La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 12, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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New Goods from our Eastern Buyer by Nearly Every Express.
New Ladies' Tourist Coats
Just received, and a lot of beauties they are. We Lave shown top notch values ever since the season opened,
but thia last shipment by far surpasses anything we havs shown this season in potnt of value, They are heie
in biue and sootoh mixtures, made up in the most popular manish styles. -
$10, $12.50 and $15
New Ladies' Cravenette Goats
For comfort and general utility there is nothing quite so desirable as one of these coats. They are fashionable and afford more real protection than any other
style of coat. Our line is now the most complete this side of Portland, and comprises Oxfords, Olives,' Tans and Mixtures made up ia many pleasing styles.
$lgOO $1750 and $1850
We have never heen better prepared to satisfy your every want iu wraps than at this time. We
. handle the best lines from acknowledged leading makers and you will find more value, more style,
more real all round merit at small cost here than elsewhere
$50 to $2050
Mils mum m .y; mtihaj
Half a Carload of
New Wall Paper.
We have just received half a car load of the newest
and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000
rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever
thought of bringing into this county in a single season.
ThU naner ll all for sale and malt be sold tall season. We
bare brought two ant olass paper hanger direct from Chicago, eaj
who ar without doabt the mjet skillful workmen in Eastern A
who, with tha Ave. first olasa . i hangers slready in oar em. V.
ploy, glvee Qsthe beat working thelnland Erpplre.
Stackland & McLachlen
News of the Situation in the Far East Given
In Brief Bulletins
rre, approved, un
mmedUta on my-
OIlLAdaTtrd fbMt 1
rwtnUnir1t ready for in
hambsr Commerce Bld(, Portland, Or,
Wood Saw
; Having leeaed.the O W Alle steam
wood taw, I am prepared to promptly
take oare of Jail order entrusted to
me. W M Andle,
Corner Uraenwood and BUI atraeta
hhone 738 S 12 0 I
There's nothing like doing a thing
thorooghly- Of all the Salves yon ever
beard of, Booklen' Arnica Halve is the
best. It sweep away and cures Barns,
Bores, Braises, Cut, Boils, Ulcer
Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 35c
and guaranteed to give eatiifa.;tion by
La Grande Drag Co., and Newlin lrug
Co., Druggist.
M. M. Ana tin ofj Winchester,; Ind.,
knew what to do in tha hour of need.
Hi wile bad inch an unusufl case of
stomach and liver trouble, pbvsicians
eoold not help her. Ha though if and
tried Df. King' New Life Pill" and aha
got relief at onoend wa nnaujr oarea
That is why people come here
for men's and by boys' shoes
The J. E. Tilv lin is our spec
ialty. Here is where prio and
quality are combined.
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET
hen you buy a oo'iifli mslloine for
mall children yon want one in which
yoa can place implicit conndenoe. Ifoo
want one that not only relieves but
ran. Yon want one that ia nnqaes-
tionebly harmless, Ifoo want one that
I pleasant to take. Onamberlain'a
Cough Kerned r meet ill of these coo
dltions. Ther is nothing so good for
ha coughs aad onus tnouent to omia.
Observer Speolal
Rome, Nov 12 The Toklo correspon
dent of the newspaper Mesaggero wires
that ton report has reached tnere that
Fort Ar'bur baa i-apitulated
Loudon. Nov, 12; flevsrnl reports
through private and press sou roes are
ourrent thia moruin that Port Arthur
has fallen, bat no official confirmation
of the news baa been received. Baron
Hays, hi saya be baa reoeived no inti
mation that such an event has occur
A dispatob from Berlin quotes the
Local Anzelger as containing a aim!
lar report and that paper saya General
Stotssel will evacuate today.
Rome Not 12. The Agenziz Libera
messenger from General Stoissel hps
arriv d at Japiuess headqtarters and
it Is believed for the purpose to ascer
tain what oondltlons Japanese would
impose sh luld the Russians, -mrren lo
Port Arthur.
Washington, Nov, 11 The Japanese
legation baa reoived no news from To
klo regarding the reported oapltulation
of Port Arthur.
St Heterborg, Nov 11. General Sak
haroff reports that last nig t passed
feet and are without exception the
beat reaidenoe lota in the city. Per.
sons wishing larger traots can secure
just what ther want by going a little
further baok in the , same addition.
Do not fail to aee this addition and ae
oure one of these choice selection be
fore some one else gets the lot yoa
want. For full description of prop
erty and quotatlona call upon Dr
O'Connor La Orande Ore.
Phone Main 2141 -Cor
Park and Oak Stree (
Furniture for Sale
Furniture oomplet for taooeekeep:
log. Everything from 000k store to
picture. Inquire Jefferson At. be
tween Chestnut and Fourth St., La
Grande Ore. 11 9-12 9.
Guntheries Candies
All the esaenoe of purity. As yoa
can easily convince yourself by tost.
Bon Bin and Chocolates assorted
Chocolates aaaoriad Bon Bon 60 ots.
an up. . Newlin Drug Go.
Sacred Heart Academy
E. W. Davit Reniiter.
A. U. Roberta. Hacelver.
, Haul thia paper aad Tha Weekly
Was Reappointed United
States District Attor
ney by the President
La Grande Grows
J V Ellsworth, who has been travel
lag over Eastern Oregon a staff cortes
pondent and ciroolator for tue Morn
ing Democrat, ol Baker City the past
reason, is In the city for a few days.
Mr. Ellsworth was city editor of the
Demjorat for three yeara. While here
he Baker journalist will do some
writing descriptive of the raplJ growth
of La Grande. He is free to express
the metropolitan growth of the Union
ooantv capital. "La Grande Is sure to
I beoome one of the best places in all
' Eastern Oregon," aaid Mr. Ellsworth
I to an Observer reporter "and Is com
ing right up to the front as an lmpo.t
aut northwestern oity."
(Observer Speolal)
Washington, D 0., Not. 12. Presi
dent KooS) Telt today reappointed John
H Hall, United States Dtstriot Attor
ney for Oregon. Mr. Hall was first
appointed la 1898. There la no disguis
ing the fact that the President I much
pleased with the able manner In wbloh
Hall baa prosecuted tha land fraud
..hi a.. -
F.or Sale or Exchange
A ooal heating stove, ha been used
only six weeks. Will exobange for
wood burner Inquire HOI 6th street.
Now Ready for Sale
The people of this osunty are now
notified that the O'Connor addition la
now ready for the market a id that
choice luta nan bj had at remarkably ,
(Isolated Tract)
I . ,.,1Alnna n. lh. IVimmlulm.. f tha I T a flMinil, Villa avail
gars kts'a ti sssnsssi : : kp- w?uo, ..
amenifcd by tha act ot CoriKrtu .p i oiawra or ol. rTBDOia, anoraaaaceiwus
February ft, 180s, wi will proceed to offer at.' educational advantagea. Moalo, draw
publle lalo. at ten a'ctork a. m. on the 'iday oTjni, -n(i oalntinff oDttonal atadiee.
t'i,ttlh" omM' ,he lo"w"" ' VringySang laaie? foto pMest
w4 8W4rtec3T8Ra;B. W. M. lien of teaching a specialty. Boarding
Any and alt pwaona claiming1 advenely the -nj ,jBy , hool opena the firat Monday
oialmi InthU ufllai on or before the dy above I In September, for catalogue addrese
dolKH.Ud lor Uie oomnenoeinenl of aald aala; , Sister Superior, A Og 4 "Oct 4
Ui nerwinc, laeir rucuta wiu u iwaiMM. vimbu k
j una ia loui.
Do'you want to change your location!
Hstw yoa baaitMaa you want to aellf
Do fou want to boy a buslneaa or real
state In any part of the United Btatea
for cash or credit. Welt as today
deaorihlag four wants, wa eaa aapply
them, we know how from SO jeara ex
perience. Here i another flue bargain near
Seattle Wash. We only advertise
bargains In or rtvaar Seattle for the
reason that we are on the ground and
can get aotual bargain Jor our clients,
out of the city bargain like wa offer
' would be taken before) wa could Invea
! tlgate them. Writ ua at one and
list with na yoa will never regret it.
Head this over
If yoa have a buslnes or real estate
In any atate In tha (Tdlted Btatea yoa
want to aell at a bargain, and It will
land the investigation we give It, wa
will cell It for you at onoe. Do i,ot
pnt i off bat write today. We made
1236 business and real aetata transfers,
last month
Hillmaa Realty Trust.,
Drawer 1286 Seattle Wash. .
Fine Organs
$46, $48. $52, $55
The well known and
popular Pacific Queen.
Very httnfisotiie styles.
Payments $3.00 down
and 14 a month. Write
us for parliculrrs. Mail
Order" promptly and
carefully filled.
Eilers (Piano House
351 Washington Street,
corner Park
Portland, Oregon.
Large storos atao Spokane
and Seattle, Wash., and1
Boise, Idaho.
Reading Room.
The east room ol Central Church o
Obrlst, Open every day front noon to
sis in the evening. Dally aad weakly
papers, mega tin oe and book. Men
and boy cordially Invited. Stranger