La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 08, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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The Shoshone Falls Project Snould Not be Con
fused with Shos one Project in Wyoming
"Since the recent throwing 'open to
ettlen of the land near Shoshone
Felli, Idaho, which are to be irrigated
by the bit Twin Falls oanal eyitem, a
luge number of Inquiries buve been
received from persons who bad oon
faaed this with th "Shoshone project
ol Wyoming," says A W Uadley of
the National Irrigation assooistion.
. "The Twin Falls proposition, sonth
of 8hosbone Falls, is what is known
asaOa ey act project in wbioh the
settlers are required to. pay GO cents
per acre lor the land and a oertaln
amount (or perpetual water right in
'he oanal . The 50 cents (piid In two
'instalments goes to the state, and the
prlotf the water right, which in this
oase is $25 per acre, is paid to the
ooropanv building the oanal; The set
tler, and he must be a bona flde one,
will pay in this instance 25 oents an
acre upon making application to the
state and 13 an acre for w ater th
p q cr w ft mm fin &
'r"BieT-v " - .tjwm m s tm m,t in 1 1 aa Imsuiwi ,t ,,, i i ... i , i
4v Jb., T, rr-T -ra,
urn voaXiram I
first two seasons. The second paymeot
of 25 cents for the land may be paid at
any time duriog the neit three years
npoo aoquirloit title and the' balanoe
of the f25 for water will be paid in an
nual Instalments of from HUH per
acre. : . -K .... , -
"This is the largest irrigation pro
position yet promoted by prints cor
poratbu and embrtoei more than 370-
000 aorei in (Jlassla county lying on
the south side of Snake river. The
system Inoludes a 50 foot . dam
and more than 70 miles of buge
canal. The total cost is estimated at
"in the same locality with the Twin
Falls project is the govenment Mini
doke proposition which Is also being
considerably confused with the Wyo
ming scheme on aoronnt of its being
erroneously spoken ol as the Shoshone
The Minidoka project will include at
least 120,000 aoiea on both sides ol
the Snake river, and under the provi
sions of the national ir ligation law is
open to aotual settlers only, who must
reside upon their tract tor five conse
cutive years before acquiring absolute
title to the same, -.
"The great Shoshone project ol
Wyoming has now been appropriated
or (2,600,000 ) and is destined to
; The V S Land Offioe is dosed today
on aeoount ol the presidential else
Receiver A a Roberts left this morn
iog tor a short business visit to baker
City and will return this evening.
Mra. J M Berry will entertain the.
ladies ol the Kaffee ' Klataoh st her
home Friday afternoon. 1
There will be a grand reoeptlaa given
the uew comer in La Grand at the
Commeroial Club Thursday evening.
WANTED-Washing to do at home.
Mrs. Shaw, West W st.
Portland Markets
U. B. lond umoe, La Oranile. Oragoa
tiopt.6, Uvi.
Notice la hereby riven that la uomolliuiM
with the provisions of the aoi of Cuugress of
June a, una, eullued MAn aot for the sale of
timber laud 10 the males or California,
gun, Novadu. and Washing-ton Territory,
extended loiul the Publle L&nd stele bv
of Aus-ilsts, IWXUUreutit.U. Uhauuel. of &lt
IB. Tp. 6 south, range &5, K'A NE)f
Kii ol Section No. Ill In Township
timber lauds in the titales or California, Oro-
extended to all in. Publlo Laud Hlales b:
Lake city, ooauty of Halt Lake, State of Utah,
bat tills day niea lu this omoe his sworn
Htacetnent No. 8107, fur the purchase o(
im i, MB. I
No. i k. Kamra No. at K.W.U.
And will oiler proof to show that the land
sought ta more valuable for lu Umber or
stone then for aprloulluial purposes, and to
ufithllKl. hlB fll.lm In ullf lanH hafiiiwth.
HA? AND GRAIN .Z Klur and Heoelver of this oOloe at La
Wheat, exnoit Dries file to 86a I UeombW. ifiu. ' '
R1m liaf aot ka A eM ka . He names ea witnesses: Ralph H. Bnllls,
Barley, best fa.60 to faa.SO of BUukev, Or.on, Kdward Bm7 of BUrkey,
$27 0 Oregon, Frsnk a. Murimy, of 1'srry, Oregon, Abe
; Any and all persoua oialmlng adversely the
above described lands are requested to flu
uietr auums in wis omoe on or ueiura siuu
OaU a..'....... ...... .$38.: to
Hay, timothy..... ........ .16 to IIS
Bntter best creamery 37Xo to JUWUW " w. Bavla. Begister
is within the reach of every man if
he only goes the right . way about.; it. t ,
If yon have been longing for a home of
your own, we can tell yon how to
realise yonr ambition.
.1 v i . .--':-'.
several ideal homes that ne can. put -
you in tne way oi purcnasing ana oc
cupying at once, It will not take muoh
ready monev and the prices and terms
are auoh that any ordinary man can
afford them. Call and talk it over
jCa Srand Snueestment Company,
1110 AdamB Avenue, . . L uranae, uregon
All who are Building new : cr rebuilding their
homes, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms
halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason
ably price, as we are in position to undersell any
-fixture in the Inland Empire.' - -
We have at our offioe a complete stock of assorted
Btyles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de
signs and finish. Also Shades of ell designs.
Wo cordially invite the public to inspect our
stock even if you are not. ready 'to buy,' Offioe
open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m.
U Grande Light and Power Co.
Ladies can SAVE MONEY by buying
Pompadour Bangs, the kind always sold for
$4.50, now 11.75.
Novelties. Peggy Bag?, Novelty Combs, Perfumes
and Toilet Soap.
The finest line of Millinery ever shown in
this city.
i Milliner
-. Masonio bulding on Adams avenue.
ordinary... ............. ..26o
BgKS, per dosen .28o to 26c
Chickens, per - pound...... ,10o
per owt.. ......
Onions, per owt '. .-. .'. . . . .SUfiO to 11.08
Apples, best, - per box .7Sc to tl
feaches, beat, per box.'... ..O0o to 7So
Treasuren Call "for County
Notice: is hereby given that the .
undersigned, Treasurer of.. Union
County, Oregon, bas funds on band
with whioh to pay all county warrants
which war presented and endorsed by
the County Treasurer, prior to the 1st
day of Sept. 1809. , Boob warrant may
be presented for payment with interest
up to date. Dated at the Treasurers
othoe in the uity of I Grande, this
the 4th day of Nov 190. No interest
allowed after thi date. .
-' 5 John Frawley .
Treasurer of Union Co, Or.
(Nov. 4th 4tJ '" 7.
Eastern Oregon Boainees Uolledge
School of Shorthand, and Normal .
Baker City, Uregon, had four call
tor Stenographers last week and was
unable to till them all.., Our students
get good positions when competent.
Business men call on us when they
want reliable competent help. ', t
. Vow 1 the time .for young people
to enroll, f . ...
Praotioal Business method are
taognt. The . light line System of
Shorthand is taught, which , can, be
learned In i.aboot half thei time the
Beets, per saok...... ....... .....$1.26
prove one o( the most glganUo Khsmes y. per pound.';... ........ ...2e
jet contemplated by the reclamation
service. The Shoshone river, named
in Indian language " : Stinking river"
bo named on account of Its sulphurous
origin among the Yellowstone springs
rises near the boundary ol Yellowstone
national park in northweatern Wyo
ming and flows eastward through a
canyon cut deeply through solid gra
nite. "It is in this canyon that the great
dam will be built, it will be a
wonderful piece oi cement and stone
masony, joining the preoipitous sides
oi the oanyon like a huge triangle 140
feet long on top and the point of the
triangle extending downward 170 feet
add disappearing into the river. An
immense lake or reseavoir will be tbua
f irmed which will cover 3300 acres of
land and will store 7,000,000,000 cubio
feet ol water.
'The ..Shoshone river ;, bas a ,. flow
whioh is highly vo.iable oanylng in
line of Hood as muoh as . 10,000 cubic
(eet per teconil, and during- the dry
aeaeon dropping to as low ar 250,
tleoee the soheme will be strictly s
storage oue, the water ' of which will
ue led from the reservoir down ontu
the lands to le cultivated,, through
system of tut-nela aud canals some
four miles in irngtn.
"A great power plant 111 be install
ndat the dam, and a contemplated
oOUO horse power generated witb an
uditioQil WJJ hit is p i vit gendrated
irom the waters of Eale Neet -creek
not far dlbtaot., This power will be
used as in other propositiont for pump
lng water water onto several' thousand'
aorJs more whioh are to high ,td be
covered uy tho gravity eystom.n , "
"Tnose who have an idea of investi
gating the project with a view of tak
ing op a homestead should bear in
mind that all government land bas
been withdrawn under the provisions
of tne irrigation law and .nothing but
actual five year residenoe will snffioe
The cost of constructing the dam nnd
oanais will be oharged up to .the set
tlers and must be . paid back to the
government in 10 anoual instalmen a
Bull ..........
Stage... ........
Hogs, best...
Hogs, feeder..
..2.7S to 13
...... ..1.76
..12.96 14.20
Tuttionand Board, reasonable ,
- MO Perry Prino!
Creamery Butter 66 cents per roll,
Butter Fat 25 cents, per pound.'
estate. Natice u, ' ,
J R Kellogg deceased, Estate.
Notice ' is liereby aiven that the
undei signed, J M uburch, Uus quail
Bed as Executor of th, last, will and
testament of J K Kellomi. deceased .
All persons haviog o latins a.aiuat
said estate are hereby required to
present tbe same properly verified to
tbe undersigned at the r-ttJoes ol O H
t'inn. tiommer Building. La Grande
Oregon, within six moLths from the
date oi tne nrstvpuDiicauon ol wis
" Dated and first published October
om iwi.
J M (ihurob, Exeoutorof Estate oi
IKttellogg, deceased. v
0, 11. inn, Attorney for . Executor.
Timber land art
U.a. Land Office: La Ursude Oreffon,
Oaobcr 6.
Notlos la bersbr given that In compliance
wltn tb ptovlilODi ol the set or Connress of
lane8l878,euiltlsd "An act for the sale of
limber lands lu the 8Uls of California. Orkos.
teoasUtoaU tbe fuuio lAad state, by act ta 1 old 8bsded Systems,
A usual 4. llVi, Halpb Ii. Bullls, of La Orande, I
'county 01 U uion. Mate of Oregoa, has this dajr j
nidu in win ouicu uis sururu suiiemsut i.u. j
naifortue pu chase of ibs nWKSWJt ileaioa ' . t
l7.ft E X BBSWtfSBiiol Beotlon No, 0 -21-10-21 DW
. And will offer proof to thow Uut the land
ought U mora valubblc tor lu lunb-ar or
ttonethan for agrlcullural puriKMOt, aud to
esubiUU hUcUiin losaid laud beforti tUa Keg
later avud Heoelvr of this otUca at La Grande
Oregoa, on 'Friday tha afiird day of t)oaiabar
Uensmeiaa witneasei; Andrew I Baltlvmn
Utm V Joae. BcujamiD Hagey. of etarlcey Or
cgoaaud UaorgaO Holn)e of La Cntnda Ore
Any and all pertona olairalnii adveraely the
above deaenhed land-t are rei)u3tcd to file their
claimi lu tliU office on or beioro aaid Xtrd dy
ol Ueoeinber ilto4-, .. ; .
a w uavia k twister.
S. FOR ''' , f
U. H. Land OOloe, lt Ur&nde Oregon.
AuglUit. s. 1W4
. Notice U'bereby given that In oompliauoe
with the urovisious of the act of Oouureui of
June a, 187a, eutltleduAn act for the sale of
timber Itinda in the StatM of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
H)uuw ko mi in ruotiw Linii buiw uy aci 01
August 4, laYA Mary Uoherty, of Vinson, coun
ty or U matiUtt, tiute of Oregon, haa this day
tiled In this oitloe her bwom itateuaent No.
sUo, for thepurohase of the HEW NWand
ii-H BWVi Bectlou IS In Towaaaip iNo, 4 ttuULh,
Kange So. sL B. W. M. .
Ajid will offer proof to show that tboland
sougbl li more valuable for Iti timber or
stoue than for agricultural purpose, aud to
emablliih hor claim to said laud before the
Kenliier and Ueoelver o( this otttoa at La
Urande, Oregon, on Monday, the aithdaTof
October, I004.
Hhe names as witnesses; Nell MoDlvf' , Oan-
leiaiauueu, 01 rcnuioioii, uregou; dosepn 10
herty, Barney McLaughlin, of Vinson Oregon.
Any aud all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their olalme In this office on or belore said
day of October V-i'.
E. W. Davis, Register.
i - Lots 17, 18, block 102:
t Chaplain's Addition.
Address bids to car
of Observer
Notice is hereby given to whom it may con
?. ia. ji 'cern that there came to my place about July
No in tor eat is charged however, anl lwMa lwo U1IW nortu of Ferry on UUia
tha hnniABtAailAF nan Aanflv mnlrA hla Flat tue following clfecrtDHd animal, Oue dark
tne nonieiwaaer can eaeuy mage oib b hetrer. m?t Jersey, oomiua two yoais
ij Tirtue ot an order and lioenee
made and entered by the Hon. County
Oourt of Union County State ol Ore
gon, on September tjtn, latM, in tbe
matter ot tue Uuardiausliip ol tne per
sous and estates ot igrneat N latty, 'it
Beatrice Patty, and frank A fatty,
minor heirs ol i'bomas f Patty de
ceased, and wards of the undersigned
their guardian, 1 will, from and after
tue 21a t day of October 1901, at my
noma no. . itttt Adams Avenue, L
Qrande, Union (lounty, Oregon, pro-
A . 1 1 A. .... I .. . n u ..... t.
fr . . , Q. . ,p . . . ttatemeut No. rortaepurouaseortIieUlVi
ea,t quarter ol rjeotion 34 ol Xowoship ot a,Uon 18, Tp dot , K.age No ,, E w M,
1k. .th nl R.M M nff IK. A nit will nffVip nrnitf in ulinM l.hat. HA l.nJ
Willamette Mertdan lu union Uounty """r" wuu,u . wu, w
lJl r. E.Thl , tl.? .lu kLlS ! "on?, "an for agricultural purposes, and. to
esbaoiisn ner oiuira u suia iauu Deiore -ue
Uegister and Receiver of this offioe at i-a
Unuide, Oregon, outisiurday, the jth dayol
Jauuary, IUO5.-
Uhe names as wltnessos: Herbert R
Cleaver of Caldwell, Idaho; Kalpb H liullls of
l'orry, Oregon; llunjamlu P Young of tillgard,
Oregon, WUliain U Loiigley of lillijttrd, Orugon.
An; and all pontons claiming adveraely the
above described lands are requested to Hie
their olulms In this office on or before said
7th day of January, IIW5.
. Jfi. V. Davis, Beglater.
U. a. Land Olllco, La Grande, Oregon.
Out. IB. lUUA.
Notice la hereby alveti that In ooniollauce
with the provisions of the act of Cougress of
juuo o, ioa. eiiimou "A.n aui lor ma Hate 01
timber lands in the Htutcs of California, Ore
aon. Navada. and Waxhluutou Territory, as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ui August, lav, uiara a urown, 01 ferry,
County of Union, State of Oregon,
tuts oay me a in tuts oatce ner sworn
Uregou. (or tbe beuetlt of aaid beira
and their eatate. Terma of iaie, oaab
to me lu band. Zora JA Fa ty.
Guard iaa of the persona and testates
of tii-nest N fatty, 2 lien trio Fatty
aud c'raulc A Fatty, Minors.
Dated SdU Jjr lef, UJk Oot 21
payments off from the prooeeds of his ol,lt wltUout visible brauas or eur marks.
now with my esttleon tue Ilmper pluoeabout
4 miles uorLUttSHt ui itiena uuu uwaur
laud. Those who take np their tracts
before the water ready for use will
be able to sea ore employment on the
works without doubt. In fact th
government desires in this way to
keep lb money at home by employ
ing the local farmers in the valley tbgt
they may also become throughly fami
lar with the system and thereby be
able to care for th same when it is
Anally turned over to the management
of a local water users' aasoolation.
Joseph's Funeral
Lewiston, Idaho, Nov 8 K B Scott,
arrived he. e yesterday states that Peo
Peo Tolac, one ot the head men of the
Nez Perce reservation, and relix Oor
bett, a brother in law.of Chief Joseph,
will imoet at Mr Scott's Louse ' in
Spokane tomorrow to arrange further
details lor tho holding of Joseph's
Mr CL Williams of Elgin who has
been visiting in our oity returned this
morning to hi home.
Mrs Mary Weaver and Mine E Bault
of this city left for a visit to friends
and relatives at Elgin.
The wife and children ot Mr A Wea
ver, who have been on visit at the
Dalles for some time, are expected
home this evening. Xhey were to re
main until January, but will return
on acooont ot the ill health of th
Th "Silver King" at the Opera
House last night by th Weiderman
oompany was well attended as their
plays always are, and It was well put
on, calling for heavy parts by many of
the company. Miss Met Chamberlain
a the wronged wife carried out her
role splendidly as also Mr. King a the
Silver Kiug" and Mis Martin as hla
sister. It is on of their beat play.
can buve same by proving property and puy-
Homo In Old Town, La Urunde, Urogon.
Dated tUla 7Ui oay of November, 1U01.
Notice of Pinal Account
In the the County Court of, the Htateof
uregon, lor union uouuiy.
In the Matter of the Estate
Edwin Boutbwell, Dooensed.
fiOTIUE 18 HBBEBV GIVEN: That the un.
derslgned, has fllud with the Ulurk of tbe a
bove entitled County Court his Until aeoount
aud report in the above named matter, aud
the said County Couit ums Uxed upon 11 o'-
giock. in we lurenoon o' iiecemuer 12. lyut,
U. a. Land OUlce at La Urande, Ore,
Ocu Itt, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provlntuna ot the act of (Joogrowi ol
Junes, lH78.eutl,led "An acl- for the eale ol
timber Inriua lu the tltatea of . OaU for u la, Ore
gon, Nevada, and WunUUigton Territory," as
extended tu e.11 the Fublio lAnd Htatei bv ant
ofAuHU8t4, wmtaiu U browu. of Perry.
county uf Unlou. Bute of Orcicuu haa toll
day Hied in una oitloe hla awura
N o, 822(1, for the pu rehiuie or the K.K of 8 W '4
uiowiiuuii lommo a n n n wi quuliuu
No, 17 iu Tow ml lip No 4 t), llaugo no. B7,
K W M.
And will ofler nfuof to una that the land
ought In raoro valuable for Ita timber or
Biune .iiiu rar aKriuuuurai purpoaea, aua to
ltezlsterand ilocelver of this office at 1
(irunde, Oretfou.6n ttuoiuluy, the 7ta day of
inuuitry. iiwju.
lie umnoi an w.tne. He;liert R Cleaver
oi uaiuweu, laaho; Kaiph U Dullii, of i'erry
the time, and the County Court room In the Oregon; Ueiijamln F uuug. of Uligard, Ore
'Jourt Houae of aaid Couuty, lu the City of La, con; William U Lougley of ililgard, Oregon.
Uruude. Union County, Oregon, as the place, I Any aud all perauna claiming ad vernal
wheu aud where any and all objectlona to any ' the abovi described lan ie art requeued to
matter In the aaid aocouut and report oontalu
ed. or to any thing doue by tue uuderalgnud, as
AumlnliiTalor.wlU bo heard ana punaed upon
by the aaid Uouit, aud wiieu and m hero the
aaid aeoount aud report Wilt be dually Mettled;
any perauUM having any such objections aa a
bove mentioned are lequired to preaent the
name at this time and place.
This notice lu publluhud pursuant to order of
the Judge or the aaid County Court, made In
the above entitled matter on November 6th,
Administrator of the Estate of lidwln
boutbwell, Deceased, de honla non.
Dissolution Notice
Notice le hereby given that the oo
paatoerablp of Win. (Jraot and Harold
Herroo. under tbe firm name of Grant
A HerroD, bas this day tssa Ultsolred
Harold Herroa retiring. The business
wllL be coad acted by vVm. Urant who
will pay all debts and collect all
amounts due tbe arm.
Dated at Lia Urande, Union county,
ureguu.iu.8 own aay oi Heptetnoer.
mi. Wm. Urant.
9 80-10 80 Harold Herron,
Uwiataad Tract)
Notice la hereby glen, tbat lo punoanoe of
iintiuuiiuiia iruiu uio tuuiuiusiuner m ue
Oenetai Land Office, uuder authority vetted In
hltubyttecUon 266 U. A. Kevied tttat-itea, aa
amenued by Uie act of OoagreU appruyed
Kebraarr . IWc. wt Will Droceed io o;er at
publlo aale, at ten o'clock a. la. on tb 2 day of
Auguu, 1904. ai una oiuce, um louowmg irut
of (and, to-wit:-
sW4 bW4Bec2T4flrt37 K. W. M.
Auy and all pentont olalnilug adversely tbe
aboV described Laud art) a'JWed to hla their
elalma in tUla otTlca on or before Uie day above
dnlauatcd lor Uie nommenoemeut of aaid uie:
otherwise, their rights will be forfeited. Dated
1 una ta loua
- B. W Dsvls Regitter.
A, U. Jtotoatta, Meoalvvr.
file their claim In this otllceon or belore aaid
'io uay 01 January, ivjd
iin w, uavis, tfegisier
1 ... .- - ..-ft 1
I have reopened 'my shop on
North Fir Street.' You will
find my shop well supplied
and the prices to suit the
times. Yours for business :
Free delivery. , Phone 1601
8 AO p. m.
NO. 6,
830 a. m.
Bali Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth, 0 in ah a, Kansas
City. St, LoaU, Chicago I
,u aut,
8:B pi
0:U a n
Tina Sohednl
Portland, Dalles, Pen-
aieioa. .vatia waiia,
Uavton. i Vo marm J
tool fax, Moscow, Bpo-1
mi a ita via 8po-
Portland. Dalles, Pen-I
uiuutu uiuaiiiis vvai
lula, LewlHton, Colfax
ssuauow, waiiace vrai
dner. HDokanei tuir
other point east and
norm via opoaane.
aland Oltv. AllcaL
imDiBr. aua iukid
connections at ETiiin
who siage lor poinia
in wuow county
5.&0 a. m.
840 p.m
06 p I
jno e
8:80 a m
6;30 p
Ooean Steamers between Portland ana
Ban Franolsco every Ave days
K. 0. HOORS, Affunt
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
Romig & Staples Baker Bros.
Mo Faylane C. Ralston
GeddesBros . J. W. White
0. L. Thorn
Remember every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help your own
j La Grande Creamery Co