X t i HAIB BRUSHES I In baying hair brushes, end all other brushes, we look oat for points that might escape . the notice of customers but whioh have everything to do with the life and service of the brush. The construction, material, manner in which bristles relastened, eto, are all important . The brashes you get here are such as you would seek were yon a brush expert. " - GOMBS " . . . . - ' t . We are as particular in buying combB as we are in seleoting brushes,. In either line we are abls to give you the best possible value for your money. . THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LOCAL ITEMS OF interest: LA GRANDE OREGON Get The Habit .-.':(' ; Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prioes are the lowest and our stock is complete. having the largest stock of " Preferred" oanned goods, Allen & Lewis special brand off all their leading lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete liDe of Men's and Women's andJShoes which we invite you to iuspect. :c.i:iralston: NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. Concerning People Who ; go and Other Items of Local Interest. Come Besides BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, peUsanrl furs. Also chickens & poultry. The regular danoe will be given at the Commerlcal Club Friday evening Jas Dallon of North Powder is Id tLecity. Mra. Fred Sohllke will leave to morrow for Pendhtoo where she will visit friunda tor several days. The Weidemann Company left thia morning lor Pendleton to play the balance of'tbe week. There waa a large orowd of people from the country in the city last even ing In order to hear the election re turns. The Commercial Club will give their once a ;weok danoe at the club house onnextfriday evening November 11th F 8 Murphy manager of the Grande Ronde Lumber Co at Perry was In La Urande yesterday on baai neaa. . Miss Carrie 0 Mlllspaugh, the State eeoretaiy of the B Y ? Oand Woman's Work is expeoted to arrive in tba city today. Kev H S Shangle, preaiding Elder of Pendleton ..District will preach at the M K oburcb, South Saturday even lng at 1 -M. All are invited to attend. Mra A M Paul baa just returned from a five weeks viait with " her aon and daughter in Salt Lake City and will be at home to h er many friends after Nov 9th. . . The Rev, G L Hall from Pendleton arrived lu the city thiB morning and will assist thJ Kev, Day in conducting the revival meeting at the Baptist church at this place. 2 Mr Ed Divine, Who oame up from Ladd Canyon yesterday to get the election returns last night, left this morning for his borne, expressing him- ielf as well pleased with the results. Miss Flo Hallock, of Portland, who baa been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Q A Moiden of this city, left this morning for Heppner where she will visit lor some time before returning to her home. Weidemann'a company played last night to a ciowded house as it has one on every night which it lias been in oar oity. Even the interest mani :sted in the election ha 1 no effect on keeping the people from going to see the last performance of the oompany in this city for the seaBon, LOST On the streets of this oity, about noon Nov 0, Ladles' gold watch. Finder please lettve at this office and reoeive suitable reward, tl Mrs Ida Barnette of Athena, Presi dent ol the Rebecca lodge of the state was a La Grande visitor oonaoioua condition. Be never regain ed oonaoloaeneas and died a few boura after th . accident ocourep. Mr Ewaokhammer while badly bruit ed waa at last accounts resting aa eaaily aa oould be expeotod under the circomatanoee. The funeral arrangements for Mr Bowers will be completed today. The aooident ahowa tbe absolute ne cesalty for the enforcement of tbe or dinance relative to having lighted lamps on every wbjel after dark. Bad there been a lamp on Bower's wheel the aooident might have been avoided. Mr. Brown's Funeral The funeral of tbe Gbas. F. Brown who waa killed by the cara at Kernels i yesterday morning will take place from the Metbodiet oburob in Pendle ton tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspices ol tbe 4. F.4AM AO U Wand ORG. Tbe lemaius will be under tbe escort ol tbe Koigbt Templars from La Grande Command ary No 6 and Pendls'on No 7. A special coaeb will be attached to No 1 in tbe morning lor tbe accom modation ol tbe members ol tbe Mas onio lodge, tlie Eastern Star and rail . road men and tbeir wives wbo will attend. NOVEMBER 19th TO WIN A $40.00 SUIT " Next jAttraction The next attraction booked at the Opera House is tbe ".elth Block Company," headed by a popular lead iug nan, Mr. Del Lawrence, supported by a very strong oompany of artists especially se looted for their various roles. Mr. Lawrenoe has been connected with some of the best stock oompanies in the country, and there is surely treat in store for the lovers of good clean comedy and drama. The Keith StoJk company present a repartoire of royalty plays with special scenery surpassed by no stock com pany traveling. The company will appear one week commencing Monday, Nov. 11, opening with "Waves of Russia." Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents, teats on sale at tbe usual place. Alfalfa Hay The finest lot of alfalfa bay just re ceived ever brought to this city. Pric- right. Lawson & Zundel TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa growe without irri ' . gation. -. ;,C; ' - BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barfev. Oats, Etc' V The only Seed House nUnion County. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 & P. StaplM E. E. Romlg ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- and fancy gro-; goods; Tinware, . A (all and complete line of staple eerie. Fancy canned and lunch graniteware and woodenware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 68 1 I i HOUSE CLEANING TIME I be . cnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is complete. Our prices right. and visited the local iug. nor dishes yesterday , ere served hot here. There is not a lodge last even- A Chance with every Dollar paid on account or purchase A. V. ANDREWS Gents' Furnisher and Tailor. Distressing Accident (Observer Special) link or Oity Nov !) One of the moat uulortunate and distressing accidents that ever happened in Baker City oo cureil last evening resulting in tbe death of Waldo HonerB, one of Itaker (Jity's most exemplary young men. The particulara its learned were that BottorB and V It Swarkhamnieran em I loyoo ol tbe First National bank were un bicycles riding toward eaob other on Cenlcr Street, and when near the Nngtiot saloon, they oame to gether witL terriblu force, throwing both to the ground . Bowers was carri d into a nearby reatanraut in an un- slngle iceburg about our hot dishes, dome resturants serve wnat should be bot food, aa if it had just come out of A RFFRIGERATOR That kind of food gives you dyspep sia and shortens your life. Our' res taurant serves what buoys you up and makes you fat and contented with all mankind. For a good square meal that will help you keep your religion (ome and see us. The oftener you come the better, MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We ;ell weekly Meal'. Tickets, Cash a a a $4.50 E. ANDROSS RttiSEr ftoe;367 Undertakers and Embalmers HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave u WATCH MAGNATIZED In thesejlays of the inoreaalng use of eleotriolty the dan gar of .having your watoh magna tized is greater than In tbe past. I am in shape to demagnetize vour watch right away and put it in as good shape aa when it left the factory. There is no necessity-of running the risk of having your watch lost or broken sending' it away when you oan get it made as good aa new at home by a praotiole workman at a low cost. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler SECOND n3Mb Q00DJ" : P.UUGHT AND SOLD If you went to fell nut you necil 'ose no time. Just phone U9 and we w ll loy your goods end pay you the cash fort hem, If you want to buy we can save you money. Why? Hecause we Ho not buy on credit or pay interest on borrowed money, but have money to to loan ami therefore we I uy cheap and sell cheay . We do not claim to sell lor less Ibnn the goods cost but we do claim to undeieell anyone iu our line. Why? Because we pay cash for our goods. Our ex pense is loss. We pay no expressman as we owu and run our owu wagon. Cu'l il you want to buy or sell. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams 1 SEWING MACH 1 NES We hve secure ! a line of machines that are said to be one of the best on the market. A written guarantee with each machine given by the manufacturers for ten years Our price is low. Call and look the machine over and see how we sell them. W '1 exclusive agency for the GHllett's Safety Razor The Golden Rule Company 1308-1810-1312 Adams Avenue Smallest Prices' Remember we stilt buyl and, !i:..n kind. ,phofle jgg, of Second Hand Good M 4 arsrest Store