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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1904)
M ... '.:'";rv LA GRANDE EVENING- OBSERVER. 3 VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON TUESDAY", NOVEMBER 15. 1904 NUMBER 13 ry W COUNTY PRISONER MAKES ESCAPE Boils, the v Man who Frightened Little Girls, IjEludw the Vigilance of the Officers i-: w,,'.w'...i-... The county is boarding one Is"! prisoner today. The rewoo therefore is that th ire is one prisonsr less to the old (iltv cooler w' Ich is doing duty as the oonnty jail. The mixing pris oner left ol his own tree will and ao cord though be bus noclearan-e papers Hia only permit to travel la the ability to work bis leva and keep out 01 sight of the oiB ers. - , The face as given by Deputy Sheriff Tom Johnson, who eo far as la known saw bim last, are about us follows. There are two prisoners in the jail at present, and last evening Mr. J h son as is his custom visised the jail toft) d . the prisoners They were allowed to leave the cells sod as It . was Uoyles time to aM as chambermaid be was al lowed to oarry the bucket to the oloaet whioh issttbe rear of the ' building For one -brief moment the Depat) turned bis bead to watch the other prisoner who was washing bis hands in the ball. This slight turn of the head was ail that was necessary for the man Boyels to drop the backet ad leave for pastures new. At the time of the es oape, about Ave o'clock, it waa so dark that the deputy could not sse any great distanoe and therefore be could not follow Infaot there waa no lead to follow.: i The escaped . prisoner la the one who ia held to appear before the next term of court charged with mak log an Improper eshlbit of hia body be fore little girls. It Is only hoped tliat the officers will be able ' to give him snob a merry chase that be will run run himself to death before he is cap tared and thereby save the county the expense of a trial. . , Chinese Travel - -Here In Trunks Secret Service Men Chase Chinks From San Francisco to South Bend Observer Special ' - outh Bend Iud.. Nov 15 After one of the moat determined chases in the annels of the Govern men t secret serrios department the plain,, clothes men hnve it last pUjed andsr arrest three Chinese who have been smug gled loco the United States at Sen FrHoclsoa but were smuggled out of tbst city by their friends and sent to 8outb Bend Indiana in trunks. .The officers received information that they would arrive in South' Bend in tbe form of baggage and were on band when the purported baggage ar rived. I Called For Statement KTOFK Observer Special Washington, D 0 Nov. 15 The Comptroler of tbe Ourrenoy issued a ! oau toaay loreu national sense K render a statement of tbe eondltlon of their butinesa at tbe close oh business Nov. 10. Attempt A Failure ". i ' Ooserver Speoial ' ,: . r Fall Biver Htii, Nov. 15 The fac lory operators an attempt to resume work in fifty of the sixty fac tories which are ffsoted by tbe strike bis morning. The attempt mig bt be onsidered to have baen treated witb contempt by tbe factory hands. Only Bve hundred bands reported for- work t'bere is no demonstration of any kind and no (rouble is leared. The factor ies were unable to aooompliifb muob witb sucb a limited foroe. - ' ' ' FIRE Injunction Served ; While Sheriff Brown was in Port land the other day be was served with an injunotion restraining bim from nrooaeding with the sale of the Cornu copia Mines, Limited.. This . adda another chapter to the already famous case. Wbioh has occupied ta atteo. lion us the courts' for ' sometime. Baker City Herald. ; Mikado Messenger r. Observer Speoial ' ( ' " Paris, Nov. IV Yamataga , ; first cousin of tbo Mloado, of Japan arriv ed at Marsaellea and stated in an in terview that he was officially sent : to France and England and would later visit tbe United States where he would be tbe guest of President Boose velt. He deolioed to specify his mis sion but it is understood to be con nected with new war loan which was unauoceBsfully floated in Germany. Oil Dividend Observer Speoial ' New York Nov 15 The Standard Oil Co, of New Jersey today deolar'd a dividend of 17 per share payable December 15- This mikes So per oent deolare this year. 2500 Head of Hogs Were Burned, 35,000 Head of Stock y Were Stampeded ; : (Observer Special) ' i . New York Nov 15 Fire in the United States Stock yarda at the toot of 6th Bt Jersey City early this morning and burned to death' 8,500 head of hoga, roasting 8,300 carcasses in cold storage, oaualog 36,000 bead of cattle, and sheep to stampede and destroy muoh valuable properly. The fire started in the cold storage room, thought to be an explosion of a small amonla tank. The hoga destroy ed were penned under the room lu whioh tbe Are started, '," ; At tbe smeU of the smoke cattle and 'sheep ;-i stampeded, ; breaking through the wooden encloaures, five hundred men finally succeeded in rounding up the escaped animals. Ths loss is estimated at 150,000 Hnuse at 10 o'olock this morning. Tbe diatinguish-d visitor delivered to, tbe President a personal message of good will from the Emperor of Japan ' J J ; . Guests of the King Observer Speoial. Portsmouth, Eng., Nov. lfF.-KIng Carlos and Queen Marie, of Portugal, arrived here today. They are enroute to London where they will be the guests of King Edward VIII. Great prepsratlona ;an being made in "tie royal household for their reception and entertainment. ; . , :; :.; Japan's Labor Federation 5 (Observer Special) San Franolsco Nov. 15 The morning session of t'.e National 'Federatlen of Labor opened ita session by reading the an ual reports of the executive committee and of the work aceompli,h eddnring-the year. ; The committee sdvorated the passing of congressional legislation favoring an' 1 Injunction laws, direct legislation and Chinese exolnslon. ' - Three Nihilists Released Resigns Cabinctship , (Observer Speoial) ' , Paris, Nov. 15. Official annouqee ment haB been made of the resignation of Gen. Andreas, war mlnl't r, and Henrv Maurlox Bertram, member of the Chamber of Deputies of Versailles will suooeed him.' Tbe reason of An dreas resignation Is reported that he is mentally deranged. Baltic' Fleet M IF YOU" SEEK FALL CLOTHING OF CHARACTER and MERIT combined .with style and accurate fit, come direct to our 'store where you will find an immense stock of smart styles and handsome fabrics from which to make your selection. We are sole agents here for tbe celebrated'""'" MICHAELS -STERN FINE CLOTHING and can vouch for the quality and fashion-correotness of every garment, and guarantee to fit you uo matter bow you are proportioned. We are particularly proud of our large and magnificent collection of F all and Winter Suits i Qc3ats at $15 whioh in point of style, quality, tailoring and fit, are every bit as good as to-measure-made suits and over coats at S30. In fact you never saw smarter appearing nor better made apparel at other stores for $18. at f 7 60 worth Men's Brown Caaaimere Men'a Oxford Gray Cheviot at Men's Black Clay Woisted at Men's Gray Mottled Worsted at Men'i Oxford Gray Ch'vt sq.cut Men's Bl'k Diagonal Clay W'st'd Men's Scotch Tweed, beautiful Men's All Wool Casiimere at Men's Scotch Mottle, very stylish Men's All Wool Cassimere a 7 50 worth 8 50 worth 9 00 worth 0 50 worth 11 00 worth 9 00 worth 12 00 worth 15 (xTworth 20 00 worth I 900 9 00 10 00 II 00 12 00 12 50 11 60 15 00 18 00 2100 Alter 20 finement ferred to Circle Years Con then Trans- the Arctic (Observer Speoial) St Petenburg Nov, 16 Three Nihil lets, Col Asohkn Bremer, Bssil Ivan hoft and Vera Figner, were today released from Peter and Paul forties after serving twenty years Bolitaryoon nnement. Tbey were leaders of the terrorist movement in the early eighties. AH three were mental and physical wreoks. Their oond ition is little improved by tbelr release as they were condemned to spend the re malnder of their lives at Pusteserik, within tbe Arctio circle. Livestock Contest Portland Nov 16Htookraiseis, not only over tbe whole United Htates but also in Canada and Mexloo, are die playing a lively interest in the big livestock contest which is to be a fea ture of tbe Lewis and Clark lair In Portland next year. Richard Boott, of tbe Oregon State Commission who I um just remrnea irom at i.ouis wnere j be wentln the interests of next year's ' stock display at the Centennial says that be found the stockmen there en thusiastlo about tbe fair, and that be feels coufldt nt that the number of ex htbltors next summer will be large. . . Tbe management of the exposition has appropriated a W0, 000 fund tc be dutrlbuted as prizes and premiums and this fact baa been responsible to a large extent, for the interest shown by owners of various kinds of stock. Ths apportionment of the 40,000 una, as recently made by tbe execu tive committee (a as follows: Horses olasa A $12,000 Cattle olasa B 16,500 Bhsep and Goats class O 6,600 Swine olassD ; i( 3,500 Poultry and pets class F i,600 The conditions governing the exhibit and the claaelooatfon of awards are now la preparation. . Observer Bpeoial St. Petersburg, Nov 15 Although the Bolsib Beet received .entbnsiastlo greeting upon its snival " at Habere French Afrioa governinenl provinod this morning. Admir'I Sojestrensky was Informed that he munt leave' and forbade him taking coal; ' New; Japanese ' Bond t Issue Subscribed For t Ninetimea Over-Corn- -! v x. Zfy - plete Confidence , x;nnWrt( Jimpi. i,n, - -, . . (Observer Special) London, Nov. IS. The oredil of Jap an seems to be in good condition beti- w Bids fur the new Japanese bond issue , : olosed here at noon today,' and Issue . was subscribed for nine times over The financial world seems to bav . at- . most confidence IS tbe ability of Japan' ' to meet her bills. ft "v. - Observer Special t . ... . s , -'" ' J : RATtt Tl RITn '3i ' St.' Petersburg, NcV 16 A :dir-ptc'i rom Mukden slates that au exebanga of shots of theopposing armies oon-. tinned throughout tbe day,. So day, along the shores ol the river, Sbabke. ; Both sides trying to lire the other out Alexoff Home Observer Speoial Xsfi V i. St. Petersburg, Ncv. 15 The Csar this morning granted an audienea to Admiral Alfxoll who bas just, return ed, from the seat of ws'r,1 f f' Tb Jollity UaDcing olub will give their second regular party Tuesday evening, Nov. 22. The masquerade bus been postponed until later in the season. ; ' , ,. Kcducc -Your- Shoc Bills by at . ( j . The J QaALlTY" 3H6E"Sl2RE I have j UBt received the mottt complete line of boys School Shoes ever sold in La Grande. Every pair made to wear. All the latest up-to-date styles in Meat's and Women's Fine Shoes Come in and see my stock . whether you buy or not, P T. M. 8TUBBLEFIALD Prop , IllJgillllllMlISMrllrl f I 4 4 A Store With A Record i The La Grande Cash Store, Prince Sandanura ' (Observer Special) Waahlngton, Nov. 15. With honora doe hia rank, Prince) Bandannra, of the Japanese Imperial House was formal 1 received by tbe President a tbe White :r " f A i ; , r A i Y " . We have been doi ig hasi- ness in this town for 5 ears In that time the town has u nearly doubled in population Durltio thA anmn ims'- nnr business has increased FIVE FOLD. 'In other worts our business bas made a great deal more rapid inoreasa than tbe town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis all of which you will peroeive if you begin buying drug store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the snoond place we had ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical siJe of pbarmaoy in successful drug store of the highest stand ing. Ia the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to business until we know the demands of the people of this town, ' " .' i a. ' t: Prescription Druggist HILL:; La Grande, Or o t s a sV Ids was again postponed. Tha'mn " ""'. Bohn.nk. II '