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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
7 BLOCKLAND BROS. " - Island City, Oregon Breeder of BERKSHIRE and FOLANDCHINA SWINE. ; , ., - , ; ,.,.r We now have eight young bucks, pure bred,. Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need, ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them - Young stock always on hand, and always glad to. have yon call and see our hoge, as we brerd them for - the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paioos before buying some where else. , ':' 5 Begin Chris tmas Work Now-! - We have a Bpleunid assortment of Stamped Linens Scarfs Pillop Tops and. Cords ' "" DON'T UTOROET We carry a full line of Head wear E M WELLMAN & CO ; La Grande - Oreoron ! WASTER SERMON BY DR'RAY PALMER "The Most Important Prayer in the World" The Subject of t e Sermon at the Bap tist Church Last Night. was ESS ghtful Route, Daylight Ride . Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons. . A. Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. ;. The first is found along ', the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and the latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your (rip will be one of pleasuremake the most of it. For information and illus trated literatnre write W, O. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Oregc . Gret Interest waa ahown in tbe re vival at the Baptist obu'roh iaat night A number of pen-ma asked (or prayer and three came forward to confess their Chriei. . lr, Bay Palmer preached on "Tbe moat important paayer In the world" text Luke)l: "Deliver us from evil" He said In part: "Tbe problem of evil la a profound myatery." A aouth aea Inlander aaked a . mia eionary, "Why doe' God let tbe devil live?" The missionary replied,' "That, there ia a devil : tbe match of evil adown the agee Droves and it ia also proved by every roan's observation and eiparienoe; but why God leta tbe aevn uve, no man oaa nil. Thequestion of supreme importance to ua is, that we are daily surrounded by evil and must eitbt r overcome it or beovoroome by it, Oould we atand on some other planet and look up in our earth by aome telescopic power, we would aee ware raging and tbe bloody atreams of car nage flowing down the ages. We wnlilH boa Ansnlv.lnn aorAnntifi or the tlieir hall every ri.imrday iiinht. vuUug n.em sea, conflagration the oity and tornado Lodge ' Directory. EAGLR8 La Umnde Airie in P O K meeta Bvory rnuay niuTii. ia tw 01 r nail ar 8 u In VltiUng bretheru Invited aueui.. C C llockwell, W P a. tl jvllle, W Bee. KOREHTKRS OP AMERICA Court Maid MarioD. No 22 meeU each Tuesday in Elk'a. A.I Hulaner Chief Baocrr. OJVaDdarpool KeeSeo. HEOoolidge, Bee. A 5 K KloeUart N U . H A A. M. La Grande Lodge i. 41. meota every let and 3rd batur J of each month. A U Williams Seo, u V Hull man w. as EaHTErN STAR 0EB Hope Chapter No 14 meeia tlie bcluikI and fourth Wednesday of eaiu lunula ai 7:w n m lit aiaiotnc t cinuie Mra Clara T Lyle, W at Mary A Warltick, deo ; .Thatithe way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned Iruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call.on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the Irish est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone order0. Geddes Bros. NEW YORK FIRE. Observer Special ftew lorn p.ov 11 Three perBona were fatally burned toiluy in a five atory apartment house on tie e sldo Bix others noro overcome with smoke and heat and were roacurd onlv by t ho heroic efforts of the flromon wno uuutl them In a lioup in a narrow hall ho i, mo J in by tire in their night olothoa. The lire is believed to be incendiary. Four hours Liter another largo tene ment house look lire uu 1 a acore of womou and childreu were overcame by smoke sevuu of theBe wore aaved by the Uiemeu, the land. We would aee all forma of crime and wiokednees sweeping over the earth. Evil ia a fearful reality The Epiouriane aaid there ia no evil but phyaioal pain. Tbe Stoics aaid there ia no evil in pain and no good in happiness." The Ubriatiau Scientist says "There ia neither aicknesa nor sin." A Christian Soientiat walked down tbe street with bia face all swollen from tooth ache. A man aaid, "what ia the matter" "0 nothing" aaid the Christian Scientist. The man slapped him on tbe swollen aide. Tbe Christ ian Scientist grew angry and said, "How dare you atrike can on my eore face, I'll have you attested" "N , no said tbe man, you are mistaken I did not alap you, you have no face to slap Jeeua Chriei recognized Bin a-td sick nesa aa dreeulul realities and wept over them. He came to redeem a race tb t waa really loat. Bootb tbe great aotor, one day gave bis icterpreialionof the Lord's Prayer and when be came to our text "Deliver us from tvil"aucb waa bia insight in to tbe meauing of those words thai be. people aaw bell opened befoie tbeir evea, and they arose and left tbe room in silence. Dr. Primer spoke of tbe Revised Virdon reaue ''Deliver us from tbe evil one." Rob'nann Cruisoe aaid be knew there waa another man on the island beoauee be aaw hi" traoke. - We have all aeen tbe devil's tracka every where in tbe hearts and Uvea of men. 80 Tie men boast that tbey are not afraid of evil ever hurting them. : They remind me of the young fel low in college wbo wouldn't learn any tiling, he went to tbe . profesaor and said, "Profesaor don't yon think fiab a good brain foodt Would you recom mend that I eat fish?" Tbe Proleaaor aaid "yea. but it would take a whale to do you any good." A young man atood at tbe bar of tbe aaloon with a number of otbera to take bia first , drink. He raised tbe glass to drink but aet it down and aaid "I aaw my mother's face in that glass" The boya said "Tom you are afraid to drink" be replied, yea I am my father died a drunkard and I am afraid." Tney all walked out without drink ing. Dr. Palmer told of a fallen girl in Portland sf.ved through a friend of bis. Tbe girl waa sent borne U ber parents in St. Louis and died in bir mother's arms, after being converted and made white in tbe blood of the Lamb. Ta9 sermon made a very profound impression on tbe large oongregation Classified Adveritsemenfe t ( vH-VrfArivthin? to Sell ; the People hear abouHt tbrosh This Department and You jvn Find a Buyer. II You Want To , : Sell Explain Your Wantsjfuid You Will Find a Seller. fc Sale or Exchange Eight aorea. fix room house, lar-ie barn? place for hotfe and ohlcken orchard andberrl"! Juateaatof flour mill. Thiawlll t- 1 investigation, for partionlara inl r at MacFarlane'a grooery store, sell or exchange for city property. . 10-2811-26 , Fruit Boxes. Send your ordera for Fruit Boxee to Stoddard Lumber Co. at tbe La Grande planing mill FOUND Ladlea light colored maok- intofh on top of a row of balled bay on tbe outside of Olivers 4 Boy ton's Ing nights Warehouse. Owner can obtain earn by oalling at tbeir place of business. Next Attraction The next attraction booked atthe Opera House is the "Keith 8100k Company," beaded by a popular lead iug man, Mr. Del Lawrence, supported by a very strong company of artists especially selected tor their various roles. Mr. Lawrence has been connected with some of the best stook companies in the country, and thera is surely r if- "l.m?s Notice 1 LnKt nntlf all oersons that I am tbe ao'e leasee of the Thos Smith stone o.uarry. also all stone on tbe 230 acre pasture ana ail parties are uuiou bidden from taking stone off of said traot. J Li Mars. FOR SALE One fine Jersey now - for itiea!ar ca.1 at tbe roeiaenoe 01 Thos Walsh or phone 301. FOR SALE Milch cow Jerseyy J100 . lb. driving boise, gahgplflw, top.X--buggy. Apply to A. Mullenbnrg, i( mile N E of Island City. . wOotU-DeeM FOR BALE Tamarack and Fir split feooeposta. ' John.Anthony Novltf For Rent i be building formerly occupied by tbe Salvation army. Kor full par titulars and rates inquire ol Mrs 8 0 Zuber. Aug. 31 1 1 j And Furniture For Sale house to rent apply to Mra Bbearer opposite Star G rooery Wort h of track. . Alfalfa Hay The finest lot of alfalfa hay just re ceived ever brought to this city. Prio- Furnuhed Rooms Furnlahed room for gentleman sleep. Mra U w freston. 1916 Adams At. Centrally located corner ol Washing ton and 6th UtreeU. Known as Geo. Ball's lodging hoase. es right. Lawson & Zundel Job Work. Try the Observer for firat class us $1,687,S00 ft, v , '.---)'-i.;i NOVEMBE MEANS OYSTERS R LOY Serves them in any stvW wish A GREAT SENSATION. There who a big Honmition in Loeaville Indmnrt, when W. li. Brown of that pluctt, who waa expected to die, had hie I iifopftvod by Or. King's New Discovery tor (Jonfluniptioii. lie writue; l eu lurtd liifutierahle asouteefrum ABthuiu, hut your New Uiscovery gave me im mediate relief ami booh tliereafU-r enettcd a coniplwte cure." feimihu ,uiea of ;oii8Uiiimimi. Pneumoum. Itrum'hitis and liriu are numeroua. H't I ihe'pt-urletjS remedy for all throat and Luiik troubles, l'rice 50c. and II Uuaranieeil by LaUi'Kiide Drug Co and Newllu Drutt Co., Druggiata. K oscvclt's Electors (Special to the Observer) New Vork Nov. 11 From the latest returns buinnhle Roosevelt will have 'ho unpt-ooedouted number of ;I4:1 etecioril votes and Parker will jo. uro l:H. I Ilia is the laraea' iinniber ol elfetoral vo'es ever given uuy ruuitidate for ttie preslutincy ol tbe united Slates and twenty or so more than the most aanguine republi can forecastor dured predict. Notice Of Estray I have taken up a bow and pig wii hold laimi uutil dauiago and cost of this notice are paii1. Sow upor crop from each ear. L B Hyatt and the baa l . i FOK RENT, LEASE OR SV4.E Lots 17, 18, block 102, Chapluiu's Atldition. ACUTE KHEUMAUBM (leen teurinu or wreauhlutt paint uaajuned by netting wet through. orswhoii nt met. or on nrst moviii. hu limbs and in told or dump weath r. is tured quickly by liallard b Snov .ininieiit. . Oscur Uloaon, Uibson Cit Uu.oia, writea. Kh 1(1 11)02: "A toki mo I was troubled with a naln in mi lnii k. It Bonn not n had I mnld no: ''. one bottle of Ballard 'wtt rated me." itoc, & i.twuu Drug IO, tieiul i now I 00. At the Top Lerny l.omax, prosecuting attoiD-j of the WbIiowb, linker and tinlon oouuty diftrlct, la in the city attend ing to business before ttie suprein court. .Mr Louinx is now one oi tb. leading atlorneys of tbo state and cam to Union county a very lew years ng( as a ai'bool leather, liy application K buaiuina he prt'pand bimeell for tl i Slaves of Russia Tin' Keith Stock Company, nhich i-o:nea to the Steward opera house for a weiks engagement, common -ing Mon Jay Nov 11 is a oomtiany of recognized ability, and produces the latest come dies aud melodrama auocesses of the reason. J he opening play, blavoR ol ItnsBls, is H foreign melodrama in foni acts, intermingled with pathoa and laugher. Tie Keilb Stock Com pan J onmo to us well recom mended irom neiglihoring cities. Kellmd vaudeville IMcUltlea nre introduced between acts making a continuous perform aine. The company carry a quartette of xrol ent singers, epeclnl scentny and ostilmos ar.) used in every pto.l no ion. SchIs will be on sale Saturday norning at tho usual place. Prioea 10, '20 and 30. treat in store for the lovers of good clean comedy and drama. The Keith StoJk company present a renartoire of royalty playa with special scenery surpassed by no stock com pany traveling. The company will appear one week commencing Monday, Nov. H, opening with "SUves of Russia ." Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents, beats on sale at the usual place. 1 Address bids to "F" are Still Hopes amael While, of linker Oitv, tetlr nn pratecutlmi attorney of (be East -rn Ureunn district ia In the city at tend lug supreme court. He is vtry r roil iily ll,puted that Mr Par ' lr n t elevi.iV bnt lue not be .mi..lia ouravll wlll hope DEL L.AWERENCE Leading Man Kieth Stock Oo. Proiessional W. J. BISONETT KXPKHT ACCOUNTANT Office with J T. Williamson, La Grande Parties wishing the servlees of a com petent bookkeeper are ass 'red aatis- factorv reanlta. Prioes reasonable C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Office Over Hill Drug! Store La Grande, Oregon Dr. I' ACHARLTON VETEWNABY SURGEON, Otlice at A T Hill's Drug Store La Oraude, Oregon Phone 13b Residence phone 701 The Bulletin just issued by tbe United States Government, after months of careful research, 'Shows that in the Western States, the i average 'family pur chases annually goode to the amount of: J50 On this basis the 2250 families visited with each issue of the Daily and Weekly OB SERVER annually purchase merchandise to the amount of $l,687,SOO The natural logical conclusion cannot be otherwise than that no wide-awake business man who will take . thef-w moments necessary to oonvince himself of the accuracy of the above statement, ean afford to miss the opportunity of placing his announcements (26,600 each mouth) before this army of purchasers. An ad under Buch conditions, properly taken care of will most certainly bring enormous returns on tb investment. These Presentations FACT St Should receive the most careful consideration of every business house whose volvme of business de pends upon the patronage of this city and county, Columbia Collegiate, I Preparatory . Commercial University rr $sk imt rot citaloici Courcea Hoarding school tor yoon men A boys. o-oa llnh..,.! Park Mallrni THE OBSERVER -First Class J ob "Work siRnrHirir