Classified Advertiseii BLOCKL AND BROS. STATEMENT OF IslandiCity, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and FOLANDCHINA SWINE. -We now have eight young bucks, pore bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need ing choice bncks, should see these to appreciate thenf . Young stock always on hand, and always glad to ' have yon call and see our hogs, as ire brer d them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before buying some where else. Ti "YouflavenythinsctoSenaet PUBLIC DEBT the People hear aDout i uwk This Depar I ment and You will - Find a Buyer. It Youantf5o Sell Explain Your Wants and You "Will Find a Seller. The Statement for October Shows a Deficit in The Treasury of $4,400,000 v Meat Market - ' Z, " Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. ' - WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL - BUTCHEPS. ; Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers', stock Hides, pelts and furs. - Also chickens & poultry., ' ghtful Route, Daylight Ride . Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons. Si A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, and then the acme ol man's handiwork. The first is found ' along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and the' latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most . o! it. f or information ana iiius trated literatnre write W. O. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt, v Portland, Oregc ii That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it ty using Geddes Bros canned lruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions', and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get jthe choice of everything. We always have the lush est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Office) Over Hill Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Dr. 1' A CHARLTUiN VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Stor La Grande, Oregon Phone 130 1 Residence phone 701 Columbia Coliegiuto, Preparatory Oomtuercia University and limm mar tiiadi imr roi oitalouui Cources, , Hoarding school tor young men A boys. Box 348 University Park Suuur., otlind Ormon Lodge Directory. KAOUCB-L Urnm AiriO 159 K O fc nieClc evory Friday r.Uiit iu K. ul 1- Hull a' 8 Hi VUtlnu bruthurii Invited U- . C OlWokWtU, W t? yTillo, W Her. rtRbTIH8 Of AMKItlUA tViurl M.ill Marlou, No Si uiMta tuca Tuo.lny m Klk't l.alU 11iUm are luvlteil to alloiul. l lt.Uuar Ciller ttauncr. v.' J Vuapoot Kucaao. IOO V La Orando Ixl (TP, No Ift n tcs .l l;.alrliallevarvHitirUaynnni. VI.I.UK u.eni t ira oonlially laaluU lo altcnU. a H Klaeliart N U ,J BCoolidga, 8M, A. 1''. & A. M. La tirande Ixig. o. 41. meets every leluid 3rd Katur .y of each month. ' A U Williams Seo, O D Huffman W. M, BaSTHrN RTAH OKK llop Chaiirr NV 1 nea Hi. aouU aittl r.mnn WinlueaUAy ta cb uioaUi .1 ?:.Up iu in Ma-ome Teinvl. ilia tiara I Lylt, W at Nary k Warnioa, So ansHaaaWsaaasiSMaaaaaaaaaaassaasaBTawa i at riHOp ro in aiaaonic lainpw Air. Clara I Lylc, W M . . Waruiok, SeO MORE LAND FRAUD Inspector Green is Still Warm on the Trail of Land Grabbers Oakland, Ore Nov. 4 Charged with land fraud, Harry F Miller was given a hearing before the United States Commissioner here today. He was held uuder flOOj bonds to appear at another hearing Thursday. Three othor men are to be arrested within a day or two on the dame charge It is belioved that they are intimately conneoted with the Miller ease. II halt the whispered rumored are true evidono that iB aensational will be brought out at the hearing Thurs day and following the arrests of the otners connected with Miller. Who these other pr ispoctive defedanta are the '.United St tea representatives here refuse to say Special inspector Green) of the Interior Department und Assistant United States District Attorney W W Bonks were pr eeeut at the hearing, Miller, who comes from Roeeburg was arrested Sntunlny. The speoiilo charge aguinst him is that ol Inducing Eastern men and women to make locutions on timber land. This land was then transferred to the company wblcb Miller said he represented. the Kmmets:uri! Company o New Zealand He paid thalocation expenses, Bpeoial Inspector Greene tor nearly n month has been busily wirking up tho case agajnst Miller and the others to be arrested. It la reported though iiiofXiciully, tlmt the Miliar oabo has a direct beating upon tho all tied gittan tin ronapiracy which has dealt fraudu lently iu Uiegon timber 'ands. Training A C i'd I'rol W I, Ilorvoy in Cbautauquan. Training in responsibility and judg ment In the usi ol money is within the reach of every family, even the poorest, 1 have never seen ohildren bo poor as not to have spending moLcy To be given the responsibilii y for the rpoudiug aavtng and giving away of this money in Increasing amountB, ao cording to the age of the boy and the circumstances ut tbe family, Is one of the most eduoativu of experiences. The Canada Elections St John, N D Nov 4 The electors of Canada aretoilay deciding whether tho g verument of Sir Willfrod I.aurler lie ooiiilnned In otllce and whethor the 'imnd Trunk I'nrlHc liailroad bo per niit il to onsiruot a trans continen lal rut, largely supported by tho Ko-ieiul treasury. Tlie cauipaign haf been au active one, and ills outo ime id iiucenain, The railroad issue ha- bnon the leading; one of the campaign Treatment Of Wounds The old remedy where the wound ii not too severe, is to simply tie tt up in its own blood, and not disturb ii until it is he. .led. In tbe country if a wound has been made by any poisonous, rusty iron or steel, iiilUmniatiou may be allayed aid lorkiiw, mortiUoation, eto. often prevented by holding tbe wound over fie .moke ol burui :g wood previous ly saturate.! with sweet oil or lard. Flour bourd unoo a moderate out ilt mop the bleeding. . Bound upon a rcald or burn, it exoludes the and thus alienates lbs pain. air Washington Not 4 The monthly statement o! the pabllo debt shows that at the close or business. October 31, 1004, the pabllo debt lees ouh In the treasury amounted to 1986,787,652 which 1i an Increase (or the month ol M.404,716. This inorease ie , princi pally accounted (or by decrease of $6. 061,865 in the amount of ouh on hand When a large artery - or vein has been severed . bandage . should im mediately be tied between the wound and hoart in the former case, and on tbe other side from the beirt in the latter.,, A knowledge olsimpR reme dies in ease of aooident should form part of every boy's and girl's educa tion. Weekly Witness.' .?;- " First In Grant Un ted States Senator Oliaa. W. Fult ,n of Astoria arrived in . the oily last Saturday morning, aooompanied by A.P. Gossof Sumpter. Mr. ' Ful ton remained in town tht greater part of the day, making new acquaintances and renewing old ones. '' In the even ing, Mr. Fulton went up to Canyon speaking to a large and , enthusiastic audience on republican doctrines. Tbe speaker has introduced by Hon, A. E. Leedy , who spoke briefly in bia usual happy vein, Sunday morning the senator took his departure for Burns aooompanied by O L Patterson. TJolees we have been misinformed Mr. Fulton is the Brat senator who ever entered tbe eaored oon fines of Grant oonnty. Shake, Mr. Fulton, Grant oounty is glad to look at a real, live Cni.ed States senator. Grant Gounty News. ' - Proper Sanitation Dr. Walter Wj man, Surgeon Gen eral of the United States Nsvy, in an address to Missouri University stu dents declared that consumption, and many other diseases by wbioh flesh is aHlicted would cease entirely if proper attention were given to sanitation. Cure air, pure water, plenty of aua light, and an effective disposition ol wste mutter, be said,, will prevent small-pox, typhoid lever, mea.res, diphtueiin,' tuberculosis and other ! similar diseases by whiob large nnm- bera tt-e carried to untimely graves. Work and World. Wiedemanns To Return It is pleasing to note that the people ol La Grnude thoroughly aiipreoiate a Rood preiormanceand show it by thoir large attendance. The Wiedemann On. is one of the few that have bad the satisfaction and plnasnre ol know' ing that they hrve pleated the public and upon their reiurn engagement which is next Monday and Tuesday Nov. 7-8 they hopo to repeat their their aucrest here ol last week, the opening MM will be the lour aot com edy d'ama " i;!ie Silver King" a very strong piay with plenty of comedy, on tiiediiy night 4MiChael Strognff.' GRIM COURTESIES PASS ' BETWEEN BELLIGERENTS Mukden, Nov 1. Several positions have already ohanged hanis many times It. is related that in one village which had been taken and retaken by ihe tame uim uu both aidea Captain I'olkunott on being driven out one day, loft a uote in the hut where he i ad passed tb . uigut to th Japanese nlllcer who who waa iu the habit o( oc cupying the hut in his absenae. A littu later UapUin l ol-anoff re Wok the VillHg, and, going through Ins o il quatters touud tbe following nolo in perfect Russiau: "1 am Cap tain Vamala, I would be greatly pleas- id to make Captain Fulkanotf's iioiuuiutanca" Narrow Escape Jhs. Muibi'Haad while driving a load o.' hxv tbruugh a. gate on bis farm nr.r una 0:1. woaught bjtwoeo lue gttc put soil hay ruck, resulting in a serious iojury, two of his ribi were liioki n, mil oun pnotrated the liver, lie was cared tor'bp Di. Bacon and Hill mdi now resting quila easy. H i had a very narrow escape. The wi. d loday h a ben little evgn j ton strong for ihj u ill b iy vu tura out witb. bis kite. The debt Is recapitulated aa follows ; T.-..f h..rin debt S895.157.770. Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity 11,627,700, Debt hearing no interest ,". , Total 1,2S8,140.449. .. The cash in treasury is classined as follows; Gold reserve fund 1150,003,000. , , Trust loads l,021,556,606. Geneirlfund ,118 025,425,429, , In national bank depositories ,114,- RKB 431 . . In the Philippines treasury 5.794,- f09. , Total ,1,409,935,481. Aralnar. this there are demand Ha- ' I II. t.. nnofani11nf Amnnntinff tO 11- wvi i.iu. i,u,...., n 113.682,593, which leaves a cash bal ance on hand of (290,352,797, Danger! Look Ahead SOPHIA PAGE, "As the twig is bent so is the tree Iholined." . . i As we look abroad, and heboid the multitude of ohildreo, who bouyant with life and spirit throng the busy streets and villages throughout our country, and while witnessing their present condition so joyous and tree from care, when a few years shall pass away will they be important and busy actors on the stage of lite, and aid in improving and extending the civil, re- ligioQS, and literary privileges which j the majority of thi peo le have in their reaoht Or will they proceed from ignorance and Idleness? It Is an Important question with every parent, to ascertain how the lat ter shall be avoided and the for i er se onred. Education, as a whole is as a mighty and powerful -stream, it does not commence with the alphabet. It begin with mother's look; with fatber'e word of approbation or bis sigh of reproof; with a sister's gentle pressure of the hand, or fn m some kind act from brother; with handful of flowers from the murmuring brook side, with birds' nests admired bntnot touched, and thoughts dlreoted In sweet and kindly words and pleasant tones, applied to deeds of virtue and to th source of good, and all pure thinking. For thoughts make acts, acts form babita, habits prove our obaraoter, and character proves our destiny. Oh, that every ohild bad a true mother! One that would teach him to worship tbe true Lord of para dise, and pray to Him to deliver bis soul from lying lips and deceitful touguee. So that all may live noble lives, that would be acceptable to the God from which ail blessings come. Train children light In youth, and when they grow to manhood or woman hood, they will not depart from lu Many young people are not consoioua of what tbey are capable ol doing, tbey have not been taught personal exertio i therefore they do not task their facul ties, improve their powers or attempt as they ought to form a oharaeter of decided vortb. Determ'ne yon will be something and yon shall. Resolution ie omnipotent when based on right and honorable action. Word and Works. Portland Markets HAY AND GRAIN - Z Wheat, export price 81c to 86c Barley, best (21.60 to $23.50 Outs .126. to (27.60 Hay, timothy $15 to 110 B UTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Butter best creamery ..... . 27o to 30 Butter, ordinary 25o Egns, per dozen 25c to 26c Chickens, per pound 10c ERUI18 AND VEGETABLES Potatoes per owt $1 Onions, per owt tl.60 to 11.65 Apples, best, per box 75c to (1 Peaches, best, per box COo to 75o Beets, per taok 1125 Cabbage, per, pound 2o LIVE SrOOK 8teers .2.75 to 13 Cows..... Si Bulla SU5 Stags $1 Uoga, best C300 Uoga, feeders 12.96 M.-JO LOCAL BUTTER MARKET Uroamery Butter 65. rents per roll. Butter Fat 25 oenta, per pound. LOST-A Waterman founUlu pen on sdams Avenue between Model Best orant and Poet Office Finds kindly return. to Romig Staples... I"" T'",nm j.a. cow branded j ----- . , ., U on ngni.. .......... - October 16, A eul able reward will . be paid for her return ti f D GaskeU ,'. or for Information leading to hei re: ,tUrn, . (i- ;i ' I ' ( ' . -';'"'' - LOST Ladies bead purse on Depot street between Fourth street and Jefferson Avenue. Finder please re turn to Andreas Furniture store. Black cloth oircular cape, velvet f ol lar and black lining Lost on street Vertnesday afternoon. A sultabe re-ward-i lease leave at this office. I V ANTED A few gentlemen to board and lodge at 2114 Third street, f none 707. WANTED Girl to do general house work lor naitloulara call at thia office. . Found A nair of steel rimmed eye glassee owner oan have same by oalliug at J T Williamson's Land office. Now Ready for Sale The people of this county are now notified that the O'Connor addition Is now ready for the market a-'d that choice lots nan ba bad at remarkablv low prices. These lots are 60 by 110 feet and are without exception the best re.ldenoe lota in the city-.- Per sons wishing larger tracts can secure just what tbey want by goirg a little further baok in the same addition Do not fail to see this addition and as oure oue of these choice selection be fore some one else gets the lot yon want. For full . description ol prop erty and quotations call upon Dr O'Connor La Grande Ore. , CURES OLD SOREd .it a Kill I. Km. VIiv 19 2. Baard Sniw Llnnnsut Oo our Snow Liniment enred ah old sore on the aide of my chin that was supposed to be a cancer, ine sobe was stuoDorn anu would not yield to treatment, until 1 tiled Unow uimment. wnicn am tne work in short order My sister, Mrs Snnhln J llaruin. Allar.avil la. Mlffln Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that t Is a oanoer. Please send her a 0c bottle. 8old by Newlln Drug Co RENT, LEASE OR SALE t Lots 17, 18, block 102, Chaplaiu's Addition. Address bids to ''P" care of Observer Beautiful Columbia j River Folder A passenger'department of , the Ore gon Railroad A Naviaation .Company has just Issued a beautiful and costly panoramic folder entitled "The Col umbia ltiver, through the Cascade Mountains, to tbe Paoillo Ocean." lrom Arlington to Portland and from Portland to tbe Paclflo Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of interest are ahown while Mt flood Mt Adams, and.Ms St Helens, porpo. tually covered with snow, stand out in there beauty. On the back of the map is an Interesting story In detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beaches and tbe can r renciaoo (rip oy ocean A copy of this folder may be secured bv send tng tour cents In stamps to pay postage to A L Craig, General Passenger Agent ol the Oregon Hallroad & navigation iompan Portland, Oregon, By aeod ing the address of some friend in the East, and four oenta in postage the ioio-r will be oromotlv mailed. Fruit Boxes. Send your orders for Fruit Boxes to Stoddard Lumber Co. at the La Orande planing mill. . Rummage Sale The Rummage Sale is now in pio grees at Kilpatrlok's Implement bonce Bargains and Bargains. FOR SALE A ohild's 20 'go oart at half price. Almost as good , as new.,, Phone 1776 farmers line. . ,.Mu ; Organ nearly good aa new, twooook stoves, bedstead and aprtoga; dishes, cooking utensils sewing machine near ly new, driving horse safe for woman to drive, cheap boggy. Inquire of v ' 10-19 26 ' 'J?- ' George Hall ". FOR SALE-One flno Jersey oow for (Aticulars ca.l at tbe residence ol Thos Walsh or phone 301 . FOR SALE An almost new 4 room house, nice lawn, In beet resldenoe part of town, very cheap if taken at once, only part oash. Bee 1701 First Corner Spring ets. OotI2lB FOR BALE Milch oow Jersey, 1100 lb. driving boise, gang plow, top boggy . Apply to A. Muilenburg, mile N E of Island City w Oct 14-Dec 14 FOR SALE! Good Nine Roomed Plas tered House with closets pantry and bath. Centrally located, good cellar, lawn, city water. Also wired through out. Address Box 608 oi Ptcts 647. Acre tract with new two room house, In Pleasant Borne addition. S400. Part oash, balance monthly install ments. Enquire ol V H Haworth at Stoddard Lumber Co. 10-17-24 FOR SALE Tamarack and Fir split lenoepoatu. John Anthony Novltf For Rent Eight room on North V Street en- quire of Mrs Shearer. 8-t FOR RENT-gOne 4 room house with block of good garden spot., Nov. 1 tf . . i Anthony FOR BALE One first class milch cow. For particulars telephone 1370 FOR SALE An entire suite of house hold furniture with steel range, folding bed, combination book case and a complete set of utensils of e ery kind for housekeeping purpos es. Will be', sold .cheap if sold at onoe. ' For p rticulars apply to Mrs; William Conley, on 7th between P and Q eta. ' FOR RENT A suite of rooms nicely furnished for light house keeoinir at the corner of Kourth and Q streets For further particulars apply to or address . i Mrs EC Moore, 1617, th st. J be building formerly ooenpied by the Salvation army . , For full par- . Ueulars and rates Inquire ol Mrs SCZuber. Aug. 31 1 1 , FOR BENT Store room with lodg ing house Rooms above and living roomB in rear.' Best looatlon In city. Will give long lease to proper perBona. Inquire at this office. . , tt FOR RENT A small house, in first class condition' four rooms, pantry, and olotbes cloBets . Apply to F I Meyers at La Orande National Bank 11-3- tt Furniture For Sale And house to rent apply to Mrs Shearer opposite Star Grocery North ol track. Furnished Rooms Furnished room for sentleman alaan. Ing nights. Mrs O W Preston. lain Adams Ave. No Hunting All persons are forbidden to hunt with firearms or dog on my land un der pain of being pn I'secuted for trea- paaa. Sept 6 N7) Jossph Anson Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. Notice I hereby notify all persons that I am tbe so'e lessee of the Thos Smith stone . quarry, also all atone on tbe 2KU acre paatareand all parties are hereby for biddea from taking stone off of said tract. j L Mars. ' Sale or Exchange Eight aores, tlx room boose, larga barn, place for bogs and oblckon , fonr aores in orchard and berries Just east of flour mill. This will re. r Investigation. For particulars Inq ' re at MacFarlane's grocery istors. ' iiA sell or exchange for olty property, v, 10-26-11-aS