La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 09, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    t ?' 1
Republican Plurality 1200-Pro ibition Defeated
. ; By Over 500 .-Carried in a
i v Few Precincts
Election day waa en ideal one in
Unlou oounty, Tba vote fell short of
tite 1h June election and U is pre
somed ft would have been still lighter
bad not the campaign on prohibition
broogbt out many.
For many monttn It baa been evi
dent that many democrat! hj the
oounty were going to support Roose
velt but siooe the state went so heavily
republican in June it waa expected
that in order to bold their organiza
tion they wonld support tbeir , ticket.
The returoe however abow that many
did support tha republican nominee
tor Booievelt baa carried -this county
by nearly 1200 majority. The next
highest nisjorlty ever east lor a presi
dent was gi-en Bryan in 1896.
Next June
The Observer baa been asksd a num
ber of times today when tba question
of prohibition oan asain be voted upon-
Section 3 of the law reads as fol
lows: "If petitioned t iterator, the
flrit elections hereunder shall foe held
on the first Tuesday after the first '
Monday in November of 1904, and
thereafter only on the flrat Monday in-
June of any year." - ;
Provisions Are Short
"Vancouver, B 0., Nov. 9. News from
Fairbanks and lanana via Dawson says
that disorder is rampant there this
winter. Touch characters from mar
Beports from all over the
kn 1 1. . . U i . . IAh
...v. ... ia...,rn.m.M...u to tbe Ulstriot. There is one third
uc luomi ipnon question ana an nut more neople than can be provided to,
- f II I . 1 .LI 1 - . .
m wn .uj.ii ,ewiiw cvah&iuk; mil vuis winter.
eounty u yakoo dutrlot an Hooding in
ikenin to the tlistriot. There is one third
prohibition was defeated oy about 550
Only four precinots in the eounty
so far reported were oarried for prohi
bition, Alicel, Perry, Summerville and
La Grande No 4. bland City went
against prohibition by one vote and
the Cove by two.;:..
Tbe vote in the Alicel and Summer
ville precincts will result in the clos
ing of tbe ssloons now running in
Imbler and 8urnmervllie. v.
In eomperbon with ttie vote io
June tbe La Grande vote was simply
reverted. In June it went local op
tion by 193 and this., time against
prohibition by 198. - .
Roosevelt will Have 325 Electoral Votes- Large
. Republican Majorities in Both Houses
of Congress
This is oertalnly a' republican land
slide. Prom one end of the country
to toe o'her the reports only toil of
Increased republican gains. In nearly
every state Roosevelt and Fairbanks
Shot Son-in-law.
Portland, Nov. 9 A special to tba
Oregon iso from Grant! Pais says
that W. r. Shomeke, " man 70 years
old, ibot bis son-in-law, Oliver Bar
gent, to dsatb.
Shomeke gave Sargent a farm in
consideration ol Sargent' oaring lor
bim and hia aged wife during their
lifetime. Ever since tbe,. gift - was
made there has been a conitant wran-i p a a a DlrpD CTDIlfP
gie. Last night there wai anotbtr TALL KIVCI M IllC
quarrel and today as Sargent wat leav
ing Sbomeke and ft is wife after having
brought their meal to them Shomeks
on Monday of last week possibly fa
tally beat a laborer, Henry Cameron,
at Butteville, was given a preliminary
bearing In the Salem justioe oourt
yesterday aiternoon and was held
under 11000 bonds for trial by the oir.
ouit oourt upon the charge oi assault
with intent to kiU. J';. -v
Cameron is still lying in a precar
ious condition at the Salem boipitai.
.L J I . I . n . .
back,oausing Instant death. Bho
meke's mind is thought to be aff oted
. Held Under Bond
Salem, Or., Nov. 9 Carl Long who
Fall Btver Mass., Nov 9 At a meet
ing this morning of tbe Manufacturer's
association . tbe latteat proposition
from the textile oonnoll was rejected.
It was unanimously voted to open tbe
mills next Monday under the reduced
scale of wages. Tbe outcome is problematical.
Incomplete Vote by Precincts.
5' ' ' . . . ..1 '-''is '
. 'i i i t -a s i i ":
' I i i
lfll1 1 1 ; Iff.
Atlope.m... . ';, 1; v.;
Alloet....HHHH'.wl..HHM 65 16 i 8 ' : 0 '; 40 : 88
.Bkorssk .... .... ,f., .... H ..
ooveM.-; ... jH , n , : ji " 4 ' ' s in no
Camp Caraon .... .W. .... ,.,
Elgin, North... 161 66 0 0 M in
Elgin, Sooth..'. j.. irt J6 ' -'14 1 3 17s
;Btigar.;,,;,,,;;.,',:;.,, a ; 0 ' o m m
ittaiK pity .imii,. .,' n in J. g s '. n n
Kamela ....!...... i.' '
I drande ...... 174 66 10 -i 3 1(B teg
La Grande 1. ..... 116 02 - 37 2 ill 24s
La Grande 8. 137 W .16 '16 "'' 2 10S 114
Ia Grande 4 I , , , 76 S4 ,.M ,' ft 1 67 U
North PowdT..,. 136 40 8 . 36. i I . 78 103
" sVriy;,,',,; .';;; 47 ' 8 1 ,1 0 36
Sammorvllle ........... lis 68 0 0 0 123 101
8trkey...H.. .1.; .'. ,
Union 136 03 0 0 0 76 143
Onion 3. I 136 I 4 . t p 0 0 ffi iji
Pneinota not yet heard &. 1
combined with style and accurate fit, come direct to
onr store where you will find an immense stock of
smart styles and handsome fabrics from which to make
your selection. We are sole agents here for the
celebrated . ..
and can vouch for the quality and fashion-correctness
of every garment, and guarantee to fit you uo matter
how you are proportioned. We are particularly proud
of our large and magnificent collection of
Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats at $15
which in point of style, quality, tailoring and fit, are
every bit as good as to-measnre-madt) suits and over
coats at $30. In fact you never saw smarter appearing
nor better made apparel at other stores for $18.
Men's Brown Cassimere at $ 7 60 worth $ 9 00
Men's Oxford Gray Cheviot at 7 60 worth 9 00
Men's Black Clay Woisted at 8 60 worth 10 00
Men's Gray Mottled Worsted at 9 00 worth 11 00
Men's Oxford Gray Ch'vt sq. cut 9 50 worth 12 00
Men's Bl'k Diagonal CUy W'st'd 11 00 worth 12 50
Men's Scotch Tweed, beautiful 9 00 worth 11 60
Men's All Wool Cassimere at 12 00 worth 16 00
Men's Scotch Mottle, very stylish 15 00 worth 18 01
Men's All Wool Cassimere at 20 00 worth 24 01
receive larger
given prssfdei
While tbe state of New York waa
majorities than '
rsaiaenc mcruniey in 1900.
clrssed as doubtful by both patties the
latest returns are that Roosevelt
oarries the atate by 300,000.
Colorado which was also an unknown
quantity ;owing to the recent bltt r la
bor strife gives Roosevelt a good ma
jorlty and also reelects Governor Pea
body. ' '':,':'
Washington gives a large majority
to Roosevelt but the governorship Is
still io doubt and it will require re
ports from nearly every preoinot b
lore accurate information can be ob
talned. .
The returns of the doubtlul states.
so classed, went so overwhelmingly
for Roosevelt that within a very few
hours after the polls had olosed the
national democratic committee aoced
ed that the repuMloana had carried
every doubtful atate and within four
hours after tbe polls closed Mr Parker
I gracefully submitted to the Inevitable
land wind his congratal tlons to
' President Roosevelt.
West Virginia, the home of Mr Davis
goss republican by 25,000. ' i
, , , , , IDAHO
Boise City, Hov. Roosevelt will
oany tall stste by 10,000 and Gooding
republican nomine for governor is
elected by 17,000. These figures may
be inoreased when all the precinots
are beard from which will not be until
late tomorrow evening. '.
Washington, D 0 Nov. 9 President
Roosevelt is receiving thoutands ol
telegrams of congratulations not only
from all parts of this country bnt
many from across the water. Tbe
Western Union Telegraph Oo say that
never in the history ol tbe United
States has any president ever reosived
so many tbouiand congratulatory
Eiopui, N. Y., Nov. 8 At 8:30
o'clock tonight Judge Parker sent thin
telegram to be preaidsot.
:' "Rosemount. Eiopui, N. Y., Nov,
8, 8:30 p m The President, Washing
ton t Tbe people by their votes have
emphatically approved your adminis
tration and I congratulate you,
Washington, Novi 8 President
Roosevelt's reply to Judge Parker's
telegrsm was as follows i .
. "AlMn B. Parker, Rosemount, N Y
I thank you for your congratulations,
will eioeed 40,000. : v'-'.rrr
Wheeling Nov .ft This state is
oonoeeded to b) for Roosevelt. ,
-, -.": , POPULAR VOTE ;;i
New York, Nov. 9 Peturnt so far
received bave given Roosevelt and
Fairbanks a popular vo ts of 1,800,000.
New Haven Nov 9 Complete returns
from entire state gives Roosevelt a
plurality over Parker of tO,000. " The
largest plurality ever given in the
history of the state.
1 Seattle Nor. fl Returns are very
mesger and all coming in slow. Roose
velt will carry the state by at least
.15,000 but the vote on governor Is very
close. ; . I
' Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 9. Tba Kan
sas City World saya tbnt if the present
gains are continued as represented by
tbe returns now coming In, Hoosevell' "
will carry the state. Folk, the Demo
oratlo candMate for governor will pro
bably be elected.
Kansas City,' Mo., Nov. 0, 8 p zn.
Both sides claim state and Missouri
which haa been always Democratic for
tbe past 36 years will In all probability
cast bsrelectorlal vote for the Repub
lican nominees.
Enterprise Nov 9, Prom tba pro
do ots so far heard from Rooievelt will
carry the county by uuu untarprise
wss the only precinct that Voted on
prohibition and It waa defeated by
IWO WOOe if-iif.?, T-VV" ',.--;y'
(nun ruiiiuuiw
Portland Or Nov9 (8;30 : Rstorua
now In give the state to Roosevelt bv .
35,000 three times greater than . Mo-;.'
utnew iu ilia mw mum iMrnuwnu
more votes than' Parter.- ;' .
Seattle Wash, Nov 9.-(3:S0)The re
publican central committee olalm that
Meade will be elected by 8,V.OO and
that Roosevelt will carry tbe state by
86,000 Legislature solidly republican.
rr-"rv i ;
Ban Franoisoo Nov 9 Tea Baq Fran
olsoo Examiner conoedes that Boose
velt has oarrlrd every northern state
and will have 326 votes in the electoral
college.. . -
Nev York Nov. 9 The national re
publican oongreaslonal committee
based upon reports io far received
state tbe republicans ' will have a ma ;
jorlty of 60 In the house of representa
lives and a two thirds majority in
the senate. .-, .-,...' ,
1 f
Portland, Or , Nov. 9. Every oounty
with the exception of Benton went
asainst Prohibition. Lincoln and Lane .
counties doubtl'il, very close.
' ' . ' . ...... , ' 1 i t:,y .
: Is our specialty. We know hoM to make (,ood har
ness and we mske good harness. Call and see the kind
, we recommend for logging.
ROBES- .The finest assortment of winter robes in
the county. We carry everything whioh should be
found in a first class harness store t. ;"
. Harness and Saddles
' La Grande, Oregon
A Store With
A Record
We have been doing busi
ness in this town for 6 ears
In that time the . town has
nearly doubled in population
Duriue the same time our
business has inoreased FIVE FOLD. In other words
our business haB made a great deal more rapid increase
than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis
all of which yon will perceive if you begin buying drug
store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough
training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex
ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of
pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand
ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open end
attended to bnsine8B until we know the demands of the
people of this town. .
telegrams as is now being ssnt to onr
present txsonti vs.