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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1904)
n Farmers and Traders National Bankl) y LAGRANDBi -,.: ORBQN:.J CHpital 8iock ftIIjfMud I At rturolL'B fund Liabiliiy of Shareholders Responsibility . . . doV H(,eral bauking uud exchange business . iK.iigM aii'i sold ou nartern aud foreign banks 13.000 , 60,000 - , ,i83,uop. : l-a ande Evening Observer - tEY BROS., Editor! 4Prpi Entered - at .tlx Pout. Office at La Grande' Oregon, u Beeood 'Class Mail Matter. isEPH PA LMEBV President ; j. wifcqiBJSB, 0tuj?gj IMIIB RflaOOflOOl line m i Heay . HaFnesS' . 1 1 "! , '4 6 - Is our specially. We know bom to pak ''4oodjhar-J. ness and we make good harness.ACallsnd see the kind we recommend for logging,... ; .. ROBES The finest assortment of wite'rrobes; -in 5 theonun'y.j cfr' eyery should . be , found in Brat class harness store.,, ,j; E. II V: Ha mess and Saddles I Tnrf-..' Published daily except Sunday One year in advance ... . . f 6 50 biz months in advance, '.-'j .8 50 Per month 65c Single ddpyT,7VTr.'V:YV.x.5c WEBNEJOAY EVENING. NOV. 16. I94 THREE DEFEATED CHIEJFS ,.v ;. i . :i lit ..The three defeated chiefs. Parker, Bryan. Watson-are out to manifest curiue their sev eral plans-fof organizing the aoSeJO 'apunJD 1 .ttJV.Illi . -epsm ia9ntd "on erj" Bjstty : ' noi hm, i.uto-1 JI . -snea. eqi " qtji;8iduioo AjiqB bub ' g aqi, u; smjg i99q eqi jq etnos joj v . ' peqio eAtiq 'ooaeuedxe Bio& j,j ';" Aq x 'sssaianq eq uj tns j qj .., ' jeqmeaiei i,oojwao jo ims jsaiAi .. w BUi IIUliJDOjCv 2ni-I9pJO 910193,, .... ; ;. i nr i.l ..lit to 9MH01IVJ. HNId: A StoieWith. A We hae ben- doing bust-1 neas in .this town for 5 rears In that time the town has nearly doubled in population"' During? the same time our I business ha. inereased.FIVff FOLD: ' In other words our business pas made a great deal more rapid increase than the towwhas. There are dozens of reasons for this - all of which: you will peroiYe if-you begin buying.- drug store good of us. In the first place we had a thoTough--1 , training for pharmacy . . In the second, place we had ex- . oeptional opportunities for lea rijdng the practical side , of pharmacy (in a 8uocessfur drug store of the highest stand-' ' Z ing. In the third pi ace we .'have kept oar yes.To'peai and , a ' Attended to business until we know the demands of. the B people of this town. A, T. HILL La Grande, Oro a PrcscrlpUoa Druggist m 17 opposition to the Republican! parlyand its fbliciesiSi'U 1 0, y.JJr. .Parker's plan is, for a more luorougu organization' oi the Democratic party as a .party of opposition, to protective 'tariff in every election district. "To accomplish much in this direc tional; Mr Parkrr;inM manifesto: of the ninth of JIov- embrj Says: ," We must forget the difficulties, of the past. If 'any mans suspects Ibis neighbor of da ol Jeftersonian principle." Standing amid the events of 1904 surrounded by the condi tions of this year the pertinent.,, What does Mr. JVaJ 800 mean by ' Jefferspniijn D mp,cTcy? Te JiblMit minds ;,of this nation have beta debating for more than a century in a fruitless endeavor to ..determine whaV Jeffewpnian principles are and 111. Watson will 'do what Alexander' Hamilton Webster, Palhoun, ,,CIay, Benton, Case, Ohasf, 'j Sumner, Buehanan, Bre'ckenridge failed to do if he oar give a olearn defipition ,,of ,wha JefTersdniau Democracy means and outline;an effirma tive policy base4,therepB YsuiU. able to the wants and conditions of 82,000,000 people now in the United states. . ,.; REPORT OF SACRED HEARX- ACADEMM treacbery let , him, not , hint of his suspicion. If he knows he has deserted us let him not tell How. well Mr. Parker will succeed in,, muzxeling . the De mocracy remains to be .' seen. This is not the first time j the leaders, of fbe Democratic party have attempted to gag the peo pie and dony, to theiu the rigbfi of free speech but in the past it did not work well, See Demo cratic platform of .1856 and i860 iur. rjruu id uib -maniiesto oi tne aay alter tne election gives bis plan of re-organization loiiows:' "Th partyinusl oontinue to, protest against a large army, against a large navj and stand for the indepeodance of the .Filipino, fer imperalism adds the menace of materialism to the corrupting influence of commercialism." This. is mere negation, saying what this nation . shall . opt -do and makes no proposition to, do anythiny. What Bryan means by "Corrupting inference of commercialism" is not clear,, but coupled i with bis advice, "to protest against a large navy the inference . is .. fair . that . be does, pot like the idea of this nation carrying on a big trade with the unions of the world. " Mr. Thomas E Watson' in his manifesto dated Nov. 13 think all efforts to head pff Republi can! Va bythe use. of the De m io'iric party should be aban doiitil und a new party organiz ed out of, all the elements,, op posed to the , Republican. . party- He says: 'My plans for the fu ture embrace, a complete organ ization of .he people, along ,tbe lines of Jeffersonian iDemocraoy under the egtabliHhmnnt nf a rfo and syamatcyyysj 'i La Grande is fast ' becoming known throughout Eastern Ore achool town, , ibis is splendid compliment to this oity ,Ahd which the city is iustlv entitled to. It is , a fact that Jhe publio schools are se cond to none in the state. - It is also a faot that (he $ao'rdHart Academy is thorougl ly ikC;ast of the time and, is cpnstao, ly ;n- oreasing in attendance and M year sees new. additions 'to ' the course of studynd.eflqinecy of the teachers.; u.ia .-.. -.p ' There are, many things which La Grande, pan justly point to with pride, i Citizens of tlyijicity will do well to look around and take notice of the. many, '.things in which; we excell. , Ii ,,,is, ..not l&ary, to look abroad for that which is best, La Grande is all right vVe have a right to hold iour heads up as highas.. any- uuuy. , i The reporta of popilt of Saorad Heart Aeademr tor tbs term ending Novem ber 11 were read Taeiday morning by Rev Father Wbyte. The following dis tinguished themaelve by making' an average ol eighty or more. '. . v Academic grade ' ,li Edna Eelley : 95 Uettle Randal 9? DollieZaber .. 94 ElaaAokles 93 Lena Wiley ! 93 Virgene Wade , 01 r -. i Eighth grade -i; ' Zeila Bobertaon 80 Qladys WUey 86 Jennie Gavin 81 ; ' Book keeping olaaa May While : M wary Kleth - 9j Ethel Androaa 89 1 i O-:' ' Seventh grade Maggie Madden 89 Lizzie Madden, ,89 Marv Beaodoin 87 Mioliael Walsh a . Buctb grade Clande Bnrrongha i down, wtiY HE CUPPED I aaw him take the paper and . Tarn to the household page, .' Then scan the columns op and , As one who all would gauge. "Ahal" he muttered to himself, , ,' Here's 'How to Make Bioe Frittara' And 'How to Utilize Cold Beet,' , And Hnmamada. flcamanh RlfctAra Then from bia pocket forth he took.i A pair of aolssors small,. . -r -;. And severed from the printed page , The helpful hints and all. , i ;m Ueollpped "The way 'to Scramble Ejm -i'.ioi. r.i I. : And "How to Make Peaoh Butter,', As well aa half a dozen more,, , ...r . i 'That'a alLV-r-again his matter.' "Do you,".! asked, "preserve those i notaa ' ' . 8q that your Wife may eye them?" "Not much," he growled; "1 out them out t '. So aha won't try to get them." ; Chicago Intor.Ooean Colored Vaudeville Hear the Flantetlon Male Quartette with McKankva Co wed . 23rd Opera House. Reading Room. J V The east room of Central GKorch 6 Ohrlsfc, Open every day from noon to six in, the evening. Daily and weekly papers, magatinea and books. ,, Men and boys cordially invited. Strangers Always welcome. , ff Marguerite MoOpy, CZ.-r 88 Prtrlck Walah 83 ; Fifth grade . . V Francea Smith 91 Hazel Tnelaln Willie WaUh - 89"WIUle P are . Fourth grsde v ..u , Leon WllklnBon 87 Serena Ruben 8 i g I $ Third . tj j? James Burrongbs 90 Louisa Roeaoh 90 Eunice Pomeroy,, 88 Willie Oavia 87 Rath Reynolds 81 Bsale Stoddafd 81 -Iva Loftuai '.i' 85 Koderie Claney 81 Josle Walsh 80 Ellen Peare 80 . Second Grade , Vennie Smith 9J Sophronla Ppnnd 90 ' '4v Helen Murphy" :'i:flQWaQoi:;n ;, , ,.(v; Leona Newlln 90 Eva Conarty 88 " " Josle Gasaman fHf ii '". , f. Tlrst Grade C"'-1"' Vernon Murphy 88 Ohars Kelley 83 Helen-flrittai8!Qeiievl Stodc'ard 81 THIS MONEY? in Washington, Nov. 16-Chlef Wilkle of the secret service has lesned notioe regarding the appef-ranoe 'of 'a new oonnterteit (10 ( Buffalo) note." It la of the aeries of 1901, bearing "check letter "C" plate 174. Although the general appearance of the ooanterfelt is deoep-1 tlvi", the flimaey eharaoter of the paper . ., aud the coarenes ol the silk thrdf y, ' ; together with the faot that a period U j :'.. used between "Washington" and "D. 0.,' should enable the careful band- - -. ler to easily determine Its true obine- s V :s, ter.- ' ... I CkS Vli'l'H ASK MONEY- ASSISTANCE r,. ., St Petersburg Nov. 16 M Perloff, the millionaire merchant of Moscow, has received : a pathetio letter lrom Mme btoesael, wife of ileneral bioesaol dated Port Arthur October 24, appeal ing to the rich Mosovitea for money to assist the helpless, wounded defend ers of.the fortress, some of whom have '" lua' .nJ :lil,M either an arm or a leg, 'some of -them beln blind and others suffering from wounds In the spine, and will e o-ip plod for life. There are, she adds ' many unfortunates. ' 4 ' i i. ' """" t-tttttttttt tse xTUL,!; ' MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord ' 128 pubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood 3 per cord. This is cheaper than ly the load. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. 0; -. .A Phone sji ' f J H. W. NIBLEY i - H?wm'nwtta0,d-ashionedwaahbcard . S W '? inc-od ndgea the and. used to ulay In And soaD bahh oumhnii f . m jsr r' " 5 Ofttimes h ive I watched her when wearing I ,. kA. I , . Z . . ir, . h ",ur ane woaia rod, n?LW'i1i'i,rff ho7 "ne ';'?lied and she vlatherep ', . . The old fashioued wash bdard .that stood In the tub. CHORUS " J , The old fashioned washboard; L , , The aiuB-covered washboard; "!r . r ' Tho baok-breaklng washboard that atood in the tab Some folks always kiok about up-to-date lauddriai ' " n . , 'hey wear out their clothes every day: I But give them to me. so 1 will hvn . imt ,ii;. ' - At home, with the smell of the soap ands awav I know that the washing machine is muoh easier VP i oar "'P'088 thm to take them and rub Till the bnttona an J bosoms are lost and worn out - ; By the old faahioned washboard that atood In the tub. We are notthe old fashioned kind. .ABC LAUNDRY PHONE i85i 'V. 'V,' ANNOUNCEMENT' ! ! We have purobased the Big Stock of F,urnitvre,,Elardware,.Tia and Graniteware, Carpenters Tools eto ol Secrest Bros at A BIG DISCOUNT and for the next SO days we offer the people of Union county the GREATEST BARGAINS of the season in House Furnishings at 75c on the dollar in order .to closej out this stock quickly. RejuUr $20 to $30 bed room sujts . 2.75 lo'$2l 75 " 12 50 to 20 - Dresser , . , 8 75 to 13 50 1 8 00 to 22 50tWn tBedt , 5 75 to 13 75 10 00 to 21 00 Lounges 7 50 to 12 50 ll50b2S 00 fiby tuiigts.1 8 00 to 1500 " 12 00 to 18 00 Extension Tables 8 65 to 14 25 3 50 to 9 00 Child's Beds 2 45 to 6 75 " .75 to 2 50 , Dlnlnj Chairs, .60 to 185 " , JjrOi.jto,., .f. 250to925 10 00 Doubh supported steel springs 7 15 Common springs 50c to 4 00 Doftt forget the Heaters and Cook Stoves 8aws, hammers and Axes; nails, ' Staples, binges, Cartridees window shades, CurUins, Portiere, Cote.eto eto Call while the stookis complete Look out for our sign g A 4 HBHAISTEN Pho.iel2051 F D HAISTEN ,? saeeeet ee Njury Public Money to Loan Insurance Representing the Equitable Savings & Loan 'Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safeat & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, nnder Sia'e supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit 1 j WM. GRANT, Agent '. City property for sale. . . I V o'piOEBS: DIRECTORS: ' J biO.PALMn PrmM... 1 u n ... .',' J. M. BmRT Vice President A. B. Conlev. Geo. L. Clea-' ;V'h""' '-.Geo. Palmer ' . ' F. L. Marias and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Cashiers - ' ' 3655 La Grande National B I La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND, SURPLUS, $72,000.00 J all paru of the world. Collections a apeclalty. 0 The U Grande FawnbrUHUi j.,11 . Corner Fir and Adams T nro-est Store 7T .11 ll Vteda- 1 II. teat"