y i Ti.'rti mfmtmattw ERVER. volume in LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1904 NUMBER 66 NDE1VENING 0BS CONDUCTOR BROWN KILLED AT KAMELA Crushed and Mangled By the Helper Engine as He Stepped Upon the Main Track The city u cut , in gloom this morning bj the ud newi of the death ol Ooodootor Cbarlea F Brown who wu killed at KmIa at about eight go alook tbia morning. The facts u regard to toe aooident, according to jtbe bett information obtainable at tbii time are at follows : Conduotor Brown wu in charge ol eul'toiund pamenger train No.fl rd had reached Kamela without accident. The train wae out in two at tbii point in order to piok op the dining car Tbe dining oar had been picked np aod tbe traia bad been coupled to getber and wae standing npon tbe aide track. Conductor Brown wai atand- ing at tbe tide of tbe train and bad iuit tested the air at tbe bleeder and then atepped baokward upon tbe main line. He made thin fatal atep juatJa time to be itrnok by the helper engine No 200 u it wai baoking down tbe main line in order to gel out of tbeway of paiaenger train No. 6 and allow it to take the main line, lbe tracka at this point are near eaob otber and only one etept wae neoeaury to bring tim in front of tbe tends. of the belp- r engine. Hii.b dy waa foroed under the trucks and badiy mangled. Death mutt bare been almoet tnatantaneoui Tbedy wu brought to thie city on paeeenger train No. 6 and turned over to Coroner Henry who will bold an inqucat aa aoon u tbe neoeaury it neaiee to the aooident can be aeoured Urt, Brown bu been notified ol the death of her husband and ie now at theii4ume at Pendleton completely prostrated. Conduotor Brown wu one of tbe oldtit n.n in point of service On tbii road tor the put eizteen yeare. He wai for many yean a reaidentof tbia city during wbieh time he made boat of friende wbo duply deplore bia untimely end. He wu member of Knight Tempters, a, O 0 W and tbe 0 B O and the M E tiburob. -Coroner Henry will impannel a jury tbia afternoon and bare them view tbe body and then it will be ehipped to Pendleton thie evening on No 6. Tbe funeral will take plaoa Tboreday at Pendleton. Tbe deoeued wu about fifty yeare of age ud leaves a wife wbo bu the aympktby of tbe entire community. COACHMAN GETS FORTUNE operation wu put off until there wu not vitality enough left to ten-over from it. Mrs Hooz au the wife t Alexander Hooz of Cove Tbefaneral waa conducted from Calvary Baptist Church of the Cove by Bev 3 W Oliver of La Grande (Sunday at U a. m. She leavM a hnabaod and three ohildren with many relativu'to mourn her lou. Born BORN At May Park, title rounty, on tbe 6th Inat., to tbe wife of litan. Brant of North Powder, daughter. Indianapolie Ind Nov. 8 Tbe body of Hre Elnora Chambers, a daughter of Gen Tbomu Morris of tbii city, wbo died recently in California, will arrive here today, most of her property being In this city. Her fortune of 1150,000 wu bequanthed to Harry Graves, her coaobman Gravucame to the home of Mrs Chambers in rag . He wu a tramp bat his manner wu so open and frank that she wu attracted to him, and offered him employment. He became her coaobman. When her health failed, ahe went to Cali fornia and be we .t with ber Thomas and Blltol Morris, brothers andnatu ral brlrsof Mra Chambers, will contest the will on the grounds that Graven exercised undne infloenoe over their sister. , Died Gas Exploded Santa Boss Cal Nov. 8 An explosion of gu in tbe Great Eastern quicksil ver mine at Uurheville took place hut night. Four were Injured and two may die from burns on tbe face, hande and shoulders . James Leslie and Hol lo Woolen were the worst injured. Fred Sicotte and Peter Henderatration were also injured. Will liaise The Maine Wuhlngton, Nov 8 For $5,000 the! United States Battleship Maine Bal-j vage company of thie city bu bought from the Unban government the wrack of tbe battleship Maine, In Havana harbor. A coffer dam will be built around the wreok and the hulk will be raised. Such af the 74 bodies of the American aallors not recovered will be removed and burled with due honors, in tbe United States, If tbe navy de partment desires to tak - charge of them, or in Havana if the Wuhlngton government makee ro provleion. ' i The salvage company will make ar rangements for the sale ol tbe machine err of the famous battleship. It is planned to tow the slii: to Coney island to be put on exhibition there. PORT ARTHUR PROBApr FALLEN Latest Reports Say that ' Japs Have All But Taken that Disputed Point Baptist Meeting A full home at the Baptiit church, and a iplendid interest lat night. The speaker took ue through all tbe different appanments of tbe Banquet balls of the Devil. Tonight he speaks on the Banquet halls of Jesus Christ. Corns to tbe Banquet tonight tor I am sore you will enjoy the spacious hails and splendid mean provided by him who lovei us all, and seeks our highest HOUX At tbe hospital in Baker Qity on Nov. tb 1904, Mrs Elizabeth Hoox, from the effects of a surgical. good operation. It wai a case in which the Grand March at 7:30 IF YOU SEEK FALL CLOTHING OF CHARACTER and MERIT o a , London, Nov. 8 It ii reported here thai Admiral Togo's fleet bu mooted ed in breaching the Oclden Hill forti fications. If tbii ia true tbe eurrender of Port Ar tbor must occur' within a few hour., i Borne, Nov. 8 A Tokio correspon dent of Gioroala Di-Boma, wires that Port Arthur is regarded u taken in tbejapamw capital. The Russians still held font forts' but the town it elf is open to tbe Japanese on the northeast. They will not, however, enter the town at present because it ia atilt under fire from Liaoti mountain forte. All tbe baaeigera' eft'orta will sow be directed toward Golden HiU fortreas. J;. .' ' . . 8t. Patera burn, Nov. 8 General Sakarotf report! : "Sharp ahooteia 04 Friday, Under Lieutenant Voorrot- nikoff penetrated u far as the Japan ese entrenohmentsin frout of. Hoau thai height and remained all day ex ahangeing a fnailade with the Japan- Tbe concentrated Buaeian fire destroyed the village of Udeyleti and the Japaneae attempts to damage the Buaaian masked guns wu unaueeeas lul. On Bunday eight tbe Buiaian aharp ibooter barruaed tbe enemy along the whole line. There wu no engagement on Saturday.' ' RUSSIA MERELY MAKING " ... SPORT OF ENGLAND St. Petersburg, Nov. 8 M. Clado one ol tbe four offioera landed from toe uaiuo neat at vigo ana who pro ceeded loot Petersburg ie not a naval officer, but a major in lbe army. He wu limply Admiral Bojeetveusky'i guest and intended to land at Vigo, The faot that be wu left behind ai tbe responsible officer to give detail of the Doger bank affair is nothing, leu than mockery to England. The ozir it is learned, bu loaded M. Clado with honora and Buaaian society ia hilarious over tbe fact in sending him to the capital u a , representative of the fleet. I , ALBXIRFF AT CAPITAL St. Petersburg, Nov. 8 Vioeroy AI exieff airived here Friday anl there ia a possibility be may be transferred. vioeroy to Oancaaurs on account of the sitnation there. vacant about a year but lay services and tbe Sunday . School . have been kept up. The members and friends of the pariah - are enthualastio over the faot tnat they are to have regular services now. Tbe servioea for next Sunday will be the Litany, Holy Communion and sermon at 11 o'clock a m and evening prayer and nrmon at 7:80 p m and Sunday Sobool at 10 a m. Tbe mem bers and friends ol tbe Church here aod at Island City will take notice of these servioea to which they and the public generally are Y. invited .r The Vestry and tbe Guild have made and are making substantial improvements and repairs in and about tbe Rectory andtbeOhuroh. . IRRIGATION CONGRESS There will be at leut ifi delegates from this state to tbe National Irriga tion congress which meets at El Paso ' Texunext week. They will leave . Portland Saturday and will be pi spar ed to make an aotive campaign - to bring lue 1908 congress to this eity. : An abundance of badges bearing tbe legend, 4 Portland 1906," and an abnn- " ... danoe of Portland buttons will be pro- vided and these sill b: distributed among those attending the congress. Aa soon u tbey arrive in El Paso thsy ill eatabliab headquarters. Oregon Jonrnsl. combined with style and accurate fit, oome direct to our store where yon will find an immense stock of smart styles and handsome fabrics from which to make your selection We are sole agents here for the celebrated MICHAELS STERN FINE CLOTHING and can Touch for the quality and fashion-correctness of every garment, and guarantee to fit you no matter how yon are proportioned. We are particularly proud of our large and magnifioent collection of Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats at $15 which in point of style, quality, tailoring and fit, are every bit as good as to-meaaure-made suits and over coats at $30. In fact von never saw smarter appearing nor better made apparel at other stores for $18. - Men's Brown Cassimere at $ 7 60 worth 9 00 - Men's Oxford Gray Cheviot at 7 60 worth 0 00 Men's Black Clay Worsted at 8 50 worth 10 00 Meu's Gray Mottled Worsted at 9 00 worth 11 00 Men's Oxford Gray Ch'vt sq. cut 9 60 worth 12 00 Men's Bl'k Diagonal Clay W'st'd 11 00 worth 12 60 Men's Scotch Tweed, beautiful 9 00 worth 11 60 Men's All Wool Gasiimere . at 12 00 worth 15 00 Men's Scotch Mottle, very stylish 16 00 worth 18 00 Men's All Woel Cassimere at 20 00 worth 24 00 New Potatoes - About two years ago Sam William son sent for a few pounds of seed of the potatoe known as the Stray Beauty or Bosses Early which bs bu demon strated u belns all that ie claimed for it. It is earlier than the Early Rose and is superior In every way. This Mason be hu raised about M0 sacks and all wbo have seen them are da- lighted. He is also experimenting with an other variety called White Victor. Mra. A. A. Roberts, who for thel New tourist and crevenette ooate past two months bu been in Portland j arrived at THE FAIR by express this ! undergoing medical treatment arrived In Pendleton yesterday. Mr. Roberts wbo is receiver ol the La Grande land office, will return home tbii evening. Mrs. Rolette will remain in this city with relatives Eaat Oregonian. The social to be given Thursday even ing by the La Grande Commercial morning They are distinguished Bailsmen and will ba pleased to meet tbe ladiei of La Grande and vioinity Men of an inveatlgetl g turn of mind are alao welcome '- ' ' . Tbe Wiedemann Oo.praented The Silver King" to standing room orly lut niiiht at Stawatdi Opera houaa club at their parlors promise! to be i Wiedemann! always satisfy the La tbe event of tbe season. The sootei Is if,,.-..,. nnMi(. ' Tnnl.ha the same com pan will present "A Live Wire" given to members of the club, their families and those who are invited by written invitation alg.ied by tbe En tertainment committee, and it il hoped that every member of tbe club will at tend aa there will be no charge, every thing gratis. Anyolnb members wlab ing to have a (reod invited will call on the Entertainment committee for tbs same . . - , , . PoDular nrioei and popular people all go to make Wiedemann's Big Snow,, popular with the people. The bigb Ave club will beentertain ed Thursday alternoon by Mrs Jay Van Biuen sad Mrs . Moaby . at tbe t formeri. home. 'j, . - J -- i Heavy Team nMpMansacJsB UJl 1 N The Election . The election ia passing off very quietly, and up to three o'oluok not one half of the vote of the Jnne eleo tion had been polled. Repot ta from Union and Elgin all show a ligbt vote, unless tbs Jut four hours makes up the deffioiency. Sumpter Threatened j Sumpter, Ore., Nov 8 Tbe olty of i Sumpter is threatened with two suits- one lr damages and the other for re: oovery of salary . Jamea Parts, a dray man, who olaims to have been wverely disabled from sn aooident oansed by the bad condition of tbe street over whloh he was driving, wants (300. DrLT Brock, whoM reaignation as oity phyaloian, wu accepted at tbe laet meeting of the oounoll, claims that bis ulary for tbe month of October is still due him, and, unless it is paid, be will also me tbs olty. The La Grande Cash Store. NEW RECTOR OF St. PETER'S CHURCH Tbe Rev. Upton H. Gibbs, B D tbe new rector of St. Peter's Episoopsl Oburoh in this oity will arrive hers oa Friday svsoing snd will bold bil first services at tbeOborch next Son- day. Mr. Gibbs is a yonog man of good scholarship and attainments, and a good and Interesting presobsr, and it is expected tbat he will do sn excel lent work here. The parish bu been Is our specialty. We know host to make food har ness and we make good harness.' Call and see the kind we recommend for logging. '' ROBES The finest assortment of winter robes the county. We carry everything which should found in a first class harness store ." in be E. CHR1ST0FFERS0N' Harness and Saddles . ,. -i i . . L Grande, Oregon A Store With A Record is .- ; a - . v.- a a a a a a a a a Q a a a We have been doing busi ness in this town for 6 ears In tbat time the town has nearly doubled in population ' Durine the' same time our business has increased FIVE FOLD. ' In other words our business has made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In tbe second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the bigliest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes en end attended to business until we know the deman U of the people of this town. ' A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Ore i i I j.' X ' .;..''.'':V: 5 1 - r ' j: S!: m f, ' t c ti - . i 4- I if ..