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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
t j hi Can Get h Grande Creamery Butter At the Following Well known Dealers " Romig fc Staples ' ' .' ' ' Baker Bros.' i Mo Faylane : C. Ralston 'jj Qeddes Bros ; ; . ' J. W. White - , 0. L. Thorn . i Remember every pound is guaranteed ,; ., : - When you ask for La Grande Creamery butter you , help a home industry and thereby help . your own biiilnws? ' . ;. ...... ' La Grand Creamery Co REIGN OF TERROR IN WEST VIRGINIA Sheriff and Deputy Shot Down Governor has Troops in Readiness More Trouble is Feared - - a tfonrunnrt THE IDEAL FARM yo'i have been wanting la ready for yon. In fact, there are several of them Where they are and how little they coat, you can learn by calling on as. FARM PROPERTY ia a epeoinlty cf ours that re tak particular pride in- We have locked oareftilly over every one before niacins it un our hooka, and k on i' ia all right. And the price ia all right too If yon are thinking of Investing, bet ter stop in some day and talk thinga over. We can save you lota of trouble and lota of money in yonr search for the ideal farmr jCa or and Snveestment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new cr rebuilding their homes'; can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Eleotolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of ll designs. We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. La Grande Light and Power Co. ' Observer Special Huntington W. V. Nov. II 8her- iff Daniel of Fayette county and a prominent citizen of Montgomery was ibot and kiled today by Harvey Jack- ton in Montgomery a small hamlet near Fayetteville. Today's killing grew out ot a quarrel last nignt in which Policeman Will Elliott abot and killed Constable WA Jackson. Hmvey Jaekton a brother ol W A Jackson and two other brothers ' are aid to have armed themselves and sta ted out to "clean up" the entire police force ol the town. Sheriff Danieia ordered Harvey Jack'on to leave town under penalty ol being ar retted. J ekion without a wotd she t he sheriff dead. John Eolff who saw the -booting threw up bis hands and advanced to remonstrate with Jack- too and to help Eaniels. Jaokson iben shot RolBf dead. Tbe three Jack' sons have fled to tbe woods and a hun dred men are in pursuit.' REIGN OF TERROR unarieiou w va Nov 11 A reign if terror the mayor is helpless a d ;iaa appealed to Sheriff Daniels who has appealed to tbe governor to send iroops. Tbe govern oi is holding the 'roops in readiness and if sheriff poee is resisted be will send them. The posse is now scouring the woods and mountains with bloodhounds, wffl iala in tbe county fear further trouble as the sentiment against slay era is very strong. Friends of Jackson report that they are orgamaing around Montgomery ana sweat vengence il J ackaon ia lynohed. " JAOKSON ESCAPED Reports from posses stale that Ed Jaukto n waa ohased into a eave, tbe plsce waa surionnded bat ha escaped in tbenigbt. . ... - Investigating (Observer Special) Pendleton, Nov, 11. Mis E Swang er, ot Kamela, Is In the oity today. searching for additional evidence as to tbe 'circumstances surrounding the death of her son, Seymour Swaugar, under the wheels of a train three weeks ago, near Bingham Springs. For Sale Household furniture, choice house plants and 8 good milch cows. Mrs H A Burroughs, Oor. Jefferson Ave, and 2nd St. 11-18 LEGAL if state Notice J R Kellogg deceased, Estate. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned, J M "Jburvh, has quali fied as Eieoutor of tht last will and testament of J R Kellogg, deceased . All persons saving claims against i said estate are hereby required to iresent the same properly verified to he underpinned at tbe ofMoes of 0 H Finn, tiommer - Building, La Grande Oregon, within six months from tbe date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published October 6thl80. J M tlhuroh, Bxeoatorof Estate of J R Kellogg, deceased. 0, H. Finn, Attorney for Executor. NOTICES SUMMONS. Id lit Circuit Cbnrt or Ui Stat of on union Oouotv. L 0 WILLIAMS, Plalntia CASSIA A WILLIAMS. Defendant. ASWIIIUmi' ma ibova-naaua . the name or the state of Oregon Coroners Inquest The July, summonel by Cornor Henry to Inquire Into tbe facts ot the death of Comlaotor Chas F Brown, met this morning and examined the following witnesses ; James T Longly, Master Mechaiio of the OBAN Co. W A Dunoan. Dining car waiter. En glneer J A Carlson, who was in oharge of helper No 200 which ran over Con ductor Brown, Fireman L E Tipton, and B F Perry, brakeman on the pass euger train No 6. Brakeman Perry seems to have seen more of tbe accident than any of the " MCU'-OAJ OHOP3. make a most delioious and healthful meal. They are juicy and palatable and just melt in your mouth so de lijious is their taste. We have them fresh every day but we don't only tell fine mutton obops. Our daily tock inoludes choice lamb chops, veal chops, sirloin, porteriiouie, round and other steaks aa well. Such meats make the best of eat ing. Im y are good and solid and every Dit that goes into tbe body makes, pure blood and strenttueni. the organs of thi human maohinery. Buy your meats at our store. We al ways have tbe best, and aell at the very lowest prices. Bock & Thomas To (lUlllA defendant: It vfMi rfl hflrnViu ooiiinlaiDl tiled Uimlmt vou in the avbove- aautled tuit oo or before tbe Slat day o vciuuwi ivi, auu u jrvu lau u atu mimwvr, iur wani thereof, the will Uk decree against you for tba dtutoluUoa of the martiag contract xtiting between you aud the plain AQ and for coaU aud diabursenuntti of thu suit. . Tbia iumioor is published In the Eastern Oregon Observer, it weekly nsrwapapar publishsMl In union oonnt? Oregon, by order of th Hon Hoberl Uakln, Judge of the Klfhth Judicial Distr t ol the Ulrcuil Court oi the Btata at Oreco. "noj a week for six oonseoutlve weeks, the first, iiUoatlon thereof to be mad on th , Vtb day ot September, IK, and the Utai publi oaUon on the iLu day of October, mot, which wm iuuo un iuj .em- uay w mjhwuwi ' - EUGENE ABHWILL, - AUonuy for inalntia TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. MOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. . U. & Land Oiooe, at La Orande, Or . Octlj, 1904. Notloe la hereby gnven that la oompllanoe with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Junes; lflta, entitled "An act for theaalaot Umber lands In the States of California, Ore Koo, Nevada, and Washington Territory," us extended to all the Publlo Land Htatea by aet ol August 4, l&tt, Herbert R Cleaver ol Caldwell, county Of Uauyon, -Ute of Idaho, turn liiib uay uieu in una ouiosj nis swora mi mcnt No. Jii, lor tbe pnrohase ol tUe NX 8 W',SW andNWii 0K-!4 Heo, W4 and ttt HWU andNWU UK Ku. U in Townthiu No. a A. R No. B. W.M. Aud wUl oiler proof to show that the land aooglit Is more valuable tor Its timber or uiurv ui me acuiueut, uian muj vi wv atone than for agricultural purposes, and witnenses examined aud his sUtsmsnt j g -jJ gj, W uEHTefors ia u ran ao, uregon, on Friday, U1S 6U1 any IN THE COUNTY COURT. FOR THE COUNTY OP UNION, STATE . OF OREGON. In the Matter ol tbe Estate) of V Citation Jane Ball, Deceased. J. To Uennre W. Allen and J. W. Allen, helm, at-law of Jane Ball, deacoafed, and to all other unknown helm and persoua concerned: Greet ing: In the name of the fitate of Oreeon. Vou are hereb; cited and requlrod to appear in mo uoumy iourt or me niaie or uregon, for the County ol Union, at Hie Court Konm thereof, at La Grande In the County of Union, on nuiuruay, uiu iulii uuy 01 Leveuiuer, iwi, at II) o'clock, In the forenoon of that day, then and there la show cnU8e. If any vou have, why the Detitlon of Ueonro Ball. Administrator of the aive named estate, praying for an order t ia aa follows The first that I saw of Mr Brown he was looking under the dinner. It being ouetomiry to block the wheele of care on grade. 1 suppose he was looking for the blocks under the wheel and did not notice tbe helper backing toward him. Tbe next thing I knew tbe help er was upon him. As near aa 1 could judge I thought the helper struck him on the hip first, and turned him on der the taus on the left side. The Jury Is as followa: II P Lewis, F B Currey, L Given, B R Hawortn, T W Berry, W D Grandy. Wm Grant Clerk. JUBY'.S VERDICT. After carefully oonaidering the tea. tlmony of the witnesses summoned be fore this jury, we find that Charles F Brown came to his death while in toe performance of his duty as conductor of O R & N pasaenner train No. 6 at 7 :16 a m at Kamela, Oregon, November 8, 190t, by being struck aud run oter by O R A N helper engine No, 200 In oharge of J A Carlson, We exonerate said J A Carbon and bis fireman, L Tipton from blame. ' or lanuarv. 1UU&. Ho names aa wltnosaesi William H Brown Oregon: R H. bullls, of Perry, Oregon Ben jamin Young, of Hilgard, Oi;on. . Any uiu mii pwmuum maiming mutui ni; turn atiove-deaorlbed lands are requested to flia kueir oiaima is tuu omnia oa or Diuora aaio 6th day of January, IMs. tt . ami is, nqiinar. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 187--- NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. V. & Lead 00100, La Qrande. Oregon. -BepL ).kL Notloe Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tbe aot of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "ad aot tor the amle of Umber.lands In the Htatea of California, Ore gon, nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public i&nd Hi tee by act of August 4. Ltfttt, Oharles M Wright of Pilot Uook.Oounty of UmatillaUte of Oregon has thla day filed In this oxHoe his sworn statement No. W17. for tbe purehaa of the . SU ana Lot Hec, IVsnd Cot I Sec. ) In Towniuip cto. 4 a., uange x,& w N, And wliloOer proof to show that the land ought is more valuable for lis Umber or . stone than for agricultural purposes, and; to eMtahluti his olalm to said land before the KegUler and Receiver of this office at La Urande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the tfOUi day He names as wltntases: JamraR Banna, or McKay, Oregon, Alkrt Winters of HUrkej. Frank Aldeii.oi&tarkev. Andrew Bulllv&n of btatkey, aujt iuu mu. pcTswiu oiaiming aoTenety ui -above deecribed lands are requested to file tiiclroiaimsln this offloe on or before said 2titU day ol aOeoemner, Uk . W. Davta, Uevlatar, Call For Bids Notice la hereby, given that tbe ud deraigned will receive sealed bids Dp to and Including November 10, 101)4, for the filling ol lots, streets and alleys In I'redmore's Addition as follows, to wit: ik for an order j fli. 11 or the H HID tr and levellnff of empowering bim to sell the real property be- j 'OtS from one 1 to ten 10J, incluaive, lonelnir lo Raid estate, to wr estate debts. should not be irrftntod. Witness. UioHoo. M. A. Harrison, Judge of me uouniy uouri oimo hiaiooi ureKon, ior the County of Union, with the Heal of said Court affixed this 4th any of November 1001. A I tea t; j u UIL.HAM oieiK. MRS. J. R. FORREST, MILLINER V- Ladi can SAVE MONEY by buying now. fompadour Bangs,' the kind always sold for Novelties. Peggy Bage, Novelty Combs, Perfumes and Toilet Soap. The finest line of Millinery ever shown in this city. MRS. J. R. FORREST, Milliner Masonio balding on Adams avenue. OFFICIAL VOTE OF UNION COUNTY. I f i i I PRE0INOT9 f 5 J ' I I j hi i I Astelope.-... 12 S a 0 0 t 11 Allocl........... 66 M 2 S 0 49 28 Bl Creek . 20 U 1 1 7 25 Co vs.. UI S 16 ( (100 101 Camp CarsonMH.MM 11 4 0 1 0 1 14 Elgin, North.....-. 169 63 7 28 2 IM 149 Elgin, South. 179 7S 9 14 1 98 176 Hilgard 42 21 2 1 0 13 68 Island City 74 68 ( 1 ' 0 72 78 Kamela .....,..... 10 8 0 7 0 8 10 I Grand 1.... .. 174 66 10 29 2 102 IDS LaOrande 8 216 88 t 37 2 111 2(9 La Grande 8.......... 125 60 16 17 1 102 114 LaOrande 4 76 24 11 1 67 62 North Powder. UI K S 25 S 79 102 Porry. ............. 47 8 1 1 0 29 25 Hummervllle ...- 145 08 4 7 1 122 101 Starke? 17 6 0 4 . 0 10 14 Union U 139 66 7 8 0 76 142 Onion 2. 124 I 46 9 I 0 83 121 Total U78 778 112 203 20 1204 1725 Kepubllcsn plurality I0y9. Anti-Pro. plurality 621. Total vote on President 2WO. Total vole on Prohibition 2929. Summervii'e Sittings Sunshine, San bine. Mr. and Mra. Bob! son left Friday for Kentucky where the will Tislt friends and relatives. Snpt. B E Bragg was visiting the school bete last week and eoooti raging tbe teachers and pupils The danoe given Nov. 8 was well aU Attention Do not fall to bear lr Raj Palmer tonight at tbe Baptist ohnroh on, "Roosevelt Oar Noble President.' A special Invitation to the O A B. WHO and teaohera of tbe school J,d students of tbe High School. ""'J body weloome. Hervioea at 7O0. In blook 23. (2), For tbe filling 111 and leveling of Parson streot from Its intersection with North Depot Street to Its inter aeotion with North Greenwood Street. (3), For tbe ailing and .leveling of lots from four 4 to nine 0, inclu sive, and from twelve 12 to nineteen 19 incluaive, In block 22, Incluolng alley. (4), For the filling In and leveling of lota from eight 8 to fifteen 15 in clusive, In block 3. (5), For tbe filling in and leveling of tbe old ohanoel in Hill Street between North Fir and Depot Streets. (6), For the ruling in and leveling of lots from two 2 to twelve 12 and from sixteen 10 to twenty-thiee 23 Inoioslve, in blook 4, also, cbanel in Trobrldge Htreet between North Fir and Depot Streets. All lots to be filled with good dirt, free from giavel and refuse. Streets and alleys to be Allied with gravel. All bids to be left at the office of J W Knowles, La Urande, Oregon. Bids to be made separately for said work, as indicated by said numbers and also, for performing entire work. The right is hereby, reserved to reject any and all bids Dated at La Grande, Oregon this lltb day ot November, A P., 1904. Nov 11-18 W A Spalding NO. 2 SAO p. m. NO.. 8:80 a.m. LOST-On tbe strr ,w "Ity, aooot noon ov , dls gold watcb. Finder pi" ve at this at remarKftDi Os-te-op-athy railing to find reason in the philoso phy of the prevailing schools, Dr. A T HUH, Found'-r of the American sobool of physiological or lion drag medicine, see out to Und the reason fur so moon pelvio congestion among whlofc clearly, paves tbe Way for all mal .positions ot the uterons, for lnfianiinsiorr oiudatrt and sdbeainns, for suppressed fane. tlonlng, or oer-e" 'or pains, or sterility, for ban'cbas, for headaches, for nervousne" a ior all tba miser ies pecuiisr' women's own. lleoand that cause. It Droved to ba in eot'ral new conception In medlnal pullosopny. - u waa simple so almnle i&at many great phvaluiana ot nth.. sonoois yet scoff at its acceptance. Notice Of Estray I have taken no. a sow anil nla will bold same until damage and the oi tnis notloe are palr. How hai Eastern Oregon Bnaineaa Oolledge Sohool of Shorthand, and Normal Baker City, Uregon, bad four calls tor rjtenographera last week and was unable to fill them all. Our students get good positions when competent. Business men cull on ns when they want reliable competent help. Now is the tlmefor young people to enroll. . Practical Business methods are taugbt. Tbe light line System ot Sbortband Is taught which oan be learned in about ehall the Urns the old Shaded Systems. Tultlonjand Board reasonable' MO Perry Prlno 9-21-10-21 D . CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop on North Fir Street. You wil find my shop well supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yours for business Free delivery. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS OREGOBi vq Union Pacific Salt Lakb. n-n . w Worth. Omaha, tuu. ltr, St. Loauk Ohlrauro id last. . NOL 6:50 a in NO 5 pre NeS2Dally 8anday 9118 a n Tlnse Aeiimlal Portland. Dalles. Pen- l".il. XI , . J ' l kaneannu and a ith tU 8do-I Portland, Dalles. Pen- aioton Umatilla Wsl- LwiiHn.uoimi "iww, waiiaoewa anor, nposaa ann other polnu east and uortn via npokane. land city, Alloel, Imbler, and F.Iain 'oonnectlona at Idaln witn staae for point In Wallowa county NO. 1. SJOa. m NO 5 8:5 p.m NO OS p I HO m 5:90 p Opesn Steanmrs herwann PnMi.K. j ., North Dakota 26,000 low prices. Thee lots arc 60 by 110 I always wloom. I I vtft soo, at um .wiu wu, sura I od. Vof sals by AU DtatgUtM. lfPrag0o..Pra Btorss. 1 ..