore tbe Hegister aud Rooelver 01 tnla ofrloa at i Urande, Oretfon, on Friday, tbe 6th day of January, lUOoT He uamuu u wltnetuea: William H Brown ' Of Pexrv. Orunron: Clara A Hrawn nt Pmrrv. Oregon: A 11. it u Ilia, of Perry, Oregon; Ben iemla imog, of Hiliard, Oneoxi. Any ana au penone "''Tilng aaTetaaty U above-deeoiibed Ian da an requested to Ala tbelr oialnuln tula offloe on or before said 6tbday of January. I8O5. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 3.1878 NOTICE POR PUBLICATION. u. u. LAad OOloa, Ia arude, Oracon. a Srande investment Company, 1110 Adams Aveune, . La Grande, Oregon ELECTRIC FIXTURES 3 AU who are building new :r rebuilding their tiomea, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with a 1 to 8 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to ..undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our offloe a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. , Also Shades of pll designs. We oordiallj invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. x La Grande Light and Power Co.. ! t4 MRS. J. R. FORREST, MILLINER Ladies can SAVE MONEY by buying now. Pompadour Bang, the kini ulwnys nild for $4.60, now 11.75. Novelties. Peggy Bage, Novell) Combs, Pe! fumes and Toilet Soap. The finest line of Millinery ever shown in this city. MRS. J. R. FORREST, Milliner Masonic bulding on Adams avenue. - - " " T' Portland Vt has given (10,000 oash and a 10,000 residence for Indigent and wornout pnblio school teachers. To it will be added 130,000 given by Luoy Ruggles, and the state ia expeoted to make an appropriation. - All t e assoolatlons oontrollng tbe prioe ol steel are in session at Pitts burg and will not conclude their la bors for several more days. Steel bil lets will be raised from 119 50 to fvil and other stocks correspondingly . Northwest News, The Cathedral Cathollo fair at Portland, which closed Saturday last, cleareu fdOOO. The Chemawa Indian team beat Paol flo University at football 10 to 6 a. thongh outweighed seveu pounds to the man. Preparations are being made to have u large and attractive exhibit at the wis and (.Hark fair from the Chema- ws agenoy, " ; , Mrs Miranda A Durhame aged 90 years died November 14 at Rlverdale. Sne had lived in tbe Williamette val ley 66 years. : Tbe Oregon delegation at El Paso was first on the ground from any dis tam e and the Brat to tutor the camp aign for the location of the next na tional convention , John Rowl y, an sged miner who lived alone at Jump off Joe near (Jrauts Pass, was fonnd dead in bis oabin November 14. He was on his knees at his bedside. . Notioe is hereby, given that the un dersigned will reoeive sealed bids op to and Juolndlng November 10, 1004, for the filling of lota, streets and alleys in fredmore'a Addition as follows, to wit: ' ' . (1), Eor the filling and leveling of lots from one 1 to ten 10, inclusive, In block 23. ; (2), For the filling in and leveling ot Parson street from its intersection with North Depot Street toil, inter- tgSSVWFA seotton witn norm ureenwood street, William Mll'er ia ded at aged 90 tears. He waa a Scotchman and came to Oregon In 1846, lie liad been a Mason 50 years and died of cancer of the stomach.; W W .ddle M U Sommervilie T Ij Gillian, George Boyer, A L Henllne are under arrest charged with oonduot ing aud permitting gambling in their saloons at Eugene, (3), For tbe filling and leveling of lots from fonr 4 to nine 0, Inclu sive, and from twelve 12 to nineteen (19 Inclusive, in block 22, Incluolng alley. (4), For the filling In and leveling of lota from eight 8 to fifteen 15 in olnslve,"in block 3. (5) , For the filling in and leveling of the old ohano-l In Hill Street between North Fir and Depot streets. (6) , Hor the filling in and leveling of lots from two 2 to twelve 12 and from sixteen' 16 in twenty-three 23 lnoinsive, In block 4, also, cbanel in Trobridge Htreec between North fir and Depot Streets. All inf. n h. Ml n I f k. Atw.1- Balem, ' ree (rom g,BTel and refuse. Streets .and alleys to be Hilled with gravel. All bids to be left at tbe offlce of J W Knowles, La Grande, Oregon. Bids to be made separately for said work, as indioated by said numbers and also, for performing entire work. Tbe right ie hereby, reserved to reject any and all bids Dated at LaGrande.Orenonthia 11th day of November, A I 1004. nov ii-is i npaidiug , Notl la hereby given that In -with the provUlona of the aot of Oooiraa of June a, , entitled "An lot Cor U aala of Umber lands In Ute HUtee of California- Ore. . goo, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa ' extended to all the Pubilo Land HUte. by act of Aukiui 4. im, Charles M Wright of riio&kUJOK.uouniyorumaULlat.l.orurexun ' has this day Ulud In this otrio. hla sworn statemeal Ho. K117, for the puroha. of th. Bit BE Hec. ii ana NEbi NE& Seo. Hk Top. 4 HU and Lot 4 sec, la and toll Hec no In Township No. 4 8., lUngo 16.EWM. And will oiler proof to show tha.1 the bud uugut u mora vtkiomDie ror 11a timoer or , ana: to AM lhA Hcgister uud Keoelver of Una offloe .t L. Srande, Oregon, on TnsaiUy, m. SMIt day December,! UeliaraesaawltneHeai JamraR Banna, of HoKay, Oregon, Albert Winters of Btarkey. Vrank Aldau.ofBlarkey, Andrew SollWan of atarkey, Any aud all penton olalmlng wlversely th. aoov. described lands are requested to file their olaluu la thla olfloe on or befor. aald 201H day ol Deoemoer, WOL , It tf. Davia, ttaadatar. Under tbe plea that tbe city baa in sufficient protection from fire the in snrance companies at Spokane have raised rates sinoe last spring 20 per cent the aggregate inorease in pre miums for the year being between $00. 000 and I80.0UO . New Piones 1847 C L Thorne, Residence 1231 J J Beldin, Residence 1631 T B Johnson, Residence 1003 P K Reyner. Residence 1501 John Wilson Feed Store IWll Wm. Grant, Insurance Office 503 Prsa Lewis Residence 2141 Ueo. O'Connor, Residenoe 2143 Geo E liendrioks, Residenoe 1651 WEMorand, Residence lb63 Mrs. Wm Rynearson, Res 1H86 Geo. W Uillman Residence 771 Rev. J K Day Residence 1061 Hoiith'B Feed Store 2151 O 8 Williams, May Park 2153 lien M Grundy " 2154 OM Riddle, " 2166 Wm Hall . " 2167 V ti Dickinson, " 2158 Mrs. J D Strawn, " 21.9 James M-Ewen, " 215x V J Dawson, " 215x1 OE Smith ' " 215x3 B A Davis, " 213 Geo. Grout, Residence 15a6 Mrs Cates, Reslden.e Thanksgiving Shooting A grand Thanksgiving shooting will be held at Imbler on Nov 23 and 24. Trap and rifle shooting for.beef, turkeys ducks, geess and chickens and II yon have any cash bring it along. re want every one to to come and have a good time daring tbese two days shooting. Imbler Boys Nov 16-23 NOTE LOST C0 note payable to GT Williams, on at'-ets of La Grande, was in large yel low envelop.. All parties are caution ed against buying same, finder will letorn to thla offloe, -- ujr ao-i nay was again DoatDonad. Th. ling la now scheduled to take po S I aUVUUHs Grange Hall Items The Bine Mountain Grange met In regular meeting on Saturday, Nov. 11. After the business ot tbe Grange wss disposed of one candidate waa in structed in the first and second degrees Among the attractions of the "Lecture Hoar" was a grange dlsousslon contest the prize cake being won by O P Good all. The members responded to roll call by readingclipping fr jm the papers. O D Hattman, Mr. and Mrs. W F uek elersnd Miss Pearl Parker leave on Thursday evening to ttend the Nation al Granite at Portland. Friday evening a party of twenty young people called at tLe realdeuoe of W F Gekeler and spent the eveuing until tbe "wee small hoars" in music games and a good social time. LOST A Baby's shoe, finder wilt pleaee leave st this Office, Notice Of Estray . I have taken up a sow and pig and will bold same until damage and tbe cost ot this notioe are paid. Sow bas upper orop from each ear. - , LB Hyatt Special Offer What would be nicer for a Chrlstmss present than an enlarged photo of your selforbaurr Until Nov 2uth ion n-xt au 11x14 Bromide free with every U00 or "r for Photos at Tbe Taylor Stadlo Jlov U-1U Eastern Oregon Baslnass Uollsdir. School of Shorthand, and Normal Baker City, Oregon, hod fonr calls ' for stenographers last .week and was unable to fill them all. Oar students get good positions when competent. Business men call on as when they want reliable competent help. Now is the tlmefor young people to enroll. Practical Business methods era taught. The light Una System of Shorthand la taught which can be learned in about ghalf the time the old Shaded Systems, . .. . Tuition and Board reasonable . H O Perry Prluo 9-21-10-21 D4Vi . Summcrville Sittings Windy and cold is the weather. -Miss Ells Hunter made a business trip to La Grande Monday. BCRN-On Nov. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Moates, a daughter. - - Tbe M E Sunday School has been cbsnged from 9:80 in tbe morning to 3 p.m. ' Qqite a number of the young people of this oity went to La Grande Mon day to attend t .e opera known as Tbe Slaves of Russia. Rev Smith, the psetor of the M E ohnrch, will begin revival serviois hereThursday. All are cordially in vited. Mug for Sale or Exchange A Coal heating stove, has been used only six week. Will exchange for. wood bonier inquire 1401 6th surest. Uuebler, Robbie Pat limn, Charlie Kelly, roer inquire iaoi ou surest, - "-ma, raVoKT, f Ier, Lynn 8 Uon, Arthur McCrary, j T, Freddie Bock. w,in. f CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop on North Fir Street You will find my shop well supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yours for business Free delivery. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS gertfWrrr- AlJl'-ON JHOPS. make a most delioious and healthful meal. They are juloy and palatable and just melt ia yoar mouth so de li jIo ji ia their teste. We bave them fresh every day but we don't only ell fine mutton obops. Our daily took iooludes oboioe lamb obops, veal chops, sirloin, porteriiouae, loandand other steaks as well, Suoh meats make the beat Of eat ing. Thty are good and solid snd every Oit th.t goes into the body makes pure blood and streokthens the organs of th) human maohlnery. Buy your meats at onr store. We si ways bave tbe beat, and sell st - the very lowest prices. Bock &iXhnma s LA GRANDE JIM ODFfiOV Uision Pacific omvkst rim sibMai soa 1A O KAMI) A. MOpl'm. Salt L.. Denver Ft. .El0.' ' NO a Worth, Omaha, Kanssi l m tSZTm. tyuru.,0hloago BO ' Portland. Dalles. Pen- . vqi dletoa. y.ll. WaIIa, lul Dayton, PomeroT! K0 , m :oxiMojoow,Bpo. Mp m '' i-u j .lb tU Hpo i katne. fortutnti. Dftlloi, fen. NO A die ton Umstlll Wl- Mn HOAOOW, WllkO3 WM gfeMarrM I (ts pro dner, npokaaa and - other point eut uid ......... jnorth vl Hpoltane. - rw?5i1' tond Oltr, AUort, "Of1 Imblor. mad Eiln Hi Band oo n flection iiala MOB 9lU A m wltti tae for point in Wifow eouaty Oottan HtsBftmers betwemi Port I and Mt4 Bn fnmdmso ertary fly dayi . OREGON