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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
Suit cases, Ladies' end gentlemen's suit oases in Leatherette, canvass, and full stock leather canvass, silk or leather lined, suitable for every want and prioed to suitevery purse $2.25 to: $12.00 AG EZ N CY , FO R PENDLETON AND UNION ? MILLS - BLANKETS All Wool Blankets $400 up. We are distributers for one ol the largest trnuk manufacturers in Aiueriea. A good assortment always on band $5.00 TO $22.00 THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE ; ..TRUNKS GREAT SPEOIAL OFFER LADIES' TAILORED HATS About 50 of this season's choicest production in : Ladies' Tailored Hats in Castor and white. First elass HnU from first class work shops at great speoial prices this week. 1 Let us remind you that it is time to overhaul your Liueu Closets and prepare for Thanksgiving and the turkey feast. We have made our preparations have spent a great deal of time in gath ering desirable linens of all kinds and have prepared for your consideration a select assortment from the best linen mills in America and elsewhere. You will want linens we want your pa tronage and if assortment and low prices on choice linens, count for anything we can't help getting your linen trade. Note the prices carefully ' , Table Linens $1.75 72-inch Satin Damask, beautiful floral designs f Of thir salt the yard,... $1.50 72-inch Satin Damask in fine floral patterns . and xtra good quality Special M lT his sale the yard...... iP'' $1.25 All Linen Satin Damask Z '."!d:.98 cents 85 cent all Linen Damask 72 incheB wide and a speoial good value at flOO. This sale the yard .......... 69c V TABLE CLOTHS $1.65 all Linen Table Cloths, bleached, full size and tfrl Or made with fringe pi00 $1.50 Half Bleached Fringed ta ble cloths with red borders, al so in bleached all white 1 OA this Bile . $1.25 Pure Linen Cloths borders and fringe this sale. with 98c Special $3 00 Value Satin Dam ask Cloths, without fringe. E: tra speoial this sale at.. .2 69 . Lunch Cloths Mexican Drawn ' work hem stitched . lunch clothes in all linen, and a most complete line to sell from 85 cents up, ; Dinner Napkins . , , Regular (4.50 the dor, quality in beautiful sprig and floral pat- turns Satin Damssk the aoi: .'At...'.:? 369 $3.50 Knapkins in as 1 AO sorted patterns, the doz. Y V $2.50 Knapkins 1 98 $2.00 Knapkins 1 56 $1.50 Knapkins 1 35 DAI NTV FABRICS FOR EVENING GOWNS Beautiful to behold a bewildering variety in all the most popular evening shadea, and such variety of fabrios and prices as to please every taste and every pocket book, SILK MOUSSELINE In white cream, light tan, nile green and light blue 45c down to 30c . SHANTUNG SILTS 35c In beautiful evening colors. 15c to 25c DIMITIES and LAWNS, special, the yard 5C SILK CREPE DECHINE in black and light blue. 7c INDIA SILKS mine shades, 2 and 30 inches wide,the yd T . l 1 t l no in an evening Bnaaea, to rnrt nuuu . tvill. an vrwui ill rvn cream colors, special yard $2.25 and $2.00 Hats 3.25 and 3.00 Hats 3.50 White Scratch Felt Sailors. -6,00 : Silk Velvet Hats with Chitfon Facings' $1.69 2.4-9 2.95 4.98 LADIES' NEW BELTS KID BELTS in colors with satin ribbons laced through and through Crush silk velvet belts with large gilt buckles " - - - 65c fn 65c Burnt Leather hand bags with beaded leather strings, t beaded, nA 75c and $1.00 Latest New York Novelty belt buckles - C I J ...1 .1 I ' in lancy cnamcicu cui jteei, niiioi -, and beautiful shell goods 25c 35c and 3vC u ..'i . rr n i - I J . i - J vsniiy rair in uoia pioie aim j Cg.- gun metal New Evening Neck Laces, 25c to 65c Crush silk velvet Opera Bags In burnt ir orange, old rose and emerald green $1.25 uc,uslve Peter's Shoes 7 agents for The shoe that was awarded the highest prize at the St. Louis Exposition It is the 'best shoe on earth for the money we know it. '.those who west them know it and we want you to know it' Don't fail to try a pair of Peters' Diamond Brand ShoeB next time you want a shoe if you try them you will never wear anything else, Men's Diamond Brand Shoes $3.50 Knit Underwear Special valve in heavy cot ton ribbed un der wear for women , . 50c Ladies' Diamond Brand Shoes 3.00 Regular $1.25 , Wrights health , underwear for . men, special here at $1.00 Regular (1.25 . men's : natural wool, extra heavy, special j QQ 9 d Half a -Carload of a New Wall Paper. : s We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 , rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever i thought of bringing into this county in a single season. this piper Is U tor sale and most be sold this season. We j have brought two first olaos paper hangers direct from Chioago, gj 1 who are without doubt the most sklllfnl workmen In Eastern (i 1 who, with the Ave first class o.i hangers already In oar em- V. I ploy, gives us the best working 1 he Inland Empire. V I iStackland & McLachlen I PAINTS. eilaS AND GLAbS 8 Script Script OHt-a4fe! foreat limits, approved, un restrained, ready for immediate use any h. Low,tpricef. F Sr BRney hambsr ol Commeroa Bldg, Portland, Or. Wood Saw .Having leased.the Q W Alio steam wood saw, I am prepared to promptly take oare ofjall orders entrusted to me. W M Andie, Corner Uraenwood and Bill streets Uk . ion S 12. 0 1 IUW. IIW MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP Ther'. nothing like doing ft thin .i Li- rt .11 ike flalvna vnn AVer heart of, Bnoklen's Arnica Salve Is the beat. It sweep wy uu Bores, Braises, Outs, Boils, Ulcer-, . . . tUfatlnn bv na Kuaranienu w B,. La Grande Drnt Co., and Newlin Irrng Co., Oroggiet. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE LATEST RETURNS FROM ELECTION Missouri Has Raised its Plurality For Roosevelt Second Count May be Necessary in Maryland. (Observer Speoial) The returns showed that tn official ooant might be necessary in Maryland, that Colorado would give a majority of about 5 H)0 for the demooratio gove rnor, but would eleot republican elec tors, and that Missouri had raised its Vermont. republioan majority ol the national ticket to "ver 16000 eleotlng Folk, democrat, as governor Jndg Parker, in a private conversa tion admits that he will hereafter es chew politics and will reenter thj le gal profession after taking a vacation which is lemanded by the oondltlon of his wile's health. The pluralities 200,000 40,(00 488,000 16j0OO 60,000 12,000 30,000 WeetVirirlnla 20,000 Washington 30,000 Wisconsin 5,000 Wyoming 5,000 Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island . 8outh Dakota Utah feet and are without exception the best resldenoe lots in the city. Per sons wishing larger traots can secure just what they want by going a little further baok in the same addition. Do not fail to see this addition and se cure oue of these choice selection be fore some one else gets the lot you want. For full description of prop erty and quotations call upon Dr O'Oonnor La Grande Ore. Phone Main 2141 Cor Park and Oak Btree s HOTICE KOR PUBMCA PIOH. (Iiolatftd Tract) I'UHUC LAND BALK. Notice li hereby gt on, that In purananoe of lmtructiona from the CommiBitionor of tho Qcnoral Land Ofttoe. uuder authority veeted in htm by Section 2,60 U. B. Revised HUtnUia, aa mended by Uta aot of CouRreaa approyod L.kHi.rv ! nut. llt nm,uufl in olrer at public anlo. at ten o'clork a. m. on the a day of ofland. to-wit: aW, BWa aec3T4 8R 37 B. W. M. Any and all persons cfalmlnK adveraelr the abovd deMribed land are adviteil to file thetr claims in thia office on or before tho day above lf.lijiiatt Inr Ui (utinmeiioemetil ofaaid aalo: utherwiae, their rights will be forfeited. Dated junea,.. K. W. Davla Resitter. A. H. Roberta. KeoeWer. Haaul thia paper and The Weekly Total 2,539,000 For Tarker I Alabama 75,000 1 Arkansas 30,000 m,ut is avhv nnonle come here fnr mfiri's and bv boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where price ana t,uality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET H. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. M. AuBtlo of! Winchester,' Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had snch an unusual caso 01 stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He though of and tried Dr. King's Sew Life Pills and she got relief st oacelsnd was anally oared. Only Joe, at U Grands Drng Co, and aalkat Dru Oo).. Drug Stores. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOB ben von buy a coiiKu me licine lor ."a" .ridlcitciuBdence. Von waot one that not only relieves bnt cures, rra ..-.h.. Hnnahll harmless. au Y"". 1. pleasant to lake. Obsmuerlain's dfttons. There is nothinf so good far ooTVoVsalsbyAU Orogglsts. n the various states, the completion Florida 20,000 of the next national house and the;ga eleotoral vote for the presidential osn- didates are appended this evening, the flgners being in all oases those ol the latest dispatches and materially different from all previous estimates. FBTIMATED PLURALITIES For Roosevelt Colorado 16,000 California 100,000 Connecticut 28,000 Delaware 6,000 Idaho.. 2B.0OO Illinois 225,000 Indiana 76,000 Iowa. Kentucky 14,000 Loulsana 35,000 Mississippi 50,000 North Carolina 50,000 South Caroliua 50,000 Tennessee 20,000 Texas , 100,000 Virginia.-. 25,000 Total 634,000 Roosevelt's excess over Parker, 2,005,000. Kansas .'. 100,000 ELECTORAL VOTE On the above showing Rooiievelt will have 843 and Parker 133 votes In the . . 140,000 1 electoral oollege . Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana New Jersey . Nebraksa New Hampshire... Nevada New York North Dakota 37,000 5,000 86,000 150,000 1251)00 15,000 10,000 .....70,000 76,000 ......20,000 2,000 185,000 NEXT HOUSE The next bouse of representatives will have 170 republicans and 125 dem ocrats, republican working majority of45. Now Ready for Sale The people of this oennty are now notified that the O'Connor addition is now ready for the market a d that choice lots nan b had at remarkabl 26,000 low prices. These lots are 60 by 110 Fine Organs $46, $48, $52, $55 The well known and popular Pacifio Queen. Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 down and $4 a month. Write us fur parlioulrrs. Mail Orders promptly and carefully filled. Cilers Piano House 351 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, Oregon Large stores also Spokane and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho. Furniture for Sale Furniture complete tor housskeep: lag. Everything from cook stove to pictures. Inquire Jefferson Av. be tween Chestnut and Fourth St., La Grande Ore. 119-12 9. Guntheries Candies All the essence of purity. As ' you can easily convince yourself by test. Bon Bins and Chocolates assorted Chocolate assorted Bon lions 60 ota. an up. . Newlin Drug Co. Sacred Heart Academy La Grande. .Oregon, this 'well known institution, conducted by the Bisters of tit. raocle, affords excellent eduoationial advantages. Music, draw ing ana painting optional etadles. Preparing young ladles for the profess ion of teaching a epeolalty. Boarding and day school opens the first Monday Bister Superior. Aug 4 .Oct 4 NOTICE Do'you want to change your location! Have vou a business vou want to sell! ' Do you want to buy a business or real estate In any part of the United States for cash or credit. ' Write us today deeiriblng your wants, we can supply them, we know how from 20 years experience. One sore of land partly fenced, a small house, half aore on fruit and berrios, five minute walk from ear line running from the center of the ofty of Seattle. Price 5O0. Vou pay 9100 down and the balance ($400) like rent li each month. Located on water 'ront. If you have a business or real esta'fl In any state in the Udtted States yon want to sell at a bargain, and It will stand the investigation we give It, we will sell it for you at onoe. Do not pnt it off but write today. Ws mads 1235 business and real estate transfers last month Ulllmao Realty Trust.; Drawer 1236 Seattle Wash. Reading Room. Tbs east room of Central Ohuroh o Christ.' Open every day from noon to sii in the evening. . Daily and weekly papers, magaaines sod books. . Men and boys oordially Invited. Strangers (always weloosMa . it see a